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Statutory Instrument 56 of 2014.

[CAP. 21:05

Mining (Cieneral)(Amendment) Regulations, 2014 (No. 18)

... ·--··· --·--- ~~~~-

IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Mines and Mining

Development has, in terms of section 403 of the Mines and Minerals
Act [Chapter 21 :05], made the following regulations:--
1. These regulations may he cited as the Mining (General)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2014 (No. 18).
2. The Mining (General) (l\mendment) Regulations, published
in Rhodesia Government Notice 247 of 1977 (hereinafter called the
"principal regulations"), are amended by the repeal of the Second
Schedule and substitution of the following-

"SECOND ScHEDULE (Section 4)


Misecl/aneousfc:cs prescribedfor tire purposes 1~( tlic Act
Pro1·ision of the Act Subject matter Fee !TS$

Section 15( 1)( c) Application for registration as an

approvt"d prospector paid every
five years $4 000.00
Section 20(1) Special Prospecting l in,nct'
per mining district $750,00
Special Prospecting licence for the
whole country. $2 'i00J10
Section 20( 1) Ordinary Prospecting licence
per mining district $:150,00
Orclinmy Prospecting licence for
the whole country $750.00
Section 45(1) Application/Renewal fee for diamonds $1 000 000,00
Section 48(2) (d) Ground rental for diamonds per
hectare per year $3 000,00
Section 45(1) Application fee for coaL CBM
gas, mineral oils, natural
gas and nuclear energy
source material. . . . $10 000.00
Section 45( l) Registration/renewal fee for coal,
CBM gas. mineral oils, natural
gas and nuclear energy source
material SlOO 000.00

Veritas makes every effort to ensure the provision of reliable information,
but cannot take legal responsibility for information supplied.
Mining (General)(Arnendment) Regulations, 2014 (No. 18)
-~· ------ .. · · - - - · · - · - - - - - - - - · - ·····--·---~·--··--·--·------

Prol'ision of' rhe Act Subject matter Fee US$

Section 48(2)( d) Ground rental fee for coal. CBM
gas, mineral oils, natural gas
and nuclear energy source
material per hectare per year . $10,00
Section 45( 1) Application fee for Platinum-Ordinary
Prospecting Licence P/L $500,00
Section 45( 1) Application fee for Platinum-Special
P/L $500 000,00
Section 45( 1) Registration fee for Platinum Special
block $750 000,00
Section 48(2)( d) Ground rental for platinum per 5
claims or palt thereof per hectare $1 000,00
Section 45(1) Application fee for Chrome-Ordinary P/L $500,00
Section 45( 1) Application fee for chrome for a
special P/L . $~ 000,00
Section 45(1) Registration fee for chrome mine-
Ordinm·y block $1 500,00
Section 45( 1) Registration fee for chrome special P/L $4 000,00
Section 48(2)(d) Ground rental fee for chrome for
ordinary block per hectare per year $500,00
Section 48(2)(d) Ground rental fee for chrome
special block per hectare per year $1 500,00
Section 275(7) Certificate of registration after
transfer per mining claim . $500,00
Section20(1) Application for registration of base
minerals-Ordinary P/L,
e.g. copper and nickel $500,00
Section 20( l) Application for base minerals-S/L
e.g. copper and nickel $500,00
Section 272(~) (b) Application for revocation and
forfeiture. $l 000,00
Section I 97 l nspccliuns: 1st inspection $100, per 5 ha
Sect ion J 98 2nd inspection $200, per 5 ha
Section 48(2)(d) Inspection by payment for base
mineral per hectare $500,00
Section 29~ Application for mining licence
Special Grant under part 19 $5 000,00
Section 293 Rental for special grant per hectare . $20/hectare/yr

S.I. 56 of 2014


Eiporl permit j(:es (permit volidfor lhree months e.rceptj(,r diamonds)
under section 3 71
I . Platinum Group concentratt· :ii20000,00
2. White Matte $15 000.00
3. Copper concentrate Sl5 000.00
000 ,0()

4. Fenochrome
5. Ferrochrome small consignment sl uoo ,00
G. Nickel ~ ss 000,00
7. Other Base Mct<ds S2 000,00
8. Processed Industrial Minerals $1 000,(10
9. Unproccsscd Industrial Minerals $10 000,00
10. Corundum $ [ 000,00
11. Black Granite (unprocessed) $!0 000,00
12. Black Gnmite Small Consignment (semi processed) $500,00
B. Steel products S3 000,00
J 4. Steel products (small consignment) $500 ,()()
J 5. Cut and Polished diamonds (per shipment) $5 000,00
16. 1Jncut Diamonds (per shipment) SlO 000,00
17. Rough Emeralds $5 000,00
18. Cut Emeralds $2 OOOJlO
19. Other semi-precious stones SI 000.00
20. Founchy/inclustrial scrap $1 000.00
21 . Samples for test work :\)500,00
22. Samples above JOOkg S2 soo,oo
Inspection Ministry of Mines
I . Gold claims S 100/l 0 hectarL'S
2. Base claims $50/ l 0 heclares/yr
3. Special grant claims S20 hectarcs/yr

1. Gold buying licence :\)5 000,00
Gold jewellery pennit $2 000,00
5. Custom milling licence $8 OOOJJO
4. Elution plant for toll smelters $1 000,00
.'i. Elution plant for miners smelting own material $500,00
Cl. Recommendation for National Prcject Status $1 000,00
7. Recommendation for gazetting/snspension of duty s
8. Rcconunendation for VAT clc (erment $100,00
9. Rcconunenclation for work per year $] 00,00
10. Carbon movement pem1it $500,00

Mining (General)(Amendment) Regulations, 2014 (No. 18)



Fees for tire (assay) (samples)-
!. Smelting of silver $50,00, per sample
2. Smelting of gold amalgam $50,00, per sample
3. Smelting of gold ii·om carbon $40,00, per S<U11ple
4. Smelting of alluvial, resorts and toasted gold $5 ,00, per gram
5. Gold bullion analysis $15,00, per sample
6. Analysis of gold in carbon samples $30,00, per sample
7. Analysis of gold in ores $20,00, per sample
8. Analysis of silver in ores $20,00, per sample
9. Sample preparation for platinum group metals $10,00, per sample
Fees for Chemical laboratory samples-
!. Gold samples clone by Acid Attack (Aqua-regia) $10,00
2. Gold solution samples (each solution) Air Acetylene $5,00
3. Platinum Group Metals Acid Attack $10,00
4. Base Metals e.g. Zn/Ni!Co/Mn/Cu/Bi etc $20,00
5. Chrome and Iron $30,00
6. Total Oxides $40,00
7. Fusion by sodium peroxide (Fe/Al/Ti!Sn) $60,00
8. Sample solution (AA) Nitrous Oxide $5,00
9. Sample solution requiring more than one sample analysis $5,00
10. One sample solution $10,00
11. Limestone full analysis $40,00
12. Silica/Phosphorous/Sulplmr $60,00
13. Analysis of Gold in ores $15,00
Fees for charges for mineral dressing section-

1. Gravity concentration $20,00, per sample (max 50 kg)

2. Agitation leaching $10,00, per kg
3. Free gold analysis $20,00, per sample
4. Floatation (bench scale) $10,00, per sample
5. Floatation (pilot testing) $100,00, per tonne
6. Magnetic separation $5,00, per 1 kg
7. Crushing $5,00, per sample (max 50 kg)
8. Milling $5 ,00, per sample (max 50 kg)
9. Roasting $5,00, per sample (max 5 kg)
10. Size analysis $5,00, per sample (max 2 kg)
11. Vat leaching $20,00, per sample (max 50 kg)
12. Free cyanide testing $1 ,00, per sample

S.I. 56 of 2014

Charges for bulletins and maps-·

1. Large bulletins with folded map inserted sso,oo
2. Medium bulletins with folded map inserted $30,00
3. Small bulletins with folded map inserted $20,00
4. Short reports with folded map inserted $20,00
:'i. Geological map of Zimbabwe 1: 1000 000 $20,00
6. Gold deposits map J: 1 000 000 $20,00
7. Tectonic map 1:1 000 000 $20,00
8. Base metals and industrial mineral map 1:1 000 000 $20,00
9. Exclusive Prospecting Order map with geology (print) $50,00
10. Miscellaneous maps reprint (colour) $40,00
11. Geological map to c.ccompany reports l: 1 000 000 $15,00

Fees for digital product-

!. Vectorisecl geologiGtlmap of Zimbabwe $100,00
2. Vectorised geological bulletin map l: 1 000 000 $40,00
3. 12 CD set of all scanned colour geological maps $350,00
4. CD of Zimbabwe Geological Survey bulletins l-101 $50,00
S. CD of short reports 1 ·- 48, S2 7 MRS $SO,OO
6. Large geological map scanned image + EPO map
H)EG (image file l $50,00
7. Medium scanned geological map $20,00
8. Small scanned geological map $15,00
9. Reprint hu·ge bulletins $20,00
10. Reprint medium bulletins $1S,OO
11. Reprint small bulletins $15,00
12. Large bulletin tiff (scanned image) $20,00
13. Medium bulletin tiff (scanned image) $1 :'i ,00
14. Small bulletin tiff (scanned image) $15,00
IS. E.P.O map with geology $150,00
16. E.P.O map without geology $130,00
17. E.P.O map updates $100,00
18. E.P.O Schedules $5(),00

Fees for geological data-

l. Radiometries data $50,00
2. 3 CD set containing the CIDA aeromagnetic data $120,00
3. 1 CD set containing the CIDA aeromagnelic data $40,00
4. 1 CD GRD tiles $40,00
S. 12,647 gravity stations (xyz) raw data $60,00
G. Bulletin No. 103 with 1: I 000 000 map $40,00

Mining (General)(Amendmcnt) Regulations, 2014 (No. 18)

7. 1:1 000 000 IGRF conectecl aeromagnetic map print $25,00

8. 1: 1 000 000 IGRF conectecl aeromagnetic digital map
with geology $25,00
9. 1:1 000 000 scale IG RF corrected aeromagnetic
map without geology $25,00
10. 1:500 000 aeromagnetic map $10,00
11. 1:250 000 aeromagnetic map $15,00
12. Phase I aeromagnetic maps set 1983 $150,00
13. Phase II aeromagnetic maps set 1988 SJ80,00
14. Phase III aeromagnetic maps set 1990 $200,00

Geophysical equipment hiring out-

1. Gravity meter $100,00
2. Resistivity meter set $150,00


Exemptions/ Approvals/pennissions-
l. Processing and granting of exemptions/approvals/pennissions $500,00
2. Commissioning of plant, boilers and pressure vessels $1 000,00
3. Registration fee as a testi11g authority $3 000,00

Conducting of examinations-
1. Full blasting licence (FBL) (preliminary and bomd exams) $300,00
·2. Mine blasting licence (MBL) exams/endorsements $200,00
3. Restricted blasting licence (RBL) exams $100,00
4. Full blasting licence (FBL) endorsements for tlery mines $300,00

Statutory examinations-
1. MSCC/ZGMD/MMCC/MED and MECC per subject $50,00
2. Registration fee $50,00
3. Setting of examinations per subject $!00,00
4. Marking of examinations per script $25,00

Issuance of pennits-
1. Storage licence (approved container) $200,00
2. Storage licence (po1iable magazine) $1 000,00
3. Storage licence (immovable magazine) $5 000,00
4. Pe1mit for acquisition and possession of explosives $1 000,00

S.I. 56 of 2014

5. Explosives import and export licence per consignment $1 000,00

6. I ,iccncc to manufacture explosives at factory $10 000,00
7. Licence to manufacture explosives at mine $2 500.00

Provision of teclmical scrvice-

l. Gyro per set up $250,00

2. Surveying <md sampling $200.00
~~. Search fee (plans) $5.00
4. Approval of plans $50,00
5 . Pennit to transport <>re $20,00
6. Renewal for a Certificate oi Registration as approved
Prospector (CRAP) $4 000,00
7. CRAP (Duplicate) $500,00
8. Registration fee-Ciolcl ciaims $200,00
9. Registration fee-Base Minerals claims $500,00
10. Registration for-site e.g. house $50.00
11. Rental for site and special Grant per hect<u·e $20.00
12. Rental (CBM, COAL. GAS) per hectare $5,00
U. lst Inspection for gold claims per hectare $!00,00
14. 2nd Inspectiun and subsequent for gold claims per lO hectares $!00.00
15. Inspection by payment base minerals to keep the ground
per 25 hectares
H). Annual fee per S hectares
17. Protection fee fur ground not mined (for 2 months) $50,00
18. Duplicate Certificate of Registration $300,00
1<) Ore Removal Permit $20,00

Exclusive Prospecting Order-

1. Rental for EPO-First year 15c/hectare/year
2. Rental for EPO-Sceoncl year 20c/hect<u·e/year
J, Rental for EPO-Third year 30c/hectare/year
4. Application/Renewal Fee $2 000,00

Exploration sampks-
1. Uranium
2. Other Ordinm·y Samples $2 500,00
3. Drill Cme Samples $500,00

Mining (General)(Amendment) Regulations, 2014 (No. 18)

Bulk samples for test work-

1. Gold $2 000,00
2. PGMS $5 000,00
3. Diamonds $5 000,00
4. Base Metals $2 000,00".

3.111eMining (General) (Amendment) Rcgulations,2013 (No. 17),

published in Statutory Instrument 29 of 2013, are repealed.

S'upplemrn! to rite Zimbalm:cnn Government Gaz.ette dated ti1e 21st A1urcll, 201-J.
Printl?d br the Go,·en/lnellf Printer, llararr!.


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