Generative Ai and Its Practical Applications

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Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.

Table of Contents :

 Landscape
 Basics
 Applications
 Responsible AI
 Some Influential Generative AIs :
1. ChatGPT
2. MidJourney
3. Jasper
4. Synthesia
5. DALL-E 2
6. Runway
7. Wellsaid
8. Galileo
9. SheetAI

Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.

Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Some Influential Generative AIs :

# 1
ChatGPT Midjourney Other Pla orm

ChatGPT is an Ar ficial Intelligence chatbot that is built to comprehend human language and
produce text responses that closely mimic natural human language. It is capable of genera ng
accurate and contextually appropriate responses to user input.
Recently developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art chatbot that has been trained in
mul ple languages using advanced deep learning techniques. Its sophis cated technology
enables it to comprehensively understand text and effec vely respond to a wide range of
inquiries. The so ware has numerous poten al applica ons across a variety of industries,
• Learning and Teaching: ChatGPT has the poten al to be a valuable resource for students
and teachers alike, as it can assist with learning and teaching by providing informa on,
answering ques ons, and addressing challenges related to the curriculum. It can serve as an
ideal virtual assistant for educa onal purposes.
• Consul ng and Technical Support: ChatGPT can be u lized as an informa on source to offer
advice and support in a wide range of technical areas such as IT, programming, engineering,
and other related fields. Its ability to comprehend technical jargon and provide contextually
relevant responses makes it an ideal virtual assistant for such applica ons.
• Transla on: ChatGPT has the capability to enhance communica on by accurately transla ng
text between different languages, thereby facilita ng cross-lingual communica on.
• Time Planning and Task Management: ChatGPT has the poten al to improve personal and
professional produc vity by assis ng with daily organiza on, task tracking, and priority
se ng. It can serve as a virtual assistant to help manage agendas, track tasks, and op mize
me management, leading to increased produc vity.
• Marke ng and Adver sing: Marke ng and adver sing experts can u lize ChatGPT to cra
appealing ad scripts and produce successful marke ng content.
The applica ons of ChatGPT technology are extensive and diverse, encompassing various fields
and industries.

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Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.

Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.
Mohammad Hasan Post Graduate College, Jaunpur.

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