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Table Of Contents

Company Profile 3

Watani Polycon - An Introduction 4

Manufacturing Process and Physical Properties 6

Watani Polycon Products 8

Polycon Jacking Pipes - Trenchless Construction 9

Polycon Jacking Pipe Data Table 1 (DN 200 to DN 900) 11

Polycon Jacking Pipe Data Table 2 (DN 1000 to DN 1800) 12

Polycon Jacking Pipe Data Table 3 (DN 2000 to DN 2600) 13

Polycon Manholes 15

Polycon Manholes Properties and Advantages 17

Polycon Manholes Finder 18

Polycon Opencut Pipes - Open Trench Construction 19

Polycon Open Trench Pipe Data Table (DN 150 to DN 2250) 20

Polycon Open Trench Pipe Class 21

Watani HPHS Pipe System 22

HPHS Pipes Properties & Advantages 23

QA/QC 25
Company Profile

Watani Factory for Fiberglass Company KNPC-approved underground fuel tanks with
was established more than 32 years ago in capacities up to 120,000 liters.
Kuwait and is now the leading producer in the The division’s CFW unit has 3 modern, PLC-
local composite industry. It also serves the controlled continuous filament winding ma-
needs of its neighboring GCC states as well chines each capable of producing an average
as on the international scale. of 3.6 kilometers of GRP pipe per day. These
During early years, Watani produced Glass gravity and pressure pipes with sizes ranging
Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) molded prod- from 300 to 2600 mm. nominal diameters
ucts, and a wide range of fiberglass water are compliant and tested to BS 5480, ASTM
storage tanks both for household and pota- D3754 and other international standards.
ble use. Later, it launched the production of Watani also manufactures GRP tees, bends
larger products such as domes, shelters and and a complete line of fittings and specials
other customized items. to match the pipeline requirements of its cli-
In 1998 Watani established its plastic divi- ents.
sion and production of polyethylene tanks At present, Watani’s product line has expand-
was started. The company’s PE tank capaci- ed to include odor control vessels, chemical
ties ranging from 1000 liters to 20000 liters storage tanks, septic tanks, water treatment
joint free and insulated tanks became the equipment, and other customizes GRP ves-
standard and economical sizes for villas and sels and storage tanks. The company’s GRP
the industrial sector. panel tanks for water storage are WRAS ap-
Yet another ambitious enterprise was estab- proved.
lished the following year when the Polycon In 2010, another milestone reached. Watani
(polymer concrete) started its operations. started production of High Density Polyeth-
In compliance with ASTM D6783 and DIN ylene (HDPE) corrugated double-wall pipe
54815, among other international standards, system for sewage and storm water. These
the Polycon division produced a complete HDPE pipes which range from 150mm. to
range of corrosion resistant polymer concrete 1000mm. nominal size are in compliance
pipes, fitting and manholes for sewer systems. with EN13476-3 and other standards.
Presently, Watani is executing a number of lo- Its manufacturing facilities now cover about
cal and overseas projects using the Polycon 100,000 square meters area and workshops
system. fully equipped with state of the art technolo-
Watani‘s GRP division is equipped with fila- gies and machineries. Its technical and pro-
ment winding (helical and cross-helical wind- duction teams are some of the best in the
ing patterns) machines for GRP cylinders and region.
pipes up to 4.25 meters in diameter. The For the past years the company has main-
GRP division produces UL-1316 certified un- tained its compliance with Quality Assurance
derground fuel tanks up to 45,000 liters ca- standard certifications. At present, Watani is
pacity, as well as ASTM D4021 compliant and an ISO 9001:2008 certified company.

High compressive strength=High jacking force and maximum safety

W A T ANI POLY C ON ( P o l y m e r C o n c r e t e )

In t rod uc t ion

Watani Factory for fiberglass factory has setup “Polymer Concrete (Polycrete) Division” to manufac-
ture Polycon Products using State of Art Technology Watani to meet ASTM D6783 & DIN 54815-1,
DIN 54815-2 Standards.

Watani has been involved in the manufacture of Polycon, and has enviable reputation in the region
and around the world for its innovative approach to new technology and manufactur
ing process. Polycon products are mainly made of thermosetting resin, sand, gravel and mineral
filler. Polycon has remarkable physical properties such as corrosion resistance, high strength and

The mechanical and chemical performance of polymer concrete has been supplemented recently
with improved manufacturing technology, which makes this material ideal for sewer construction ap-
plications and trenchless technology applications.

4 Smooth outer pipe surface = Reduces friction

Corro s ion a nd ch emi cal resi st an ce

The advantages of Polycon can be found in their high corrosion resistance against aggressive waste
waters or soils, their great static load carrying capacity with their simultaneously relative low weight,
low internal wall roughn ess, and hig h abrasion resistance.

Polycon pipes made with polyester resin are resistant against “very strong corrosive and aggressive
agents” in continuous service with effluents ranging from pH 1 to pH 10. Polycon pipes meet the cor-
rosion re quirements of ASTM D6783 & DIN 54815-1, DIN 54815-2 standards.

N on- p oro us & N on -ab sorb en t

Polycon dense mix design eliminates connective pore structure. Therefore, solutions are unable to be
absorbed or leached through the material eliminating the need for additional coatings liners or bar-
Low Environmental Impact-Due to the inert nature of polymer concrete, there is no concern for any
negative impact on the environment.

Parallel pipe ends = Provides uniform distribution of jacking forces

Th e M a n ufa c t u ri n g Process an d Phys ical Proper ties

Polycon pipes have been manufactured by various processes

including centrifugal and vibrating processes without rein-
forcement. In the vibration process, which is currently used,
exact amounts of each material are mixed and loaded in to
vertical metallic moulds consisting of an inner mould and an
external mould. The amount of each material and specific
mixing sequence required is controlled by a computer pro-
gram for each pipe. Circular pipes as well as special cross-
sections such as manhole shaft pipes, cones and other aux-
iliary components can be manufactured in the same way.

The pipe joint is manufactured from GRP (Glass fiber rein-

forced plastic) as separate connector coupling by the wind-
ing process, the elastomeric sealing rubber and the wood
packing ring or spacer rings are fixed the coupling meets
standard ASTM D4161 “Fiberglass Pipe Joints using flexible
Elastomer Seals”. Polycon is a high-quality economic alter-
native compare to other corrosion resistant pipe materials.

F i t t in g leng t h s an d si d e Con n ecti ons

The pipes and fittings are manufactured in high dimen-

sional accuracy, so that no further machining is usually
required on-site. If a change occurs at short notice or
the precise manhole spacing is not fixed, then arrang-
ing of fining lengths is possible on-site. The pipes can
be easily shortened on-site using an abrasive blade.
Since the pipes have the same outside diameter over
their entire length, than the arranged piece produced
in this way after cutting and chamfering can be sub-
sequently joined to the pipe line without any cause of

Lateral connections for pipes are manufactured in our

factory with appropriate sockets and connections. The
required bore holes for sockets or diagonal bores for
45 degree connection branches are performed with
standard commercial core drilling instruments with a
diamond drilling head.

6 High dimensional accuracy = No Out of Round, tight joints and perfect match
P hys i c a l P ro p er t i es of Pol ycon

Parameter(Strength) Test Method Metric

Compressive Strength DIN 54815-2 80 N/mm2

Splitting Tensile Strength ASTM C 496 6 N/mm2

Bending Tensile Strength DIN 54815-2 16 N/mm2

Ra ng e of A p p l i cat i on

Polycon Pipes and Manholes are generally used to build sewers and drain systems, which are oper-
ated as gravity pipe lines. They can however also be operated as sewage pressure pipes.

M a i n ten a n c e an d Cl ean i n g

In other pipeline system high pressure cleaning might be required due to fluctuation of flow rate which
may cause effluents to reside. Polycon has an advantage to other pipeline system because of the
smoothness of the entire inner surface which do not cause effluents to resides.

Elasticity= Reduced point loading and risk of rupture


No Product Application

1 Polycon Jacking Pipe Trenchless Construction

2 Polycon Manholes Open Trench & Trenchless Construction

3 Polycon Opencut Pipes Open Trench Construction

4 HPHS Pipes System Open Trench & Trenchless Construction

8 Low weight = Ease of installation

P o l y c on J AC KIN G PIPES - T r e n c h l e ss C o n st r uct i o n

Watani Polycon pipes for trenchless construction are manufactured in a full range of sizes to suit the
most diverse range of applications from DN 250 to DN 2600mm in 2m and 3m construction lengths
(Different lengths available on request).

Watani Polycon jacking Pipes are designed to resist the axial stresses of jacking by calculating the
permitted compression force. The dimensions of the most commonly used diameters are listed in
the tables 1, 2 & 3.

It should be noted that in special cases larger wall thickness can also be manufactured to take
higher compressive forces.

The pipe joint consists of a mounted collar integrated to the pipe wall made of glass fiber reinforced
plastic or alternatively of stainless steel, with joint seal in microcellular expanded rubber and seal-
ing sections on both sides, which are firmly joined to the pipe wall. A ring fitted at the manufacturing
plant, made of pressboards or knotless soft wood in a thickness according to the pipe diameter,
ensures uniform pressure transfer between the ends of adjacent pipe.

Adaptable dimensions=Suitable for all micro-tunneling and jacking equipment

Jacking Pipes Properties & Advantages
Excellent Corrosion resistance Long life and valuable service.

High Compressive Strength High jacking force and maximum safety.

Smooth, even, non absorbing outer pipe
surface Reduce friction during jacking.

High dimensional accuracy No ovality, tight joints and perfectly matching

Optimum elasticity
Reduced point loading and risk of rupture.
Low Weight
Ease of installation.
Adaptable dimensions Suitable for all micro tunneling and jacking
Smooth, even inner surface
High flow rate.

10 Smooth, even inner surface = High flow rate

Table 1-Polycon Jacking Pipe DN 250 to DN 900 mm Data

Nominal External Wall Standerd Permitted

Diameter Diameter Thickness Length Jacking Force
mm mm mm mm Tons

250 360 55 2000 51

300 400 50 2000 150

400 550 75 2000 150

500 660 80 2000 190

600 760 80 2000 224

700 860 80 2000 240

800 960 80 2000 272

850 1030 90 2000 730

900 1100 100 2000 448

900 1120 100 2000 605

High corrosion resistance=Reliability throughout a long service life

Table 2-Polycon Jacking Pipe DN 1000 to DN 1800 mm Data

Nominal External Wall Standerd Permitted

Diameter Diameter Thickness Length Jacking Force
mm mm mm mm Tons

1000 1180 90 2000/3000 414

1000 1200 100 3000 493

1200 1480 141 3000 570

1225 1520 150 3000 648

1400 1720 160 3000 740

1400 1786 200 3000 925

1500 1660 1600 3000 906

1600 1940 170 3000 890

1720 2070 175 3000 915

1800 2160 180 3000 1060

1800 2240 220 3000 1320

12 Complete systems=Jacking pipes, Open cut pipes and Manholes

Table 3-Polycon Jacking Pipe DN 2000 to DN 2600 mm Data

Nominal External Wall Standerd Permitted

Diameter Diameter Thickness Length Jacking Force
mm mm mm mm Tons

2000 2404 202 3000 1330

2250 2662 210 3000 1670

2400 2875 235 3000 2060

2600 3100 250 3000 2415

* Other Lengths and Diameters are available upon request

* Deviations as per Table-5 of DIN 54815-1

High compressive strength=High jacking force and maximum safety

The extremely high compression strength of Polycon pipes and smooth surface resulting in a low
surface friction are all benefits for jacking installations. The flexible glass fibre reinforced plastic
collar, which adjusts to the steering movements of the tunneling machine and the movement of
the following pipes, offer additional benefits.

Depending on the soil conditions the Jacking force increase only slightly even after long stop
periods (e.g. after a weekend) because of the smooth, non absorbent polymer concrete surface.
For site conditions which make bentonite lubrication necessary, injection sockets are fitted in
the pipe wall at the plant with a check valve and blanking plug for longer tunneling lengths and
the necessary intermediate jacking stations.

14 Smooth outer pipe surface = Reduces friction

P o l y c o n MANHOLE S

The fundamental principle behind the manufacture of Polycon manholes is to build a completely cor-
rosion resistant and leak proof sewer. For a better quality manhole construction, Watani crew does a
quality work at the plant to ensure quality provided to customers.

Manhole sections like the rest of the “Polycon Range” are manufactured in our modern “State of Art
“ factory in Kuwait. Complicated manholes with varied pipe connections, floor configurations, chan-
nel bends and internal and external backdrops are all available for our clients.
The Polycon Manhole System is compatible to the pipes in their material and wall design. The bottom
section of the manhole is manufactured as a one piece unit for additional protection against leak-
age. All type of pipe with the appropriate fittings for the respective type of pipe can be connected to
the manhole.

Where there are large diameter connections, Polycon manholes are manufactured as pre-fabricated
slabs which are assembled in the plant, ready for simple jointing on-site. The benching and channels
of the manhole are manufactured to the precise size and shape. The smooth contoured surface is
particularly beneficial to the hydraulic flow. Climbing aids such as climbing irons; stir up or ladders
are fastened to the manhole wall with stainless steel locknuts.

Parallel pipe ends = Provides uniform distribution of jacking forces

Polycon manholes are delivered in one piece with all of connections and with the shaft pipe attached
(length 3mtrs Max). It is lowered in to trench attached via a transport clamp and connected to lay
pipeline like a fitting. Where greater depths are necessary, further shaft pipes are butt-jointed on site.
In deep installations such as 1200 & DN 1500 cost reduction can be obtained by reducing the shaft
diameter to DN 1000mm. The shaft diameter reduction is usually made at heights above normal
head clearance.
The manhole is securely anchored against buoyancy uplift in the ground by the projecting manhole
base. Where there is a very high water table, the base projection can be enlarged on manholes with
a continuous shaft. Manholes with a variable shaft cross-section are usually safe against uplift.

16 High dimensional accuracy = No Out of Round, tight joints and perfect match
Polycon Manhole Properties and Advantages

Excellent Corrosion resistance from top to bottom = Long life and valuable service

Watertight = Absolute impermeability from top to bottom

Individually manufactured = Adaptable to any configuration and installation situation

Adaptable for quick and easy installation method

Compatible to various pipe connections

Safe from buoyancy and designed for high traffic load

Small external diameter requiring minimum soil excavation

Smooth, non-absorbent, maintenance free

Durable, Reliable, Cost effective

Elasticity= Reduced point loading and risk of rupture

Choosing Manholes Type

18 Low weight = Ease of installation

P o ly c on Opencut pip e s - O p e n T r e n c h Con st r uct ion

Watani Polycon pipes for open trench construction are manufactured in a full range of sizes to suit
the most diverse range of applications and harsh climatic conditions, not only within the Middle East
but in the differen t climatic region of the world. Manufacturing using dimensionally accurate high
quality steel casting moulds produces pipes with the lowest dimensional tolerances. Which are circu-
lar over their length. Sewer pipes in Open Cut Polycon are manufactured with plain ends in 3000mm
construction lengths and in diameters of DN 150 to DN 2250 as standard.

Recommendations on the bedding provide contractors with some initial assistance and this indicates
which bedding installation gives sufficient safety in the specific native soil conditions. If required, a
detailed static calculation can be made for precise conditions of the project.

Where there is an obstacle or change on the route of the pipe different fitting length are required.
Watani can provide different fitting length of Open Cut Polycon pipes upon various site conditions.

Side connections are also requirements of most pipelines and these are manufactured in diameters
of DN 150 or DN 200 in factor including 45° connections for up to DN 400 for main pipes, above this
diameter it is advised that 90° connections to be used.

Adaptable dimensions=Suitable for all micro-tunneling and jacking equipment

Polycon Open Trench Pipe Data Table

Pipe Size Pressure Class )






   ! $# &%# 




Smooth, even inner surface = High flow rate



! )

Trench width shall be measured at the level of the crown of implementation.

the pipe. If the contractor erroneously excavates the trench Trench sides shall be kept vertical from the bottom of the
wider than the above or due to compelling circumstances, a trench up to a maximum of 300 above the crown of the pipe.
solution proposed by the Contractor and agreed by the En- Suitable side slope can be given above this level if permitted
gineer’s Representative shall be reffered to the Engineer. by site conditions and approved by the Engineer’s Reprecen-
Sanitary Engineering Department, MPW for approval prior to tative.
4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

Bd Bd

D Bd D
Backfilling with native soil
Backfilling with native soil to ground level in open space areas

D to ground level in open space areas D
or with selected excavated material
or with selected excavated material to road orBackfilling formation
pavement with
to road or formation level nativelevel
pavementwith native soil to ground level in open space areas

to ground level in open space areas or with selected excavated material
or with selected excavated material to road or pavement formation level
to road or pavement formation level
Selected Sandy Soil Selected Sandy Soil


Selected Sandy Soil Geotextile filter fabric Selected
membrane Sandy Soil



DN when pipe below anticipated GWL

Geotextile filter fabric membrane



DN when pipe below anticipated GWL

Granular materials Granular materials


Granular materials Granular materials
Compacted natural ground Compacted natural ground

Compacted natural ground Compacted natural ground




Backfilling with native soil
Backfilling with native soil

to ground level in open space areas

or with selected excavated material to ground level in open space areas

min. space

to road or pavement formation level or with selected excavated material

Backfilling with native soil to road or pavement formation level
Backfilling with native soil

to ground level in open space areas

or with selected excavated material to ground level in open space areas

min. space

B to road or pavement formation level or with selected excavated material B

to road or pavement formation level

Selected Sandy Soil
Granular materials

Geotextile filter fabric membrane

DN Selected Sandy Soil
when pipe below Granular materials
anticipated GWL


Geotextile filter fabric membrane


when pipe below anticipated GWL

High corrosion resistance=Reliability throughout a long service life


In situ Concrete


Compacted natural ground In situ Concrete

Compacted natural ground

Compacted natural ground

Compacted natural ground TYPE V CONCRETE HAUNCH



I n t rod uc t ion

This product which offer advanced features, is the latest innovation in piping technology providing top
performance and outstanding properties by combining two products into one integral piping system;
polymer concrete and glass-reinforced plastic (GRP).

It is called the Watani (HPHS) High pressure high Stiffness pipe system. It possess the high pressure
and anti-corrosion properties of GRP also the strength of aggregate material of Polycon. GRP also uti-
lizes the same type of thermo set resin to bind fiber glass reinforcements in to flexible, non-corrosive
pipe. Since both materials share the same matrix system the bonding between the two materials is
excellent resulting to a truly unique and robust industrial pipe.

Fea t ur es

Watani HPHS pipe system possesses certain features unique to traditional piping systems. As a com-
bination of two excellent pipe products, HPHS exhibits the following features:

22 Complete systems=Jacking pipes, Open cut pipes and Manholes

GRP I n ter n a l Pi p e
Glass reinforced plastic pipe (GRP) is one of the leading material in the pipe industry. It is manufac-
tured using thermosetting vinylester resin as matrix and high quality ECR glass fibers as reinforce-
ment. GRP pipe is machine-produced through continuous filament winding involve several mechani-
cal and chemical process.
The pipe is constructed with integral corrosion barrier liners making it impregnable from chemical

Th e C omp o s ite Materi al s

Watani HPHS is an innovation wherein GRP pipe is encased by Polycon by casting and curing process
which chemically binds the two in one integral super strength, high pressure pipe.

HPHS Pipes Properties & Advantages

High Pressure Capability

Excellent anti-corrosion properties (In and Out)

Curved and Long distance jacking capability

Structural flexibility

High pipe stiffness and compression strength

Open trench or trenchless installations

Readily available material and technical services

Comparatively lower costs

Longer service life

Longer service life

The design and production of Watani GRP pipes strictly conforms to international standards and
codes. Its manufacture is controlled by the latest digital equipment under the strict monitoring of
experienced technicians and quality assurance personnel. The result is a high-pressure, corrosion
resistant, light weight pipe which comes is nominal size from 150mm. diameter to 2000mm diam-
eter Watani GRP pipes have been tested successfully up to 24 bars internal pressure.

High compressive strength=High jacking force and maximum safety

Pol ym er C on c r ete E x tern al Pi p e

Polymer Concrete is another excellent and leading pipe

product manufactured by Watani. Polycon, as it is inter-
nationally known, is manufactured through a mechanical
process of mixing and compacting, designed-sized aggre-
gates, with thermo set resin inside special steel molds. This
special process produces a pipe possessing high stiffness,
high compressive strength, and smooth finish yet excellent
resistance to corrosion.

As in GRP production, Polycon design and manufacture is

also governed by international codes and undergoes the
same rigorous quality control procedures and testing be-
fore being released to the market.
The pipe is constructed with integral corrosion barrier liner
making it impregnable form chemical attacks.

M a nufa c t ur e O f HPHS Pi p e Sy stem

After the GRP pipe is calibrated and its spigot ends chamfered, polymer concrete is casted around
it according to designed thickness. Because their matrix materials are the same, GRP and polymer
concrete chemically combined in to one monolithic structure with GRP as interior pipe and polymer
concrete as the armor-like outer encasement. The final result is super strength, high stiffness piping
system capable of conveying corrosive fluids at evaluated pressures. Due to its super strength and
joint flexibility it can successfully be used for “Curved” Micro tunneling and Jacking Pipe projects.
HPHS as an integral pipe is tested and is recorded capable of sustaining as high as 1,330 Tons of
Compressive force and 24 bars internal pressure.

The standard field-joint is double bell coupling with elastomeric rubber rings. This material by com-
pression on the joint section forms a water-tight seal. This joint system makes it possible to accom-
modate changes in regular direction between pipe axis ranging from 1 degree for small pipes less
than 900 mm. in diameter to 2 degrees for large pipes above 900 mm. in diameter. Field installing
the HPHS system can use both the open trench as well as in trenchless micro tunneling installa-

24 Smooth outer pipe surface = Reduces friction


Manufacturing in dimensionally accurate, steel casting moulds produce pipes and manholes with
very low dimensional tolerances, which are circular over their entire Length. Rigid sewer pipe such as
Polycon is tested in the laboratory by the three edge bearing test (Vertical Crushing Load) described
in DIN 54815-2. Polycon Pipes and Manholes can be designed for specific project conditions.

In Process Testing

The Purpose of this procedure is to monitor

manufacturing process andverify product/pro-
cess parameters forensuring consistent prod-
uct quality.

Three Edge Bearing Test / Short Term Chemical Test

Vertical crushing

26 Parallel pipe ends = Provides uniform distribution of jacking forces

Viscostiy Test - Resin

Testing the Incoming Raw Materials

Density Test - Resin
Objective: To ensure incoming goods are properly
verified for quality and quantity aspects before
taking into stock. Before being used in produc-
tion, all new products undergo a wide series of
tests to ascertain that they posses qualities
complying with precise physical-chemical and
mechanical properties

Moisture Content Test

Sieve Analysis - Silica & Gravels

Hydro Test

External Pressure Test

Tests on Finished Product

The Purpose of this procedure is to ensure that

the products are thoroughly inspected / tested
releasing them for storage or Shipment and Cov-
ers final inspection of all products.

Load Test - Polycrete Manhole

Shore Hardness - Rubber Seal


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