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KENZY: So, Takashi Nakamura How does "The Tale of
“THE TALE OF GENJI” Genji" reflect the values and ideals of the Heian period?

KENZY: Hello, and thank you for joining us today. Today, ANA: The novel reflects the ideals of courtly love, beauty,
we're going to delve into one of the most renowned and refinement that were highly valued during the Heian
works of Japanese literature, "The Tale of Genji." Joining period. It also explores themes of longing,
us is Ms. Sakura Tanaka and the company, they are impermanence, and the transience of life, which are
expert in storytelling and practitioners of the Japanese central to traditional Japanese aesthetics.
literature for over a decade. So kindly introduce
KENZY: So MS, haruka kobayashi, what are some of the
yourselves individually.
key themes or motifs that recur throughout "The Tale of

MY NAME IS Sakura Tanaka (JL) JANE: Some of the key themes include the fleeting
nature of beauty and love, the passage of time, the
MY NAME IS Emi Sato (DARLENE) complexities of human emotions, and the search for
spiritual fulfillment. Nature also plays a significant role,
MY NAME IS Takashi Nakamura (ANA)
often serving as a metaphor for the characters' inner
MY NAME IS Haruka Kobayashi (JANE) thoughts and feelings.

MY NAME IS Kaito Takahashi (EMELYN) KENZY: so Ms. kaito takahashi, how has "The Tale of
Genji" influenced Japanese literature and culture over
MY NAME IS Yuki Yamamoto (JESSA) the centuries?
MY NAME IS Kenji Ito (LESLY) EMELYN: "The Tale of Genji" has had a profound impact
on Japanese literature, influencing subsequent works of
MY NAME IS Aiko Suzuki (LARA)
fiction, poetry, and drama. Its themes, characters, and
JL: Thank you for having us. It's our pleasure to be narrative techniques continue to resonate with
here. audiences today and have inspired numerous
adaptations in various art forms, including theater, film,
KENZY: So to begin, ms. Sakura tanaka, can you start and visual arts.
by giving us a brief overview of what "The Tale of
KENZY: so Ms. Kenji ito, What role does court life play in
Genji" is about?
"The Tale of Genji"?
JL: Certainly. "The Tale of Genji," written by Lady
LESLY: Court life is central to "The Tale of Genji,"
Murasaki Shikibu in the early 11th century, is often
providing the backdrop for much of the novel's drama
considered the world's first novel. It follows the life and
and intrigue. The intricate social customs, rituals, and
romantic exploits of Hikaru Genji, a fictional prince of the
hierarchies of the Heian court shape the characters'
Heian period, and his relationships with various women
behavior and relationships.
of the court.
KENZY: So Ms. Kenji ito, how has "The Tale of Genji"
KENZY: So Ms. Emi Sato, what makes "The Tale of Genji"
influenced Japanese literature and culture?
so significant in the context of Japanese literature and
culture? LESLY: "The Tale of Genji" has had a profound influence
on Japanese literature and culture, serving as a
DARLENE: "The Tale of Genji" is not only a masterpiece
touchstone for subsequent works of fiction, poetry, and
of literature but also offers profound insights into the
drama. Its themes, characters, and narrative techniques
culture, society, and aesthetics of the Heian period. It
continue to resonate with audiences and inspire
provides a detailed portrayal of court life, social customs,
adaptations in various art forms.
and the intricate relationships between men and women
during that time.
KENZY: Finally, I’ll give this question to Ms. Aiko Suzuki.
why do you think "The Tale of Genji" remains relevant
and widely read even today?

LARA: Despite being written over a thousand years ago,

"The Tale of Genji" remains relevant because it speaks to
universal themes and emotions that transcend time and
culture. Its exquisite prose, complex characters, and
timeless insights into the human condition continue to
captivate readers around the world.

KENZY: Thank you for that fascinating exploration of

"The Tale of Genji." It's clear that this literary
masterpiece holds a special place in both Japanese and
world literature.

JL: You're welcome. Indeed, "The Tale of Genji" is a

cultural treasure that continues to enchant readers with
its timeless beauty and wisdom.



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