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Evaluating Website


Wednesday, November 16, 11




can post information on the Net

Wednesday, November 16, 11


NO single body or organization ensures the QUALITY of information posted on the internet.
Wednesday, November 16, 11

Is the website source

Reliable? Valid?
Wednesday, November 16, 11

to evalute a website

Wednesday, November 16, 11

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who What When Where Why

to evalute a website

1. 2. 3. 4.

Who What When Where



Wednesday, November 16, 11

1. Who
- is the source of information?

- is the author/ publisher reliable?


expertise qualications

Wednesday, November 16, 11


Wednesday, November 16, 11

Wednesday, November 16, 11

(author/publisher reliable: background and expertise?)


Author Publisher


National Center for National Center for National Center for Mental Health Mental Health Mental Health Promotion and Promotion and Youth Promotion and Youth Youth Violence Violence Prevention Violence Prevention

Wednesday, November 16, 11

Wednesday, November 16, 11


Wednesday, November 16, 11

(author/publisher reliable: background and expertise?)

National Center has been a project of Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) and is housed in EDC's Health and Human Development Division, which seeks to foster National Center healthy lifestyles and createfor healthy and safe Health Mental environments where people live, learn, and Promotion and with work. They are partner Youth the American Institutes for Violence Prevention Research (AIR) and the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development (GUCCHD) to provide quality TA to our grantees.


Author Publisher


National Center for National Center for Mental Health Mental Health Promotion and Promotion and Youth Youth Violence Violence Prevention

Wednesday, November 16, 11

2. What
1 .edu
2 .gov


- is the kind of website? - is the website reliable: - purpose/content of the kind, purpose, content: website

type of website
of the website

content of the website

4 .org
5 .net & .com
Wednesday, November 16, 11

- is it persuading/selling - is it informative - is it subjective or bias


Wednesday, November 16, 11

Type of Website

Wednesday, November 16, 11

is the kind, purpose/ content reliable?

The National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention's is an organization that offers services that enable grantees to plan, implement, evaluate, and sustain activities that foster National Center for resilience, promote mental Mental Health health, and prevent youth Promotion and Youth violence and mental and behavioral disorders. Violence Prevention
The content is informative and present views how school, parents and community could help in the prevention of cyberbullying.


Type of Website Purpose Content


National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention

Wednesday, November 16, 11

When 3.
- is the website...

someone is paying
attention to make sure that information is current.

Last Updated

Wednesday, November 16, 11

TIP: - Check near the top or bottom of the home page.

Wednesday, November 16, 11


Wednesday, November 16, 11

is the update information is still reliable


Created Updated

It was updated two years ago yet information National Center for are still very for National Center Mental Health Mental Health much use for Promotion and Youth Promotion and Youth issues current Prevention Violence Prevention Violence about cyberbullying.


Wednesday, November 16, 11

4. Where


- is it linked from - different links of and to: the website * related topics * different views * organization, schools that would give more information or better understanding
Wednesday, November 16, 11


Wednesday, November 16, 11

is it linked from and to

Links TO partner:


links of website


Website is linked to different sites National Center for that gives views Mental Health onMental Health cyberbullying, Promotion and Youth Promotion and Youth Links FROM: then lead back Violence Prevention Violence Prevention http:// to the website /publications/preventionbriefs/preventingcyberbullying-schools-

http:// /resources/net-ceteratalking-kids-about-beingNational Center for online

Wednesday, November 16, 11

Is the website reliable to give insights on cyberbullying?

The given website is a RELIABLE site. The organization has great involvement on this issue; the content is still useful to current issue; website is linked from and to sites sharing related information
Wednesday, November 16, 11

Is the website reliable on how to make a good webpage?

Sam Reyes

Only his email address


The given website is NOT a RELIABLE site. Reliability of the information cannot be sure because the expertise of the author and background of the organization are not given. Though the content is updated, it is linked to only few links that would give related information
Wednesday, November 16, 11

Its a network site that promoting the work of the members

Sept. 26, 2011

Updated 3 days ago, and comments were given Links to 2 websites only

PRACTICE DRILLS on Evaluating Websites

Wednesday, November 16, 11

PRACTICE DRILL 1: (10 minutes)

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Practice Evaluation 1.odt

Wednesday, November 16, 11

PRACTICE DRILL 2: (20 minutes)

After doing Practice Evaluation 1 activity, go back to ELF and download the le PRACTICE EVALUATION 2.

Wednesday, November 16, 11

Rename the le as: Yr.Sec. CNO. NAME PRACT2 Upload your le to ELF on:
Upload Practice 2 Evaluating Website

Wednesday, November 16, 11

Be ready for a Hands-On test next session

Wednesday, November 16, 11

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