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Communication Studies SBA

Theme: Legal education in Jamaica

Group Members: Naje Campbell (1001280455), Josiah James (1001281133)

Centre: Wolmer’s Boys School

Centre Number: 100128

Territory: Jamaica

Teacher: Mrs V.Morgan Lewis

Topic: How the lack of legal education affects the disenfranchised people of Jamaica

Subject: Communication Studies

Year: 2024
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2

General Introduction 3

Preface 4

Reflective Piece 5

Language Analysis 7

Appendix 9

Bibliography 11
General Introduction
The exploration of legal education serves as the central theme of this IA, reflecting my
commitment to understanding and addressing the challenges faced by disenfranchised
individuals in Jamaica. Through a reflective piece, an expository essay, and other
components, I delve into the profound impact that the lack of legal education has on
marginalized communities. Academically, my interest in legal education aligns with my
chosen subjects, particularly in law and sociology. In studying these disciplines, I have
gained insights into the complexities of Jamaica's legal system and the societal factors that
contribute to inequality and injustice. This IA allows me to further explore these issues and
deepen my understanding of their implications. Professionally, my engagement with the
theme of legal education reflects my career goal of becoming a lawyer. Aspiring to work in
law, I recognize the importance of addressing systemic barriers to legal education that
perpetuate inequality and disenfranchisement. On a personal level, this theme resonates
deeply with my values and experiences. Growing up in Jamaica, I have witnessed first hand
the disparities in access to legal resources and the profound impact this has on individuals'
lives. Through this IA, I seek to amplify the voices of the marginalized and contribute to
meaningful change in our society.
"A Brush with Injustice" recounts the poignant journey of Alisha, a young woman whose life
takes an unexpected turn during a routine visit to a local shop in downtown Kingston. As
Alisha navigates fear, confusion, being subjected to an unlawful and embarrassing body
search leading her to educate erself on her rights as a person, eventually leading to justice
being served. The genre was chosen to provide a platform for introspection and dialogue
surrounding issues of injustice and resilience. By sharing Alisha's narrative we aim to evoke
empathy, understanding, and inspire positive action among readers. This reflective piece is
intended for a diverse audience, including individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It is
particularly relevant for those interested in exploring themes of social justice, resilience, and
the power of personal narrative to effect change. "A Brush with Injustice" can be presented or
published in a variety of settings to reach its target audience. This includes community
gatherings, educational workshops, online platforms, and publications focused on social
justice and advocacy. By disseminating this reflective piece through diverse channels, we aim
to amplify its impact and foster meaningful dialogue and action towards a more just and
equitable society.

The clock on the downtown Kingston wall chimed ten, and the shops, restaurants, and
wholesale spots throbbed with activity, drawing people eager to take advantage of the day's

Alisha, a young woman full of dreams, walked the bustling streets, her mind fixed on an
interview she had been looking forward to, but destiny had other plans, concealed behind the
glimmer of a storefront she decided to take a quick look inside before heading to her

Stepping into the shop felt like entering a different world. Alisha's eyes scanned the shelves
filled with trinkets and curiosities, her eyes then snagged on a necklace, its diamonds
twinkling in the sunlight, calling out to her.

"Miss, how much fi dis?" Alisha asked, lifting the necklace with care, her heart fluttering
with anticipation.

The store clerk's reply sent a shiver down her spine: "$85,000."

Alisha's breath caught in her throat; the price far exceeded her pocket. With a heavy sigh, she
returned the necklace to its spot, resigned to admire from afar.

As Alisha browsed the store, seeking solace in simpler pleasures, a sudden blare pierced the
air. Panic gripped her as a security guard appeared, blocking her path with suspicion in his

"Miss, we need fi search yuh," he declared, his voice tinged with doubt. "Mi nuh tek notin,"
Alisha protested, her voice trembling with indignation as she was heckled. But her words fell
on deaf ears, Alisha's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the security guard approach
her, his eyes scanning her with a mix of suspicion and authority.

She felt a wave of panic wash over her, her mind racing to understand what could possibly be
happening. Had she accidentally pocketed something? Was this all just a big

As the security guard motioned for her to follow him to a back room, Alisha's thoughts
whirled with fear and confusion. She tried to explain that she hadn't taken anything, that she
was innocent, but the guard's expression remained stern and unmoved.

In the dimly lit back room, Alisha's bag was emptied onto a table and searched meticulously.
Her palms grew sweaty as she watched the guard sift through her belongings, finding nothing
incriminating. Then the guard instructed her to turn around as he performed

Alisha was left feeling violated and defeated as she made her way home that evening. The
weight of injustice hung heavy on her shoulders, casting a shadow over her usual spirited
demeanour. Her mother, a beacon of strength and wisdom, welcomed her with open arms,
sensing the turmoil that clouded her daughter's eyes.

"What happened, my dear?" her mother inquired gently, guiding Alisha to the warmth of their
living room.

Through tears and clenched fists, Alisha recounted the humiliating ordeal at the store. Her
mother listened intently, her brow furrowed with a mix of anger and concern. When Alisha
finished her tale, her mother held her close and whispered soothing words of comfort.

"That was not lawful, my child," her mother assured her, her voice steady and resolute. "No
one has the right to search you without just cause."

Determined to right the wrong that had been done to her daughter, Alisha's mother embarked
on a quest for justice. She spent days tirelessly researching the laws and regulations regarding
store searches, consulting with lawyers, and gathering evidence to support Alisha's case. With
unwavering determination, she prepared a meticulously crafted legal complaint against the
store for their unjust treatment of her daughter.

The day of the court hearing arrived, and Alisha sat by her mother's side, her heart pounding
with a mix of nerves and hope. As the case unfolded in the courtroom, Alisha watched in awe
as her mother presented a compelling argument, backed by irrefutable evidence and
unwavering confidence.

The judge listened attentively, weighing the facts presented before delivering a verdict that
sent ripples of justice through the room. The store was found guilty of unlawful search and
was ordered to issue a public apology to Alisha, along with compensatory damages for the
distress they had caused.

Alisha's eyes brimmed with tears of vindication as she heard the verdict. She looked at her
mother, her heart overflowing with gratitude for the unwavering support and fierce protection
she had received. And as they left the courtroom, Alisha felt a sense of empowerment
blossom within her, knowing that she had stood up for herself and for what was right.

From that day on, Alisha walked with a newfound strength, her spirit unbroken by the
injustice she had faced. She continued to chase her dreams with determination and resilience,
guided by the unwavering love and wisdom of her mother. And though the memory of that
fateful day lingered in her mind, it no longer held power over her.
Language Analysis
In "A Brush with Injustice," the language conventions of Dialectal Variations and
Communicative Behaviors are evident. The story unfolds in downtown Kingston, Jamaica,
providing ample opportunities for the exploration of dialectal variations within the Caribbean
speech community. Additionally, communicative behaviors are subtly portrayed through
vocalics, proxemics, artifacts, movement, and chronemics. In this piece, the dialectal
variations are evident through the use of Jamaican Creole, which adds depth and authenticity
to the characters' dialogue. For example, phrases like "Miss, how much fi dis?" and "Mi nuh
tek notin" reflect the speech patterns commonly heard in Jamaica. This use of dialectal
variation serves to immerse the reader in the cultural context of the story, providing a more
authentic portrayal of the characters and their experiences. It also adds a layer of realism, as it
accurately represents how individuals within the Caribbean speech community may
communicate on the Creole continuum. One notable communicative behavior in the narrative
is vocalics, which refers to the vocal cues and characteristics that convey meaning beyond
words alone. Throughout the piece, the reader can sense the characters' emotions and
intentions through their vocal tone and expression. For instance, the security guard's voice is
described as "tinged with doubt," while Alisha's voice trembles with indignation. These vocal
cues offer insight into the characters' internal states and add depth to their interactions. They
communicate subtle nuances of emotion that enhance the reader's understanding and empathy
towards the characters' experiences. Overall, the dialectal variations and communicative
behaviors identified in "A Brush with Injustice" serve to enrich the narrative and deepen the
reader's engagement with the story. Through the use of Jamaican Creole and vocal cues, the
piece effectively conveys the cultural context and emotional depth of the characters'
experiences. These language conventions contribute to the authenticity and impact of the
narrative, making it a compelling and immersive read.
The clock on the downtown Kingston wall chimed ten, and the shops, restaurants, and
wholesale spots throbbed with activity, drawing people eager to take advantage of the day's

Alisha, a young woman full of dreams, walked the bustling streets, her mind fixed on an
interview she had been looking forward to, but destiny had other plans, concealed behind the
glimmer of a storefront she decided to take a quick look inside before heading to her

Stepping into the shop felt like entering a different world. Alisha's eyes scanned the shelves
filled with trinkets and curiosities, her eyes then snagged on a necklace, its diamonds
twinkling in the sunlight, calling out to her.

"Miss, how much fi dis?" Alisha asked, lifting the necklace with care, her heart fluttering
with anticipation.

The store clerk's reply sent a shiver down her spine: "$85,000."

Alisha's breath caught in her throat; the price far exceeded her pocket. With a heavy sigh, she
returned the necklace to its spot, resigned to admire from afar.

As Alisha browsed the store, seeking solace in simpler pleasures, a sudden blare pierced the
air. Panic gripped her as a security guard appeared, blocking her path with suspicion in his

"Miss, we need fi search yuh," he declared, his voice tinged with doubt. "Mi nuh tek notin,"
Alisha protested, her voice trembling with indignation as she was heckled. But her words fell
on deaf ears, Alisha's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the security guard approach
her, his eyes scanning her with a mix of suspicion and authority.

She felt a wave of panic wash over her, her mind racing to understand what could possibly be
happening. Had she accidentally pocketed something? Was this all just a big

As the security guard motioned for her to follow him to a back room, Alisha's thoughts
whirled with fear and confusion. She tried to explain that she hadn't taken anything, that she
was innocent, but the guard's expression remained stern and unmoved.

In the dimly lit back room, Alisha's bag was emptied onto a table and searched meticulously.
Her palms grew sweaty as she watched the guard sift through her belongings, finding nothing
incriminating. Then the guard instructed her to turn around as he performed

Alisha was left feeling violated and defeated as she made her way home that evening. The
weight of injustice hung heavy on her shoulders, casting a shadow over her usual spirited
demeanour. Her mother, a beacon of strength and wisdom, welcomed her with open arms,
sensing the turmoil that clouded her daughter's eyes.
"What happened, my dear?" her mother inquired gently, guiding Alisha to the warmth of their
living room.

Through tears and clenched fists, Alisha recounted the humiliating ordeal at the store. Her
mother listened intently, her brow furrowed with a mix of anger and concern. When Alisha
finished her tale, her mother held her close and whispered soothing words of comfort.

"That was not lawful, my child," her mother assured her, her voice steady and resolute. "No
one has the right to search you without just cause."

Determined to right the wrong that had been done to her daughter, Alisha's mother embarked
on a quest for justice. She spent days tirelessly researching the laws and regulations regarding
store searches, consulting with lawyers, and gathering evidence to support Alisha's case. With
unwavering determination, she prepared a meticulously crafted legal complaint against the
store for their unjust treatment of her daughter.

The day of the court hearing arrived, and Alisha sat by her mother's side, her heart pounding
with a mix of nerves and hope. As the case unfolded in the courtroom, Alisha watched in awe
as her mother presented a compelling argument, backed by irrefutable evidence and
unwavering confidence.

The judge listened attentively, weighing the facts presented before delivering a verdict that
sent ripples of justice through the room. The store was found guilty of unlawful search and
was ordered to issue a public apology to Alisha, along with compensatory damages for the
distress they had caused.

Alisha's eyes brimmed with tears of vindication as she heard the verdict. She looked at her
mother, her heart overflowing with gratitude for the unwavering support and fierce protection
she had received. And as they left the courtroom, Alisha felt a sense of empowerment
blossom within her, knowing that she had stood up for herself and for what was right.

From that day on, Alisha walked with a newfound strength, her spirit unbroken by the
injustice she had faced. She continued to chase her dreams with determination and resilience,
guided by the unwavering love and wisdom of her mother. And though the memory of that
fateful day lingered in her mind, it no longer held power over her.
Keys To Analysis
Dialectal Variation = Green
Non-Verbal communicative Behaviours = Blue
Police abusing rights of poor, vulnerable - chuck. News | Jamaica Gleaner. (2011, September

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