Assignment Chapter 5 Post For Students

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Assignment Chapter 5

1 Total time for all work-elements at the certain assembly line is 7,8 minustes.
The average stopped time (break down time) is 5%, the required production
rate is 80 items per hour.
a) Determine the minimum theory number of workstations to optimize total
wastes time. [11 Ws]
b) Determine percentage of balance loss L%. [5,45%]

a/ TC = 1/PR = 1/10 = 0.75 minute

Nmin = Sum of ti / TC = (7.8 x 1.05) / (0.75 x 1.05) = 11 Ws
b/ L = D/ (N x TC) = (N x TC – sum of ti) / (N x TC) =
(11 x 0.75 – 7.8) x 1.05 / (11 x 0.75 x 1.05) = 5.54%

2 A certain electronic appliance that have total processing time for all work-
elements is 9,2 minutes. The acctual required volume is 80 items/hour
(actual productivity). The current operational information as follow: an 8-
hour shift per day, however, the actual operating time 6 hours, and the rest
time for stopping and waste.
a) Determine the minimum theory number of workstations to optimize total
wastes time.
b) Determine percentage of balance loss L%.
77 Chương 4

Sum of ti = 9.2 minutes

TC = 1/PR = 60/80 = 0.75 min
a/ Nmin = sum of ti / TC = 9.2 / 0.75 = 12.27 ~ 13 Ws
b/ L = D / (N x TC) = (N x TC – sum of ti) / (N x TC) =
(13 x 0.75 – 9.2) / (13 x 0.75) = 5.64%
3 The certain items are manually produced with 10 workers in line, the hourly
cost is 7,000 VNĐ per person, the operating time is 8 hours per shift, 6
shifts per week, and 51 weeks per year. The total processing time to
complete this item is 3.1 minutes. A production line designed request is
released to meet a certain demand 85 units per hour (round up to 2 decimal).

a) Determine the cycle time TC for this item?

b) Determine the minimum theory number of workstations to optimize total
wastes time.
c) Suppose that the new line is designed and balanced with 5 stations. This
new line is optimal solution or not? Why?. Do you think you can
improve this new line by reducing number of stations?
d) Determine percentage of balance loss L% (with 5 stations in question c).
e) Suppose that the new line is designed and balanced with 6 stations, and
each station is run by one worker. Determine the yearly benefit of the
designed line.

a/ The Cycle Time – TC = 1/P = 1/85 (hour) ~ 0.706 (minutes)

b/ sum of ti = 3.1 mins

Nmin = sum of ti / TC = 3.1/0.706 = 4.391 ~ 4 work stations

c/ D = N x TC – sum of ti = 5 x 0.706 – 3.1 = 0.43

D < TC => optimum because you can arrange the other station => can’t improve

d/ %L = (N x TC – sum of ti) / (N x TC) = (5 x 0.706 – 3.1) / (5 x 0.706) = 12.17%

Hệ thống sản xuất khối lớn

e/ New line = 6 station => need 6 workers each station

Old line = 10 station => need 10 workers each station
Yearly benefit – B = (old worker – new worker) x time work in a year x salary
= (10 – 6) x 8 x 6 x 51 x 7000 =

4 (Case study and discussion) A certain kind of items is produced in production

line including 5 stations. The weekly demand of this item is 4,000 units, and total
operating time is 48 hours per week.

a. Determine the available time for each item to produce in this line (available
processing time for each item)?

b. The factory manager said that the actual cycle time of this item is TC = 0,70
minutes, and the percentage of balance loss L = 10%, respectively. Determine
the total processing time for all work-elements?

c. In this week, the factory manager reported that the actual volume is only meet
actual demand. Determine total stopped time if the cycle time is TC = 0,70

d. The factory is employed over/under time policy. If the order from marketing
and sales is 48 0 units for next week, the stopped time percentage is 1% of
total operating time (both regular and over time). TC = 0,70 minutes.
Determine the neccessary over time for next week to meet this demand?

e. Acording to forecasting demand, the weekly demand for this item is increased
to 5,800 units/week. A new designed line including 4 stations is considered to
meet this demand. The yearly investment for the new line is 80,000,000 VNĐ.
The total volume of this line is 5,800 units/week without over time. The
hourly cost is 10,000 VNĐ for each worker in regular time, and 16,000 VNĐ
in over time, each station is run by one person, and working weeks are 50 per
year. The savage value of current line is zero. Do you think this new line is
feasible or not, why?
79 Chương 4

a/ TC = T/Q = 48 / 4000 = 0.012 hour => 0.012 x 60 = 0.72 mins

b/ L = (N x TC – sum of ti) / (N x TC) = 10%

(5 x 0.7 – sum of ti) / (5 x 0.7) = 10% => Sum of ti = 3.15 mins

c/ Available time per week for operation = 48 hour (

TC = 0.7 mins => time to produce 4000 products = 0.7 x 4000 / 60 = 46.66 hours

 Stopped time = 48 -46.6 = 1.33 hours

d/ The time to produce 5800 products => 0.7 x (1+.01) x 5800 / 60 = 68.34 hours

necessary over time = 68.34 – 48 = 20.34 hours

e/ current line (5 stations), because producing 5800 products so adding over time
Total cost =
(regular time x person x salary/hour) + (over time x person x salary/hour)
= (48 x 50) x 5 x 10000 + (20.34 x 50 x 5 x 16 000)
New line (4 stations)
Total cost = regular time x salary/hour x person) + investment
= (48 x 50 x 10000 x 5) + 80 000 000 =
5 (Case study and discussion) A certain electronic toy has total processing time
for all work-elements is 8,2 minutes, and the weekly demand for this item is 2000
units. The weekly operating time is 40 hours.

a) Suppose that the current line at this factory includes 6 stations, this
current line meets weekly demand or not? If not, propose a feasible
solutions without new machines investment?
b) Suppose new line investment, determine the theoretical minimum number
of stations to optimize total waste time?
c) Determine percentage of balance loss L%.
Hệ thống sản xuất khối lớn

d) According to factory report, the cycle time increased 10% in last week,
because of broken machines. Determine the actual volume and total
stopped time in last week?

a. Sum of ti = 8.2 mins

Probability item per week = 2000 units
Time work in week = 40 hours
TC = T/Q = 40/2000 = 0.02 hours => 0.02 x 60 = 1.2 minutes
N min = sum of ti / TC = 8.2 / 1.2 = 6.89 ~ 7 stations
To produce 2000 units we need 7 stations, so the current line with 6
stations (6 stations) doesn’t meet the capability.
b. Determine the Nmin
c. %L = (N x TC – sum of ti) / (N x TC) x 100%
= ( 7 x 1.2 – 8.2 ) / ( 7x1.2 ) x 100% = 2.38%
d. The stop time = 1.2 x 0.1 x 2000 / 60 = 4 hours

6. A certain electronic item is produced at manual line that includes 6

employees, the hourly wage for each employee is 6.000 VNĐ, the operating
time is 8-hour per shift, and 6-shift per week, and 50-week per year. To
meet customers’ demand, a new production line should be designed.
Suppose that a new line is designed which includes 4 stations and detailed
allocated jobs in below table:

Processing Cummulative Remained

Station Jobs
time time time
(minutes) (minutes) (minutes)
0 0.42 0.42 0.78
I 1 0.30 0.72 0.48
3 0.18 0.90 0.30
81 Chương 4

2 0.40 0.40 0.80

II 5 0.36 0.76 0.44
4 0.36 1.12 0.08
6 0.60 0.60 0.60
8 0.42 1.02 0.18
7 0.25 0.25 0.95
IV 9 0.10 0.35 0.85
10 0.51 0.86 0.34

a) Determine the hourly production rate (in design) of this line?

b) Determine the actual hourly production rate of this line?

c) Determine the minimum theory number of workstations based on demand and

production data?

d) The above 4-machine designed line is optimum or not? Why?

e) Determine total balance loss L% of the designed line?

f) Suppose that each person runs one station in this line. Determine the
yearly benefit of this line?

a/ Design TC = Cummulative time + remained time = 0.9 + 0.3 = 1.2 (mins) =

1.2/60 (hours)
Production Rate (PR) = 1(1 hour)/TC = 1/1.2 = 60/1.2 = 50 (product/hour or

b/ Actual TC = Max (0.9 1.2 1.02 0.86) => Actual TC = 1.12 (max in all)
 Actual production rate = 60/1.12 = 53.57 (products/hour) ~ 54
Hệ thống sản xuất khối lớn


N min = (0.9 + 1.12 + 1.02 + 0.86)/1.2 = 3.25 ~ 4 (work stations)

d/ We can only improve the Line Balance when D >= TC

D = 0.3 + 0.08 + 0.18 + 0.34 = 0.9 minute
TC = 1.2
 Design line is optimum (toosi uwu)

e/ L = D/ (N x TC) = 0.9/ (4 x 1.2) = 0.1875

f/ Yearly Benefit = (6 - 4) x 6000 x 8 x 6 x 50 = 28 800 000

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