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READING COMPREHENSION PRACTICE EXERCISE Ref: RCPE2002001 Directions for questions 1 to 5: Read the fllowing passage carefillv and answer the PASSAGE -I ions given below it The song of the cicada is produced only bv the male; the females are voiceless and are easily recognised by the conspicuove pointed ovipositonat the end of the abdomen, which is used to pierce the bare of tes so thatthe eggs can be laid beneath, The sound:prodvcing organ of the male is paxaly covered by a kind oflid, which can be opened ershvt by the insect so regulating the volume ofthe sound. Underthe ld i a cavity atherlow down on the side of the body in which les a membrane thatcan be vibrated mpidly by muscles attached to it This produces the sound that appears also tobe contwolled ordirected in some way by anther folded membrane lving within the cavity, Party by the pattern in wich it combines the clicks, each species produces ie own distnctive mating songs and acovetic signals ensvring that the song atimcts only appropriate mates 1, What produces the sound in a Cicada? 2 ACicada’s Song is (1) The pamialy covered ld Uy Greelf— protection (2) The cavity below the lid (2) to denote its hunger (G), The memimane attached to the I (3) toatmct mate (4) The ovipositor (@) toatack (6) The vibrations of he muscles. B) ay PASSAGE -II C siticism is an evaluative oncomective exercise that can occunin any area ofhuman life. Criticism inno way means merely fauitfinding though periodic atacls on the ciic usvaly assume thatitdoes, and disgruntled cries have occasionally assumed this too. A good ents. ifanvthing less valing to point o faults than to ments; good erfcism is vsefv both tothe arist and fo ‘he public The crt draws atlenton to particular questions, which aze good or bad in the work before him. That, he pane cutthe notable successes and blemishes. His tasles not complete, howeven Unless he goes forthen judging the valve ofthe vworleas a whole and ehowing how ite elated, as advance opas dikon, to what went before it Thus he helps both the arat five publ to map cing in sight he gui whonh sxparstes the great tom the marely food orthe pleasant teal fom the essentially bad, bad art which is centinental or pompous ona mere watered dawn copy ~ for example ~ being emphatically ‘vores than no ar at 3. The task ofa cnticis completed —____— (4) thetorie Ul as soon as the entciem commences (5) evaluative 2) before the completion ofthe ericism (3) during the exiuetsm 5, How does a attic help society? (4) afer vdging the valve ofthe works as whole (1) By making assumptions (81 by presumptions (2) By forming opinions (3) By guiding the artist 4. Chitcism is (4). By enlightening the public (1! Biased (8) By keeping clearly in sight the guif which 2) emotive separates the great form the good. (3) apathe Directions for questions 6 to 15: Read the fllowing passage carcfilv and answer the questions given below it Some words/phrases ate printed in bold to enable you to ident them quickly while answering questions related to them PASSAGE — III Coordination, collaboration, and joint commitment are the watchwords of the annval meeting of the World Economic Forum. This year’s theme is “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World,” Can there be too much ofa gocd thing, thoveh? [f counties coordinate theireconomic policies toc closely, their business eveles could become overly synchronized, leading to boom s—and busts—that are global in scale, And i here's just one Unified world financial architecture, mistakes could propagate through it more quickly and destivetvely than i there are muliple. competing systems. Diversity in governance can make the nancial system safer argues [lene GrabelL a cistinguished professor fof Intemational Surdies The agenda setter of Davos hav show inthe past that they understand te mentof lating hundred flowers bloom, but the theme of the 2018 meeting overcoming fractures. seems to point ina different direction ‘DTiua phan nate of Management Sdvcaton Pvt Lid (Fama), 95B, Sansety Complex Pak Lane, Secunderabad 500 003, Allrigh reserve. No pat of tis mteral may be reprodbced in any form orby ay meats, in wat ‘This couse rite is ony forthe we of Bonide ster of Tunphant Inst cers franchises nis nt for sale (6 pages) (axa) GGrabel says. “I, in the end, the thought leaders wito generate the WEF agenda can only think about fracturing in terms of chaos, nationalism, and confict, they've kindof lost the thread of what they've been pushing for over a decade." Last decade, fnancial globalization helped tm subprime mortgage lending problems in the U.S. into global francial cninis. China, whose nancial system wae relatively disconnected from global capital Hows, was the only major economy that sailed though the downtum, Regulators sought a way to prevent a recurtence without losing the benetts of fFlobslzation What they came up sth wae Bazel IIL which aime to stengthen the regwinton supervision and sel management of banks. Atfistblush, monetary policy seems to be unaligned, with the U.S. steady tusing sates whlle Japan and Europe keep ‘heim low cp negative, The Federal Reserve maintained the came long-term Interest rates, It actually gotten easier to ase moneu in the U.S. stack Lond and mone maiets over the past two eats. This means that the international divergence in monetary policy is more apparent than real. Synchronization of the world’s stock markets “ls at an all-time high,” says Moritz Schularick, an economist. “Risi-taking Is now a global phenomenon, orchestrated by Fed policy. So far. Davos-stue sharing seeme to be working; the global economy is experiencing a sttong expansion. 6 The World Economic Fomvm's theme of sharing at (4) Fractuning should not be undemtood only in Dan is esemind shnough whieh ofthe fll? fema ofehaos, naonaliem, and confiet 1 Coantination (5) The WEF agenda-retiers were on the right TL Partnership trek then they dew the wrong conclusion, TL deine Commitment 12, The avthormentions China to make the case that Tory (2) Mon (UV inthe lst decade, Aneneialplbalizaton helped Tone I (9) Wand mt tum subprime morgage lending problems in the (8) Mand m U.S. ino a global nancial crisis (2) China was the only major economy that sated “1 The author of the passage mentions ‘Can there be through he donnivin Because 1b dhancial ‘too much of a good thing, though?’ to imply that ayatem was telatively disconnected from global {0} one should nots too often on snow i Davos. cee (2 he cant have enews of shay i ne Wot oy RE os sou a omy pvent a prone Fetun Teeumence of global financial esis (3) the theme of the Davos tadltion needs to move i ; (4) the ‘benefis of globalization must not be nay fom ‘aditonal grounds to be teva to fhe, Demet oF plcbalzaten myst oe be neceszanly be a very good thing 1° Mtporason snd ie managenent ofbae (5! economic resources must be shared liberally ™ * >betuocen nations 13. The word ‘subprime’ used in the fourth paragraph 8 The word propagate in the second paragraph were rossi mesne to the development of (global phenomenon. |2) commodities (3) morgage lending 4) monetary policies (6) bloncene Directions for questions 9 and 10: Select the word §which isthe MOST SIMILAR in meaning tothe word given In bold, as used in the passage. (1) Joan to borrowers witha rch erect history (2) loan to lenders with a poor credit history (3) Joan to borowers with & poor credit histomy (4) Joan to lenders with a nich eredithistory (5) Joan with low interest mies Moritz Schularick says that (1) global monetary policiae are unaligned. (2) the Fed has pushed up long-term interest rates 9 Feacrue ns a (3) it has become dificult to raise money in the adding 12) erupting U.S. stock, bond, and money markets over the joining |) blowing past ovo years spliting (4) the intematonal divergence in monetary policy js real Jo BLUSH lo) as (5), synchronization of the world’s stock markets is (i fs ink very high indeed. 3) (4) belte ® 6) Acconting to the passage. Grabel males all of the following arguments EXCEPT: (Il One unified world fitancial architecture can alte the financial eystem afer (2) The agenda-setters of Davos have shown in the past hat thay understand the matt of diversity In govemance of economies (3) The theme of the 2018 mesting, evercaming facies, seems to contmdct the understanding ofleting 2 hundned flowers bloom “The author states ‘So far, Davos-siyle chasing seams to’be working’ because (1) the global economy is experiencing a sttong expansion (2) the global economy current momentvrn (3) there is no coordinated global growth ovele (A) there are few major ouble spots In the world todas (5) the ell of wo years ago ie over not cary forward its Taumphant insite of Wanagement Sdvcalon Pvt Li. (MAME) HO: 958, 2 Floor Siaateety Complex Secunderabad 500003. ‘Tel: 040 40088400 Fax: 040 27817394 anu: infoOtineadrationcam wesite: wevutimetedueion com, RCPE2002001/2 Directions for questions 16 to 20: Read the folowing passage carefully and answer the questions asked from individual Paragraphs. PASSAGE - IV Paragraph 4: China has been aiming for global supremacy for quite some time now. Like tor not, Bejing has successfully put its footprint across the world in the last 25 years. From food to footwear, toys to technology, phones to playing card, the Chinese imprint is felt everywhere across the globe, But the quality ofthe footprint is a matter of doubt, Not satisfied with the global market domination, the Chinese leadership is now aiming to secure is fulure by conquering every corner of the globe. The latest intiatives include the One Belt One Road (OBOR) and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), The consequences of these events are bound to impact India severely. The dilemma is that while New Delhi cannot just sit and watch these developments unfolding without any reaction, it cannot do anything to stop Chinese from Invading the wot Paragraph 2: The economy of China has been growing at nearly 10 per cent per annum forthe last wo and half dacades. | seems that tis will be the trend inthe coming years too. This Is due toa strong participation of the private sector which js supposed to be suppressed by the state and which isthe only survivor of Communism, The citadel of Kari Marx's Ideology has happily embraced capitalism and junked communism. Knowing fully well that ideology alone cannot win bread and butter for everyday ving, the Chinese leadership had decided to dump its communist war cries and take a capltalist tur. This has not only benefited the Middle Kingdom economically but also geo-political. Due to its boldness to forego its ideology, China has been hitting the headlines world over. Paragraph 3: From the current six per cent, China is expected to clock 10 per cent of the workd exports in the next five years. Agriculture was the fst target for reform in China, In 2000, private companies were given freedom. Every sector except energy was taken out ofthe price control regime. Incividuals in the country were given the right to own private limited companies, Foreign Direct Investments (FOI) started pouring in, state regulations started witheting away, multiple exchange rate were given away, state trade monopoly was abolished and many other ultra-beral economic reforms were also introduced, Paragraph 4: The Chinese growth in the last two and half Gecades and for he next two and half decades can be analyzed for a belter insight Into the power of leadership in the world's most populated country. Chinese leadership has Indeed been good. From strengthening the economy to sharpening its global supremacy ideas, the Chinese leadership has been at its best, There isa clever move in each and every intiatve taken to put Beijing on the center ofthe world stage. in all these stops, its politcal leadership has boon playing a single-minded silent game. Whatover is needed and wherover it Is needed, the Chinese leadership is ever ready to play Is role stateaising to is favor effectively Paragraph 5: Knowing fully wel that India, and not the US or Russia, i going be its challenger in the near future, China has stared fs focus rightly. Bringing together the arch-rivalsof India and preventing neutral nations tram drifting towards India, the Chinese play their game impeccably atthe appropriate time and place. The OBOR intiative of China is to revive its old Sik Road whieh connected China with the Eurasian countries. Although there is nothing new in the trade game, there is something different in the design of the trade plans of China. The design is not only to increase trade with other ations but also to counter the growth of rivals lke India at any cost 16. According to the first paragraph, which of the 18. Which of the following cannot be inferred trom following could be a major cause of concern for India paragraph three? clubbed with her role as asllent spectator’? (1) The world economy will witness greater imports IL Far and fast reaching trade activiies of China. fom China The global supremacy of China (2) There is not much change In agricultural IIL, The One Belt One Road and the China Pakistan activities in China, Economic Corridor initatives (3) Capitalist concepts have given a boost to the Chinese economy. (2) Only (2) Only (4) More emphasis was given to technology and (3) Only It (4) Both I and 01 corporate governance. (9) Allare correct (8) China took @ conscious decision to do away single exchange rate and liberalize its economy, 17, “The clladel of Karl Man’s Ideoloay has happily ‘embraced capitalism and junked communism’. From 19 Which ofthe following statement can_ follow the context in which this statement is used in the aragraph fur to form a connection wih paragraph second paragraph, which of the following can be ve ironear 7P™ wieh of Ie folowing can Tye amie Chinese leadership has been the 1 Ghina, one of Martsm’s strongholds, has main cause behind the revival of the old Sik ragmati ‘ i Road with mutipie motives. Pre apt, © fetisen Manism I. China's past and projected economic growth has 11. When capitalism has a stronghold communism Deena refection ofits powerful leadership. hhas to be junked, IIL The Chinese leadership is leaving no stone UL. Communism is any time better than capitalism luntumed to stunt the growth of the Indian economy, 8 om (2) Only w (1) Oni @) Onlyit () Only (4) Both tang tn (@) Only tt (4) Both | and 1 (6) Allare correct (8) Aleve correct ‘Taumphant insite of Wanagement Edvcalon Pvt Lid (MAME) HO: 958, 2 Floor Siaaneety Conplex Secunderabad 500003. ‘Ted: 040 40088400 Pax: 040 27847334 mall: inoOineadwationcam waste: wwwtinededrationcom —_ RCPE2O2001/3 20, According othe author what could bene terior motes of China in revhng he old Sk Route of tade? To increase its trading footprint in the Eurasian counties, Ti, Tointease acing ceive nit noraled nations. IIL, Put brakes in the path of booming economies like Inca, (1) Only! (2) Only (8) Both land (4) Both and it (5) All are comrsct Directions for questions 24 to 27: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it PASSAGE -V Tn recent months, the business press has reverberated with cheers for the end of performance reviews. “Performance reviews are getting eacked,” crows the BBC, They "will soon be over forall of us’, rejoices the Financial Times. Soh celebration is hardly surprising. Kevin Murphy. a perfornance-review gurv at Colorado State University. sums up the ‘general feeling about them: an “expensive and complex way of making people unhappy”. The problem is, they are not in fact being scrapped. A survey in 2013 by Mercer. a consulting fm. of 1.000 emplovers in more than 50 countries reported that 94% of them Lndertook formal reviaws of workers’ performance each year and 96% sel individual goals for employees; 89% calculated an over score foreach workerand linked pay to these Tangs, Itis We thata numberof big companies have announced that they ane abandoning anal performance reviews; this Month IBM chd a0, oining Aceentine, Aanbe, Delete, GE Microsoft and Netine In ealty,thowrgh they are no more getting nd of performance reviews than a person who shifts from drinking whisky to wine is becoming a t2etntalan Employee reviews are being modified notabalished, and not necessary fr the better Four changes are proving particularly popular. First, companios are geting rid of “ranking and yanking’, in which those withthe lowest scores each yearare sacked GE, which practised this system wih particularenthusiasm underits previous boss, Jack'W elch, has now dropped it Second, annwal reviews are being replaced with mote frequent onee—qvartery, coveven weeliy Thin, pay reviews and performance reviews are being separsted And fourth. some performance reviews €are turing into performance “previews”, focusing more on discovering and developing employees’ potential than on rating ‘heir past work Js thie new aystem of employee reviews any better than the old? Theze are good arguments for geting nid of ranking and vanking: the rtvalistic decimation of the workforce on the basis ofa single number zv‘inely pamlssed businesses in the run-up to each year’s reviews, kiling creativity and setting workers against each other. Thereafter the picture is murker. Some of the arguments being advanced for the new-sivle reviews aze hoopla, Deloite eau Its new sustem Is about “speed, agli. one-tize-fis-one and constant learning’. The consulting fms employees sit down once a week with their “team leaders”. But good managers should give their charges constant feedback anvivay. Adding another regular meeting to everyone's calendar sounds like 8 formula for ime-wasting. “One size-fis-all” assessment is meaningless: a vital part of assessing people is measuring them against their peers—partcvlany when vou have to think about whom to promote ‘or how to give out bonuses. It sounds rice (0 focus on people's potential rather than their pest performance, But how do you assese the fomenwithowt considering the latter? And if decisions about ray are not based on perfornance. what wil ‘hey be based on? Some of the arguments are not ust hoopla, but dangerous hoopla, Social scientists have repeatedly demonstrated that performance reviews are distorted by two things: office politics and grade inflation Managers are susceptibe to lobbying. They also have an incentive to puta positive spinon things. often against theirown batter dgment. because in assessing their subordinates’ performance they are, to a large extent, evaluating their own abilly to manage. Deliver a series of damning verdicts on your team and yov inevitably mise a red dag abo your ovin leadership. But the more susjective the Feviewing process becomes, the more powerful thase distortions are likely to be: “instant feedback sessions can easily became ongiee of mutual prise that do not teach anybody anything. For punsts, such as Samuel Culbert of UCLA's Anderson School of Management, this is praof that performance reviews are unsalvageable: betten‘o get id of them entiely than to replace one imperfect system with anather In fact there are food reasons why almost al ogansatons the sie of Utopia feel the need use employee reviews of one pe cr Companies are always having to male difcut decisions, whether allocating linited resources (ech ag promotions and bonuses) orsacking people if they hold the organisation back orif the market tums down It is preferable to malee such decisions on the back of robust evita ther than on the basks of managerial whim. Increasingly, fms also have 12 defend those decisions in the courts against people who feel hard done by. Firms that embrace more touchy feoly assessment systems, let alone getsid of them entirely, may be setting themselves up forlegal nightnares Annual perfomance reviews can certainly be improved Companies need to put more effort into guarding guards —irwining them in how lo conduct reviews and holding them accountable if they are overgenerovs of otherwise Sloppy. Google wisely encourages ts managers to review each other's assessments, Bosses also need to be more Taumphantlnstivte of Management Education Pvt Lid. (MAME) HO: 958, 2 Floor Siddansety Complex Secunderabad 500003. ‘Ted: 050 40088400 ax: 040 27847334 nail: inoOineadwationcam waste: wwwtinededeationcom —_ RCPEZ02004/4 rigorous about acting on what they discover there Is no peintin amassing Information about weak performers if vov only acton tina crisis, However. provided they are carried out consistently. aionally and fay. and supplemented with more ftequent feedback annual performance reviews have many virtues. They provide a way of measuring employee's development overtime. They also provide a way of measuring all a company's employees against each other rather than just their immediate colleagues. Bil Clinton once said that the best approach to affimative action was to ‘mend it, don't end it, The same is ‘eve of annual performance reviews 21. What acconding to the passage, are perfomance MIL The subjectve unpredictability in reviews eviews? encourage employees to concentmis well on (1) Perfomance reviews are an analisis about an ‘hein work employee's performance (2) Perfomance reviews are analyses used in ore (1) Only is twe to dismiss an employee fom a position (2) Oni Mis tve (3) Perfomance reviews are performance (3) Only Land I are tue certificates issved by the employer when an (4) Only Hand Il ane tue employes leaves (8) Only Mis tre (4) Perfomance reviews are used to highlight an ee one poniter 25, Why i a manager decision on bonuses imperfect? (5) Peromance tevlews ame offal records of i) Ho. proper infomation is celleted in offces amounts of wort done by each employes Sr about employes performances ie miraneen, Ome BY each emPbves (2) Bonuses are adwaus limited (5) Amanageris exposed toa tof extemal ctor: Which of the following ie an argument against in reviews ” ‘performance reviews? . * * (4) All employees give only a subjective picture of UU} The reviews are subjective and do not reflect an their performances. cloyee's peniormance (5) Manages prefer tobe ciseriminatory (2) They ave just a formality and so, a waste of time. cencovnge the underperformers (3) They ane used to remove a person from the job (4) No manager would take a strong decision based ** What legal consequences do decisions taken based onreviews fearing loss ofhis /henavm credibility ae a thonize ‘eviews can be legally avthonzed (5) Itputs employees underconstant pressure i) Lotiniey b nearkbaty gorabab (3) The law protects manager from possible backashes Inapproptiaie decisions now have to face the consequence of being defended in court ‘Allcompanizs which retain performance reviews ‘ce legal bales. 23. Which of the folowing ic a characteristic of perfomance previews? a UV" No major decision wil be taken based on the (2) These are about finding an employee's potential e than perfomance (3) Itean set employees against each other. 27, What does the passage mean by a One size fis all (4) Itstesses ona more objective analvsis. assessment? (5) None ofthe above (1) An assessment based on meetings with team leaders 24 Consien the following statements (2) Aseosement based on comparison wih other ‘According to the author team members Tt is always better to make decisions on (3) A non-comparative analysis based solely on perfomance Information instantly than to make ones inditdval penformance major deeisions al the end when the decision (a) Aseesement bared on methods developed fora becomes inevitable, paricviar smployes. TL Modified performance reviews are farbetten han (5) An impartial asaerement previous reviews. Directions for questions 28 to 38: xd the flowing passage carefully and answerthe questions given below it Some words/phrases are printed in bold to enable you to identfy them quiclly while answering questions related to them PASSAGE - VI With its economy growing at more than tiple the speed of Britains. India has become a global leader in Information ‘Teohnology and other hvtech products. So is the dmmatic nse of Indian IT finns just a Califomian bubble in the sub Saharan deserts oflndian poverts? Not acconing to Anand Mahindra, Managing Director of Mahindre and Mahindra, that has grown into one of Indias largest conglomerates. producing everything ffem ttactors to telecomm nications "The IT sector was a kicker to growth,” he says, “Its impact was pevchological, It signalled to the world that India was much more than its old historical stereotypes. ‘Ttsuddenly, inan exaggerated mannerifyau aaleme, made the word think ‘hat every Indian was smart and could for higher compviers. “But that helped eniepreneurs in India from all industry segments, because it gave them 2 mote receptve envinonment in which to do business.” The number af Indian IT professionals has leapt fom 66000 in1991 to a milion today. Thats etl in relative to a population of overa hilion but a rare achievementin a global matket where [T has traditonaly been the preserve of advanced industnal economies. Taumphant insite of Wanagement Sdvcaton Pvt Lid (MAME) HO: 958, 2 Floor Sitlareety Conplex Secular 500003, ‘Ted: 040 40088400 Fax: 040 27617394 eel: info@rineledeationcam Waste: wawtinetedaioncam — RCPE2M001/5 Buthow de hi-tech Indian companies sumvive and prosperin an envionment where even basie inffastveture Ike wansport powerand water is so natoriasly unreliable? Phitoz Vandrevala, executive diectoraf Tata Consultancy Services, India a eldest and largestIT fi, says: ‘What we ve actually done is, within ourown environments, created glebal circles. cases ‘of excellence, While IT dime are cocooned within thelr oases of excellence, poorinfastwvctvre can be a crippling Soet or other sectors, such as lamge-scale manufscturing, Anand Mahindra. whom many consider the sub-continents most ‘hinking businessman, wars that india cannot live by IT alone, Even Bill Gates, when he came to India, eaid. [Tie not ‘he answer for emplounent Youre going t have te emlate China and its manviactuiing sector. because thats Where the jobs are and thats where the multplier effect isthe highest,” says Mr Mahindra. "We simply don't have the power in ‘ems of energy to meet such hh capacities, We donthave the poltinfiastvelure and the Uanepartation infastuetute to chip ovtevch a high volume of goods in a reliable and timely manner he concludes. 28 Which of the Glowing is tee, acconfing t Anand (4) India ghovld aim to achinve manofetang Mahindra? ssoctor’s multipler affect ints IT sactor. L The suddan nite of nian [T fie ie an lusion (8) India should improve its manulactunng fectorand TL Itmade the world think that every Indian ia an IT should ty to equal the growh oft: IT sector engineer IL The [Teectarhad animpactonthe peyche ofthe 33. In the passage, the avihor has listed out some world. problems faced by India. Which of the folowing ie NOT one of them? 1) ont (1) Poverty (2) onl It (2) Unemployment (3) only Ith (2) Miteracy (3) Land (a) Poorinfastructine (6) Mand Mt (5) None ofthese 29, According to the passage whatis the sectorindusty 34, Why has the awhor temed the increase in ‘hat has majorpotental in india? TT professionals a rare achievement”? 0) Texcie L lls a thu duction of he population oflndia (2) Mining IL_ IT sector has trediionally been present in only (8) Manufacturing advanced economies (4) Infomation Technology IIL IT sector has succeeded in a place without 6} of properinimastrvcture, 30 Which ofthe fllowing represents Anand Mahindra’s| () ont views om India, aceanling tthe passage? (2) Oniy (1) The rapid growth of ‘T sector India made the (2) Only IM orld thle none of (a) Wand it (2) India has become half Calfomia and is now (8) Land Il roving towands becoming half Aiica (3) The cramatcnce ofindianIT frms & here tostay, $5, Which ofthe Glowing wonds ie similarin meaning of (4) India is indeed inching towards having the two ‘he wort ‘preserve’ as used in the passage? extremes of ich and poor (1) Advantage 8} The fact that India is growing mpidly even with (2) Safeguard Widespread poverty is bewiliering, (3) Prerogative (a) Comerstone 31. Acconfing to the passage. how has the IT sector (8) Halmake Indian businessmen? (The increase in the IT professionals provided them vith move silled petsonnel. (2) Why developed, fastuctre has provided them with a receptive environ: (a) The rapid growth ofl sectorbae given them the required confidence Scan the OR code given below to register for vour| (4) India, has a nevly developed pool of talented Student Home Page on Individuals who are competent enough to succeed in business, (5) IT changed the ovtiook of the world towards Indians and hence presented a business fiendly environment tothe insineremen Register for Student Hlome Page! 82, Which of the folowing represents Bil Gates! view as quoted in the passage? UL) India is concentrating only on the IP eacton (2) India shouldnt invest in IT sector as tis not the answerforemployment (31 India should “try to emulate China's manufacturing sectoras there is an urgent need to create alot of obs. Taomphant insite of Wanagement Sdvcalon Pvt Lik (MAME) HO: 958, 2 Floor Siidareety Complex Secunderabad 500003. ‘Ted: O40 40088400 Fax: O40-27617S91 eel: info@rineledeationcam Wexite: wwwtinetedaioncam —_ RCPE2M001/6

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