LP Grade 7 Statistics and Non Statistical Data

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School Grade Level/learning MATHEMATICS 7



Date & Time Duration One (1) Hour

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and importance of Statistics, data
collection/gathering and the different forms of data representation
B. Performance Standards Is able to collect and organize data systematically and compute accurately

C. Learning poses real-life problems that can be solved by Statistics

Competencies/Objectives Objectives:
 identify statistical and non-statistical question


TOPIC Statistical and Non-Statistical Question
REFERENCES Math9_module1_quarter4
A. Preliminary The Learning session will start with:
Activities 1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Reminders
B. Developmental Activities Last 3rd Quarter, we tackled about Geometry.
Short review about point, line, plane, kinds of angles and polygons.
1. Review
2. Motivation Have you ever been an officer in your class? Let’s say you’ve been the class president. How
were you determined as a class president? If an election was conducted, did they tally the results in
order for you to know if you won or not.

C. Drill/Unlocking difficulties Are you familiar with statistics?

Statistics involves much more than simply drawing graphs and computing averages.

• In education, it is frequently used to describe test results.

• In science, the data resulting from experiments must be collected and analyzed.
• Manufacturers can provide better products at reasonable costs through the use of
statistical quality control techniques.
• In government, many kinds of statistical data are collected all the time.
A knowledge of statistics can help you become more critical in your analysis of information; hence,
you will not be misled by manufactured polls, graphs, and averages.
D. Discussion Statistics is a branch of Applied Mathematics specializing in procedures for collecting,
organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting data from observations.
A statistical question is one that can be answered by collecting data that vary. There are two
types of data: numerical and categorical. Numerical data set are those in numerical form which are
either continuous or discrete. Discrete data are those that can be counted in a finitely while
continuous data are measurements that can take any value from an is infinite range. Categorical
data take nonnumerical values, such as colors, information or questions that are answerable by YES
or NO, labels, etc. (example: large, medium, and small)
The 4 steps below can be followed to solve real life problems using statistics

1. Pose the question that can be answered by data.

2. Determine a plan to collect data.
3. Organize and summarize the data.
4. Interpret the results and answer the question posed in Step 1 using the organized and
summarized data.
Example of Statistical Questions:

1. How many hours does the grade 7 students spend time in studying? (Summarizing question)

2. Do the grade 7 students spend more time in social media than studying? (Comparing question)

3. Do students who spend more time in studying do better in exam?

(Relationship question)
Example of Non-Statistical Questions:

1. How old are you?

2. What is your favorite subject?
3. How many siblings does Elise have?
Take note that each example of non-statistical question above has definite answer and do not need
data to be gathered.
Examples of Categorical Data

1. Since our country is infected with Corona Virus, do you follow the health protocols given by
the Department of Health?
2. Wintermelon is my favorite milktea flavor.
3. Blue signifies calmness, tranquility, relaxation and peace.

Examples of Numerical Data

A. Discrete Data
1. Number of boys and girls in grade 7 per section Sunflower
2. The result of rolling 3 dice
3. The number of books in the shelves
B. Continuous Data
1. The heights of all grade 7 students
2. Age of a persons
3. Distance travelled by an airplane overtime.
practice)/ Application
Statistical questions.
Group 1-What is the average of Grade 7-Disney in mathematics 3rd quarter final grade?
Group 2-What is the average of Grade 7-Disney in science 3rd quarter final grade?
Group 3-What is the average of Grade 7-Disney in English 3rd quarter final grade?
Group 4-What is the average of Grade 7-Disney in Filipino 3rd quarter final grade?
Group 5-What is the average of Grade 7-Disney in TLE 3rd quarter final grade?
Member 1- Collect and gather data
Member 2- Organize and summarize the data
Member 3- Interpret the results
Member 4- Answer the questions using the organize and summarize data
Member 5-Present your work.

F. Generalization A statistical question is one that can be answered by collecting data while non-statistical question
above has definite answer and do not need data to be gathered. What are the two types of statistical
data? How about the two forms of numerical data?

IV. A. Identify whether the question is statistical or not. Explain you answer.
ASSESSMENT/EVALUATIO 1. What are the colors of my shoes?
N ______________________________________________________________________
2. How many hours of sleep do the grade 7 students need every night?
B. Write at least 5 statistical questions that can be answered by collecting data from your class.

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________

ASSIGNMENT/ENRICHMEN A. Identify the following data set as categorical or numerical. Explain your answer.
T 1. Type of juices drunk by the students in the canteen
2. Weight of Alexander’s dog

A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. Number of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Number of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. Number of learners who needs to continue to remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies works well? Why did this work?

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