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Name Of the Student_______________ Department______________

Course______________ Year ________________

Subject____________ Catheterization Procedure steps for male patient 1 2 3 4 5
1. Ensure a good light source to enable the genital area to be seen

2. Scrub hand as for surgical procedure.

3. Open the catheter pack carefully onto the trolly using an septic

4. Open all supplementary packs onto the sterile field now stretched
out on the trolley. Check choice of catheter is correct and in date.

5. Re- wash & dry hands. Put on a sterile glove.

6. Drape the patient and place a collecting vessel between the patients.

7. Hold the penis with a sterile swab and clean the penis thoroughly.
Remember to retract the foreskin and clean around the urethral

8. Insert the lignocaine gel and hold the meatus closed with pressure
from the swab. Indicate that the aesthetic need 5 minutes to work.

9. Hold the penis vertically with one hand and with the other hold the
catheter tip from its sleeve. Advance the catheter tip from its
sleeve and insert into the urethra.

10. Progressively insert the catheter, ensuring that neither hand nor the
sleeve touch the penis until the end arm reaches the meatus. At this
point urine should start to flow into the collecting vessel.

11. Inflate the balloon may vary depending upon the size of the catheter
used, check the packing for exact volume to use.

12. Attach the catheter bag.

13. Gently pull on the catheter until resistance is felt. This is when the
balloon will be resting on the urethral opening of the bladder. Then
reposition the foreskin.

Total score
Obtained score

5 -Satisfactory – 85 – 100 Percentage

4 -Moderately Satisfactory- 66 to 84 Percentages
3 - Moderately Unsatisfactory- 44 to 65 Percentages
2 -Unsatisfactory – 22 to 43 Percentages
1 -Highly Unsatisfactory– 0 to 21 Percentage

1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 denoting attempts made by the students
2. Each statement will be score by Yes/No and yes contain 1 point & no contain zero point
3. Students who get 85 % or above will get full satisfactory and below will have to make
attempt till the candidate get 85% or above.
Remarks by Evaluator: _______________________ Signature of evaluator__________
Signature of student _____________________ Signature
of HOD______________

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