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©) studocu BLD2020 Oblicon - Lecture notes 1 Studoou From Nth BAR CHALLENGER TO ATTORNEY OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS BAR LAW FOR DUMMIES TRAINING PROGRAM WITH 1975-2019 BAR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS SUPPORT TOOL NO. 1 (2ND OF 5 - CIVIL LAW SUBJECTS) sng BAR LAWS FOR DUMMIES 220 (61.2020) OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS rams 298 1a pia tnesayo upg urangop salaynan ng ga rdnanyon ao fan ma panera imal gas, gts aa ang 102020) may kang nga ag mga tie br eames ‘na mapaglagumpayan na ang hamon ng napakahirap bar examination sa pamamagitan ng pag-gamit ng mga. Staten pang domerayaahgrtiesiva oahu tangeang la ay mage ngsaingtcgse P28E LT raking gages tania pty pap ‘Ang mga manuruat ay pauna na nang huminging pang-urawa sapagkal may mga pagkakalzon ra hindi maiwasan na gumamit rg mga saltarg bulgar upanghigt ra maitanim sa ispan ng mga mambabasa ang ralspaunawa ito. Bukod do, ang mga katagang gina ay mga saltag pang-arawaraw nating gam, kay rindi maiwasan ang mga making cramatito ai pag-gamng lengwahe sa kaka-bangparaan. NAPAKA-MAHAL NG MGA LAW BOOKS ~ MAHAL PA SA TUITION FEES. KAYA GAMITIN LAG! ‘ANG LIBRARY CARD. BUMIL! NA LANG PAG KAYO AY NGA LAWYERS NA. ~ SABING ATING MGA. ‘MAGULANG AT NG ATING MGA WALLET ANG MGA MANUNULAT AY NAGSIKAP NA PABABAIN ANG HALAGA NG MATERYALES NA ITO LUPANG ANG MGA MAG-AARAL AY HIND! NA MATUKSONG IPA-POF OR PHOTOCOPY. ATIN PONG ‘SUPORTAHAN ANG MGA MANUNULAT NA GUMAGAWA NG BABASAHING MAY KALIDAD SA MABABANG HALAGA NAWAY ANG GAWAING ITO ANG MAG-PASIMULA UPANG ANG MGA MAINSTREAM AUTHORS”. LAW.SCHOOLS. AT MGA LAW PROPFESSORS AY GUMAWA NG MODULAR MATERIALS NA MAARING MABILI DIREKTA SA KANILA SA MABABANG HALAGA GAMIT ANG MAKABAGONG TTEKNOLOHIYA BAR LAW FOR DUMMIES 2020 OBLIGATION AND CONTRACTS FIRST EDITION JANUARY 25, 2020 UPDATED WITH 2019 BGA ON JULY 14,2020, MANILA, PHILIPPINES, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE AUTHORS “The author isa humble partner to succeed in your quest fora law degree and to clinch the evasive “Attorney” dle to your name. He believes that no one has the monopoly of knowledge so you may email him for any correction, ‘modification and suggestion at atiau (Other law subjects will soon be available for 2020 [Har Exams. For orders visit FB Page: Law Reviewers, Hooks and Bookstand for Sale/OR TEXT 09325203505 “Wi document salable fe cf charge on § studocu Downloaded by Vs Barbon ( From Nth BAR CHALLENGER TO ATTORNEY OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS BAR LAW FOR DUMMIES TRAINING PROGRAM WITH 1975-2019 BAR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FREQUENTLY ASKED TOPICS FROM OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 1975-2019 BAR EXAMINATION INTRODUCTION...3 Page | 2 HOW 70 STUDY OBLICON...3 OBLIGATION, CONCEPT...5 NATURE AND EFFECT OF OBLIGATION...19 DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBLIGATION...47 URE AND CONDITIONAL OBLIGATION...48 ‘OBLIGATION WITH A PERIOD...72 ALTERNATIVE AND FACULTATIVE OBLIGATION...73 JOINT AND SOLIDARY OBLIGATION. 83 DIVISIELE AND INDIVISIELE OBLIGATION... ‘OBLIGATION WITH A PENAL CLAUSE... EXTINGUISHEMNT OF OBLGATION...100 PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE...102 APPLICATION OF PAYMENT... 10 CESSION..111 ‘TENDER OF PAYMENT AND CONSIGNATION...111 LOSS OF THE THING DUE... 118 ES PERIT DOMINO....120 BY CONDONATION OR REMISSION OF DEBT...124 BBY CONFUSION OR MERGER... 128 BY COMPENSATION. .129, BY NOVATION...198 ‘SUBROGATION...142 CONTRACTS, CONCEPT..149 ESSENTIAL REQUISITES. 165, CAUSE... 187 OBJECT. .172 CCONSENT...175. VOID OR INEXISTENT CONTRACTS...198 PARI DELICTO..195 RESCISSIBLE CONTRACTS...203 ‘VOIDABLE CONTRACTS. .211 UNENFOREABLE CONTAACTS...220 STATUS OF FRAUD...223, FORM OF CONTRACTS...226 REFORMATION OF CONTRACTS. 228 INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACTS...200 2019 BOA OBLICON ..285, “The author isa humble partner to succeed in your quest fora law degree and to clinch the evasive “Attorney” dle to your name. He believes that no one has the monopoly of knowledge so you may email him for any correction, ‘modification and suggestion at barlaolosshummicsemailcom. Other law subjects wil soon be available for 2020 [Har Exams. For orders visit FB Page: Law Reviewers, Hooks and Bookstand for Sale/OR TEXT 09325203505 Downloaded by Vs Barbon ( From Nth BAR CHALLENGER TO ATTORNEY OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS BAR LAW FOR DUMMIES TRAINING PROGRAM WITH 1975-2019 BAR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ‘The BAR LAW FOR DUMMIES 2020 (BLO2020) is designed for sellstudy/sl-review and primary aimed to hep the nth time examinees to pass the bar exams and for averago law students fo uly understand dificult conceps of aw as utated in our day- to-day actives. The technique is speenfeedng and we cd much of lhe thinking fr yout save tim, We included al the epics asked im pas 20 years of bar examinations, the bar answers to that bar queston, the relevant jurisprudence 2s well asthe important codal Provisions. And because we believe that no one has the monopoly of knowledge we plan to make BLD as a ‘COMMUNITY REVIEWER hore readers are encourage to emal BLD2020 for any corecton, addon and suggestion to come up with an usimate law reviower. ‘Those who wil parcipate shal be acknowledged as par of the cosmunity Intialy, BLD2020 shal be avaiable in hard copes to cope up with the inal expenses enfalled nthe future, when al the reviewers ae complete andasthe crcumstances may warrant, aboard of ustes shal be armed to guard hentai fhe “eonmunty reviewer’ and t shallbe avaiable via onkne subscription fora minimal fee jst to keep tne sytem aft. On that note, we ask fora lot of prayers forthe people who woud become pat of the community to have good health and focused mind to frish the workin time or 2020 ba examination. You wil ind that we used Tagalog anguage and Flpno culture most ofthe tie in explaining the aw. Fist, itis because we are more equipped in our oun naive tongue when expressing out feeings and thoughts, and according to psychology flaring, students lear beter their native language. Secondly, ferent concepts of aus ae best iustrated wih ou day o-dayexperences. ‘And thir, we wart th readers to laugh and stay awake by using clr words and hilaaussiuatons.. By the way, when you aval o BLO2020 you willbe add o a Facebook group exclusive for BLD users. Take note tat only Verifiable accounts wth email adtess shale accepted and retained as member, We wil do al he sharing nd updates in hat group. HOW TO UNDERSTAND OBLIGATION AND CONTRACTS ‘Ol subjects ng law courses, ang Obigation ang pnaka-boring, Dahil to yung mga stipulations inside a contract or sated in aw Yung mga obligations state sa law macal ng maa yun — thou shal ot kil. Oh dba ~ wag Kang papatay. Madalig inti Eh paano yung mga stipulations... say I rosa give you PB,000 Vad ba yur? Syempre hide. 1 wil give you my car tomorrow — not val wil give you P1000 today ~ not vad. Bakt hind vai? Those promises or words spoken are not obigatons. You cannot got to cou and sue me to full my promise. You got ne cause of action. Baki walang kang cause of action? Kasi when | promise to give you Pi,000 and I ryeme"lang..there was no acceptance from you. But ti said “I wil give you my oar if you climb that tree’. You climb that tee. Ayan...may cause of acon na. Kasi may ‘equivalent act ka na ginawa. Kaya dapat tumbasan ko yun. | am now obigeied to give you my car. If dd not cve you the car ~ ‘magmumkha kang tanga hahaha'a, Kasiumasa kana al you already did your pat. Sothereis damages hing! ka makatulg,nahihiya ka sa mga kabigan...ay moral damages na So there, the promise made to you has become a juical necessity. It means that he cout can compe me to give the carpus damages. [promise to mary you. So sinuko mo na ang"divisria™. Then not mary you. There was ne cuase af action ~ kasi mutual consent of ove making yun. Buti I said | promise to matry you~ and then bila kang unas ~kralat mona kakasalkana..nami ka ig ga gamit pang-kasal, nag-orer kana ng ison at nangutang ka na ng pambayad sa reception verua...ayan may damages ra. You have a cause of acton. Gut canbe compelled by the cou Yo many you? No ls immaral to cempel a parson to marry someone he does natove, That slavery hahahahaha, Bie mo araw-araw kong makkila mukha mo pag-gsing ko sa Umaga. So, you have a cause of acon for damages. Babayaran kong lahat ang mga nagasios mo plus moral damages. ‘hal are the sources of obligation? Daiwa lang - acts and am. Law —madaling maka yan kas nakasult na. We wil learn about it sa lahat ng law subjects. Examples - no person shallbe Ceprive fife, ery and property wthout due process of lawXXX, sa police aw yan andthe obligation i adiessed tothe State the activ sujet. Yung bvong Revised Penal Code Book 2is all obgations where the peopel the acive subject. The Labor Code is adtressed othe workers and employer (hey ae the active subjects), Hint pwedeng ticket ng sinha ang ibayac mo sa mga workers mo dapat pera. Commercial ans ke insuranee~ as lng na nagbabayad “The author isa humble partner to succeed in your quest fora law degree and to clinch the evasive “Attorney” dle to your name. He believes that no one has the monopoly of knowledge so you may email him for any correction, ‘modification and suggestion at. (Other law subjects will soon be available for 2020 Far Exams. Far orders visit FE Page: Law Reviewers, Hooks and Bookstand for Sale/OR TEXT 09325203505 ‘iecoumisomtemectciaeen Ey studocu Downloaded by Vs Barbon ( Page | 3 From Nth BAR CHALLENGER TO ATTORNEY OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS BAR LAW FOR DUMMIES TRAINING PROGRAM WITH 1975-2019 BAR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 9 premium si insured, the insurer has the obligation to assume the risk. Yung buong iil Codes fl ebigaton based on lw. So, therefor, thelaw setthe standard, means the acts contradict or ransgress the law the ats invalid, The act cannot an obligation. tis voi, Example | wl give you my tind’ car it you passed the bar exam. That is vali. | have to buy tat car or any equivalent of ‘uch when you passed the bar. But | sid | wil go naked (vagnamari and wak in he stet if you passed te bar exam. The acts Immoral tf voi, hence, tis nt an obigation. When you pass he bar you cannct compe me odo such hahahahahaha ‘You se the techrique in undertanding obicon? The at tha source af ebigaton) must be laut and caries a Yecipracal act (to pass the bar exam). Absence of any ofthe requirement - the act cannot bea source ofthe obligation Soit said bo, patra ko saiyo yung car ko sa kas mo bukas. Thats not an obligation “kyem lang yung, charot ang, Buti | said, paticam ko a yo yung car ko bukas sa kasal mo pero pahram ng P5,000ipapacear polish ko para makntab..ayan that isan obigaton, Bait raging obligation na? Kasi po, ako ay naging deblor ng PS0O0 at aw naman ay raging eredtor ng P5,000. So, atthe same te ~nagkaroon ng commadatum or hiraman ng movable propery which i the bial car, So may dalawang posible CONTRACTS na nangyat sa simple statement na sina ko. “pahirem ko sa iyo yung car ko bukas sa kasal mo pero pahiram ng PS,000 ipapa-car polish ko para makintab:” ‘We are eer ballor-bailee or debtor-) The plan inierence from tis provision is that the cil ably springs out of ands dependent upon facts which it ‘tue, woul constitu a crim. ‘© Such el ably is a necessary consequence of criminal esponsbity, and iso be decared and enforced in the

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