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A wise man once told me to never put too much trust in friends but instead I should learn how to use
my enemies. But the question is, How the hell can I do that if I don’t have any enemies?

I gotta say, having a smart ass relative really pays off sometimes but most of the times, it’s annoying
to have that kind of person around you. I never blame him anyway because he really got an obsession
in one book, titled ‘The 48 Laws of Power’. And back then, every time I walked beside him all I could
hear is Robert Greene’s references like he was some kind of a greatest writer of all time.

I mean, he is one of the greatest writers but Robert Greene is just an American author who is best
known for his books on strategy, power, and seduction, ‘The 48 Laws of Power,’ ‘The Art of Seduction,’
and ‘Mastery’, born on May 14th, 1959 in Los Angeles, California. I’ve read his books before and all
he talks about is the science of human behaviour and psychology and to be frank, that doesn’t make
him one of the greatest writers of all time at the level of literature writings.

I mean, sure he attended the University of California, Berkeley where he studied history before
dropping out to pursue a career in writing but still, I didn’t get why my grandpa was so obsessed
about this guy.

But then I gotta say, this Robert Greene guy is a guy with a great mind. I bet he is famous in most
continents like Asia because I’ve came across most anime, manga and novels from Japan with
psychological concepts that use one of his greatest pieces, ‘The 48 Laws of Power’. I made a couple
research on that book and did some digging, and it actually shows that a lot of people in this world
are really thirsty with power. I mean, it’s all in the laws of nature, I guess. Being strong will make you
survive and that includes being powerful over others. One may even call it #TheSurvivalOfTheFittest

I mean, who would have thought that one sincere and honest move can cover over dozens of
dishonest moves? I know who, Robert Greene. I suck at bringing references when it comes to reciting
someone’s work.

Sometimes when I go through the stories of guys like Greene, I start thinking about things like
becoming a school dropout to pursue my dreams and things like that.

But yea, I know what people may think and I’m not stupid enough yet to go after my African mum
and be like, “Hey mum, I’m quitting school” because right now I don’t have the guts, more especially
whenever I think about my social life. My social life sucks, big time. Really. I try to do something
about it but I’m just a lazy guy with weird behaviours. Might as well conclude that I’m too weak to
take an action at the moment.

My life sucks and sometimes I wish I was never born at all. Bared that kinda mindset for a long time

If only killing myself would have been an option, I would have done it a long time ago. Because
honestly, I’m tired of literally everything to do with my life and the human nature.

Two words, “PEOPLE STINK”. Although part of me always sees the good in people but still, I’m sick
and tired of this undeniable aspect.

Tell you what tho? I might be stupid, but I’m not stupid enough to kill myself. And I don’t know if any
of you ever trusted me before and if you did, I’m really sorry for letting you down because I’ve learned
one traumatizing thing about myself and I’ve also learned that I am the one guy that can never be

And you can trust me on that, LOL



Oh no, here comes the man of the hour.

I really hate myself so much I can’t even stand how annoying this guy is.

Epreen : Hey man….

Ignoring him wouldn’t be the best option right now because he came here for a conversation I’m
trying to avoid.

And he happens to be a guy who does not take a ‘NO’ for an answer. Man, why did I turn out to be
like this.

Me : *nods*

Shit, now there is an awkward silence. Breaking the silence might do the trick to avoid him getting
into the subject......

Epreen : You good?

Or maybe not

Me : *takes a deep breath* Yea. What’s up?

Epreen : You know why I’m here.......

Ah geez

Epreen : Wanna talk about it?

It’s weird how much of a good listener this guy is.........

Me : Ummh yea, I don’t think we can talk about it right now

Epreen : Oh okay

Me : *leaves the book on the table* If it’s about Christabel, then I’m totally fine.

Besides, every relationship has its own course

Epreen : Yea I know, I know. I was just trynna check on you. I mean, I’m sure you are

going to find someone better than Christabel

Uhuh the same old classic reference everybody uses “YOU DESERVE BETTER”, What a crap......

Me : Don’t get me wrong. Christabel was perfect for me, but girls like her don’t

deserve guys like me. She’s way better off without me.......



Epreen : Ooh boy, not this again. You dumped her because you thought she didn’t

deserve you?

Me : Well, I wouldn’t put it like that because we actually broke up

We never broke up; I actually dumped her.

Epreen : I just don’t get it. I thought you two were an item

Me : Yea. We were an item, weren’t we?

Epreen : I still don’t understand. You two were a happy couple, you made each other

laugh, you made each vulnerable sometimes. You really had a good thing

going on. But of course, who am I kidding anyway? I’m talking to a guy who

finds happiness and always find a way to ruin it

It was quite the opposite of what he just said, our relationship was completely off balance

Epreen : So, why did you dump her?

Me : The whole thing became boring, so I had to end it

Epreen : *chuckles* Wow

Yep, I knew he wouldn’t buy the story behind it. He probably wouldn’t get it either because the whole
story wouldn’t make any sense at all. But that’s how I am, I get bored over people easily

Girls like Christabel are so groovy and attractive, there was no way I would hit it off for a long time
with her on the account of the differences we had in our behaviours

It’s always true that the opposites attract and if I had the same energy she had on our relationship,
we would have last even our lifetime together. And he’s right, once I find happiness in my life I
eventuary find a way to ruin it

I’m paradoxical after all........

Epreen : When you were dumping her, how did she take it?

Me : Surprisingly, she took it alright. I’m sure she will get over me in no time

Epreen : Yea, I’m not surprised that you already got over her so quickly

Me : Yea, not really. For some reason I keep thinking about her

Epreen : Perhaps you just realized what you lost was a rare item and there will never

be someone who truly accepted and understood you for who you are

Me : Mhuu, I never thought of it that way



He’s right tho. I didn’t realize how much Christabel meant to me until I broke up with her

Probably why I can’t stop getting my mind off her. She brought out the best of me and part of me that
I never knew about

Epreen : And yet you still let her go like nothing ever happened

Me : What do you expect me to do, ask her to take me back?

Epreen : I mean, it’s never too late to swallow your pride you know?

Me : Dude, this has nothing to do with pride. And besides, things like relationships

eventuary end. Nothing lasts forever man, and you of all people should know

that too damn well

Epreen : Uhuh, and what are you exactly insinuating right now?

Me : I’m talking about your childhood dreams about your mysterious girlfriend

from Hokkaido?

Epreen : *stares at me*

Oh no........

Me : *sighs* I’m sorry man, I didn’t mean to bring it up like that on you

I completely forgot how sensitive this topic was to him. I guess losing someone like Tomiko is really
something frustrating to deal with

Epreen : It’s all good. Perhaps you were afraid of falling in love, that’s why you ended

it. And I totally get it, I get afraid of falling in love at some point

Me : It’s obvious that everyone is afraid of love, we all learn that in our early 20s

Epreen : Even so, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were not afraid........

Me : You know, it takes a very rare but yet a very powerful human being to be

terrified of finding happiness in true love

Epreen : Okay first of all, I don’t know where you are going with this. And lastly, that

is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard today. Are you sure you feeling alright?

Me : The only dumbest things that you will ever hear are the words coming from

you right now

Epreen : You do know that you and I are the same person, right?

Me : That’s the whole point, dumbass


Epreen : Touché

Me : Look, I hate to break it to you but the only reason why you’re not terrified is

because you’re not smart enough to realise that human beings will never find

real happiness in loving someone. There is a rule about love when it comes to

to happiness and the rule is, “Always bring happiness to the people you love”.

Just so you know, love is an illusion that is used by most people just to fill the

void that requires intimate relationships and sexual pressures. The smarter

you become, the more you realize that happiness is just a trap

Epreen : I don’t think I’m following you. You’re trying to say that people don’t find

happiness in true love, is that so?

Me : We all find happiness in true love. The thing is, at the very beginning of it

you feel like things will stay the same way for eternity but things change,

people change and once that happens, you know how it ends. You find

yourself a true love. Whether you like it or not, it’s still gonna end. The whole

perspective is Inevitable and hard to bargain in so many possible ways.

A lot of possibilities can be considered, whether by the slow pole of a disease,

or a shock of a lose footing on a hiking trail, even worse the corrosion of the

two personalities that reshape each other until they become incompatible.

Or maybe, just maybe a certain stranger out there said something that

was needed to be said to the person the night after a little disagreement

over something very stupid. You see, the point is that happiness always finds

it’s way to leave you in despair and sadness. Happiness always ends. Best

scenario, you end up dying the same time you find your true happiness




Damn, he became awfully quite for a guy who was making a conversation

Epreen : For how long have you been working on this speech??

Me : More than five months

Epreen : Rick and Morty??

Me : Yep

Epreen : Still going to ask Christabel to take you back, aren’t you??

Me : Yep

Epreen : I knew it!!!

And just like that he left......


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