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Formation Plan (Novitiate)

(Sr. Norma, Sr. Mary Guadalupe, Sr Concepcion)


(6 months to 1 year) (one to two years) (two years)
"Teacher, Where do you live?" (Jn. 1:38) "Come and See…" (Jn.1:39) "and they stayed with Him." (Jn. 1:39)
Time for greater familiarization Provides an initial orientation Integration into the community
with the congregation. The about Consecrated way of life of the Congregation and the
aspirant continues to live her life. Clarifying the self-ideal, deepening of her faith and love
own lifestyle, work and/or actual self and develop self- for Christ and the knowledge of
studies. Adequate self- transcendent values her free and personal option.
knowledge and self-acceptance Learning the Evangelical Counsels

To get the necessary Mutual knowledge between Aims at helping the novices to a
preparation before beginning the Postulant and the mature discernment regarding her
the Postulancy. Enables her to Institute; vocation. To know Christ and his
see connections between the Clariffication of the call of values and to integrate these with
events that happened to her Jesus; preparation to make a her own values.
Objectives and her own role in them. free and personal option. To be able to internalize the
values and attitudes of the
congregation's charism.
Provides ground for self- To allow oneself to be helped Deepens suffecient maturity in
knowledge and self-worth. in the development towards which the aspects of human
human maturity development, intellectual pursuit,
awareness of her self- psychological and spiritual
knowledge and self- development are progressively
Human Maturity acceptance integrated.
becoming aware of her gifts,
talents, limitations,
inconsistencies and issues
manifests capacity to
transcend herself
Provide awareness to the Aware of her body and Deepens her appreciation of her
candidates about the need to care physical attraction and body and sexuality
physical health and develop sexuality as gift of God develop on how to live a
physical stamina Learning to accept and handle disciplined life
Manifests good physical sexual feelings Growing in capacity to transcend
health attested by medical
doctors To learn how to discipline her sexual feelings
Physical life
Discovers and explores one’s
awareness to acquiring and Learns reflective thinking as Deepens in one’s ability to think
developing the knowledge for well as to articulate her reflectively and analyze the events
consecrated life thoughts and feelings and circumstances of daily life
Shows some capacity in Becoming aware of the need with the eyes of faith
conceptual understanding and to find the causes of social Practicing to analyze the socio-
phenomenon related to political-ecological situation using
injustice, violence, poverty, the see-judge-act method
other violation of human Continue growing in
rights and ecological crisis responsibility, accountability and
Learning to analyze world ethical sense in the use of media
news and of the local and and new technologies
national impact of events on
Intellectual young people using the see-
judge-act method Becoming
aware of the ethics and
learning to be responsible and
accountable in the use of
media and technologies
especially the social media.
Awaken and Learn to be aware awareness of being grateful to express confidently and
and to identify one's feelings Mother Earth and getting to constructively the emotions
know one's feelings; names accept, owned and transcends for
reactions/emotions & their a higher value;
possible sources.Openness to deepens awareness of personal
learn how to relate with both inconsistencies and issues
sexes with confidence and deepens acceptance of her
Emotional respect. giftedness and woundedness
continue growing in having
healthy relationships with both
Shows intimate relationship with Develops personal deepening of the personal
God as foundation of Consecrated relationship with God and relationship with Jesus Christ by
life. Jesus clarifies contemplating his attitudes of
Shows interest and desire to grow life's direction and vocational mercy, compassion, love of life
in her relationship with God. guidance and caring for nature and the
. introduction to the basic ordinary things of everyday
tenets of Christian Faith exercise personal and communal
(Catechism), Life & Spirituality discernment as a means of
of our Founders & our History becoming one with the will of God
learning different forms of both in the important and in the
Prayer introduction to ordinary circumstances of life.
Spiritual creation spirituality and orientation and exposure to
the New Creation Story different religions and learning to
appreciate others' faith

Ecological Provide knowledge and Deepens her responsibility in her

awareness about care for the choices and lifestyle for the care
creation/universe. Shows awareness and of the environment in an attitude
conciousness in caring about of thanksgiving for the gift of
mother earth and universe creation.
Valuing creation including her
body as a gift of God
Allows the Aspirant to discover Have the opportunities to deepens appreciation of our
her own giftedness. observe and receive charism
information about our develops healthy attitudes toward
charism. authority based on one's sense of
Charism inner authority; utilizes and shares
power for service

Introducing to various orientation to multi-cultural Deepen knowledge of religious

community activities and living and learning to dialogue life with the emphasis of the
responsibilities with the cultures evangelical counsels;
shows interest in living in assume attitudes of attention witness to community
community and respect towards understand and appreciate multi-
everyone, valuing individual cultural living
and cultural differences practice community dialogue in
develops healthy the spirit of Christ in order to
Community relationships with co- accept diversity, interculturalities,
postulants, professed sisters and intergenerational as riches,
and authority figures and to integrate the different
ways of seeing, thinking and
Allows the postulant to begin Initiating and to be involved with
Have opportunities to be exposed to to develop their ministry skills the mission of our Institute in the
the various ministries. and to apply their gifts and building up of a society based on
education to missionary justice, solidarity and peace
services. awakening a according to the plan of a loving
consciousness of the ways God
God calls us through
happenings in the world and
in the reality in which we live
(community, society)
orientation to mission in
Mission general through initial
contacts with situations of
learns to take and perform
different leadership roles
learns how to teamwork
Get to know her ability to
work wholeheartedly and
actively at assigned tasks

Discovers and shares new Develop and learn new Continue to develop her talents
talents and skills practical skills and learning new skills such as
group facilitation, giving
recollections, conflict
Practical Skills management and/or resolution,
dialogue in teamwork, etc


(one to three years) (four to six years)

"to be with him and be sent…"
Sustains, nourishes, and to continue integrating the academic/
continues the growth and professional and pastoral activities
maturity acquired in the into a unified whole.
previous formation stages and To live every activity as Mission, with
keeps the spirit of a sense of "being sent"
commitment and service alive
so as to respond to the
demands of living out a
balanced community-mission
and prayer life

Greater integration in our missionary consecrated life, of

responsibility in work and preparation for the evangelizing action to
which they are sent by the Institute.
Characterized by the incorporation into the community of the
Institute, where the Young Professed begins to live as a committed
Consecrated person. Living out the vows and experiences of God
Learn to live adequate balance grows in human equilibrium in view of
among prayer-community- responsibilty,
work from the Mission of Jesus accounrablity and definite
commitment in the
living sincerely a simple, authentic and
ecological life style

Able to understand, managed Continues deepening and finding

and handle sensorial stimuli proper channels for physiological
and sexual feelings impulses
develop habits of reflection and a continue growing in being critically
critical sense of the happenings aware of the use of the new
of the world from a faith vision technologies and especially the
becoming critically aware of the Internet and social media with
sources and content responsibility and accountability
of the media, of new
technologies, of the cinema and
especially social media and
bringing herself up to date on
ecological issues
Addresses issues of intimacy Acquires internal discipline of
appropriately; personal freedom and external
deepens & strengthens inner authority
freedom & authority in continue growing in maturity in
relation to her peers, the healthy expressions of affectivity
opposite sex and those in towards both sexes
capacity to express and live
one's affectivity maturely
versus affective dependency
towards both sexes
faithfulness to prayer Strengthening the conviction of the
learning to be a contemplative centrality of Jesus Christ in her own
in action life continue integrating and
continues to deepen in the deepening her relationship with Mary,
knowledge of Jesus Christ the Mother of Mercy
Redeemer through her deepening her practice of
personal love relationship with contemplation before Christ on the
him, in whom she unifies and cross
structures the diverse aspects making her prayer the living
of her following Jesus consciousness of the presence of God
integrate one's knowledge and of the constant action of the Spirit
and appreciation of the in the world, inthe community and in
Charism and spirituality, and her own life.
learn to dialogue with other

Committing to care for herself Continue growing in her commitment

and the environment in daily to care for the environment in daily
life life
participates fully in the life of learn to articulate and give witness to
the Church according to our personal Charism and prophecy in the
Charism through assigned light of the Spirituality of the
ministries congregation.

practice dialogue, respect and Continue growing in her capacity to

appreciation of diversity as a assume conflicts of life with peace, in
means of collaborating in the sincere and loyal communication
construction of peace in the Continue integrating diversity as
world riches and taking it as opportunity to
learns to adapt herself in a collaborate in the growth of a life-
positive way to the different giving community
styles of persons,
communities, apostolic works
prepares herself for apostolic valuing the apostolic experiences that
discernment in the missionary have been shared and discussed and
task relived as occasions of growth in self-
exercises responsibility and knowledge and also in dedication to
accountability in relation with the cause of the Reign of God
the community and with enhances one's potentials for
authority leadership by assuming roles of
responsibility with openness and

Application of skills learned, Acquires a ministry-related skills such

explores specific areas of as teaching,counseling,retreat &
ministry as expression of one's recollections giving, community
personal Charism development & animation, etc.
Learn other practical skills like

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