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Learning Environment
2.1.1. Demonstrate knowledge of policies, guidelines and
procedures that provide safe and secure learning

Several policies are

being implemented in
the school to protect
the learners and the
practice teachers are
somehow intends to
enforce these rules
and regulations for
2.2.1. Demonstrate understanding of learning environments
that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage
The teacher reinforce
classroom rules that
is easy to understand
by students. These
are always being
presented prior the
class discussion.
(They must bring
their invisible ROSE)
1.3.1. Demonstrate knowledge of managing classroom structure that engages
learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and
hands-on activities within the available physical learning environments.

In managing classroom
structure, the teacher
encourages group
discussions and hands-on
activities. Students share
ideas and present findings
collaboratively, fostering
active participation and
deeper understanding in
the available physical
learning environments.
2.4.1. Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning
environments that nurture and inspire learner participation.

In fostering supportive
learning environments, the
teacher encourages active
participation by prompting all
students, including those who
haven't spoken yet, to
contribute to discussions. This
inclusive approach ensures
that every learner feels valued
and inspired to engage in the
learning process.
2.5.1. Demonstrate knowledge of learning environments that motivate
learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their
own learning.

In motivating learning
environments, the teacher
prompts students to take
charge of their learning. This
includes reviewing material for
recitation and brainstorming
for their own tasks.
Encouraging this responsibility
fosters productive work habits
and ownership of learning.
2.6.1. Demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent
discipline in the management of learner behavior.

In implementing positive
and non-violent discipline
strategies, the teacher
consistently addresses
learners' concerns and
responds promptly to
them. This proactive
approach helps to
maintain a respectful and
supportive classroom
environment while
effectively managing
learner behavior.

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