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Facilitator Guide

Explain POS transactions in a

W&R outlet

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 1

SAQA ID 258157:
Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail outlet
NQF Level 2, 6 Credits

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 2

Table of Contents
PROGRAMME DOCUMENT CHECKLIST................................................................................................... 4
PROGRAMME OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................... 5
Intended Audience ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Programme entry level requirements ........................................................................................................... 5
Programme Outcomes ................................................................................................................................. 5
Assessment .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Learning map (delivery structure) .......................................................................................................... 7
Unit Standard details ....................................................................................................................... 8
258157 ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Your Role as Facilitator ................................................................................................................. 12
Facilitator Credentials ............................................................................................................................... 12
Facilitator Conduct .................................................................................................................................... 12
Learner Support ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Facilitator Administration.......................................................................................................................... 13
Facilitation Strategy................................................................................................................................... 14
SUGGESTED FACILITATION AGENDA ........................................................................................ 15
DAY ONE SUGGESTED AGENDA .......................................................................................................... 15
Class / Formative Activities Guide ................................................................................................ 18
Class Activity 1: Explain how to record transactions at Point of Sale .................................................. 18
Class Activity 2: Explain processing payment at the Point of Sale ...................................................... 20
DAY TWO SUGGESTED AGENDA ......................................................................................................... 22
Class / Formative Activities Guide ................................................................................................ 25
Class Activity 3: Explain the investigation of overs and shortages at Point of Sale ............................. 25
Reflection ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Facilitator Observation Checklist ......................................................................................................... 27
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT................................................................................................................... 28
Knowledge Questions ........................................................................................................................... 28
Practical Activities ................................................................................................................................ 28
Witness Testimony ............................................................................................................................... 28
Logbook................................................................................................................................................ 28
Summative Activities ...................................................................................................................... 29
Knowledge Questions Guide ..................................................................................................................... 29
Practical Activity Guide ............................................................................................................................ 33
Practical Activity 1: Explain POS transactions in a W&R outlet ......................................................... 33
Practical Observation Instructions ........................................................................................................ 34
Practical Observation Sheet .................................................................................................................. 35
Practical Activity Checklist .................................................................................................................. 37
EXAMPLE ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENTS .......................................................................................... 38
Appeals Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 39
Appeals Form ............................................................................................................................................ 40
Learner Programme Evaluation .................................................................................................... 41
Facilitator Report .......................................................................................................................... 42
Attendance Register ....................................................................................................................... 46

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 3

Programme Document Checklist

Programme Document Checklist

Facilitator Guide
Attendance Register (provided by the training provider)
Name Tags / Tent Cards (1 per learner + facilitator)
Learner Guides (1 per learner)
Learner Workbooks (1 per learner)
Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guides (1 per learner)
Learner Skills Programme Evaluation form (1 per learner)
Facilitator Report (provided by the training provider)

Support Materials

Access to the Training Provider:

• QMS policies and procedures
• Related documents for this learning programme:
o Learner Guide
o Learner Workbook
o Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide
o Strategy and Alignment document
o Assessor Assessment Guide
o Unit Standard(s)

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 4

Programme Overview

Programme Overview
Welcome to this learning programme that will lead the learner to a greater
understanding of how to:
• Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail outlet (POS)
As the learner works his/her way through the learning programme he/she will gain
competence against the following Unit Standard:

Programme Explain POS transactions in a W&R outlet

SAQA ID 258157: Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and
Unit Standard retail outlet
NQF Level 2, 6 Credits

Intended Audience
This learning programme is intended for all persons who need to explain the
processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail outlet. This unit standard is
intended for people who are responsible for cashing up outlet cashiers with no
previous experience of recording transactions and processing payment. It is
important these persons have a good knowledge of the recording of transactions and
processing of payments in order to solve queries that may arise when cashing up
and balance point of sale.

Programme entry level requirements

It is assumed that people learning towards this Unit Standard are already competent
• Communication at NQF Level 2
• Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2

Programme Outcomes
In this learning programme, we will be covering the following learning outcomes:

Module 1: Module 2: Module 3:

Explain how to record Explain processing Explain the investigation of
transactions at Point of payment at the Point of overs and shortages at
Sale Sale Point of Sale

• Explain the start-of-day and • Identify the various forms of • Explain the causes of overs
end-of-day procedures payments as accepted by and shortages at Point of
required at the Point of Sale the outlet Sale as they apply to the
as they apply to the outlet • Explain the forms of outlet
• Explain the procedure for validating the various • Explain the method for
recording transactions as payment methods as they investigating overs and
used in the outlet with apply to the outlet shortages as they apply to
practical examples • Sort and pack cash at Point the outlet
• Explain the correcting of of Sale according to outlet • Explain how variances at
errors in the recording of specifications Point of Sale are
transactions as they apply • Explain the procedure for investigated according to
to the outlet calculating and handing outlet policies and
• Explain the security over change as it applies to procedures
measures applicable to the the outlet
recording of transactions as • Explain the security
they apply to the outlet requirements for the control
of cash at Point of Sale as
they apply to the outlet

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 5

Programme Overview

During the workshop the learner will complete a number of class activities that will
form part of his/her formative assessment. In this the learner has the opportunity to
practice and explore new skills in a safe environment. The learner should take the
opportunity to gather as much information as he/she can to use during his/her
workplace learning and self-study.
The workshop will be followed by summative assessment tasks to be completed
through self-study in your workplace. In some cases, the learner may be required to
do research and complete the tasks in his/her own time.

It is important to note that the onus is on the learner, to prove his/her competence.
The learner therefore needs to plan his/her time and ensure that his/her Portfolio of
Evidence is kept up to date and handed in timeously.
A Portfolio of Evidence is a collection of documents of work that the learner has
produced to prove his/her competence. The learner will compile a portfolio from
activities, tools and checklists associated with the unit standard and relevant to the
unit standard being assessed.
The learner will be given the following documents to assist you in creating a portfolio
of evidence:
• Learner Guide: The Learner Guide is designed to serve as a guide for the
duration of your learning programme and as the main source document for
transfer of learning. It contains information (knowledge and skills required)
and application aids that will assist you in developing the knowledge and skills
stipulated in the specific outcomes and assessment criteria. The learner
guide also indicates the formative assessment class activities that you need
to complete towards your Portfolio of Evidence.
• Learner Workbook: The learner Workbook contains all the class activities
that you will be completing to show formative learning. These will be
assessed as part of your portfolio of evidence as formative assessment. You
will be handing in the Learner Workbook as part of your Portfolio of Evidence.
• Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide: The Learner Portfolio of Evidence
Guide provides details about the assessment, such as the assessment
preparation, plan and specific summative assessment activities that you need
to complete in the workplace.
Both formative and summative assessment is used as part of this outcomes-based
learning programme:
• Formative Assessment: In order to gain credits for this Unit Standard you
will need to prove to an assessor that you are competent. The Class
Activities throughout your Learner Workbook are designed not only to help
you learn new skills, but also to prove that you have mastered competence.
You will be required to develop a Portfolio of Evidence to hand in to an
assessor so that you can be assessed against the outcomes of this Unit
Standard. Where you encounter a Class Activity icon, you must complete the
formative assessment activity in the Learner Workbook. Comprehensive
guidelines for the development of your Portfolio of Evidence may be found in
the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide for the particular learning programme
that you are working with.
• Summative Assessment: The NQF’s objective is to create independent and
self-sufficient learners. This means that you will also be required to do
independent research and assignments, such as Knowledge Questions,

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 6

Programme Overview

Practical Activity (completed in the workplace), Witness Testimony and

The assessment process is discussed in detail in the Learner Portfolio of
Evidence Guide. When you are ready, you will advise your mentor that you
are ready for assessment. He or she will then sign off the required sections in
the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide and you will be able to submit your
Portfolio of Evidence for assessment. The summative assessment activities
placed in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide for your convenience. If
any of your assessment is conducted using observation, role plays or verbal
assessment, place a signed copy of the checklists, once completed by your
mentor or line manager in your Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide, as
The Training Provider will assess the portfolio. If successful, the learner will receive
the credit value of this learning programme. The entire assessment process is
explained in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide and you are urged to read this
guide as soon as possible as it explains the assessment process in detail and
clarifies the learner’s rights and responsibilities to ensure that the assessment is fair,
valid and reliable.
If the learner is not successful, the learner will receive all the guidance needed to
resubmit your Portfolio of Evidence within a specific time period, as per the Training
Provider requirements.

Learning map (delivery structure)

Assessment Formative Assessment 30% Summative Assessment70%
Contact Learning Summative
Theory input Prescribed assessment in PoE:
Learning Learning and
Formative assessment reading, knowledge questions,
application at the
(workbook activities): support, practical workplace
activities workplace
group activities, coaching activity, Witness
for 60 hours of simulations Testimony, logbook

notional learning 14 hours 4 hours 34 hours 8 hours

   
Compilation of Portfolio of Evidence
Complementary workplace practices Coaching and Mentoring; Performance Management

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 7

Programme Overview

Unit Standard details



Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail

Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail outlet

258157 Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail outlet
SGB Retail and Wholesale
Field 11 - Services Wholesale and Retail
Undefined Regular Level 2 NQF Level 02 6
Reregistered 2018-07-01 2023-06-30 SAQA 06120/18
2024-06-30 2027-06-30
This unit standard does not replace any other unit standard and is not replaced by any other
unit standard.


This unit standard is intended for people who are responsible for cashing up outlet cashiers
with no previous experience of recording transactions and processing payment. It is
important these persons have a good knowledge of the recording of transactions and
processing of payments in order to solve queries that may arise when cashing up and
balance point of sale.

Qualifying learners will be capable of:

Explaining how to record transactions at Point of Sale.
Explaining processing payment at Point of Sale.
Explaining the investigation of overs and shortages at Point of Sale.


It is assumed that a learner will be competent in:
Communication at NQF Level 2.
Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 8

Programme Overview



Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:

Explain how to record transactions at Point of Sale.


The start-of-day and end-of-day procedures required at the Point of Sale are explained as
they apply to the outlet.

The procedure for recording transactions as used in the outlet is explained with practical

The correcting of errors in the recording of transactions is explained as they apply to the

Security measures applicable to the recording of transactions are explained as they apply to
the outlet.

Explain processing payment at Point of Sale.


Cash is sorted and packed at Point of Sale according to outlet specifications.

The various forms of payments are identified as accepted by the outlet.

Forms of validating the various payment methods are explained as they apply to the outlet.

The procedure for calculating and handing over change is explained as it applies to the

Security requirements for the control of cash at Point of Sale is explained as they apply to the

Explain the investigation of overs and shortages at Point of Sale.



Version 1 Facilitator Guide 9

Programme Overview

The causes of overs and shortages at Point of Sale are explained as they apply to the outlet.

The method for investigating overs and shortages are explained as they apply to the outlet.

Explain how variances at Point of Sale are investigated according to outlet policies and


Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this unit standard and the
related Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification must be accredited by the relevant Education
and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) body.
External Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA at its discretion.
The accredited Training Provider will oversee internal moderation of assessment.
Internal and external moderation should encompass achievement of competence
described in the specific outcomes of the unit standard as well as the integrated competence
described in the purpose of the unit standard.


Outlet start and end of day procedures at Point of Sale.
Outlet procedure for recording transactions.
Outlet method for the correcting of errors at Point of Sale.
Outlet security measures applicable to the recording of transactions.
Outlet methods for the sorting and packing of cash at Point of Sale.
The various forms of payments accepted by the outlet along with the procedure for
accepting them.
Applicable forms of validating the various payment methods.
The outlets procedure for calculating and handing over change.
Outlet security requirements for the control of cash at Point of Sale.
The causes of overs and shortages at Point of Sale and methods of investigating
shortages and overages.





Critical Cross-field Outcomes (CCFO):


Identify and solve problems associated with processing payments at Point of Sale by
employing responsible decision-making and creative thinking.


Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group or role-players in investigating
overs and shortages at Point of Sales.


Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively in discharging
ones duties and responsibilities within the W&R business.


Communicate effectively using appropriate modes of oral and/or written persuasion in dealing
with all role-players to achieve customer satisfaction in a W&R business.


Version 1 Facilitator Guide 10

Programme Overview

Demonstrate an understanding of the world, as a set of related systems by recognising that

problem solving relating to overs and shortages exist in a variety of related contexts.


As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this unit standard was Reregistered in 2012;




National Certificate:
NQF 2023-
Elective 63409 Wholesale and Retail Level 3 Reregistered W&RSETA
Level 03 06-30

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 11

Facilitator Role and Responsibilities

Your Role as Facilitator

As facilitator you need to ensure that learners gain an understanding of the topic at
hand and are able to go away after the workshop and continue their learning in the
workplace and on their own. In order to achieve this you need to ensure that you
• Knowledge of the subject: Ensure that you understand the requirements of
the unit standard. It is highly recommended that you are also a Subject
Matter Expert (SME). You should know more than the basics of the topic and
have the ability to give examples of practical applications from the workplace
during facilitation.
• Knowledge of the organisation: This is important because you need to
know how the learners could and should apply the knowledge and skills in
• Knowledge of the content of the course: You should familiarise yourself
with all the guides and content of the Learner Guide well in advance.
Linkages between the guides and how they cross reference should be clearly
• Knowledge of the assessment methodology: Study the Strategy and
Alignment document and the Assessment Guide for the unit standard and
ensure that you are familiar with the assessment methods and procedures
that will be followed. Also refer to and use the unit standard document and
the training provider QMS (facilitation, assessment, reporting and other
related policies and procedures).

Facilitator Credentials
In order to facilitate / present this learning programme or portions thereof, the
facilitator must show Subject Matter Expertise in the following:
• Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail outlet
And be able to:
• Explain how to record transactions at Point of Sale
• Explain processing payment at Point of Sale
• Explain the investigation of overs and shortages at Point of Sale
Please ensure that the training provider has a copy of your CV with all relevant
certificates of achievement to substantiate your expertise related to this learning

Facilitator Conduct
The provider will have a Facilitator Code of Conduct and standard Service Level
Agreement that needs to be discussed and signed in agreement before
commencement of this learning programme. Make sure that these legal documents
are in place before embarking on the facilitation of this programme.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 12

Facilitator Role and Responsibilities

Learner Support
Please remember that this programme is Outcomes Based – this implies the
• The Learner is responsible for his/her own learning – as Facilitator you
are required to make sure he/she has exposure to structured, highly
participative contact sessions, and that he/she provides input to contact
sessions activities where required.
• Activities are learner driven – make sure you assist the learner in using the
Learner Guide and Portfolio Guide in the manner intended, and are familiar
with the requirements for summative assessment.
Due to the vocational nature of the qualification / learning programme, the
Facilitator is required to facilitate all practical activities as closely as possible
to actual working conditions, and to cover all formative activities indicated in
the Learner Guides and completed in the Learner Workbook.
• Assessment Support – Facilitators are required to provide support to
learners in identifying coaching and mentoring requirements, and provide
support to learners after facilitated sessions. Learners on a qualification /
learnership will return to the workplace for a period of time between each
facilitated contact session, and must complete their Portfolios of Evidence (as
well as FISA) in that period.

Facilitator Administration
The administration requirements are subject to the quality management system of
the provider – however, there are certain documents that are critical to the success of
the qualification / learning programme:
• Attendance Register – the training provider will provide you with an
attendance register
• Learner Registration forms – the training provider will provide you with the
learner registration forms that are required. A learner registration form is also
provided in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide for assessment purposes
- please see the instructions for the completion of these. Note: The learners
are required to also provide a certified copy of their ID, a copy of their CV and
relevant certificates as indicated in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide.
• Learner Appeal forms – the procedure and forms are provided to the learner
in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide.
• Learner Learning Programme Evaluation forms – the training provider will
provide you with the evaluations forms that the learners need to complete at
the end of the learning programme. Their feedback is valuable and forms part
of the quality management system of the training provider.
• Facilitator report – the training provider will provide you with a facilitator
report that you need to complete at the end of the learning programme. Your
feedback is valuable and forms part of the quality management system of the
training provider.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 13

Facilitator Role and Responsibilities

Please make sure that you complete the following documents and submit to the
training provider at the end of the facilitation session:
• Attendance Registers
• Facilitator Report

Facilitation Strategy
As facilitator of the programme you are required to do your own facilitation planning
per Learning module / unit. The facilitation plan provided below covers the actual
facilitated contact session only.
The suggested facilitation agenda (facilitation planners) on the next few pages are
intended as a guide only, and provides a foundation for the planning and roll out of
the learning programme.
• Page numbers have intentionally not been provided, as the training provider
would be updating the material continuously as part of their quality
management system.
• As an experienced facilitator, it is up to you to decide which parts of the
class activity need to be done as individual / group sessions, unless
otherwise indicated in the activities. Remember to keep note of this as you
will be required to record this in the Facilitator Observation Checklist at the
end of the training session.
• When facilitating a qualification / learnership, the provider will schedule
the dates on a qualification calendar for the period of roll-out following the
guidelines on total days and structuring of learning activities.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 14

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Suggested Facilitation Agenda

Day One Suggested Agenda

07h30 Set up of room:

• Ensure that the room is set up:
o in a u-shape, or in small groups, and that all delegates will be able
to see the flipchart / board / OHP screen OR
o with water and glasses for the learners
• Hand out one each of the following to the learners:
o Name card
o Learner Guide
o Learner Workbook
• Hand out the Attendance Register daily for the learners to complete
• Check with the kitchen / caterer to confirm tea times and lunchtime
08h30 Welcome and Introductions:
Welcome the learners to the programme.

Complete the necessary Administration documents related to the

facilitation of this programme - e.g. attendance register

Briefly go round the room, allow them to introduce themselves.

Start with a suitable ice-breaker. Go to

www.businessballs.com or
http://humanresources.about.com/od/icebreakers/ or
http://www.iaiabc.org/files/public/Ice%20Breakers%20Handout.pdf or
for ideas

Ask the group:

• How important is it for you to explain POS transactions in a W&R outlet
and WHY?

Flipchart responses and stick the sheets up in full view of the group

Inform the learners that this skills programme is aligned to the Unit
258157: Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail

Discuss the 3 modules of the learner guide.

• Explain how to record transactions at Point of Sale
• Explain processing payment at the Point of Sale
• Explain the investigation of overs and shortages at Point of Sale

Point out that the module is outcomes based which means that each
individual has to show their competence in a number of areas.

Explain that throughout the day there will be a number of activities to

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 15

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

complete in the Learner Workbook and that those learners who will be
doing the formal assessment to gain credits against this unit standard(s)
will be issued with a further document – the Learner Portfolio of
Evidence Guide, which contains a number of further activities that they
will need to complete at the end of the programme and within the
workplace to demonstrate their competence.

09h00 Module 1 – Explain how to record transactions at Point of Sale

Turn to the relevant page in the Learner Guide and discuss the key
learning outcomes:
• Explain the start-of-day and end-of-day procedures required at the
Point of Sale as they apply to the outlet
• Explain the procedure for recording transactions as used in the outlet
with practical examples
• Explain the correcting of errors in the recording of transactions as they
apply to the outlet
• Explain the security measures applicable to the recording of
transactions as they apply to the outlet

Explain how to record transactions at Point of Sale

Refer to the relevant page of the Learner Guide and cover the section. Key
learning points should include:
• Introduction
• 1.1 Explain the start-of-day and end-of-day procedures required at
the Point of Sale
• 1.2 Explain the procedure for recording transactions
• 1.3 Explain the correcting of errors in the recording of transactions
• 1.4 Explain the security measures applicable to the recording of

10h00 Morning Tea/ Coffee

Class Activity 1
Refer to the required page in the learner Activity Workbook. Work through
the activity with the group and make sure they understand what they need
to do. This is a formative assessment activity.
Debrief - Ask if there are any questions and allow for some discussion.

13h00 Lunch Break

13h30 Module 2 – Explain processing payment at the Point of Sale
Turn to the relevant page in the Learner Guide and discuss the key
learning outcomes:
• Identify the various forms of payments as accepted by the outlet
• Explain the forms of validating the various payment methods as they
apply to the outlet
• Sort and pack cash at Point of Sale according to outlet specifications
• Explain the procedure for calculating and handing over change as it

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 16

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

applies to the outlet

• Explain the security requirements for the control of cash at Point of
Sale as they apply to the outlet

Explain processing payment at the Point of Sale

Refer to the relevant page of the Learner Guide and cover the section. Key
learning points should include:
• Introduction
• 2.1 Identify the various forms of payments as accepted by the
• 2.2 Explain the forms of accepting and validating the various
payment methods
• 2.3 Sort and pack cash at Point of Sale
• 2.4 Explain the procedure for calculating and handing over change
• 2.5 Explain the security requirements for the control of cash at
Point of Sale

15h00 Afternoon Tea/ Coffee

Class Activity 2
Refer to the required page in the learner Activity Workbook. Work through
the activity with the group and make sure they understand what they need
to do. This is a formative assessment activity.
Debrief - Ask if there are any questions and allow for some discussion.

Debrief and Summary

Summarise the content of this module paying particular attention to what
is required of the learner for the PoE. Ask if there are any questions and
allow for some discussion.
Ask learners to tell you what the key learning points for them were.

16h30 Conclude the day and thank everyone for their participation

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 17

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Class / Formative Activities Guide

Class Activity 1: Explain how to record 258157 EEK1
transactions at Point of Sale 258157 EEK2
Complete the following in small groups / individually as 258157 EEK3
per the instructions from your facilitator: 258157 EEK4
1. In your small groups, discuss and list the steps to open the register at the start
of the day.
Learner specific answer but should include:
Get the key and cash float from the office.
Transfer the cash to the register.
Close the cash drawer.
Insert the key into the register and turn to ‘Register’ mode.
Log on to the register by entering staff ID code.
Enter a ‘No Sale’ into the register so that the next tax invoice will have the correct

2. In your small groups, complete the procedures for the following transactions:

Cash procedures
Scan the goods into the register.
Sub-total the sale and tell the customer the total amount.
Call the amount of money tendered by the customer.
Place the money tendered on the register.
Ring up the amount tendered using the Cash Total button.
Make up the change and count it back to the customer.
Place the amount tendered into the cash drawer.
Close the cash drawer.

EFTPOS credit
Swipe the credit card through the machine
Press ‘Credit’ on the machine
Ask the customer to sign the print out
Check that the customers’ signature is the same as that on the credit card
Return the credit card and a copy of the print out to the customer.
Place the store copy in the correct compartment

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 18

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

3. Explain how you would correct the error when you entered the incorrect amount
on the cash register

Learner specific answer

By pressing the Clear button and starting the transaction again. If in doubt, call your
supervisor to fix the situation.

4. How would you ensure that the cash in your register remains secure?

Learner specific answer

The cash drawer must be closed after each transaction.
Never leave an open cash drawer unattended under any circumstances.
The register must be locked and the key removed whenever it’s unattended.
Never count money in view of the customers.

Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 19

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Class Activity 2: Explain processing payment at 258157 EEK5
the Point of Sale 258157 EEK6
Complete the following in small groups / individually as 258157 EEK7
per the instructions from your facilitator: 258157 EEK8
258157 EEK9
1. Describe the following payment methods

Credit Card: Is an immediate transfer of funds from the client’s credit card
account (money borrowed from a bank) into the bank account of
the retailers or wholesaler

Debit Card: Is an immediate transfer of funds from the client’s account into
the store’s account. This method cannot be changed by the client
once the transaction has been processed; is therefore completely

Cheque: Is actually a promise from the country’s bank to pay the ‘bearer’
the value written on the note. The danger of cheques is that it can
be forged and would then be valueless.

2. Explain what procedures you should follow when accepting a cheque as

The following general procedures are important when accepting cheques:
Make sure the correct company name is written on the “To” line.
Cheques should be signed in front of the Supervisor.
Make sure cheques are marked Not Negotiable with the correct date and amount
No corrections are allowed- please ask the customer to write out a new cheque.
Ensure writing is in black or blue pen and never RED.
Ask the customer for identification like a driver's licence or a passport. Check that
the photo matches the customer. Write the licence or passport number and the
customer's address on the back of the cheque. This will help to contact the
customer if the cheque isn't accepted by the bank.

3. Explain how you would sort and pack your cash in the cash register
Learner specific answer but should include:
Sort the notes by denomination. Arrange each stack of notes so they all face the
same direction, with the front of each note facing up.
Place the stack of 10s in the slot of the cash drawer furthest to the left. Place 20s in
the next slot, 50s in the next and 100s in the slot furthest to the right.
Place any notes larger than a R100 and all checks received in the compartment
beneath the cash drawer.
Separate coins by denomination and place each pile in a separate section of the
cash drawer. Start with 10 cents on the far left, 20 cents next, then 50 cents, then

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 20

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

the R1 coins, the R2 coins and lastly the R5 coins on the far right.

4. Explain how you would count the money that receive for a cash payment

Count the notes first. Work from the highest value notes to the lowest value notes.
Next count the coins. Work from the highest value coins to the lowest value coins.
Tell the customer the amount you have counted.
Accurately key in the amount of cash.

5. Explain how you would securely handle the money when the customer make a
cash payment

When taking cash from a customer:

call the amount tendered
place the amount tendered into the note clip on the register until the customer has
received their change
count back the change to double-check yourself
avoid being distracted by other people while processing a transaction

Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 21

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Day Two Suggested Agenda

08h00 Set up of room:

• Ensure that room is set up and ready for the day’s training
• Hand out the Attendance Register for the learners to complete
• Ensure that you have the following ready for the end of the programme:
o Course evaluation forms (one for each learner)
o Learner PoE Guide (one for each learner) that is doing the formal
08h30 Welcome
Welcome the learners back to the programme. Review the day before.
08h40 Module 3 – Explain the investigation of overs and shortages at Point
of Sale
Turn to the relevant page in the Learner Guide and discuss the key
learning outcomes:
• Explain the causes of overs and shortages at Point of Sale as they
apply to the outlet
• Explain the method for investigating overs and shortages as they apply
to the outlet
• Explain how variances at Point of Sale are investigated according to
outlet policies and procedures

Explain the investigation of overs and shortages at Point of Sale

Refer to the relevant page of the Learner Guide and cover the section. Key
learning points should include:
• Introduction
• 3.1 Explain the causes of overs and shortages at Point of Sale
• 3.2 Explain the method for investigating overs and shortages
• 3.3 Explain how variances at Point of Sale are investigated

10h00 Morning Tea/ Coffee

Class Activity 3
Refer to the required page in the learner Activity Workbook. Work through
the activity with the group and make sure they understand what they need
to do. This is a formative assessment activity.
Debrief - Ask if there are any questions and allow for some discussion.

Debrief and Summary

Summarise the content of this module paying particular attention to what
is required of the learner for the PoE. Ask if there are any questions and
allow for some discussion.
Ask learners to tell you what the key learning points for them were.

13h00 Lunch Break

13h30 Debrief and conclude the programme by referring to the flipchart with
each person’s objective for the course on it and ask whether they have
achieved their objective

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 22

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Programme Reflection
Request the learners to complete the Reflection document at the end of
the Learner Workbook

Facilitator Observation Checklist

The facilitator needs to complete the Facilitator Observation Checklist for
each learner in his/her Learner Workbook

Programme Evaluation
Request the learners to complete the evaluation form for the course and
hand it back to you for safekeeping.

Thank everyone for their participation

Request learners that are going to do the formal assessment to remain in

class for the last section and dismiss the other learners (they are free to go

14h15 Afternoon Tea/ Coffee

Summative Assessment
Hand out the Learner PoE Guides to the learners that are participating in
the assessment process.
Work through the Learner PoE Guide and ensure that the learners
understand exactly what they are required to do AND ensure that the
learners complete and sign the required areas:
• Foreword to the Learner – general introduction to the assessment
• Note to the Learner – provides information about all the parts of
the assessment process
• Learner’s Personal Information – learner needs to fill in the form
using the Registration Form Codes
• Learner ID, CV and Qualifications – learner needs to provide
these documents (filed here)
• Unit Standard Details – provides the unit standard information
against which the learner will be assessed
• Pre-Assessment Preparation Sheet – provides for the orientation
and preparation of the learner for the assessment process
(facilitator sign off)
• Assessment Plan – provides for the planning of completion dates
of the assessment activities (facilitator sign off)
• Declaration of Authenticity – provides for the learner to declare
that all the evidence submitted is the work of the learner – without
this document being signed off, no assessment will be done.
Witness details and signature required
• Appeals Procedure – explain the procedure, learners to sign off
this procedure page. Show the Appeals Form on the next page
• Formative Assessment, Learner Workbook – explain that the
entire completed Learner Workbook needs to be submitted to show

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 23

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

formative learning and for assessment purposes

• Summative Assessment – explain that the learner needs to
complete all the summative activities individually:
o Knowledge Questions (to be completed in the workplace)
o Practical Activities (to be completed in the workplace)
o Witness Testimony which is a witness testimony (to be
completed by the supervisor)
o Logbook (learner needs to keep a record of all the related
activities he/she had completed for this training dn
assessment – number of hours indicated in the logbook
• Assessment Activities Checklist – explain that the learner and
his/her supervisor need to fill in this form once all the summative
activities are complete. This document also shows how the
Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria are linked to the
• Learner’s Review of the Assessment Process – explain that the
learner must to complete this documents as part of the quality
management process – note all feedback received will be taken into
account to make the process better for the future
• Learner must sign and date every page of Learner PoE Guide in
the space provided
Provide the learners with the contact information for yourself (facilitator)
and the assessor.
Submit all training provider documentation to the training provider, e.g.
attendance registers, feedback forms, reports, etc.
Remember: Follow the instructions in the Learner PoE guide closely to
ensure that the learners understand and closely follow the instructions to
create the required Summative assessment evidence.
Close the programme and thank everyone for their participation

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 24

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Class / Formative Activities Guide

Class Activity 3: Explain the investigation of overs

and shortages at Point of Sale 258157.3
258157 EEK10
Complete the following in small groups / individually as
per the instructions from your facilitator:
1. Every organisation would have a specific organisational policy and procedure
(standard) for cashing up. In your small groups discuss and describe your
organisations process for cashing up.
The process would include:
Counting the cash, adding up all the other types of payments received (cheques,
debit / credit card slips, etc.) to find a total. This total is recorded on the required
cashing-up documentation.
The till float (amount of cash that should be left in the till for issuing clients with cash
change) is then subtracted and placed back into the till drawer – ready for use in the
next shift. This total is recorded on the required cashing-up documentation.
Any cash payments made from the till is then added up and recorded on the
required cashing-up documentation.
The total payments received are then compared to the cash register / till slip total.
This total is recorded on the required cashing-up documentation. These two
amounts should balance. There should be no “shorts” or “overs”. Any overages and
or shortages should be investigated. Human nature should be taken into account for
minor errors and small amounts. However, frequent discrepancies could be sign of
employee theft or may indicate further training is required for a particular cashier.
The required documentation is then completed and signed for by the cashier and
the admin manager / supervisor / manager.

2. What information do you need to do a reconciliation

To reconcile, you'll need the following items:

cash summary information – the totals of all cash takings listed in each
non-cash summary information – the totals of all non-cash items
final terminal reading – showing the breakup of all cash, non-cash and other
EFTPOS terminal final reading.

3. Identify the possible causes for the following problems

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 25

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Problem Possible cause

EFT reading does EFT transaction processed twice.

not match non-cash

Cash takings don't Cash counted incorrectly.

match the cash
transaction subtotal
in the final reading.

Cash takings don't Incorrect change was given to the customer.

match the cash
transaction subtotal
in the final reading.

Cash takings don't Incorrect amount entered in terminal, e.g. R100 entered
match the cash instead of R10.
transaction subtotal
in the final reading.

Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 26

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Individually, complete the formative activity in the Learner
The purpose of reflection is for the learner to consider what he/she has learnt and
how he/she will use it in the future. The learner is required to complete the reflection

Facilitator Observation Checklist

The facilitator needs to provide feedback on the
participation of each learner in the class:
The purpose of the facilitator observation checklist is to provide the learner with
feedback about his/her participation during the formative class activities and also to
highlight the observed strengths and perceived weaknesses that the learner
displayed during the workshop and/or learning programme.
The facilitator is required to complete the Facilitator Observation checklist for each
learner in his/her Learner Workbook. The learner needs to sign-off the document to
confirm that he/she has received the observation feedback.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 27

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Summative Assessment
The learners are required to complete a number of summative assessment activities
in their Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guides. The Learner Portfolio of Evidence
Guide will guide the learner as to what he/she is required to do, such as:
• Complete all the required administration documents and submit all the
required documentation, such as a certified copy of your ID, a copy of your
CV and relevant certificates of achievement:
• Learner personal information form
• Pre-assessment preparation sheet
• Assessment plan document
• Declaration of authenticity form
• Appeals procedure declaration form
• Place your complete Learner Workbook (with the completed Class Activities)
in the specified place in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide.
• Complete the summative assessment activities in your workplace:

Knowledge Questions
Individually, complete this summative activity in your Learner Portfolio of
Evidence Guide

Practical Activities
Individually, complete this summative activity in your Learner Portfolio of
Evidence Guide

Witness Testimony
Individually, complete this summative activity in your Learner Portfolio of
Evidence Guide

Individually, complete this summative activity in your Learner Portfolio of
Evidence Guide

Once you have completed all the summative activities in your Learner Portfolio of
Evidence Guide, complete the Assessment Activities Checklist to ensure that you
have submitted all the required evidence for your portfolio, before submitting your
portfolio for assessment.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 28

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Summative Activities
The summative activities are only for the learners that are doing the formal
assessment to gain credits for the unit standard/s related to this learning programme.
The learner needs to individually complete the summative assessment activities:
• Knowledge questionnaire
• Practical activities
• Witness Testimony
The summative assessment is conducted by means of a knowledge questionnaire
and various integrated assessment activities (practical activities and Witness
Testimony). The learner needs to follow the summative assessment activity
instructions to create the evidence required for the portfolio of evidence in the

Knowledge Questions Guide

The learner needs to answer the following knowledge questions in his/her Learner
Portfolio of Evidence Guide - related to the unit standard embedded knowledge and
assessment criteria. The learner needs to remember to number the answers
according to the question numbers, should s/he need to attach a document.
The learner has to complete this Knowledge Questionnaire individually based on
the theory that s/he covered in the Learner Guide and the formative assessments
s/he completed in the Learner Workbook.

Knowledge Questions Unit Standard

Individually complete the following: Reference

1. True or false 258157 EEK1

a. Each cash register will be locked at the end of a shift and at the end of the day.

b. If you are a full-time employee, you will not be given your own identification code
number or word

c. The point of sale registers will be opened by any employee in the department.

2. Put the following steps to process a EFTPOS debit transaction in
258157 EEK2
the correct order

Incorrect order Correct order

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 29

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

1. Customer enters their PIN 2

2. Swipe the debit card through the machine 3

3. Press Saving or Cheque 6

4. Place the store copy in the correct compartment 1

5. When approved, give the print out to the customer 5

6. Check that the amount is correct 4

3. Fill in the missing words 258157 EEK3

Most errors on the register can be rectified by pressing the Clear button and starting the
transaction again.

4. The maximum amount of cash allowed in the register will be set
by the store management. What should happen to the excess 258157 EEK4
cash? Choose one of the following options

A. Cash should be placed in a bag and kept inside the cash register
B. Any excess cash should be removed by an authorised person.
C. Quickly take the excess cash to the manager

5. List any four forms of payments accepted by an outlet. 258157 EEK6

Debit Card
Credit Card
Charge Cards
Vouchers and Tokens
(List any four)

6. Add the headings to the following picture to help identify the 258157 EEK7

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 30

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

security features on a Visa card


7. How would you open the cash register to place the cash into it 258157 EEK5

Pressing the ‘No Sale’ key opens most cash drawers. After entering in your staff code
and pressing the ‘no sale’ key, place the cash in the appropriate cash compartments.

8. Provide the correct order for counting money out and handing
258157 EEK8
over change

Incorrect order Correct order

1. Count the notes first. Work from the highest value 3

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 31

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

notes to the lowest value notes.

2. Tell the customer the amount of change you have 1

giving them.

3. Always try to use the least number of notes or 4


4. Then count the coins. Work from the highest value 2

coins to the lowest value coins.

9. List any three security requirements for the control of cash when
258157 EEK9
you take cash from a customer

call the amount tendered

place the amount tendered into the note clip on the register until the customer has
received their change
count back the change to double-check yourself
avoid being distracted by other people while processing a transaction.

(List any three)

10. When must the cash register (till) be cashed up? 258157 EEK10

At the end of the day, or first thing in the morning, the till should be cashed-up.

Total / 40

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 32

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Practical Activity Guide

The learner needs to individually complete the following activities to show his/her
ability to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Practical Activity: Explain POS transactions in a W&R 258157

outlet EEK1-10
Individually complete the following:
You need to show that you can explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and
retail outlet

Complete the following in your workplace:

1. Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail outlet. Complete

the following tasks and provide workplace evidence to show that you have done the
a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
start-of-day and end-of-day procedures required at the Point of Sale
b. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
recording transactions
c. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
security measures applicable to the recording of transactions and the
control of cash at Point of Sale
d. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
forms of validating the various payment methods
e. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
calculating and handing over change
f. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
investigating variances at Point of Sale
g. Complete the Practical Observation Sheet
h. Submit copies of the documents that you used during the practical
observation (above)

Remember: Provide workplace evidence to support your answers and show your ability to
do what is required of you in this activity.
Place your evidence after this page; clearly marked for easy reference.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 33

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Practical Observation Instructions

Observation is used by the supervisor / assessor / facilitator to observe a learner
carrying out a particular activity as a normal part of his/her learning / workplace
responsibilities. This method is particularly suited to evaluating process as well as
practical skills. All the observations must be real - simulation is only allowed as part
of the practical observation activity.

Instructions to the Learner:

Your supervisor / assessor / facilitator will observe you as you perform the listed
tasks in this observation. You must correctly do all the tasks listed (assessment
criteria) on the sign-off sheets that follows. When carrying out this action, all related
organisational policies and procedures must be followed at all times.
• Sign your name (in the first learner signature block) in agreement that your
facilitator did observe you in the first observation. Sign the other blocks for
subsequent observations with the supervisor (and/or assessor).
• Sign the last block on the observation sheet, as a final testimonial to the
practical observation.

Instructions to the supervisor:

You need to observe the learner performing the listed tasks as a normal part of
his/her workplace responsibilities on as many occasions as is required for the learner
to perform according to the required standard and related organisational policies and
1. First Observation:
o Work in the column numbered: 1
o Fill in die date of the first observation in the block provided under
number 1.
o Write Yes / No in the block provided next to the task being observed
(Yes – the learner performed the task to the required standard and in
accordance with the related organisational policies and procedures;
No – if the learner did not perform correctly)
o Fill in the number of tasks / performance criteria that you observed in
this particular observation session
o Sign in column 1 – to show that you observed the learner
o Provide notes to substantiate your Yes/No ratings in column 1, in the
space provided with heading: Observation 1 record and oral question
o Complete the Supervisor Details and Signature section at the end of
the observation sheet, as a testimonial to the practical observation in a
simulation environment.
2. Second and further observations:
o Complete these only if the learner was rated with a No for a specific
task. Repeat the observations after some coaching of the learner,
until you can confidently rate the observed task with a Yes.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 34

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Instructions to the Assessor:

The assessor needs to check that the learner has been observed by the facilitator
and the supervisor and that the practical observation sheet has been completed, as
per the instructions above.
The assessor will make an assessment judgement, based on the ratings (Yes and
No) done by the supervisor. Should the learner still have a No rating for a task
(assessment criteria) then the learner will be found Not Yet Competent for the Unit
Standard related to this practical observation. The assessor may set a specific
practical observation session with the learner if required.

Practical Observation Sheet

Learner Name Learner ID

1 2 3 4 5
Explain the processing of transactions in a
wholesale and retail outlet
Did the learner…

1. Sort and pack cash at Point of Sale according to outlet

2. Identify the various forms of payments as accepted by
the outlet?
Number of performance criteria observed:

Observation 1 record and oral question notes:

Observation 2 record and oral question notes:

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 35

Facilitation Agenda Day 1


Explain the processing of transactions in a
wholesale and retail outlet
1 2 3 4 5
Did the learner…
Observation 3 record and oral question notes:

Observation 4 record and oral question notes:

Observation 5 record and oral question notes:

We confirm that the evidence is authentic; all performance criteria, range and essential knowledge
requirements have been met for this unit standard. The observations were conducted under specified
conditions and the evidence provided is valid, authentic, current and sufficient.

Supervisor Name

Supervisor Signature

Supervisor Designation

Supervisor Contact Details

Learner Signature

Assessor Signature

Moderator Signature

Place your completed observation sheet / evidence directly after this page of your
PoE, clearly marked for easy reference.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 36

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Practical Activity Checklist

Please tick that you have submitted the following evidence as per the instructions

Learner Name Date

Submitted Name of my document /

Practical Activity
Yes/No Comments

Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail outlet

a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to start-of-day and end-
of-day procedures required at the Point of Sale
b. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to recording
c. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to security measures
applicable to the recording of transactions and
the control of cash at Point of Sale
d. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to forms of validating
the various payment methods
e. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to calculating and
handing over change
f. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to investigating
variances at Point of Sale

g. Complete the Practical Observation Sheet

h. Submit copies of the documents that you used

during the practical observation

Note: The assessor will use a similar list when doing the assessment.

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 37

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Example Administration Documents

The following documents / templates are provided as example documents for the
facilitator to use. Please consult the training provider BEFORE using these, as most
training providers have their own specific forms / documents / templates that they
would prefer the facilitator to use.

The following are provided as example templates:

• Appeals Procedure and Form
• Learner Programme Evaluation – after the training course
• Facilitator Report example
• Attendance Register example

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 38

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Appeals Procedure
Familiarise yourself with the appeals procedure and sign the document as requested. You will
only use the Appeals Form if you would like to appeal against the assessment decision.
The Training Provider acknowledges a Learner’s right to appeal against or dispute any
assessment decision.
You can appeal under the following circumstances:
• I do not agree with my assessment decision – I feel I have provided sufficient
• I was not briefed properly of the nature and requirements of assessment
• I was unfairly discriminated against
• My special needs for this assessment were not accommodated

If you would like to appeal, please follow the procedure below:

Stage 1:
• Approach the workshop organiser to state your case for re-assessment within 14
working days of being informed of the assessment decision. Complete and submit
the appeals form within the 14 days.
• The Training Provider will respond to all appeals and disputes received within 14
working days.
• The workshop organiser will consider the appeal and forward to the assessor if
• The assessor will respond with either:
• A clear explanation stating why the assessment decision is upheld combined with
a re-evaluation of the evidence.
• An amendment of the Learner’s Assessment Record, should this be appropriate.

Stage 2:
• Should the decision made by the assessor be unsatisfactory, the appeal will be
forwarded to the moderator for mediation and possible re-assessment.

Stage 3:
• The Training Provider management would be approached as the next step, should
the decision not be accepted. A panel will be selected to administer the appeal.
• The Learner is invited to attend the proceedings held by the panel.

Stage 4:
• Once all internal appeals and dispute systems have been exhausted, appeals and
disputes can be referred to the relevant ETQA for investigation.

Declaration: I hereby confirm that the above procedures have been explained to me and I
accept them.

Learner Name: Signature: Date: .

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 39

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Appeals Form
▪ I do not agree with my assessment decision – I feel I have provided sufficient evidence
▪ I was not briefed properly of the nature and requirements of assessment
▪ I was unfairly discriminated against
▪ My special needs for this assessment were not accommodated

I hereby appeal against the assessment decision:

(name & surname)
Training Provider
Unit Standard(s)
Assessor Assessment Date

Reason for appeal

Learner Signature Date of Appeal

Stage 1: Assessor Response

Decision Amended Decision Upheld
Assessor’s rationale for

Assessor Signature Date of Response

The above decision have been explained to me and I accept the decision YES NO
Learner Signature Date

Stage 2: Moderator Response

Decision Amended Decision Upheld
Moderator’s rationale for

Moderator Name Date of Response

Moderator Signature
The above decision have been explained to me and I accept the decision YES NO
Learner Signature Date

Stage 3: Management Response

Decision Amended Decision Upheld
Rationale for decision

Panel Date of Response

Name Signature
Name Signature
Name Signature
The above decision have been explained to me and I accept the decision YES NO
Learner Signature Date

Stage 4: ETQA The appeal has been referred for investigation YES NO

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 40

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Learner Programme Evaluation

The Training Provider will provide you with a similar document to the example below
for the learners to complete at the end of training:
Programme: Explain POS transactions in a W&R outlet
SAQA ID 258157: Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail
Unit Standard: outlet
NQF Level 2, 6 Credits
Delegate Name:

Date: Duration: Venue:

Facilitator’s Name:
Dear Learner
In order to assist us to maintain the relevance and quality of your learning, please complete this reaction sheet
and hand it back to your facilitator. Please be honest and make additional comments where possible.
Yours in Learning
Poor Average Good Excellent
Quality Indicator Average
=1 =2 =3 =4 =5
Did the Facilitator… Score
1. Clearly explain the outcomes of the course
2. Present an open and friendly approach towards the learners & made me feel welcome
3. Motivate & Encourage learning within the group
4. Use activities and training aids during the training making it exciting
5. Communicated Effectively and clearly
Additional Comments:

How was the course Delivered?
1. Did you feel the knowledgeable on all of the training outcomes
2. There was enough time to practice what I had learnt through activities and exercises
I received enough useful "support" material (Handouts, checklists, templates, job aids etc.)
to assist me back in the workplace
4. The trainer was well prepared
5. Cover the contents of the learning material adequately and in a logical sequence
Additional Comments:

Tell us about the Venue & other Logistics?
1. Communication of training venue, date and time was received in advance
2. Was it well prepared by the facilitator prior to the session
Additional Comments

Thank you for your feedback!

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 41

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Facilitator Report
The Training Provider will provide you with a similar document to the example below
for the facilitator to complete at the end of training:
Facilitator Training Report

Programme Explain POS transactions in a W&R outlet

SAQA ID 258157: Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale and retail
Unit Standard outlet
NQF Level 2, 6 Credits
Learnership NO Unit Standard Programme YES



Group trained

Aligned to

Report date


Number of

Overall Training Feedback



Criteria / Question

A. Logistics and Support

1. Communication regarding attendance of the programme was
efficient and effective
2. The Programme Coordinator was helpful and efficient
3. The training equipment and material used were effective and
4. The training venue was conducive to learning (set-up for
convenience of learners, comfortable in terms of temperature,
Specific comments about Logistics and Support:
Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 42

Facilitation Agenda Day 1


Criteria / Question

B. Learner Evaluation
1. Learners were prepared and motivated to attend the
2. Learners participated well and provided constructive input
3. The programme allows for the use of a variety of methods,
activities and discussions
4. Learners were punctual and kept to the schedule
Specific comments about Learners on this learning programme:
Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

C. Learning Programme Evaluation

1. The learning outcomes of the programme are relevant and
2. The content of the programme was relevant and suitable for
the target group
3. The length of the facilitation was suitable for the programme
4. The learning material assisted in learning new knowledge and
skills to apply in a practical manner
5. The learning material was free from spelling and grammar
6. Activities and handouts (if applicable) are clear, concise and
relevant to the outcomes and content
7. Learning material is generally of a high standard, and user
Specific comments about Learning Programme content:
Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

D. Assessment
1. A clear overview was provided of the assessment
requirements of the programme
2. The assessment process and time lines were clearly
3. All assessment activities were discussed
Specific comments about Assessment:
Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 43

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Training Activities and Observations

Programme specific – Facilitator to fill this in, e.g.

Activities Level and receptiveness of

Day What was covered
covered group

Module 1:
List the outcomes

Module 2: CA1 Facilitator specific comments to be

1 List the outcomes CA2 placed here
Module 3:
List the outcomes

Module 3:
List the outcomes
Facilitator specific comments to be
2 PoE placed here
Summative Assessment
List the outcomes

General Learner Behavioural Challenges or Issues

Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

Material or Assessment Comments / Updates / Quality

Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

Additional Comments
Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 44

Facilitation Agenda Day 1

Time Keeping
Facilitator to complete:

Approximate time
Date Late comers Comments / reasons noted
of arrival
Facilitator specific comments to
be placed here

Facilitator to complete:

Date: Name and surname Comments / reasons noted

Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

Assessment Status
Facilitator to complete:

Portfolios handed in Portfolios not handed in

Date set for this training session’s portfolio to be handed in

Overall Facilitator Comments

Facilitator specific comments to be placed here

Yours sincerely
Facilitator name
Contact cellphone number
Email address

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 45

Facilitation Agenda Day 2

Attendance Register

Attendance Register
Programme: Explain POS transactions in a W&R outlet Dates:
SAQA ID 258157: Explain the processing of transactions in a wholesale
Unit Standard: and retail outlet Facilitator:
NQF Level 2, 6 Credits

First Name Surname ID Number Contact No Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Version 1 Facilitator Guide 46

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