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System Modeling Coursework

Class 33: Modeling of hydraulically actuated gun


Faculty, Instrumentation and Control Engineering,
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal
Karnataka 576 104 INDIA
Ph: 0820 2925154, 2925152
Fax: 0820 2571071
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• I claim no originality in all these notes. These are the

compilation from various sources for the purpose of
delivering lectures. I humbly acknowledge the
wonderful help provided by the original sources in
this compilation.
• For best results, it is always suggested you read the
source material.

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What is a turret?

• A turret is a protective position on a fortification situated on

top of a building or a wall, as opposed to rising directly
from the ground which is a tower.
• A turret is usually a rotating weapon platform. This can be
mounted on a fortified building or structure such as an anti-
naval land battery, or on an armored fighting vehicle, a
naval ship, or a military aircraft.
• A gun turret is a device that protects the crew or
mechanism of a projectile firing weapon and at the same
time lets the weapon be aimed and fired in many directions.

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What is a turret?

• Turrets may be armed with one or more machine guns, automatic

cannon, large-caliber guns, or missile launchers. It may be manned or
remotely controlled and is often armored.
• A small turret, or sub-turret on a larger one, is called a cupola. The
term cupola also describes rotating turrets that carry no weapons but
instead sighting devices, as in the case of tank commanders.
• The protection provided by the turret may be against battle damage or
against the weather conditions and environment in which the weapon
or its crew operate.
• Guns must be mounted aboard ship in such a manner that they can be
rotated horizontally (trained) and vertically (elevated). By means of
these two motions a gun can be pointed in any direction.

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Parts of a gun turret

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Parts of a Gun turret
1. Key
2. Platform deck
3. Shell room
4. Lower deck
5. Magazine
6. Middle deck
7. Trunk
8. Main deck
9. Barbette
10. Working Chamber
11. Upper Deck
12. Roller path
13. Cradle
14. Gunhouse

• The red parts of the turret are

armoured. The blue parts of the
turret are the revolving mass.

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Major components of gun mount
• The mechanism which supports the gun and moves it in elevation and
train is called gun mount.
• The major components of a typical gun mount are the elevating
mechanism, the traversing mechanism, the recoil mechanism, the
trunnions, the carriage and stand.
• The elevating mechanism may be power or hand driven and moves
the gun in elevation; the traversing mechanism, also power or
manually operated, traverses (trains) the weapon.
• The recoil mechanism absorbs the forces resulting from the explosion
of the propelling charge and allows the gun to recoil (move to the
• The stand supports the entire gun and mounts and is rigidly attached
to the deck; the carriage rests and rotates on the stand so that the
weapon can be traversed.

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Is the turret different from gun mount?

• A turret performs the same functions and has the

same major components as the gun mounts
discussed on the previous sheet.
• A turret differs from an ordinary mount in that it is
heavily armored and fully enclosed. Two or three
guns of 8-inch caliber or larger are mounted in a
single turret.

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Major components of gun turret

• The rollers allow the gun girder (carriage) to traverse on the turret
foundation (stand). The gun house provides armor protection for the
gun crew, and the heavy armor of the barbette protects the lower
turret components.
• Gun mounts and turrets differ widely in complexity and type,
depending on the size, type and number of guns mounted.
• It is hard to compare the free-swinging mount of the 20mm
antiaircraft gun (which has no elevating or traversing mechanisms) to
the massive and intricate 16-inch gun turret, but they all serve the
same basic function-to position the gun in accordance with fire
control directions so that the projectile will hit the target.

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Major components of gun turret

• The principal units of a B.P.4-gun turret, showing the

operation of the gun elevating ram and the method of
rotating the turret. The power is supplied by a hydraulic
generator driven by an electric motor.
• The hydraulic generator incorporates relief valves set to a
blow-off pressure, which, at full output from the generator,
limit its power to that obtainable from the electric motor.
There is, therefore, no danger of either the electric motor or
the hydraulic generator being overloaded.

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Power output

• Movement of the control handle imparts stroke to

the generator pistons, the power output being
proportional to
– The stroke imparted, which governs the speed of the
turret movement, and
– The pressure built up in the hydraulic system (up to
maximum blow-off pressure) determined by the
external resistance to turret movement.

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Power output

• At any rate of the turret rotation the power output from the
hydraulic generator, and consequently power input into the
electric motor, is a function of turret speed and of the
pressure required to overcome external resistance to turret
movement at any instant-limited to the maximum
determined by the setting of the blow-off valves.
• The speed of the turret is virtually unaffected, whether the
aero plane is flying upward or downward.

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Mathematical Model of the system

• Linear, Quadratic Optimum control

• Consider the class of nonlinear systems
*x(t): state of the system, n-vector x(t) = (x1(t), ---, xn(t))
*u(t): input to the system, m-vector
*y(t): output of the system, p-vector

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Controller statement

X = Ax(t) + Bu(t), x(0) = x0

find the control input u(t) which minimizes

V(u) = ∫ ∞0 (x T
(t) Qx(t + u T Bu (t) ) dt

whereQ − QTandR = RT have strictly positive eigenvalues.

we are penalizing the state AND the control effort.

∗x(t) and u(t) must eventually go to zero for cost to be finite

* expect u(t) to be a function of x(0)

* LQR - design cost function (model-based method)

*PID - performance specifications

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This is an additional instructive material. This shows a
different perspective to the same problem.

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Description of the system

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Anti aircraft gun director

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Description of the system

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Analysis of the system

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Analysis of the system

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Pump stroke control

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Block diagram representation

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• Control System Principles and Design, Ernest O.

Doeblin, John Wiley and sons.

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And, before we break…

• All Photos are accurate. None of them is truth.

– Richard Aedon

Thanks for listening…

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