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Digital Resource Evaluation

Teacher’s Notes

*Log into a Google Account in order to make a copy of the slide presentation.
Microsoft users may also copy the Google Slides presentation into their Google
Drive, and then download the presentation and handouts in Office format. Open the
Google Slides presentation. Select File above the toolbar, choose the Download as- -
PowerPoint. The website evaluation handouts and answer keys should be opened in
Google Drive. Select File above the Google Docs toolbar and download as - word
docs or pdfs. Downloading as a pdf file will prevent any changes in formatting. You
can also access copies of the handouts in this teacher's guide for printing.

Note to Teachers:

Please note that this resource has frequent updates and links are checked at least twice
during each school year. Sites that are fake websites or hoax sites are often reported to
Google and taken down. As a result, the site may be removed, and the link becomes
inactive. The second issue that occurs concerns school filters blocking faux sites due to
the website certificate not registering as a secure site. None of the sites used in this
lesson are a "risk," but could still be blocked by your school's filter.

Please prepare for this lesson beforehand and make sure that students can access the
websites for evaluation, and that they can access the project's Google Site. I have put in a
lot of effort to help provide you with alternatives. See the backup resources should any
issues arise with student access:

You can view the list of sites and have a student test the links before
implementing this lesson:

Website Evaluation Google Site

Group 1 Sites

Group 2 Sites

If they cannot access the Group 1 Sites and/or Group 2 Sites for evaluation, I have a
backup list of sites for you to use. ***Make sure to check the list of these sites, also, if
you use them as a replacement or for additional practice in evaluating websites:

Faux and Credible Sites Chart

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

If students cannot access the Website Evaluation Google Site, I have an alternative
handout for them to use. You can easily implement this lesson without using the Google

Website Evaluation Activity Student Handouts

Google Drive Resource Links

Please access the Google Drive resource links. You must be logged into a Google
account before accessing. You will be prompted to make a copy for your Google

Website Evaluation Slide Presentation

Website Evaluation Presentation Questions

Website Evaluation Presentation Questions Answer Key

Teacher’s Answer Key Using the Smithsonian Website

CARS Website Evaluation Student Handouts

CARS Website Evaluation Activity - Teacher's Answer Key

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Website Evaluation Activity Student Handouts (Optional handout for students
who are unable to view the Website Evaluation Google Site)

Implementation Information

This digital resource evaluation lesson plan, website evaluation slide presentation,
and the CARS website evaluation application activity can be implemented with your
students prior to conducting online research.

Time Frame: 2 Class Periods

Topic: Accessing and Analyzing Online Sources

Activity 1: Using Effective Keywords (Slides 1-24)


Website Evaluation Slide Presentation

Website Evaluation Presentation Questions

Website Evaluation Presentation Questions Answer Key


Whole Class Activity

The teacher should first show students the Website Evaluation Slide Presentation.

This can also be accessed from the project's Google Site - Website Evaluation page .
Share with students the Website Evaluation Presentation Questions.

Students will first learn about effective keyword searching in the slides presentation.
You may want to keep the Website Evaluation Presentation Questions Answer Key as
a frame of reference in order to know which slides students will need more time to
view in order to answer questions on the Website Evaluation Presentation Questions

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Slide 21 has a brief YouTube video for students to watch on keyword searching. There
are questions on the students' handouts that they will answer based on information
provided in the video.

Discuss the CARS method of website evaluation featured in the presentation, explain
to students the meaning of the terms if needed (such as “accuracy”). In question 18 of
the students Website Evaluation handout, they will identify each letter of the CARS
method of evaluating online sources and also summarize what each word means.

You can optionally tell students to add an indicator or checkpoint for each letter in
CARS - along with a red flag or warning sign. This also can be added to the Website
Evaluation Presentation Questions handout if you would like them to note more
information about the CARS method.

Topic: Evaluating Websites Using the CARS Method

Activity 2: CARS Application Activity - Evaluating Websites


Teacher’s Answer Key Using the Smithsonian Website

CARS Website Evaluation Student Handouts

CARS Website Evaluation Activity - Teacher's Answer Key

Optional Differentiation:

The CARS Website Evaluation Student Handouts contain two charts that students can
use to evaluate the two websites they select. One is more in-depth (the first chart) than
the second chart listed. If you would like for students to use the chart that is less
detailed for both sites, share the handout below instead:

Websites: Can You Spot the Fake Site? Chart

If you prefer students use the more advanced website evaluation chart for both
websites, share this handout instead:

Evaluating a Digital Source

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Website Links:

Website Evaluation Google Site

The Smithsonian’s Education Site

Model the CARS Source Evaluation Method for Students

If possible, model for students (or as a whole class activity) applying the CARS
website evaluation on a sample website known to be trustworthy – such as The
Smithsonian’s Education Site.

See the Teacher Key for the CARS handout on The Smithsonian’s Education website.

Students Evaluate 2 Websites - One Site in Group 1 and One Site in

Group 2

Next, students may work individually or in pairs. Distribute the CARS Website
Evaluation Handout to each student (or to each pair if working in teams). It is
recommended that each student still fill out his or her own handout individually.
The handout has two different formats. You can direct students to select one chart
for the first website evaluated and use the other chart for the second website.

Note the alternative Website Evaluation handout that is simpler to use if

differentiation in materials is needed in your classroom.

Review the activity directions to students posted on the site at the following link:

Website Evaluation: Treasure or Trash.

Thank you for your purchase! If you have any questions or need assistance,
please see my Q & A in my store! You can also email me at the email address
listed below:

The following pages include printable handouts and this resource's Terms of Use.

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Teacher’s Key: Using the Smithsonian Education Website

Evaluating a Digital Source

Credibility Created by a Knowledgeable Source

Look at the URL

What type of domain is it:

❑ .com
❑ .gov
❑ .edu

Check the Author

Is the author or organization listed? If so, list the information below:

Smithsonian Institute

Is the author (or organization) an authority on the subject? Explain.

Yes. The Smithsonian Institute scholars, researchers, and staff provides research-based
information and digital access to primary docs, digital images, etc. which they regularly
maintain at the Smithsonian Institute. Generally, they have extensive knowledge on their

Accuracy Information is current, complete, and correct.

Read through the site.

Does the site seem to provide accurate information? Yes/No

What is the site’s copyright or last update? When accessing the Updates link at the bottom of the
site page, you can view the dates for the most current updates. The site has recurring recent
updates that reflect that the content is current.

Is this recent enough or could the info be outdated? Explain.

Recent enough to be current due to the nature of the historical exhibits and recurring

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Are there spelling errors, grammar errors, dead links or other problems that indicate lack of
maintenance or poor quality? No

Reasonableness The source is truthful and unbiased.

Determine the motivation of the site.

Does the author, host, publisher or sponsor have a bias? If yes, explain.


Identify the purpose of the website. The site may have more than one purpose.

The purpose of the page is to:

X Inform
X Provide Facts
X Give Data
X Educate
❑ Explain
❑ Entertain
❑ Sell
❑ Share/Disclose

X Other
To provide students and educators digital access to their resources

Support Has documented sources, facts/statistics, & quotes

Indicators of Quality

Are the sources listed? Yes/No Are they well-documented? Yes/No

Are there links to other sites? Yes/No Do they work? Yes/No

Is there a way to contact the author or organization? (email or address)

Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access
P.O. Box 37012, MRC 508
Washington, DC 20013-7012

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

CARS Website Evaluation Handouts
(Printable Versions)
Two Options Provided for Differentiation

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Evaluating a Digital Source

Credibility Created by a Knowledgeable Source

Look at the URL

What type of domain is it:

❑ .com
❑ .gov
❑ .org
❑ .edu

Check the Author

Is the author or organization listed? If so, list the information below:

Is the author (or organization) an authority on the subject? Explain.

Accuracy Information is current, complete, and correct.

Read through the site.

Does the site seem to provide accurate information? Yes/No

What is the site’s copyright or last update?

Is this recent enough or could the info be outdated? Explain.

Are there spelling errors, grammar errors, dead links or other problems that indicate lack of
maintenance or poor quality?

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Reasonableness The source is truthful and unbiased.

Determine the motivation of the site.

Does the author, host, publisher or sponsor have a bias? If yes, explain.

Identify the purpose of the website. The site may have more than one purpose.

The purpose of the page is to:

❑ Inform
❑ Provide Facts
❑ Give Data
❑ Educate
❑ Explain
❑ Entertain
❑ Sell
❑ Share/Disclose
❑ Other

Support Has documented sources, facts/statistics, & quotes

Indicators of Quality

Are the sources listed? Yes/No Are they well-documented? Yes/No

Are there links to other sites? Yes/No Do they work? Yes/No

Is there a way to contact the author or organization? (email or address)

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Websites: Can You Spot the Fake?

Name of Site Real or Hoax Two Reasons Why: CARS criteria

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Websites: Can You Spot the Fake?
Group 1: Teacher Answer Key

Name of Site Real or Two Reasons Why:

CARS criteria

Encyclopedia Real Accuracy

Images and description appear accurate
(Group 1
Sites) Support
Feedback form and contact info

Tree Octopus Hoax Reasonableness and Accuracy

(Group 1
Sites) (Hoax – Looks credible, but info is not reasonable and

Birds Aren't Hoax/ Reasonableness

Real Satire Information does not seem believable or align with basic
knowledge of birds.
(Group 1
Sites) Credibility/Support
“Bird poop was originally thought to be oil discharge from earlier
bird drone models. After further research though, this was
disproven. Bird poop irregularly falls on vehicles in large amounts.
Recent studies show that 87% of Bird Poop in populated areas falls
on people’s cars. Why is this? Confidential documents leaked in
2018 revealing that “Bird Poop” is actually a form of liquidated
tracking apparatus. If you walk outside and notice some bird poop
just “happened” to fall on your car, be aware that you are now being
tracked by the United States Government. It is recommended you
clean your car exterior regularly to avoid this.”

Site references alleged studies but does not provide documentation

or a list of sources to support its claims.

*This site was created as a satire by Generation Z as a

response to current circulating “conspiracy theories.”

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Christmas in Real Credible
Mexico Information seems accurate and believable. The site
does appear primitive, but it does not include any
information that seems incredible.
(Group 1
The page has an About Us section that gives validity to
the site creators. There are also contact links.

Dog Island Hoax Reasonableness

(Group 1 Info does not seem believable.
The site looks professional, but the content does not
appear real or truthful.

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Websites: Can You Spot the Fake?
Group 2: Teacher Answer Key

Name of Site Real or CARS criteria

Library of Real Credibility
Well-known government organization that provides access
American History to authentic primary source documents
(Group 2 Sites)
Information appears accurate based on knowledge of US

Ninja Burgers Site Hoax Credibility

(Group 2 Sites) Information on site admits it is not truthful. “One of the

previous three sentences is true.”
Makes unreasonable claims.
In the About Us section, it states -
“We would be happy to tell you more about the company,
but since we're ninja, we would then have to kill you.”

Christopher Real Credibility

Britannica is a well-known reference source.
(Group 2 Sites) Support
The sponsoring organization is listed.

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Funky Shoes Hoax Credibility

(Group 2 Sites) Does not seem reasonable or believable that someone

would buy “funky shoes”
Site makes other improbable claims - such as having a
psychic provide a “reading” of the shoes:


We have recently aquired the services of nationally

acclaimed psychic, Madame Fontlouvre, to do readings of
our special shoes. Look for shoes marked with the
PSYCHIC tag. These shoes will include an official
document stating where these shoes have been and how
they felt about their life.

Hoax Credibility
The Republic of The website's admittance that this alleged sovereign nation
Cascadia isn't recognized by other world governments indicates that
the information lacks credibility.
(Group 2 Sites)
“The Republic of Cascadia is not yet officially recognized
by Canada, the United States of America, or the United
Nations. Not that it is any of their business.”
The site references the "former" states of Washington and
Oregon (which are current states in the United States of

Amazon Credibility
Interactive Supported with a research report that includes realistic
Real images from the site’s creator
(Group 2 Sites) Contains supplementary link to a bibliography of resources
Information is factual and truthful.

Copyright © 2017, Teen Tech University

Resource: Evaluating Digital Sources: Trash or Treasure

The purchase of this product created and copyrighted by Teen Tech

University includes a limited license for your classroom and personal use.
Please do not upload these resources to the Internet.

You may want to consider purchasing additional licenses (at a reduced

rate) for departmental sharing and content area alignment with
additional teachers at your school.

Any resource in this purchase should not be adapted or modified for

commercial use.

If you have any questions pertaining to this limited license or any

questions about this resource, please contact Stacy Elizabeth Holcombe

Thank you for purchasing this resource from Teen Tech University!


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Stacy E. Holcombe from Teen Tech University

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