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Name: __________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Year and Section: ______________________

Activity 1. Read carefully the curriculum guide for science. Copy some examples of the standards on
the table below.
Quarter: 1-4 This will be used on the entire activity.
Grade Level: 3-6

Grade Level:
Content Standard

Performance Standard

Learning Area Standard

Key Stage Standard

Grade Level Standard

Activity 2. Jot Down at least 5 Competencies, including the code, from the selected Quarter and
Grade level and determine its domain and its nature whether it is knowledge based or skill based.

Competencies Domain Nature

Activity 3. Using the competencies you have selected in Act. 2, formulate a topic and add time
allotment based on the codes of competencies.
Time Competencies Nature Topic

Activity 4. Using the draft used on Activity 3, make an assessment strategy to be used per
Time Competencies Nature Topic Assessment
Allotment Strategies

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