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Diversity of Learners
3.1.1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
differentiated teaching to suit the learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and experiences.
In differentiated teaching,
the teacher respects
learners' preferred names
and pronouns and
integrates gender-
sensitive examples into
lessons to cater to diverse
needs, strengths,
interests, and
experiences, fostering
inclusivity and support in
the classroom.
3.2.1. Implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the
learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious
The teacher implements
teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners'
linguistic, cultural, socio-
economic, and religious
backgrounds, including
respecting the beliefs of
atheists and agnostics in class.
Adapting content and
instructional methods to
accommodate diverse needs
ensures inclusivity and
relevance for all students.
3.3.1. Use strategies responsive to learners with disabilities,
giftedness and talents.

The teacher endeavors to

employ strategies responsive
to learners with disabilities,
giftedness, and talents,
despite it not being their forte.
They strive to accommodate
diverse needs by exploring
various approaches and
seeking resources, ensuring
inclusivity and support for all
3.4.1. Demonstrate understanding of the special educational needs of
learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation;
chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban
resettlement or disasters; child abuse and child labor practices.

The teacher, though not having encountered learners in difficult

circumstances like geographic isolation or displacement due to
armed conflict, child abuse, or child labor practices, is prepared
to understand their special educational needs. They remain
committed to staying informed about these challenges and
providing appropriate support and resources if faced with such
3.5.1. Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are
inclusive of learners from indigenous groups.

In their teaching approach, the

teacher embeds strategies that
are inclusive of learners from
indigenous groups, incorporating
these elements into discussions
and group presentations. By
integrating indigenous
perspectives and experiences,
they create a more
comprehensive and respectful
learning environment that values
diverse cultural backgrounds.

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