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*arrange your chair proper pick up the

trash under your chairs.
*who are the absentees for today?

The teacher will clap, the student will

immitate the clap.
The teacher will do the action for the 4
house rules:

Looking Eyes
Listening Ears
Quiet Mouth
Body Still

A. We discussed the effects of typhoon

as a review, Let's have an ACTION
TIME game!

Here's what you need to do:

If the statement is an effect of a
typhoon, all you have to do is the 'rain'
action like this: [Teacher will
demonstrate rain action].

But if the statement is NOT an effect of

a typhoon, all you have to do is an 'X'
action like this:
[Demonstrate X action]."

Remember action only, there's no need

for you to make a noise. Are we clear?

Yes Ma'am!

Let's begin!

1. The farmer's crop are destroyed.

2. People visit mall for shopping.
3. People's daily activities like going to
school, work or playing an outdoor
game are disrupted.

The students will act.

B. What's this?
-emergency survival kit
You are correct!
On your notebook: write down as many
important things you think you need
to.include in your emergency kit bag.
You only have MINUTE TO WIN
IT! Your timer starts now!

Okay, what important things you wrote

Flashlight, Ma'am.
Great! That is correct!
How about you, Christian?
Alcohol and medicine
Good Job!
How about you Liliana?
ID, Ma'am!
How about you Pat?
Foods, Ma'am!
Yes. That is also essential.
Last volunteer, who wants to answer?
-Yes, Ryza?
-Water, Good Job!

Flashlight, alcohol and medicine, ID,

foods and water are some of the
important or essential things we need to
survive in times of typhoon that is one
of the weather disturbances we tackled
last time.

{And these things belong to what part of


Noun, Ma'am!
Very Good!
Are these common noun or proper

Exactly! These are common nouns and

common nouns are often written in
small letters well, except when they are
place at the beginning of the sentence.

Now, I challenge you to choose one

word and express why you chose it.
Yes, Alyssa?

I chose flashlight Ma'am because I'm

afraid of the dark.
We're the same! Very good sentence.}

Should I include include the yellow

and or red highlighted lines or just
the yellow or just the red one?
(Just worried about the time and I
integrated values: resilience and ICT
using laptop already)

Today, we are going to elaborate the

essential things in preparing
individual emergency kit.
C. I prepared a short video from
knowledge channel. Again, what are the
standards for viewing?

(Filipino po ang language ng vid.

Lagyan ko na lang ng subtittle na
English, okay lang po kaya?)

The students will elaborate.

1. What did you observe from the

2. What are the essential things
mentioned in the video in preparing
individual emergency kit.
3. Why do you think emergency survival
kit is important?

You all did a good job

Please give yourselves Good Job clap!

G, double O, D J-O-B! Good job, good

D. Dear students, we will be engaging

in an interactive activity to enhance
your understanding and retention of the
topic. Get ready to play "CLICK
ME!" Here's how it works:
1. I will provide each group with a large
emergency kit bag on the board (made
of tarpapel). However, some of the
items are missing. We can complete
the kit by earning incentives through
our game and activities. But remember,
if a group does not meet the standards,
we will remove items from their bag.
The group with the most number of
items at the end will be the winner and
receive a grand prize.

2. Each group will select one

representative. If the representative
answers a question correctly, an item
will be added to their group's
emergency kit bag. If the answer is
incorrect, the next contender will have a
chance to answer and win the item
shown in the picture.
Is that clear? Are there any questions?
If none, let's
Now, let's move on to the differentiated
activities for each group:
1. Role-playing group:
- Practice and dramatize the
importance of a survival kit during times
the typhoon.
- Characters can be as follows: mother,
father, neighbors, narrators, rescuers,
and siblings.

2. Artist group:
- Half of your groupmates should draw
the essential items in the emergency

- The other half should color the

drawings and brainstorm to create a
slogan or tagline related to increasing
preparedness for weather disturbances.
3. Singer group:
- Compose a simple song about the
emergency kit and resilience.

-put a label on all the essential things

in your emergency kit.

You have 10 minutes to complete your

group tasks. The sooner you finish, the
better. Once done, clap your hands and
return to your respective seats. Please
minimize noise during this activity, your
emergency items are at risk. Please go
to your designated place.

F. Put a check if the item should be put

in the emergency kit and X if not.

_____1. Canned foods.

_____2. Make ups
_____3. Whistle
_____4. Batteries
_____5. Powerbank

H. On your notebook please write have

you learned today? You only have 2
minutes to answer.

Okay, Van, can you share to class what

have you learned today?

-I learned about the importance of an

emergency kit and essential things that
should be included in my survival kit.

- Please elaborate the things that

should be inside our emergency kit.
I. Formative Test

1. It contains medicine for headache,

wounds and so on.

A. First aid kit b. Basket C. Flashlight

2-5 Please enumerate at least 3 items

that should be included in Emergency
survival kit when there's a typhoon.

Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

J. Assignment:

On your notebook please fill in the

blanks with your own thoughts.

I learned about the importance of

emergency survival kit and I was able
to elaborate the things that should be
inside it. Therefore, I am going to
________________________ and
place it_________________.

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