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Revision Module: Important Acts

in current affairs
Acts in news
Acts in news
Old Acts in news Major legislations (imp. for Prelims)

RTI Act, 2005 Telecommunications Act, 2023

RTE Act, 2008 Personal Data Protection Act, 2023

National Food Security Act, 2013 Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam (106th
Constitution Amendment), 2023
Consumer Protection Act, 2019 The Chief Election Commissioner and Other
Election Commissioners (Appointment,
Conditions of Service and Term of Office) Act,
Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act,
Forest Rights Act, 2006

PESA Act, 1996

Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016

Telecommunications Act, 2023
Context: Recently passed and debates in news papers.

1. The Telecommunications Act, 2023 in India is a significant

update to the country's telecom laws, aiming to modernize and
consolidate the legal framework for the development,
expansion, and operation of telecommunication.
Telecommunications Act, 2023
2. Purpose of the act:
a. Replace outdated laws with a modern regulatory framework.
b. Strengthen cybersecurity for mobile networks.
c. Support the Digital India initiative by increasing internet and
broadband penetration.
d. Provide a clear legal framework for the allocation of
spectrum and the operation of telecom services.
Key Provisions Explanation
Authorisation and licensing The Act requires prior authorization from the central
government to provide telecommunication services or
operate networks.

Spectrum allocation Spectrum will be assigned primarily through auctions, with

exceptions for national security and other specific purposes.

Digital Bharat Nidhi A fund to support the Digital India initiative and promote the
development of telecom services.
Extra-territorial applicability The Act applies to offenses committed outside India if they
involve Indian telecom services, equipment, or networks

User protection Consent requirements for receiving messages and the

creation of a 'do not disturb' register.
Internet-based calling and messaging apps The Act attempts to bring internet-based calling and
messaging apps within the telecom regulatory ambit

Surveillance and suspension powers The government has the authority to intercept and suspend
telecom services for national security and public safety
The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023
Context: Recently passed and debates in news papers.

1. The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP Act) aims to
regulate and protect the collection, use, storage, and sharing of
personal information stored in digital form.
2. The DPDP Act recognizes both the right of individuals to protect
their personal data and the need to process such data for lawful
The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023
2. Histroy:
• Right to Privacy judgement 2017
• BN Srikrishna Committee (2017-18) on data protection.
Key Provisions Explanation
Consent-based processing Entities must obtain explicit consent before processing
personal data.

Legitimate purposes for processing If voluntary submitted, medical emergency, disasters, public
personal data order, employment purpose etc..

Rights of Data Principal Individuals have rights such as access, correction, and
erasure of their data.

Data fiduciary obligations Organizations processing data must adhere to guidelines and
be accountable.
Data localization The Act allows cross-border data transfer with certain

Extra Territorial applicability Also applies to any data processing outside India pertains to a
Data Principal within India.

Establishment of Data Protection Board For grievance redressal

of India
Some key terms often seen in the context of the DPDP Act

Personal data Under the DPDP Act, data is any information that can
identify a person such as their name, address, phone
number, email address, bank account details, medical
details or social media profiles.

Data Principal An individual whose data is to be collected, processed,

used and stored by a Data Fiduciary.
Eg: An individual who signs up on Facebook
Data Fiduciary a service provider who collects information of its
potential customer base at the time of sign up is a Data
Fiduciary. Examples: A bank or a dating app.
Consent Manager Is a tool used by websites and online platforms to obtain
user consent for the collection, processing and sharing of
personal data.

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