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The town I live in is a small suburb area, therefore most
amenities are limited and people often require a vehicle for
transport. In my town, public transportation such as buses,
trains, and trishaws are commonly used as they are convenient
and affordable way to get around.
All form of transportations can be seen but the general way to
travel is by car. It offers us the flexibility to create our own
schedule, routes and appreciate picturesque sceneries. In
addition, it also provides safety depending on the model you’re
For me, I’m fond of such transports as planes, ships and
trains. When travelling over long distances, air travel is the
fastest mode of transportation, not needing to encounter
natural challenges like rivers and mountains. Cruise ships
offer a unique and convenient way to relax while travelling
different ports without needing to unpack and pack a few
times. Nevertheless, the train is my ideal transportation.
Rail is a comfortable and efficient mode of transportation,
offering passengers the freedom to move and stretch their legs.
It offers amenities like power outlets, WIFI, dining cars,
sleeping cabins, and lounges, making long journeys more
enjoyable. With speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour, rail is
one of the fastest modes of transportation without
compromising safety, making it an ideal choice for longer

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