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Augustine’s School
Half-Yearly Exam, 2021
Subject – English language
Class– Seven

Section – A
1. Unseen passage
The story of Atlas
The ancient Greeks told tales about giant beings called Titans. One Titan, named
Atlas, was the son of Titan Lapetus. He led the battle of the Titans against the
Greek God, Zeus, which lasted for ten years.
The Titans lost the battle and were punished by the gods. The Greek God, Zeus
singled out Atlas, and as a special punishment, he was made to hold the sky up on
his shoulders. He did that for years.
Once, Atlas nearly managed to get free. The Earth goddess, Gaia, had given Zeus's
wife, Juno, a tree of golden apples, as a wedding present. Atlas’s daughters, the
Pleiaded, had been assigned the role of protecting it. Once, Hercules, a Greek
hero, was ordered to fetch the golden apples from them. So, he asked Atlas for
help for he was the only one who knew where the golden apples grew. So, Atlas
asked Hercules to hold up the sky while he went to look for his daughters.
Atlas said, “I'll get the apples if you hold up the sky while I'm gone,” and left.
Hercules was almost as strong as a Titan. He could hold the sky up while Atlas
went to get the apples, but it was backbreaking.
a. Read the sentences below and state whether they are true or false.
(3 Marks)
i. Atlas was the son of Greek God Zeus. ( )
ii. The Titans lost the battle and were forgiven by the gods. ( )
iii. The earth goddess, Venus, had given Zeus's wife Juno, a tree of golden
apples as a wedding present. ( )
b. Answer the following questions in proper sentences. (4 Marks)
i. Who led the battle of the Titans against the Greek God Zeus?
ii. Why did Atlas ask Hercules to hold up the sky?

2. Imagine you are the head of the school club. Now write a letter to the
principal of your school, asking for his permission, to organise an inter-
class singing competition at the school. (10 Marks)

1.Answer the following questions. (6 Marks)
a. Define Conjunctions. Mention two different categories of Conjunctions.
b. Define Interjections. Give one example using it in a sentence.
c. Define Pronouns. Give one example using it in a sentence.

2.Here are some sentences, some in active voice and some in passive voice.
Change it to the opposite voices. (6 Marks)
i. Meera was reading a book.
ii. Shut the door.
iii.Were you called by Tom?

3.Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions. (3 Marks)

i. I was tired, ______ I lay down briefly.
ii. My father does not like carrots, _______ does he like beans.
iii.She might drink tea ______ coffee, _______ I will have a cold drink.
iv_________ Tom _____ Harry has applied for the post.
4.Underline the conjunctions in these sentences. (3 Marks)
i. Neither Tom nor Maggi has called me.
ii. Either he has to apologise or the deal is off.
iii. I, as well as my friend, have a ticket for the show.
iv. The sky was clear, but it was extremely humid.
5.Indicate the emotions expressed in these sentences. (5 Marks)
i. Well done! That was really good.
ii. What! It can’t be true.
iii. Yuck! There is a fly in my soup.
iv. Ouch! That hurts.
v. Phew! I feel so much better.
6.Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns. ( 4 Marks)
i. Please return the watch to Neha. It is ______.
ii. My parents were proud of me when ______ won the first prize for
iii. The students were excited about the foreign trip. ________ started
shopping for ______ a month in advance.
7. Underline the subjects and encircle the predicate from the sentences given
below. (6 Marks)
i. The manager of the company was happy with the employees' performance.
ii.The big hairy Spider spun a web in the garden.
iii The boy carrying a pile of books stood in the doorway.

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