Paige Kitching Ilp Semester4 2024

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project

Revised January 2024
The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells
after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of
all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Paige Kitching pkitching@thepegasussch Language Arts 1
Mentor Email School/District Date
Jennifer Green The Pegasus School 3/5/24
Section 2: CSTP Focus
Identify 2-3 CSTP elements in which you are at least at the applying level for ILP focus. Use the most recent CSTP Assessment.
Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, Innovating

Rating Description
CSTP Element Initial

critical thinking T–
through inquiry, Integrating T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently developing
1.5 questions, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
problem S–
solving, and Applying S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and begin to pose
reflection and solve problems of their own related to the content
Connecting T-​​Integrates broad knowledge of students and their communities to inform instruction.
learning to
students’ prior T-Integratin
S-Students make connections between curriculum, and their prior knowledge, backgrounds,
1.2 knowledge, g
life experiences, and interests.
backgrounds, S-Applying
life experiences,
and interests
Using a variety
of instructional T-Creates, adapts, and integrates a broad range of strategies, resources, and technologies into
strategies, T-Integratin instruction designed to meet students’ diverse learning needs.
resources, and g
technologies to S-Integratin S-Students actively engage in instruction and make use of a variety of targeted strategies,
meet students’ g resources, and technologies to meet their individual student’s needs.
learning needs
physical or T-Maintains physical environments that reflect student diversity and provides a broad range of
virtual learning resources, displays, and artifacts that are current and integral to instruction.
environments S-Students routinely use a range of resources in learning environments that relate to and
2.2 that promote enhance instruction and reflect their diversity.
student Students share in monitoring and assessment of interactions to improve effectiveness and
learning, develop a positive culture for learning.
diversity, and
and productive

Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning

Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
What support can teachers
I will help teach other teachers
give students with reading
Supporting students with learning disabilities strategies to support students with
disabilities in the classroom?
reading disabilities
How Project Fits into
Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
At my school, we have not had
specific training on supporting
students with learning
Lower School Teachers PreK-5 plus disabilities (like dyslexia), so A google survey will be given at
administration this will be a great way to the end of the presentation
support teachers on ideas and
ways they can help their
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your project.
Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated

Domain 3: Promotes Professional Learning for

Continuous Improvement My special emphasis will be incorporated through my observations of
Prentice and teaching my colleagues about my experience and research. I
Domain 4: Facilitates Improvements in Instruction will teach what I have learned and how it can benefit students with dyslexia
and Student Learning in the classroom.

Inquiry Implementation Plan

Analyze Discuss Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Results with Mentor
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
Visit Prentice School with
Identify name and date our reading specialist to Create Present Analyze data
for activities. Discuss data
observe support given to slideshow Presentation to our from
from google form
students with learning Presentation lower school faculty presentation
3/21 3/25-3/29 4/1 4/2-4/4 4/5
Provide 1-2 sentence I am going to visit a school which specializes in support for students with disabilities. I am going to
summary of your share my experience with my colleagues and give ideas of ways we can support our students in our own
teacher leader project. classrooms.
Summarize process for
A survey will be given at the end to all audience members. I want to know how teachers feel about
analyzing effectiveness
teaching students with dyslexia and if our school should provide future training on dyslexia.
of leadership role.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and
statement of what was learned.)

Knight, C. (2018). What is dyslexia? An

exploration of the relationship between
teachers' understandings of dyslexia and their
training experiences. Dyslexia, 24(3), 207-219.

Muin, J. A., Riyanto, R., & Wibowo, S. B. (2020). Teacher

competencies for dyslexia students. Universal Journal of Educational
What I learned: From the article, it was clear to Research, 8(3), 904-908
see that teachers do not all have the proper
training on teaching students with dyslexia, or
feel comfortable teaching students with What I learned: This article provides data which proves that teachers
dyslexia with the correct tools to help students need to have thorough training on supporting students with dyslexia
be successful. This article identifies that in order to support these students in the classroom. This study
teachers need to be able to observe behaviors examines teachers competencies in regards to teaching students
that could identify a student with dyslexia. It is with dyslexia. The findings of this study show that teachers who have
important for teachers to understand early attended trainings or workshops about supporting students with
signs for dyslexia and diagnose sooner. In this dyslexia were able to provide good instruction and support to
study, 72% of teachers said they did not have students with dyslexia.
proper training on dyslexia. This supports the
ideas I have in my project to teach teachers
more about dyslexia and advocate for further
trainings to support students with dyslexia.

Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
Associate head of school: (My mentor) Students
who are dyslexic and do not approach benchmarks
are likely to find other schools who best support
dyslexia. Many students who are dyslexic are
counseled out and sent to a program to better
Reading Specialist: She stated that more students are diagnosed with
support their needs. We provide a lot of
dyslexia and teachers do not have the proper training to address the
intervention and see through second grade, if they
specific support. She also stated that it is important to know the differences
are still not meeting benchmarks they will most
between the types of dyslexia because each type needs different
likely find other schools that have specific teachers
accommodations. She agrees that teachers need more training on dyslexia
and therapists to work individually. Students have
to support their students.
access to a better level of support at schools with
those specific resources.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Initial Revised Suggestions for Moving
CSTP Element Evidence/Rational for Rating
Rating Rating Forward
To move to INNOVATING level:
Consider how to increase
Teacher asked questions of analysis and complexity of task beyond a
thinking T– T–
evaluation. single lesson so that there are
through Applying Integrating
1.5 Students answered questions that continuing opportunities for
inquiry, S– S-
included all levels of Bloom’s. Students students to engage in inquiry
problem Exploring Integrating
created their own math problems. in complex problem. How
solving, and
could you extend lesson into
I examined my students’ report who was
diagnosed with dyslexia. After reading the
report, I met with our school psychologist to
Connecting determine how I can support this student in To move to innovating, I can
learning to the classroom. Then, we met with the provide opportunities for students
students’ family and came up with a plan to to articulate the relevance and
prior T-Integratin
T-Innovating support this student. We recommended impact of lessons on their lives
1.2 knowledge, g
S-Integrating books that the student is interested in and through reflections. Reflections
backgrounds, S-Applying
found the audio book. will provide a great opportunity
experiences, Students write realistic fiction stories. I have for students to share their
and interests the student read me the stories and I help personal experiences.
correct as she reads. This is an
accommodation given from the report and
written in our education plan.
Using a
variety of
instructional I have researched and worked with the
I will continue to research and
strategies, reading specialist to provide my students with
find new ways to support
resources, T-Integratin dyslexia the best learning support. I have
students' unique learning
and g T- Innovating implemented a variety of accommodations to
1.4 differences. Recommending PD
technologies S-Integratin S-Innovating support these students
opportunities for teachers to
to meet g Students have access to technology to
students’ learn more about teaching to a
support their learning such as “listen and
diverse diverse learning population
read” texts
physical or
s that
promote I provide one on one support to my students
I will provide more opportunities
student who need extra assistance on activities.
for students to have choices in
learning, T- Sometimes these students will be placed in a
their learning. I also want to
reflect Integrating T-Innovating small group that is beneficial to each of them.
2.2 provide options for project based
diversity, and S-Integratin S- Innovating Providing choice boards for the students to
encourage learning which will help students
g choose their own learning paths. Students
constructive show their strengths in multiple
have the option to write reports or verbally
and ways.
read their notes on Seesaw.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
Developed by Teacher Others/Department/School/District

Domain 3: Promotes Professional Learning for

Continuous Improvement
I improved my professional learning by researching
and learning more about dyslexia. I went on my first
school tour to The Prentice School which is a school
I created a powerpoint which
designed to support students with specific learning
shared about signs of dyslexia
disabilities. During my visit, I got to see first hand
and about my visit to Prentice. I
what small class sizes and instruction designed to My presentation was given to lower
was able to send out a survey to
help students with dyslexia was like. I took notes and school teachers (PreK -5th grade
lower school teachers to see if
brought back ideas to share with colleagues what we teachers), and administration. The
anyone was able to learn more
can do in our own school. Even though we are not a results of my survey were given to my
about dyslexia through
school that has as many resources to support mentor who is also the Associate
professional development
students with learning disabilities, it was powerful to Head of School. She recognized that
opportunities. The results of my
share what I learned at Pegasus. there is a need for more training
survey showed that teachers
around dyslexia.
need more training about
Domain 4: Facilitates Improvements in Instruction
dyslexia and other learning
and Student Learning disabilities.
To improve instruction and student learning around
dyslexia, I shared a presentation with my colleagues.
This was the first presentation I made to fellow

Mentor Feedback
The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
Presentation was effective and “digestible” i.e. a great introduction to
Effectiveness of resources designed by the
dyslexia and different models of teaching and intervention to best support
Candidate, including presentation, notes, handouts,
dyslexia. A handout for teachers to take with them could have supported
and other resources.
the presentation.
The presentation was highly effective in supporting teacher understanding
of dyslexia and the survey results identified that teachers have a strong
desire to learn more about dyslexia and how to best support students
Effectiveness of Overall Project
through their instructional practice. These results were helpful for the
candidate to advocate for more professional development with the school

The project was highly valuable and relatable to the lower school faculty at
Value of project for audience.
our school.

It takes great courage to stand among peers and lead. I appreciate the
candidate’s willingness and desire to research the subject matter, enhance
Overall feedback.
her own ability to support students and parents in her own classroom, and
share her research, information, and strategies with her colleagues.
Action Items (some may not be applicable)
It is important to be mindful of curriculum implementation and assessment planning when thinking of
For curriculum design, students with learning disabilities. Understanding appropriate accommodations and making the
lesson planning, necessary changes is crucial. It is important to be flexible to make sure all learning needs are met by
assessment planning each student. For example, my student with dyslexia is given trick words and focus words beforehand for
our unit assessments. This helps the student practice at home before the assessment.
Any skills acquired from dyslexia trainings will benefit students in the classroom. One support already in
place is practicing phonemic awareness everyday. I found out that our phonemic awareness program is
For classroom practice
designed to help students with dyslexia but are used for all students. I will continue to learn new
strategies to help support students with dyslexia.
For teaching English
learners, students with For teaching students with special needs, it is important for my school to act on supporting teachers
special needs, and with dyslexia trainings or PD opportunities. Results showed a need and desire for more education and
students with other support for teachers and students.
instructional challenges
Future professional development can include: Dyslexia workshops, training around supporting students
For future professional
with dyslexia, understanding early signs of dyslexia, Orton Gillingham training, other learning
disabilities training.
For supporting I would love to attend training or professional development around dyslexia and then present to my
others/department/ colleagues what I have learned. I also think having faculty in service days with a portion dedicated to
school/district teacher training on dyslexia would be helpful.
Other Notes and Comments

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