1 - Agency Writer Client Producer Project Director Title Art Director Subject Medium Job # Contact Code # Draft

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1. Agency Client Project Title Subject Job # Code # VIDEO Scene 1- Establishing shot of a cliff face.

Man sitting with photo book. Flashback initiates second scene. Writer Producer Director Art Director Medium Contact Draft AUDIO Flicking of pages heard via sound bridge, sniffling noises heard.

Scene 2- Two people seen on swings, medium shot, then close up shot of the two characters.

As flashback is playing, swinging noise heard, laughing and giggling. says giggling: JOE: " Scarlett stop a second, I want too take a picture of us". (Camera click. ) SCARLETT: Swings creak. says " I love this, its been a great day Joe, I've never known a lad to make me smile so much!". (Swings creak.)

Fade into scene of cliff and photos.

Scene 3- Man sitting on cliff, ripping picture into pieces and throwing off the cliff. Next flashback.

(Ripping of photo's heard, man crying, tear drop heard hitting the photo album.)

Scene 4- Both in Scarletts bedroom.

(Non-diagetic music in the background. ) JOE:

2. VIDEO AUDIO " Your gorgeous you know that Scarlett" She jumps up and hugs him. She pushes him away and slaps him. SCARLETT: " Your so sweet, i'm so glad were friends" SCARLETT: "What the hell are you doing!?" JOE: "What?, I thought you liked me?" She walks out the room. SCARLETT: Yes I do, But as a friend Joe!, nothing more!" (Door slams.) Joe sits on the bed crying. Next flashback. (Joe sighs, begins to cry. )

Scene 5- Man sitting on cliff. Rips up photo, throws it off the cliff. Stares at the falling pieces, carries on flicking through album. Next flashback. Scene 6- Joe crouches behind a bush, spying on Scarlett with his camera in hand. Scarlett stands by the shops/lamp post nearby, with phone in hand. Shes seen meeting someone. Mark walks towards her. She answers him, putting her phone in her pocket. They walk up the street together. Scarlett quickly turns around to inspect her surroundings, there is no one to be seen so she carry's on walking. Joe is seen inspecting the picture he just took.

(Ripping of photo's heard, wind blowing.)

JOE: "Listen, i know your not happy with me, and im srry about last night, but i really hope were still friends" The message left by Joe. MARK: "Who's that?" SCARLETT: "OH, ERM, It's not Important" (The sound of the camera shutter is heard.)

3. VIDEO Next flashback. The photo is ripped into tiny pieces and gently released into the wind blowing the pieces of the cliff. A tear falls onto the album from the man, he flicks to the next page. The photo is of mark and Scarlett sitting at a cafe. Flashback.. Scene 7- Scarlett is drinking a cup of tea and Mark is holding her hand on the table. She finishes her tea. Joe watches her from over the road, he takes a picture of them. Scarlett and Mark get up to leave, Joe quickly jumps behind a nearby car. Mark and Scarlett kiss and walk away from eachother. Joe becomes angry. Scarlett walks directly pat the car joe stands by, he pushes against the car so hes not seen. Flasback Scene 8 - Joe rips an entire page out of the book in anger and throws it off the cliff edge. Then falls lying flat on his back. The next page shows a phot of Mark walking down the street. Next Flashback. Scene 9 - Joe shuffles to the other side of the car and watches Mark walk off. He follows Mark down the road maintaining a safe distance. (Sigh of Relief) MARK: "This is lovely" SCARLETT: "Yeah, its been a great day" (Camera click.) AUDIO (Sniffling and murmuring. Wind blows.)

JOE: (Scream of agression)

4. VIDEO Mark turns and almost see's Joe so Joe quickens the pace to catch up with him, he grabs Mark on the shoulder as Mark turns around he punches him in the face and knocks Mark to the ground. AUDIO JOE: Stay away from her! She's mine we're meant to be together MARK: Who the hell are you?! I've never met you before in my life JOE: My name is Joe! Didn't Scarlett even talk about me? MARK: No she never mentioned any Joe to me, what am I supposed to have done to you? JOE: I cant believe... She never mentioned me... all the good times we had together... Its your fault, you took her from me. MARK: Listen mate, I didn't know who you were until 5 minutes ago, and I didn't TAKE her from you. If she's with me, I think its pretty obvious she doesn't want you, and I think you need too let her go. Joe starts too shake his head. JOE: Your wrong, you dont understand what we were like together, well if i cant have her, i dont want too live anymore. Joe runs off up the street. (Mark calls after him)

Joe walking up the street, stumbling sometimes and punching the air. Joe stands and contemplates for a second with the world rushing past him. Joe reaches a forest destination and

(Joe crying and whimpering) (Cars driving past him)

5. VIDEO turns off the path too climb over a fence and see's himself sitting there on the edge of the cliff. Fade from him looking at the cliff, too him sitting on the cliff. Joe finishes looking through the photos, stands up and turns around, facing the camera. Shot from Joe's point of view falling backwards and falling back off the cliff.He see's scarlett running towards him. Scarlett runs up towards the cliff and see's him falling. She falls too her knees and begins too cry as the screen fades too black. SCARLETT: NOOOOOOOOO! (Whooshing noise as the fade happens) (Strong sound of the wind, with sad music playing in the background) AUDIO

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