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Week 01

Question 1
Part of Components computer-based information systems, except…
a. Operating system (OS)
b. Hardware
c. Network
d. Database
e. People

Question 2
The meaning of information is…
a. Elementary description of things, events and activities that are
classified and stored, but are not organized to convey any specific
b. Data organized and processed to convey understanding, experience and
learning to solve current problem
c. Data arranged in such way to have meaning and value to the recipient
d. Collection of related files or tables containing data
e. A program or collection of programs that enable hardware to process

Question 3
Set of instructions about how to combine components to process
information and generate the desired output is...
a. Cloud
b. Network
c. Data Item
d. Software
e. Procedures

Question 4
Economically process data into information or knowledge is…
a. Components of computer-based information systems
b. Types of Information Systems
c. The purpose of Enterprise Resource Planning
d. Primary Goals of Information System
e. The Purpose Business Process Model

Question 5
Below that is part of the Electronic Commerce System is…
a. System for Processing payroll
b. Transaction processing system (TPS)
c. Business-to-Business (B2B)
d. Business Process Model
e. Business analysts
Week 02

Question 1
The right to be left alone and to be free of unreasonable personal
intrusions is called
a. Privacy
b. Electronic Surveillance
c. Hacking
d. Private
e. Ethical

Question 2
Ethical hacker is also known as
a. Firewalls
b. Piracy
c. Black hat
d. Grey hat
e. White hat

Question 3
System that enforces access-control policy between two networks is
a. Firewalls
b. Worms
c. VPN
d. Encryption
e. Piracy

Question 4
Choose the correct pair among the following
a. Trojan horses: Software programs that hide in other computer programs
and reveal their designed behavior only when they are not activated.
b. Logic bombs: Destructive programs that replicate themselves without
requiring another program to provide a safe environment for replication
c. Logic bombs: Destructive programs that replicate themselves without
requiring another program to provide a safe environment for replication
d. Denial-of-service: An attacker sends so many information requests to
a target system that the target cannot handle them successfully and can
crash the entire system.
e. Viruses: Typically a password, known only to the attacker, that
allows access to the system without having to go through any security

Question 5
Cookies is a small amount of information that web sites store on your
computer, temporarily or more-or-less permanently
Week 03

Question 1
The use of the internet and e-commerce to deliver information and public
services to citizens, business partners, and suppliers is part of the?
a. Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
b. Business to Business (B2B)
c. Business to Consumer (B2C)
d. E-Government

Question 2
An effective digital media that can be used as a product promotion
a. Facebook
b. Website
c. Instagram
d. Website, Instagram, Facebook

Question 3
E-commerce can only accept Credit Card payment
Question 4
Which is not a supporting factor for m-commerce
a. Widespread unavailablilty and popularity of wireless devices such as
b. Bandwidth improvements that increase speed of data transmission
c. The convenience of instant connectivity from any location
d. The declining cost of wireless technology

Question 5
One person selling a product or service to another individual is the
a. Business to Consumer (B2C)
b. Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
c. E-Government
d. Business to Business (B2B)
Week 04

Question 1
Which is a partial e-commerce…
a. E-Auction
b. Brick and Mortar
c. Mortar and virtual
d. Virtual Organization
e. E-business

Question 2
Market mechanism in which sellers offer prices and buyers bid
incrementally, which prices are determined dynamically based on bids is…

Select one:
a. Electronic Catalogs
b. Electronic Bartering
c. Electronic Selling
d. Electronic Auction
e. Electronic Money

Question 3
Which is a true statement about E-brokerage?
Select one:
a. Allow you to access a company database
b. Allow you to built your business
c. Allow you to purchase airline tickets,
reserve hotel rooms, and rent cars
d. Allows you to buy and sell stocks and obtain investment information
e. Allow you to view properties on the screen

Question 4
Which are e-commerce Benefits …
Lowering costs of processing, distributing, and retrieving information
b. Access a vast number of products and services around the clock –
c. Reduced operating costs
d. Makes national and international markets more accessible

Question 5
Which is an example of an RFID implementation…
a. GEO
b. Wireless Charging
c. Stock Market
d. Mouse
e. Credit Card
Week 06

Question 1
Below is part of primary activities in SCM, except?
a. Operations
b. Business Process
c. Marketing
d. Services

Question 2
Inbound logistics include activities such
a. Investigates what customer need and determines the products and
services to meet their need
b. Create a product or services and make it available to the marketplace
c. Warehousing and distribution of finished goods
d. A raw material procurement and warehousing

Question 3
Organizations use various ……... to create business
a. Products, processes and structure
b. Resources, processes and structure
c. Products, planning and services
d. Resources, planning and processes

Question 4
The main thing in a business process is
a. Inventory management
b. SCM
c. Quality management
d. Input-process and output

Question 5
What is ERP stand for?
a. Efficient Resource Planning
b. Easy Resource Planning
c. Enterprise Resource Planning
d. Expedient Resource Planning

Question 6
What can integrate departments and functions throughout the organization
a. ERP
b. Business Process
c. CRM
d. SCM

Question 7
Human resources is responsible for what?
a. Integrates supply and demand management within and cross companies
b. Recruiting, hiring, training and compensation
Week 06

c. Supports marketing research and decision making

d. Controlling costs and product flows

Question 8
ERP as a business controller in the company as below, except
a. Quality Management
b. Building Management
c. Inventory Management
d. HR

Question 9
Functional information systems focus on departemental activities to
improve efficiency and effevtiveness
a. True
b. False

Question 10
Accounting IS = Provides financial information to an organization’s
financial managers
Week 07

Question 1
Dimana tempat pembuatan STNK baru…
a. Kantor Pelayanan Pajak
b. Satlantas
06 Polres/Polresta/Polrestabes
c. Polsek
d. Kantor Samsat
e. Jasa Raharja

Question 2
Yang tidak termasuk tahap dalam pembuatan SIM baru adalah…
a. Tes Ujian Teori
b. Tes Ujian Praktek
c. Tes di Jalan Raya
d. Tes Kesehatan
e. Tes Psikologi

Question 3
Apabila terjadi kecelakaan, diperlukan berbagai macam dokumen seperti
Question 4
Dimana tempat untuk mengurus SIM baru…
a. Satlantas Polres/Polresta/Polrestabes
b. Kantor Samsat
c. Satlantas Polda
d. Satlantas Polsek
e. Mabes Porli

Question 5
Hal yang pertama dilakukan ketika seseorang kehilangan STNK adalah
mengurus surat tanda laporan kehilangan di kantor polisi
Question 6
Perhatikan dokumen dibawah ini:
Dokumen yang diperlukan dalam membuat permohonan plat cantik adalah…
a. Bukti Pembelian Kendaraan
b. SIM
c. KTP

Question 7
Week 08

Dokumen yang diperlukan untuk mengurus SIM yang hilang adalah…

a. Fotokopi KTP
b. Surat Keterangan Sehat
c. Fotokopi STNK
d. Surat Keterangan Hilang
e. Fotokopi BPKB Kendaraan

Question 8
Surat Izin Mengemudi yang diperuntukan untuk kendaraan bermotor khusus
bagi pengemudi disabilitas/berkebutuhan khusus adalah…
a. Sim A
b. SIM D
c. SIM C
d. SIM B3
e. SIM B1

Question 9
Pengurusan plat cantik dapat dilakukan secara online dan di Direktorat
Polda Metro Jaya
Question 10
Yang termasuk tahapan dalam mengurus STNK hilang adalah…
a. Menyiapkan Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan
b. Datang ke Satlantas
c. Melakukan Pengambilan sidik jari dan tanda tangan
d. Cek Fisik Kendaraan
e. Membuat Laporan Kehilangan di Polda

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