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Using this project, we allocate projects to users. It is given to the person who bids the
project for the least number of days and also wants a very low amount to complete the same
with quality excellence ranks given by various companies.
Our system accelerates the time to market and provides business with key competitive
advantages. Get a code is changing business, now it's no longer about what you own or build
but which resources and talent you can access. With Get aodeyou reduce expenses, increase
efficiencies, aggressively grow your business, and create a sustainable competitive
advantage. Get a code makes outsourcing to any part of the world an easy task! With Get a
code simple to outsource any business project, gain access to global talent and manage
projects online.
One of the main advantages of Get a codes the low labor cost. Posting a project at Get a code
allows the right professional or company to find you and to bid for your work. We are
building a reputation for exceeding our customers' expectations and for becoming an
extremely cost effective way to outsource work. Use Get a code when you want to save
money, increase efficiency or accelerate the development of your project. With Get a code
you focus on growing your business and let others do the tedious work.

The proposed project aims to develop an online platform facilitating collaboration between
companies and freelancers within various industries. The platform will serve as a marketplace
where companies can post project registrations, and freelancers can bid on these projects
based on their expertise and availability. The project will involve three main actors: Admin,
Company, and Freelancer.
The Admin will have the authority to manage the platform by adding companies, overseeing
freelancer registrations, and maintaining system security by updating passwords.
Companies will be able to log in to the platform, post project registrations detailing the scope
of work and requirements. They can review bids from freelancers, select suitable candidates,
and engage in communication regarding project details. Upon completion of the project,
companies can provide reviews and ratings for freelancers, confirming the completion of
Freelancers will register on the platform, receive notifications for new project registrations,
and bid on projects based on their skills and availability. They will update their daily tasks,
provide estimated costs and project durations for bidding, and engage in communication with
companies to discuss project requirements. Freelancers will have access to reviews and
ratings from companies, enabling them to enhance their profiles and credibility on the
This platform will streamline the process of project collaboration between companies and
freelancers, promoting efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the freelance
The objective of the "Freelancer Project Collaboration Platform" is to create an online
marketplace that connects companies with freelancers, facilitating efficient project
collaboration. The platform aims to streamline the process of project management and
freelancer sourcing by providing a user-friendly interface for posting projects, bidding on
projects, and managing project communication.

 Facilitate collaboration between companies and freelancers.

 Streamline the project management process for companies.
 Provide freelancers with opportunities to showcase their skills and bid on projects.
 Enhance transparency and communication between companies and freelancers.
 Improve the efficiency of project completion through effective task management and

 User registration functionality for companies and freelancers. Secure login mechanisms
to ensure user authentication and data protection.
 Interface for companies to post project registrations with detailed requirements.
 Bidding functionality for freelancers to submit proposals, including cost estimates and
project durations.
 Messaging system for companies and freelancers to communicate regarding project
details, clarifications, and updates.
 Notification system to alert users about new messages and project updates.
 Tools for freelancers to update their daily tasks and progress on assigned projects.
 Task tracking features for companies to monitor project progress and deadlines.
 Mechanism for companies to provide feedback and ratings for freelancers based on their
performance on completed projects.
 Profile enhancement options for freelancers based on positive reviews and ratings.
 Profile creation and management functionality for both companies and freelancers.
 Options for users to update their profiles, including skills, experience, and project
 Implementation of security measures to protect user data and ensure confidentiality.
 Regular security audits and updates to safeguard against potential threats and
 Ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure platform stability, performance, and feature
 Bug fixes, software updates, and user interface improvements based on user feedback
and technological advancements.
 Limited availability of resources for development and maintenance, including hardware,
software, and expertise.
 Compatibility issues with different browsers, devices, and operating systems may restrict
platform accessibility.
 Constraints related to scalability and performance may arise, especially during peak
usage periods.
 Limited budget for platform development, marketing, and ongoing maintenance may
restrict the scope of features and functionalities.
 Constraints on funding may impact the ability to invest in marketing campaigns and user
acquisition strategies.
 Compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA, may impose
constraints on data handling and storage practices.
 Legal constraints related to intellectual property rights, contracts, and liability may
impact the terms and conditions of platform usage.
 Time limitations for project completion may restrict the development timeline and may
require prioritization of features and tasks.
 Unexpected delays or setbacks during development may further constrain the project
 User adoption may be constrained by factors such as reluctance to transition from
existing platforms or workflows, lack of awareness about the platform, or resistance to
 Limited user engagement and participation may impact the success and sustainability of
the platform.


 Assuming there is sufficient demand for a freelancer project collaboration platform

among companies seeking freelancers and freelancers looking for project opportunities.
 Assuming a growing trend towards freelance work and remote collaboration within the
 Assuming companies and freelancers are willing to adapt to the platform's interface and
workflow for project collaboration.
 Assuming users will actively engage with the platform, post projects, bid on projects, and
communicate effectively to complete projects successfully.
 Assuming the platform will be reliable and secure, with minimal downtime or technical
issues that could disrupt project collaboration.
 Assuming the platform will be scalable to accommodate increasing user traffic and
growing demand over time.
 Assuming the platform will provide a high-quality user experience, with intuitive
interfaces, responsive customer support, and efficient project management tools.
 Assuming projects completed through the platform will meet quality standards and
expectations of both companies and freelancers.
 Assuming a collaborative and cooperative culture among users, with a willingness to
provide feedback, resolve conflicts, and build professional relationships.
 Assuming users will adhere to platform guidelines and policies to maintain a positive and
productive project collaboration environment.
Work Breakdown Structure :

Project Management:

Planning: Define project objectives, scope, and deliverables. Develop a project timeline and
allocate resources accordingly.
Stakeholder Engagement: Identify key stakeholders, gather requirements, and maintain
communication throughout the project lifecycle.
Resource Allocation: Assign human, financial, and technological resources to different tasks
and activities as per project requirements.
Progress Tracking: Monitor project progress, identify potential risks or issues, and adjust
plans as needed to ensure timely completion.

Platform Development:

Requirements Gathering: Collect and document functional and non-functional requirements

from stakeholders to guide platform development.
Design: Develop the user interface (UI) design for the platform, ensuring usability and
accessibility. Design the database structure to efficiently store and retrieve data.
Development: Implement the frontend components using technologies like HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript. Develop the backend logic and APIs using programming languages such as
Python, Node.js, or PHP.
Testing and QA: Conduct thorough testing of the platform to identify and address any bugs or
issues. Perform user acceptance testing to ensure the platform meets stakeholder

User Management:
Registration: Implement user registration functionality for companies and freelancers,
including validation and verification mechanisms.
Authentication: Develop a secure login system to authenticate users and protect their
accounts from unauthorized access.
Profile Management: Allow users to create and manage their profiles, including updating
personal information, skills, and project portfolios.

Project Posting and Bidding:

Project Registration Interface: Create an interface for companies to post project registrations,
including project details, requirements, and deadlines.
Bidding System: Enable freelancers to browse and bid on available projects, submitting
proposals with cost estimates and project timelines.
Messaging System: Implement a messaging system to facilitate communication between
companies and freelancers regarding project details, clarifications, and negotiations.

Communication Tools:

Chat/Messaging System: Develop real-time chat functionality to enable instant

communication between users.
Notification System: Implement a notification system to alert users about new messages,
project updates, or important events.
Email Integration: Integrate email notifications to keep users informed about platform
activities and updates.

Task Management:

Daily Task Updates: Allow freelancers to update their daily tasks and progress on assigned
projects, keeping stakeholders informed about project status.
Task Tracking and Monitoring: Provide tools for companies to track project tasks, monitor
progress, and ensure deadlines are met.
Project Deadline Management: Implement features to manage project deadlines, send
reminders, and facilitate deadline extensions if necessary.
Review and Rating System:

Review Submission Interface: Allow companies to submit reviews and ratings for freelancers
based on their performance on completed projects.
Rating System: Develop a rating system to quantify freelancer performance and reliability,
helping companies make informed decisions.
Profile Enhancement Options: Provide options for freelancers to enhance their profiles based
on positive reviews and ratings, improving their visibility and credibility on the platform.

Security Measures:

Data Encryption: Implement encryption protocols to protect user data and ensure
confidentiality during transmission and storage.
Secure Login Mechanism: Develop secure authentication mechanisms, such as password
hashing and multi-factor authentication, to prevent unauthorized access.
Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to
identify and address potential security threats or weaknesses.
Time-line Schedule
A project timeline is a visual list of tasks or activities placed in chronological order,
which lets to view the entirety of the project plan in one place.

Sl, Task Name Duration Start Date End Date Assigned

01 27/02/2024 04/03/2024

Project 1 Week
02 06/03/2024 11/03/2024
Analysis 1 Week
03 13/03/2024 03/04/2024

Design 3 Week
04 04/04/2024 02/05/2024

Developing 4 Week
05 03/05/2024 25/05/2024

Testing and 3 Week

Cost Breakdown Structure

Software and Hardware Costs: Encompasses expenses for software licenses, development
tools, server hardware, networking equipment, and user devices if needed.

Training Costs: Covers development of training materials, facilities for training sessions, and
fees for external trainers if utilized.

Security Measures: Includes costs for security software licenses, audits, penetration testing,
and implementation of security protocols.

Documentation Costs: Encompasses tools for technical documentation, printing and

distribution of user manuals, and expenses related to documentation review.

Testing Costs: Includes testing tools and software, potential external testing services, and
expenses for user interface usability testing.

Implementation Costs: Covers deployment services and user support during the initial rollout.

Miscellaneous Costs: Includes a contingency fund and expenses related to project

management tools and software.

Training and Professional Development:Encompasses continuous training for staff on system

updates and professional development for IT personnel.

Travel and Accommodation (if applicable): Includes expenses related to project meetings,
training sessions, or any necessary travel.
PHASES in - Cost distribution

Phase1: Strategy Document preparing 3k

Phase2: Higher level design and specification 4k

Phase3: Front end, UI &UX 4k

Phase4: Coding 7k

Phase5: Database designing 4k

Phase6: Testing and maintenance 4k

Phase7: Deployment 7k

Total amount 33k

Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis in project management is a sequence of processes to identify the factors that
may affect a project’s success. These processes include risk identification, analysis of risks,
risk management and control,

Risk Identification

It is the procedure of determining which risk may affect the project most. This process
involves documentation of existing risks.

The input for identifying risk will be

 Risk management plan

 Project scope statement

 Understand and prepare detailed requirement and specifications

 Prepare high level and detailed design specifications of the system
 Prepare Test Plan and Test cases
 Perform unit testing, integration and system testing
 Demonstrate a bug free application after suitable modification if needed.

 Cost management plan

Software Requirement Analysis:25%
Data Base:16%
Front End :17%
Coding : 18%
Testing : 13%
Documentation: 11%

 Schedule management plan

Software Requirement Analysis:1week

Data Base:1week
Front End :2week
Coding : 4week
Testing : 2week
Documentation: 2week

 Human resource management plan

 Activity cost estimates
 Activity duration estimates
 Stakeholder register
 Project documents
 Perform quantitative risk analysis
 Plan risk responses
 Monitor and control risks

Control Risks

Control risk is the procedure of tracking identified risks, identifying new risks,
monitoring residual risks and evaluating risk.
The inputs for this stage includes

 Software Project management plan

 Risk register
 Work performance data
 Work performance reports

The output of this stage would be

 Work performance information

 Change requests
 Project management plan updates
 Project documents updates
 Organizational process assets updates

Conduct Procurement process

Conduct Procurement process involves activities like

 Selecting a seller
 Receiving seller responses
 Awarding a contract

The benefit of conducting procurement process is that it provides alignment of external and
internal stakeholder expectations through established agreements.

The input of the conduct procurement process includes

 Project management plan

 Documents for procurement
 Source selection criteria
 Qualified seller list
 Seller proposals
 Project documents
 Make or buy decisions
 Teaming agreements
Hardware Requirements
 Hardware required to develop the software is as listed below
 Processor - 1.2 GHz and above machine
 RAM - 4 GB RAM
 Hard disk space - 6GB

Software Requirements
 Software required in development is as listed below
 Operating System : Windows family OS.
 Presentation : REACT
 Database : MY-SQL
 Data Access : Hibernate and JPA
 IDE : Eclipse
 Framework : Java spring boot
 Language : Java
 Web Server : Tomcat


Description of technology used

Frontend: React.js is a JavaScript library developed and maintained by Facebook. It's

primarily used for building user interfaces (UIs) for web applications. React.js is known for
its simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility, and it has gained widespread adoption in the web
development community. Here are some key features and concepts of React.js:

Backend Development:
Language: Java is chosen for backend development.
Framework: Spring Boot for Java provides a robust and opinionated framework for building
scalable and maintainable web applications. It offers features like auto-configuration,
dependency injection, and easy integration with other Spring projects.

Database Management System:

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely
used for managing structured data. It is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle
Corporation. MySQL is known for its reliability, performance, scalability, and ease of use,
making it a popular choice for a wide range of applications, from small websites to large-
scale enterprise systems.

Email Sending:
SMTP Service: Integration with SMTP services like Amazon SES (Simple Email Service)
offers a reliable and scalable solution for sending verification emails. Amazon SES provides
features for email delivery, monitoring, and analytics, ensuring high deliverability rates and
compliance with email regulations.

Cloud Platform: Deployment on platforms like Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides
scalability, reliability, and flexibility. GCP offers services like Google App Engine, Google
Kubernetes Engine, and Google Cloud Functions for deploying and managing applications
seamlessly. Leveraging cloud-based deployment eliminates the need for managing
infrastructure and ensures high availability and performance.

Unit Testing: Using frameworks like JUnit for Java allows developers to write and execute
automated unit tests to ensure the correctness of individual components or modules. JUnit
provides annotations, assertions, and test runners for writing comprehensive unit tests and
verifying the behavior of Java code.
By leveraging these emphasized technologies, you can develop a robust and scalable
automation system for generating question papers in the education sector. These technologies
offer reliability, scalability, and flexibility, enabling efficient development, deployment, and
maintenance of the application.
Description of Hardware devices

Pentium 4 or higher: The Pentium 4 processor is a central processing unit (CPU)
manufactured by Intel. It offers capabilities suitable for running basic to moderate computing
tasks. Emphasizing the Pentium 4 or a higher processor indicates the minimum processing
power required for the system.
Speed: 1.2 GHz or higher: The specified speed denotes the clock frequency of the processor,
measured in gigahertz (GHz). A speed of 1.2 GHz or higher ensures adequate processing
power to handle computational tasks efficiently.

RAM (Random Access Memory):

2GB: RAM is a form of volatile memory that the computer uses to temporarily store data and
execute programs. The specified RAM capacity of 2GB indicates the minimum memory
requirement for the system. With 2GB of RAM, the system can handle basic multitasking and
run lightweight applications smoothly.

Hard Disk:
20GB: The hard disk is a non-volatile storage device used to store data permanently. The
specified capacity of 20GB denotes the minimum storage space required for installing the
operating system, applications, and storing user data. While 20GB may seem small by
modern standards, it is sufficient for basic computing needs.

Description of software Products

Operating System:
Windows Distribution: Windows 10 or Windows Server Edition would be suitable choices.
These versions of Windows offer a user-friendly interface and compatibility with a wide
range of software applications.

Backend Development:
Java Development Kit (JDK): JDK is necessary for compiling and running Java code. It
includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which allows executing Java applications, and
development tools such as the Java compiler and debugger.
Spring Boot: Spring Boot is a framework for building Java-based web applications. It
provides features like auto-configuration, which reduces the need for manual setup, and
dependency injection, which simplifies the management of dependencies between

Database Management System:

MySQL Community Edition: MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS)
known for its performance, reliability, and ease of use. It supports SQL queries and is suitable
for storing structured data, such as question data and user information.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): EC2 is a web service provided by AWS for
deploying and managing virtual servers in the cloud. Developers can launch EC2 instances
with the desired operating system and software stack, such as Windows and Java/Spring
Boot, and configure them to meet the specified hardware requirements.

JUnit: JUnit is a testing framework for Java that is widely used for writing and running unit
tests. It provides annotations and assertions for writing test cases and running them
automatically to verify the functionality of individual components or modules in the

Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

Eclipse: Eclipse is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for Java
development. It provides features like code editing, debugging, and project management,
making it suitable for developing backend applications with Spring Boot. Eclipse also
supports plugins for additional functionality and integration with other tools.

Programming language
The programming language used in this scenario is Java. Java is a widely-used, high-level,
object-oriented programming language known for its platform independence, robustness, and
versatility. Here's a more detailed description of Java and why it's suitable for the project:

Platform Independence: Java is platform-independent, meaning that Java code can run on any
device or platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed. This feature makes Java
ideal for developing applications that need to run on various operating systems, including
Windows, macOS, Linux, and others.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Java is an object-oriented programming language,

which means it organizes code into objects that interact with each other. This paradigm
promotes code reusability, modularity, and easier maintenance. In the context of the question
paper generation project, OOP principles can be applied to model entities such as users,
questions, courses, and subjects.

Rich Ecosystem: Java has a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that facilitate
development across various domains. For example, Spring Boot, which is mentioned in the
project description, is a popular Java framework for building web applications. It provides
features like dependency injection, auto-configuration, and built-in web server support,
streamlining the development process.

Scalability and Performance: Java is known for its scalability and performance, making it
suitable for developing enterprise-level applications that need to handle large volumes of data
and users. The language's efficient memory management (via automatic garbage collection)
and multi-threading capabilities contribute to its performance.

Community Support: Java has a vast and active developer community, which means
developers have access to abundant resources, documentation, tutorials, and online forums
for support and collaboration. This community support can be invaluable for resolving issues,
staying updated on best practices, and learning new techniques.

Security: Java places a strong emphasis on security, with features like bytecode verification,
sandboxing, and robust security APIs. These features help mitigate security vulnerabilities
and protect applications from malicious attacks, which is crucial for handling sensitive data
like user information and question papers.

Overall, Java is a versatile and robust programming language well-suited for developing the
backend components of the question paper generation project. Its platform independence,
object-oriented nature, rich ecosystem, scalability, performance, community support, and
security features make it an excellent choice for building reliable and maintainable software
Frontend: React.js
React.js is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces (UIs) for web applications. It
is maintained by Facebook and a community of developers. React.js is known for its
simplicity, efficiency, and component-based architecture. Here's an overview of React.js and
its key features:

Component-Based Architecture: React.js follows a component-based architecture where UIs

are divided into reusable components. Each component encapsulates its logic, structure, and
styling, making it easy to manage and maintain complex UIs. Components can be composed
together to build more complex UIs, promoting code reusability and modularity.

Virtual DOM (Document Object Model): React.js utilizes a virtual DOM to optimize
rendering performance. Instead of directly manipulating the browser's DOM, React.js creates
a virtual representation of the DOM in memory. When state or props change, React.js
calculates the difference between the virtual DOM and the actual DOM and efficiently
updates only the necessary parts, minimizing re-renders and improving performance.

Declarative Syntax: React.js uses a declarative syntax, allowing developers to describe how
the UI should look based on the application's state. Developers can focus on writing UI
components and defining their behavior without worrying about low-level DOM
manipulation. This approach leads to cleaner, more maintainable code.

JSX (JavaScript XML): React.js introduces JSX, an extension to JavaScript that allows
developers to write HTML-like syntax directly within JavaScript code. JSX provides a
concise and expressive way to define UI components, combining HTML structure with
JavaScript logic seamlessly.
State Management: React.js provides a built-in state management mechanism that allows
components to manage their internal state. Stateful components can hold and update their
state, triggering re-renders when the state changes. This enables dynamic and interactive UIs
without the need for external state management libraries.

Ecosystem and Community:React.js has a vast ecosystem of libraries, tools, and community
support. Developers have access to a wide range of third-party libraries and tools for
building, testing, and deploying React.js applications. The active community contributes to
ongoing improvements, updates, and best practices.

Backend: Spring Boot Java Spring Boot is a popular Java-based framework for building
enterprise-level web applications. It simplifies the development process by providing out-of-
the-box solutions for common development tasks. Here's an overview of Spring Boot Java
and its key features:

Convention over Configuration:Spring Boot follows the principle of "convention over

configuration," reducing the need for manual configuration. It provides sensible defaults and
auto-configuration, allowing developers to get started quickly without extensive setup.

Dependency Injection (DI):Spring Boot leverages dependency injection (DI) to manage

component dependencies and promote loose coupling between application components. DI
allows developers to inject dependencies into classes rather than creating them explicitly,
making the code more modular, testable, and maintainable.

Spring Ecosystem Integration:Spring Boot seamlessly integrates with the broader Spring
ecosystem, including Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Security, and more. Developers
can leverage these modules to address various requirements such as data access, security,
messaging, and caching.

Embedded HTTP Server:Spring Boot includes an embedded HTTP server (e.g., Tomcat,
Jetty, Undertow) that simplifies deployment and eliminates the need for external web servers.
Applications built with Spring Boot can be packaged as standalone JAR files, making
deployment and distribution straightforward.
Actuator:Spring Boot Actuator provides built-in production-ready features for monitoring
and managing applications. It exposes endpoints for metrics, health checks, configuration,
and more, allowing developers to monitor application health and performance in real-time.

Spring Boot Starters:Spring Boot Starters are pre-configured dependencies that streamline the
integration of common technologies and frameworks. Starters simplify dependency
management and configuration, enabling developers to add features like database access,
security, and messaging with minimal effort.

Annotation-Based Development:Spring Boot promotes annotation-based development,

allowing developers to define application components, configurations, and mappings using
annotations. This approach reduces boilerplate code and enhances readability, productivity,
and maintainability.
By combining React.js for the frontend and Spring Boot Java for the backend, developers can
build modern, scalable, and robust web applications with a rich user experience and efficient
server-side functionality.

Description of components in the system


Add Companies: Ability to add new companies to the platform.

View Freelancers: Access to view registered freelancers on the platform.
Update Password: Functionality to update the admin password for security.


Login: Secure login functionality for registered companies.

Post Registration: Ability to post job requirements or project details.
View Replies from Freelancers: Access to view responses or proposals from freelancers.
Choose Freelancer: Option to select a freelancer for a project.
Post Review and Rating: Ability to provide feedback and rating for completed projects.
Confirm Freelancer: Confirm selected freelancer for the project.
View Daily Tasks: Access to view progress or tasks related to ongoing projects.
Update Profile: Capability to update company profile information.


Registration: Sign up process for freelancers to join the platform.

Login: Secure login functionality for registered freelancers.
Get Notified on New Projects: Receive notifications for new project postings.
Update Daily Tasks: Ability to update daily progress or tasks.
Bidding (Cost and Duration): Submit bids including cost and project duration for available
Post Review: Provide feedback and reviews for completed projects.
View Reviews: Access to view reviews received from companies.
Update Profile: Ability to update freelancer profile information including a description of
skills and experience.


A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through
an information system, modeling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as a
preliminary step to create an overview of the system, which can later be elaborated.
DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). A
DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and output from the system,
where the data will come from and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not
show information about the timing of processes, or information about whether
processes will operate in sequence or in parallel. Data Flow diagrams in general are
usually designed using simple symbols such as a rectangle, an oval or a circle depicting
a processes, data stored or an external entity, and arrows are generally used to depict
the data flow from one step to another.

External Entity:An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow which is

outside the area of study. Only those entities which originate or receive data are
represented on a business process diagram. The symbol used is an oval containing a
meaningful and unique identifier.
Process:A process shows a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the
system. The symbol used is a rectangular box
Data Flow:A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination.
A data flow is represented by a line, with arrowheads showing the direction of flow.
Each data flow may be referenced by the processes or data stores at its head and tail, or
by a description of its contents.

Data Store:A data store is a holding place for information within the system. It is
represented by an open ended narrow rectangle. Data stores may be long-term files
such as sales ledgers, or may be short-term accumulations: for example batches of
documents that are waiting to be processed. Each data store should be given a reference
followed by an arbitrary number.

Level 0 - Context Data Flow Diagram

Fig: Context data flow diagram – Level 0

A context diagram is a top level (also known as Level 0) data flow diagram. It only
contains one process node (process) that generalizes the function of the entire system in
relationship to external entities.
Level 1 - Data Flow Diagram
Draw data flow diagrams in several nested layers. A single process node on a high
level diagram can be expanded to show a more detailed data flow diagram. Draw the
context diagram first, followed by various layers of data flow diagrams. Data flow
diagrams present the logical flow of information through a system in graphical or
pictorial form. Data flow diagrams have only four symbols, which makes it useful for
communication between analysts and users. Data flow diagrams (DFDs) show the data
used and provided by processes within a system.

Data Flow Diagram-Administrator:

Fig: Data flow diagram of admin

Data Flow Diagram-Company:
Fig: Data flow diagram of Company

Use case diagrams

Use case diagrams model the functionality of a system using actors and use cases.
Use cases are services or functions provided by the system to its users. Use case
diagrams are usually referred to as behavior diagrams used to describe a set of actions
(use cases) that some system or systems (subject) should or can perform in
collaboration with one or more external users of the system (actors). Each use case
should provide some observable and valuable result to the actors or other stakeholders
of the system.

Use cases:
A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide something of
measurable value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse.

An actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one or
more interactions with your system. Actors are drawn as stick figures.
Associations between actors and use cases are indicated in use case diagrams by
solid lines. An association exists whenever an actor is involved with an interaction
described by a use case.

System boundary boxes:

You can draw a rectangle around the use cases, called the system boundary box,
to indicate the scope of your system. Anything within the box represents functionality
that is in scope.

Use case Diagram - Administrator:

Fig: Use case diagram of the Administrator

Use case Diagram – Company:

Fig: Use case diagram of the Company

Sequence Diagram:
A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with
one another and in what order. It describes interactions among classes in terms of an
exchange of messages over time. Sequence diagrams are used to show how objects interact in
a given situation. An important characteristic of a sequence diagram is that time passes from
top to bottom: the interaction starts near the top of the diagram and ends at the bottom.
Targets/Class roles/State:
Objects as well as classes can be targets on a sequence diagram, which
means that messages can be sent to them. A target is displayed as a rectangle with some
text in it. Below the target, its lifeline extends for as long as the target exists. Targets
can be actor, boundary, control, entity and database.

Messages are arrows that represent communication between objects.
Lifelines are vertical dashed lines that indicate the object's presence over time.
Sequence Diagram-Admin:

Fig: sequence diagram for Admin

Sequence Diagram-company:
Fig: sequence diagram for Company

Testing is the systematic process of assessing a system or its components to determine if they
meet the specified requirements. This evaluation involves comparing actual outcomes with
expected outcomes, uncovering any disparities. In simpler terms, testing involves the
execution of a system to pinpoint discrepancies, errors, or missing elements in relation to the
original intentions or requirements.
Testing is the methodical practice of making impartial judgments about the degree to which a
system or device aligns with, surpasses, or falls short of the stated objectives.
A robust testing program serves as a valuable tool for both the organization and the
integrator/supplier. Typically, it marks the conclusion of the "Development" phase of a
project, establishes the criteria for project acceptance, and signals the commencement of the
warranty period.


Firstly, testing ensures that the product or system aligns with the functional, performance,
design, and implementation requirements outlined in the procurement specifications.
Secondly, it plays a crucial role in managing risks for both the acquiring organization and the
system's vendor/developer/integrator. It helps identify when the work has reached
completion, allowing for contract closure, vendor payment, and the transition of the system
into the warranty and maintenance phase. Software testing aims to provide customers with
software that is free of bugs and highly reliable. The objective is to prevent any issues during
the software's usage, thus ensuring efficient utilization of the developed software. Given the
significant cost associated with software development, testing is a critical step to avoid
potential losses for customers.

Analysis of Adherence to Requirements: Testing assesses whether the developed application

aligns with the specified requirements. It focuses on detecting defects or errors in a program,
project, or product based on predefined criteria, which could be outlined in documents like
scope documents or High-Level Design Documents (HLDD). Testing plays a crucial role in
improving the quality of an application by identifying and rectifying errors. The more errors
that are eliminated, the higher the overall quality of the product. Testing serves purposes such
as quality assurance, verification and validation, and reliability estimation. It involves a trade-
off between budget, time, and quality.

Testing aims to minimize the number of defects in the code, enhancing the application's
reliability and performance. Testing ensures that the final product meets quality standards and
performs as expected. Testing verifies that all specified requirements have been met, aligning
with customer expectations. Testing strives to satisfy customer needs by delivering a product
that meets their demands and functions smoothly. Testing aims to provide software that is
free of critical bugs, minimizing potential disruptions for users. By identifying and addressing
issues, testing contributes to the overall reliability of the software.

Testing helps avoid situations where users encounter problems while using the software.
Testing ensures that the software behaves as specified,
adhering to the intended functionality. It validates that what has been specified matches the
actual desires and needs of the end user. In essence, testing is a vital phase in software
development that serves the dual purpose of ensuring compliance with requirements and
managing risks while delivering a high-quality, dependable software product to users.
Various methods are employed in software testing, and the following descriptions provide a
brief overview of some of these methods:


Black box testing is a technique that involves testing a software application without any prior
knowledge of its internal workings. Testers operate in a manner where they are unaware of
the system's architecture and do not have access to the source code. Typically, during black
box testing, testers interact with the system's user interface, providing inputs and observing
outputs, without knowing how or where these inputs are processed.


White box testing, also known as glass testing or open box testing, entails a comprehensive
examination of the internal logic and structure of a software's code. To perform white box
testing on an application, the tester must possess knowledge of the code's internal workings.
Testers delve into the source code to identify specific units or sections of code that may
exhibit inappropriate behavior.


Grey box testing is a technique that falls between black box and white box testing. In
software testing, the adage "the more you know, the better" carries significant weight when
applying grey box testing to an application. Testers have limited knowledge of the
application's internal workings, and this knowledge can vary. Unlike black box testing, where
testers solely assess the application's user interface, grey box testing allows testers access to
design documents and the database. This additional insight enables testers to better prepare
test data and scenarios when developing their test plans.

These testing methods cater to different levels of knowledge about the software's internal
architecture and logic. Black box testing focuses on assessing functionality without diving
into the code, white box testing delves deep into code-level details, and grey box testing
offers a middle-ground approach with limited knowledge of the internal workings while
having access to key documents and data. Each method serves specific testing needs and
objectives within the software testing process.

Different levels of testing play distinct roles in ensuring the quality and functionality of

Unit Testing is a phase of software testing that concentrates on individual units or
components of a software/system. The objective is to confirm that each unit operates as per
its design.Unit testing is primarily executed by developers (White Box Testing) before
handing over the software for formal testing by the quality assurance team. Developers
employ separate test data from that of the quality assurance team. The key goal of unit testing
is to isolate and demonstrate that individual program parts meet the requirements and
function correctly.
Unit testing cannot detect every bug in an application.
Evaluating every execution path in complex software is not feasible.
There's a constraint on the number of scenarios and test data developers can use to validate
the source code, necessitating the eventual merging of code segments with other units.


Integration Testing is a phase in software testing where individual units are combined and
tested collectively as a group. The main purpose is to identify issues in the interaction
between integrated units.
Integration testing assesses whether combined parts of an application function correctly when
working together. Two common methods for Integration Testing are Bottom-up Integration
Testing, which begins with unit testing and progressively combines units, and Top-down
Integration Testing, which tests higher-level modulesbefore lower-level ones.
In most comprehensive software development environments, bottom-up testing is typically
performed first, followed by top-down testing. Modules, each containing related components,
are tested individually in the module testing process.
Integrated System Testing (IST) is a systematic technique for validating the construction of
the overall software structure while simultaneously conducting tests to uncover errors related
to interfacing. The goal is to test the entire software structure dictated by the design, using
unit-tested modules.


System Testing is the subsequent phase of testing that examines the system as a whole. After
all components are integrated, the complete application is rigorously tested to ensure it meets
quality standards. This type of testing is conducted by a specialized testing team.

System Testing assesses whether the integrated system/software complies with the specified
requirements. It is crucial for several reasons, including being the first step in the Software
Development Life Cycle where the entire application is tested, verifying adherence to
functional and technical specifications, testing in an environment similar to the production
environment, and validating both business requirements and application architecture.
System testing aims to have an investigative approach, scrutinizing not only design but also
behavior and user expectations. It goes beyond the boundaries defined in software/hardware
requirements specifications. Other testing models fall under the umbrella of System Testing.

In essence, these levels of testing progressively ensure the reliability, functionality, and
compliance of software with requirements, from individual units to the complete integrated

Acceptance testing, also known as User Acceptance Testing (UAT), is a crucial phase in the
software testing process where a system is evaluated for acceptability. The primary purpose
of this testing level is to assess whether the system aligns with the business requirements and
determine if it's suitable for delivery. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is carried out either by
end-users or on behalf of them to ensure that the software functions in accordance with the
Business Requirement Document. UAT focuses on several key aspects:
Ensuring that all functional requirements are met.
Achieving all performance requirements.
Verifying compliance with other requirements such as transportability, compatibility, and
error recovery.
Ensuring that acceptance criteria specified by the user are satisfied.

Arguably, UAT is one of the most critical types of testing because it's conducted by the
Quality Assurance Team, responsible for gauging whether the application aligns with the
intended specifications and meets the client's requirements. The QA team typically uses
predefined scenarios and test cases to evaluate the application thoroughly.
Additionally, acceptance tests serve as a means to gather insights about the application's
performance, accuracy, and the reasons behind the project's initiation. These tests aim not
only to identify simple issues like spelling mistakes or cosmetic errors but also to pinpoint
any critical bugs that could lead to system crashes or major errors in the application. By
conducting acceptance tests, the testing team can gain a better understanding of how the
application will perform in a production environment.

Regression testing is conducted to assess changes in software behavior resulting from
modifications or additions. Its purpose is to ensure that changes, even minor ones, do not lead
to unexpected issues within the application. The primary goal is to identify any unintended
consequences of alterations, such as a bug fix potentially causing a new functionality problem
or a violation of business rules.
Regression testing is vital for several reasons:
It minimizes gaps in testing when changes are made to an application, ensuring that all
aspects are thoroughly tested.
It verifies that changes made, such as bug fixes, do not negatively impact other areas of the
Regression testing helps mitigate risks associated with software changes.
By increasing test coverage without extending timelines, it enhances overall testing
It accelerates the time to market for the product by quickly validating changes and preventing
the introduction of new issues.
Acceptance testing evaluates the system's suitability for delivery and alignment with business
requirements, while regression testing ensures that changes in software behavior do not
introduce unexpected issues. Both testing levels are crucial for delivering reliable and high-
quality software.

Script lancer, as a freelance platform, presents an invaluable resource for both freelance
professionals and businesses seeking quality services. With its user-friendly interface and
robust features, Script lancer streamlines the process of connecting clients with skilled
freelancers across various fields.

For freelancers, Script lancer offers a platform to showcase their expertise, bid on projects,
and build a diverse portfolio. It fosters a competitive yet collaborative environment where
freelancers can hone their skills, expand their network, and grow their careers.

Businesses benefit from Script lancer by gaining access to a pool of talented freelancers
capable of fulfilling their project needs efficiently and cost-effectively. The platform
facilitates transparent communication, secure transactions, and streamlined project
management, ensuring successful collaborations.

Advanced Matching Algorithm: Implement an AI-powered matching algorithm that analyzes

project requirements and freelancer skills to suggest the most suitable matches. This enhances
the efficiency of finding the right freelancer for each project.
Enhanced Communication Tools: Integrate advanced communication tools such as real-time
chat, video conferencing, and screen sharing to facilitate seamless collaboration between
clients and freelancers.
Skill Verification System: Develop a skill verification system where freelancers can undergo
assessments or provide certifications to validate their expertise in specific domains,
increasing trust and transparency.
Project Management Features: Expand project management features within the platform,
including task tracking, milestone setting, and file sharing capabilities, to streamline project
workflows and ensure accountability.

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 "Freelancer Membership Plans, Earn And Save More! - Freelancer". Freelancer.
 " hits 20 million users; Pinoys among top job takers - Newsbytes
Philippines". 2016-07-27. Archived from the original on 2017-09-03.
Retrieved 2017-06-09.
 "News". Innovate it. Retrieved 2012-02-27.
 "IT Outsourcing Consolidation: Buys Scriptlance, Now Numbers 4M
Users". Retrieved Oct 16, 2020.
 "Freelancer Grows: Global Acquisitions Continue for Leading Job Market Website".
Archived from the original on 2017-03-18. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
 " Acquires Webmaster Talk Forums – GoRumors". Retrieved Oct 16,
 Lunden, Ingrid (November 19, 2012). "Freelancer Buys Another IT Job Site, vWorker
(aka, For A Price In The Millions". TechCrunch. Retrieved
November 21, 2012.
 launches outsourcing platform in the Philippines Archived 2016-05-
03 at the Wayback Machine, Gadgets Magazine
 "Website for freelance assignments launched in India". The Times Of
India. 2012-02-09. {{cite news}}: Check |url= value (help)
 "". Archived from the original on 2013-02-03. Retrieved 2012-04-26.

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