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Q-l. What do you understand by Bench marking? What steps are involved in
this process? How would you conduct the bench marking of a coaching
depot /Diesel shed. Discuss its advantages and limitations?

Q-2. Design a layout of Diesel shed homing 100 diesel locos OR a coaching
depot for' 400 primary and 250 secondary coaches. Draw a rough sketch
explain the various facilities required in respect of following major coaching
depot /Diesel shed.
i) Pit lines

ii) M&P

iii) Manpower as per benchmark

iv) Work benches

Q-3. What are the important performance indices of mechanical department?

Explain briefly the significance and method of compilation. List out the steps
to be taken to achieve the target of these indices of Diesel

Q-4. Discuss the latest modification /Developments in the field of Diesel

traction or Coaches and wagons to improve the reliability and safety.

Q-5. What do you understand by maintenance management? What are the

various maintenance techniques? Describe in details their benefits and
shortcomings. Explain the system of maintenance being followed in your unit.
Give suggestions to make maintenance more effective.

Q-6. Enlist the weak areas of your unit? As an officer what steps will be taken
at your level to remove the weakness of these areas? '

Q-7. What is corporate Safety plan. What are its main objectives? List down
the main features of this plan of your department.

Q-8. What is an accident ? How are accidents classified according to accident

manual ? What are various factors causing accidents. Explain the important
defects of rolling stocks, which may cause accidents.

Q-9. What is the prevalent disaster management system in IR? What are its
short comings calling for its public criticism .Give your suggestions to improve
the system.

Q-10. What do you understand by Non Destructive Testing? Explain various

techniques used for testing components in workshops/ sheds.


Q-1. What purpose does the lube oil serve in a diesel engine? What are the
various causes of failure of diesel loco on account of lube oil system? Make
an action plan to prevent the failure of this system?

Q-2. What is water pressurization system? Discuss the various causes of

failure of diesel loco on account of water-cooling system covering both
electrical and mechanical items. What precautions will be taken during
summer? Give your suggestion to improve the reliability of this system.

Q-3. what is load box test? Why it is required in diesel loco and how it is
carried out? How many types of load boxes are there?

Q-4. what are the various problem associated with Traction motors? What
attention would you pay in schedules?

Q-5. What is need of excitation system in diesel loco. Describe the Micro
Processor Based excitation control briefly with the help of block diagram?

Q- 6. Why the transmission is necessary for a diesel engine what should be

the duties of ideal transmission. Explain the working principal of electrical

Q-7. Explain the working of Compressor in brief. What are common defects
noticed in Compressor unit. What remedial measures will you take to avoid
such failures?

Q-8. What action would you take if loco has following problem to rectify the
1. Power ground on every notch.
2. Load meter showing zero
3. MR air pressure not maintaining.
4. FOP not maintaining
5.' BAP not maintaining/Loco not hauling the load
6. Expresser needle valve not lifting.
7. Lube oil level increasing
8. OST assembly tripping repeatedly
9. Engine shutting down with low lube oil indication
10. Engine not responding to throttle
11. Throttle not responding to engine
12. GF not picking up
13. Transition not taking place.
14. Fuel dilution
15. Engine hunting

Q-9. Write short notes on

1. SFC and its control

2. Outage and its calculations
3. RTTM blower bearing failures
4. Orifice test
5. Failures of HP tubes
6. Water pressurization system
7. Surging
8. Monsoon precautions
9. Air Flow indicating device
11. Relations between Tractive efforts, pull and power
12. Fuel efficient kit
13. Hydraulic transmission
14. ACCR
15. VCR
16. Difference between water and grid load box
17. Difference between CARD NO 188 and card no 253 18.PWM
19. Dribbling
20. Automatic switching ON of flasher light.
Q-10. Explain with the systematic diagram the fuel oil system of diesel loco
Discuss the various causes of failures that may arise from this system.
Explain the steps to be taken to prevent the failures of this system.

Q-11. What is super charging? Explain the working principle of TSC with a
simple line diagram labelling all the key parts What is air cushion and why it is
provided? What are the causes of surging.

Q-12. Explain import maintenance requirements of thrust bearing and

intermediate casing What are the causes of premature failure of TSC and how
can be it prevented? What are the causes of TSC failures to build the required
booster pressure?

Q-13. What is the role of safety device? What does happen if lube oil
pressure of diesel engine falls below the preset value?

Q- 14. Which device senses the cooling water level Explain its working what
does it do in such occurrence?

Q-15. How do wheel, slip relay senses the traction motor faults what happens
in this situations?

Q-16. How does the over speed safety device shuts down the engine in

Q-17. Explain the significance of failure investigation. What is the procedure

of failure investigation. How can we get best results from the failure

Q-18. What are the common causes loco failure on crew account? Make an
action plan to minimize the cases of loco failures on crew account?
Q 19: A spate of failures have taken place in SCR on account of crankshaft and main
bearing. What are the factors affecting the performance of the crankshaft/main bearing
and what are the various maintenance aspects to be followed to avoid these failures?

Q 20: What are the various factors affecting the performance of air and exhaust valves?
Explain in detail. What are the important maintenance practices for valve, valve guides
and valve seat inserts.
Q21. Why preventive maintenance of Diesel Locomotive is required? What revised
schedules are followed now and what are their periodicity? What advantage are
achieved now as against the earlier schedules?

Q 22. a) Why load box test is required in a Diesel loco-shed and when it is done?
b) Describe the method for conducting load box test. Calculate the Horsepower
developed and improvement needed to achieve specified horsepower if load box result
shows less.

Q 23 a) Explain with sketch the working principle of 4 stroke Diesel cycle

engine for the following stroke.

i) Suction,
ii) ii) Compression,
iii) iii) Expansion,
iv) iv) Exhaust

b) Draw the theoretical pressure volume (p-v) diagram of a four stroke Diesel cycle
c) The following data is given. Derive the formula to be used for
calculation of

(i) work done and

(ii) indicated Horse Power (IHP) of a 4 stroke Diesel Engine with one
cylinder pm=Indicated mean effective pressure in bar
A= Area of the piston (meter)2
L= Length of stroke, meter N= Speed of engine, RPM K=1/2 for four stroke engine

Q. 24. Write short notes on any five

i) GDR check of BPC

ii) Failure of Engine/power assembly & system improvement action plan

iii) Explosive power guard

iv) Quality control of HSD oil

v) Summer precaution of diesel locomotive

vi) Improvement to running Room as per Rg room improvement committee vii) 10 hour
duty implementation

Q 25. a) What is load factor of a Diesel hauled train? What different methods are
adopted for load factor calculation? What is the permissible load factor for a diesel
hauled train? If the load factor exceeds the prescribed limit, what effect it would have

a)on performance of a Diesel Locomotive?

b) What is explosive and non-explosive power ground? What steps for

repair/maintenance should be followed for WDG3 locomotive to prevent such power
ground cases?

c) Describe the various maintenance attention given to the Traction motor of

WDG3 Locomotive during M24 schedule.

Q 26. a) What is the difference between a petrol engine and diesel engine? Explain with
sketch the working principle of a 4-stroke diesel cycle engine and draw the pressure
volume (P-V) diagram of a 4-stroke

b) Describe the various maintenance and testing done to the governor of WDG3
locomotive during M24 & M48 schedules.

Q. 27. Write short notes on any five

i) Load Box Test

ii) System improvement action plan for improving reliability of diesel locomotive
iii) Standing gear iv) Flasher light v) Lubricating Oil Testing by spectro-meter

vi) Speed Recorder

vii) Torque wrench

viii) Air brake of WDG3 locomotive

Q 28. Write short notes on any four

i) Case hardening
ii) Phosphating
iii) Shot peening
iv) Magnaflux testing
v) Zyglo testing
vi) Worn wheel profile
vii) Load factor
viii) Power Ground

Q 29 Write short notes on any two

a) Supercharging of diesel engines

b) Otto cycle with diagram
c) DC motors
Q 30. a) How horse power of diesel engines is calculated?

b) For a single cylinder engine with 1000 lbs/sq. inch mean effective pressure, 8” piston
stroke, 6” diameter of cylinder and running at a speed of 600 cycle/minute, calculate the
horse power.

Q 31. Write short notes on any four

a) Yield strength
b) Stress relieving c) Oil quenching
d) Iron Carbon diagram e) Hoop stress
f) Naturally aspirated Vs supercharged diesel engine

Q. 32. Name the important areas that have to be attended to in order to minimize lube oil
consumption on HHP Locomotives.

Q 33. How will you attend to the following on lines.

i) Radiator Fan not working ii) Engine shutting down automatically without any indication
iii) Engine shutting down with Hot Engine Alarm iv) Continuous Wheel Slip on all notches
v) Fuel Oil pressure not building up vi) Engine over speeding and shutting down without
any indication vii) Vacuum not being created viii) MR Pressure not building up
ix) Independent brake not releasing x) Excessive first notch current and locomotive
giving jerk

Q. 34. What is T034 HF statement? List some important statistics that are derived from
this statement and their effect on the performance of Railways.

Q 35.. What are the components required to be replaced 100% during POH of ALCO
/HHP locomotives? Name the components which are replaced on condition basis.

Q 36. How are the causes of diesel loco failures classified? What is meant by ‘Statistical

Failure? How will you bring down failures on account of Bad Workmanship in Shed?

Q 37. Fire safety measure implementation in Diesel Locomotive


Q-1. What is track train dynamics? How safety can be achieved through it?

Q-2 (a). What is zero based review? Howe crew requirement is calculated in this review?

Q-2(b). What is the procedure of starting the PASS/Goods train from Non TXR station?

Q-3(a). What is TFC? How trains are run on D/L and S/L during TFC?

Q-3(b) On double line section one line is blocked due to accident? Explain the procedure for
running of trains from the other line.

Q-4. What are the main reasons for train parting? What action is taken in case of train parting by
the driver, guard, &ASM?

Q-5. Recently a committee has been formed to review the General Rules. What are your
suggestions to the committee to make GR more useful?

Q-6. Fatigue among the drivers is the major cause of the accidents? What are the important
recommendations of RRC to ensure that drivers take proper rest in running room to avoid the

Q-7. What is Foggy Weather? How trains are run in this weather? Explain the precautions to be
taken to ensure safe working of the trains?

Q-8. What do you understand by System of working? How many types of systems are there in
IR. Explain Automatic block system and how it takes an edge over Absolute block working

Q-9. How the Quality of drivers is graded? What are the salient features and shortcomings of the
existing grading system? Give your suggestion to remove the shortcomings of the existing

Q-10. Write short notes on

1. Power balancing
2. Crew balancing
3. Link disturbance and its implications on System
4. ST & NST failures
5. LEARNING road
6. PME
7. Rest provisions for running staff
8. Axle blocking
9. Crew lobby inspection
10. Simulator and its contributions to improve the performance of CREW
11. Difference between ART &ARME
12. Duties of driver during derailment on main line

Q-11. How are the ART classified. Keeping in view of latest advancements what up
gradations would you suggest in order to ensure prompt relief and restorations work.

QN-12. What it is load factor? In Indian conditions what load factor is permitted? Explain the
method of calculating of load factors for diesel locos

QN-13. As a first officer to reach on accident site, briefly list out your duties at site. What
measures would you jointly take with official to the other department to establish the
cause of accidents?

Q. 14. a) What is golden hour rule concept for disaster manager in Indian Railways?

b) What is the composition of A-class ART and Break down Crane.

c) Describe the various modern equipment/tools provided for rescue

and relief operation in a 3 coach SPART comprising of a medical van,
a tool van and supervisor/staff van.

Q 15 a) Why crew review for goods and coaching train operation is conducted? What

10 points criteria of Railway Board is followed for categorization of Crew into

A, B & C? Who is responsible for monitoring performance and categorization
of crew?

b) What is stalling? What steps should be taken to prevent stalling?

c) How the calculation of Kilometres to be paid to the crew is

made for passengers train for the following:

i) Duty hours upto 4 hours

ii) 4 hours and above but less than 5 Hrs

iii) 5 hours and above

Q 16. a) What is 10 hour duty rules for running staff under HOER? What are goods and
coaching crew review? Why it is conducted and what are the periods prescribed for such
b) What is 3 coach SPART as based at Divisional HQ of ECoR? For what purposes 3
coach SPART are used? What are the various equipments/facilities provided in 3 coach
SPART for attending disasters in case of a coaching train accident? How it helps in
complying Golden Hours Rule concept?

Q 17. a) What is running room? Who are supposed to use the facilities of a running
room? Describe various improvements as suggested by Running Room improvement
committee for improving the condition of running rooms.
b) What is crew lobby/crew booking point? What checks are conducted before the
running staff (Loco Pilot & Astt. Loco Pilot) are allowed for running duty? What registers
are maintained at crew booking point and what are their uses?

Q 18 . Write notes on any five

i) Maintenance of DVs
ii) High tensile CBC Coupler
iii) Riding index of passenger coach
iv) USFD for wagon axles
v) Auto switching ON, Flasher Light
vi) Stalling of Trains
vii) Electronic Governor
viii) Explosive Power Ground

Q 19 . You are called upon to attend a serious passenger train accident in

which a number of coaches have got derailed/capsized. There seems to be
some causalities as well. You
are the first officer to reach the sight of accident. Please detail out in
chronological order the actions that will be taken by you on reaching the site
of accident.
Q 20. How are crew requirements worked out? Illustrate with examples.

Q 21. What are the causes of drivers passing signal at danger? What
remedies do you suggest?

Q.22. . What is the role of Signalling System in Train movement ? How

does it help pilot to run a train ? Explain Signal nomenclature.

Q.23 .List out the parameters causing fatigue to the Driving Staff . How
Can these be reduced.


Q-1. Water availability in coaches is one of the essential requirements for travelling
public. Water shortage in train had led to numerous public complaints. What are the
various reasons for water shortage in trains? What are the major recommendations of
watering committee for ensuring water availability? What step would be taken during
maintenance to ensure water availability?

Q-2(a). What do you understand from Passenger Amenities in coach? What are
standard Passenger Amenities provided in AC coaches? What steps do you suggest to
improve the Passenger Amenities?

Q-2(b). List down the salient features of JHB coaches.

Q-3. What are the common sources of fire on train? What modifications have been
carried out by Railway in the coaches in last few years to avoid fire hazards? What else
do you suggest for preventing propagation of fire?

Q-4- What is brake binding in coaches? What are its implications on Railway system?
What steps would you take to avoid such cases?

Q-5. As an officer you are asked to inspect the coaching depot. List down the items to
be covered during check.

Q- 6. What is bogie mounted AIR brake system? How it is better than the conventional
air brake system? List the salient features of bogie mounted AIR brake system. Discuss
the problem associated with the bogie mounted AIR brake system. what the steps to be
taken to reduce the cases.

Q-7. What are the salient features of BLC wagons. Discuss the advantages, limitations
and problems of these wagons.

Q-8. What are the causes of and what remedial measures would be taken for following
1. Leakage rate of rake is much higher than the permitted valve of 0.2 kg/cm2/min in
BP line.
2. No hissing sound from PEA V specially on pulling the pressure rod of PEAS ED and
does not show any brake pressure reduction effect.
3. Brake piston movement is not smooth.
4. Brake Cylinder air draining time is too long
5. Alarm chain system is not working even after chain pulling
6.Air is escaping from front cover joints during application of air pressure.

Q-9. Write short notes on

1. STR
2. PRO plates
3. RPC maintenance
4. Composition of brake blocks & difference between K &L type brake blocks
5. Causes and remedial measures of poor brake power.
6. Salient features of Anti Telescopic coach.
7. Common defects of slack adjuster

8. Coach detachments
9. Single car test
10. System of numbering of BG coaches on IR
11. Distributor valve
12. Primary and secondary maintenance
13. Suspensions and its type
14. Difference between Primary and secondary detachment
15. Bio-Digester Tank

Q-10. Describe briefly about Rolling out, Rolling in and Intensive examinations.

Q-11. Draw systematic diagram of Twin brake system a Coaches? What are the
various factors responsible for air brake failures in the coaching stock/Explain in details
the reasons of failure associated with various air brake assemblies What actions would
you take at avoid these failures

Q-12. What are various types of coaches used by Indian Railways? Discuss briefly
about the structural details of ICF coach body. What are the salient features of ICF
coach design? Explain briefly.

Q-13. How is coaching stock classified on Indian Railways? What are various
transportation codes for different applications of coaching stock?

Q-14. What do you understand by a bogie? What are its important requirements? What
is the purpose of a bogie? What are important design aspects of a bogie?

Q-15. What are different arrangements for draft and buffer gears on a coach? Describe
briefly the design features of screw coupling. What are the limitations of screw

Q-16. Write a brief note about the design development of freight stock in India. How is
freight stock classified? What is the system of designation of wagons?

Q-17. What inputs are required from mechanical side for running trains at a maximum
speed of 120 kmph?

Q-18. Why was a need felt to change the existing pattern of coach maintenance? What
are the main features of revised maintenance pattern for coaching trains as per Railway
Board policy circular No.4 of Oct'2001? What are the approved mandatory conditions to
be fulfilled prior to introduction of round trip primary pattern of maintenance on coaching

Q-19. Why is maintenance of stock necessary? What are various systems of

Maintenance? Which system is prevalent in Indian Railways? Explain briefly the
preventive maintenance system being used in Railways for coac:.4.il1g.and freight

Q-20. What types of suspension systems are used in Indian Railways? Explain the
factors to be considered in the design of suspension system.

Q 21 . a) What preventive maintenance schedules for coaching rake are followed for

primary and secondary rake? What are the periodicity and time allowance permitted for
over due schedules?
b) How the total requirement of coaches calculated including traffic and maintenance

c) In a coaching depot, 6 primary rakes are to be maintained per day. Each primary
rake consists of 24 coaches. Draw a layout diagram for maintenance of the primary
rakes as per CAMTECH. Design indicating the requirement of pit lines and other
facilities if each rake has to be given full 6 hours for maintenance on pit lines.

Q 22. a) Which of the following braking items is better and why?

i) Vacuum Brake system ii) Air brake system

b) Draw a schematic layout diagram of a twin pipe graduated Release Air brake
system, used for coaching train. Explain the principle of operation of the system

Q 23. Explain the working of air brakes on a passenger coach with schematic sketches
describing the functions of each component.

Q 24. What are the causes for train parting and how would you remedy them?

Q 25. Describe with neat sketch the functioning of a slack adjuster for BOXN Wagon
and the critical dimensions that are to be ensure for its proper functioning.

Q 26. Describe the features of closed circuit rakes for freight trains. What are the
advantages and disadvantages? How is the correctness of brake power certificate

Q 27. Describe the procedure for overhauling of roller bearing and axle box of ICF
coaches and precautions taken for assembly.

.Q. 28 How the Distributor valve performance is checked?

a) What are the advantages of Bogie Mounted brake system over conventional air
brake system?

b) Draw a schematic diagram of a standard all coil ICF bogie and indicate important
items of bogie. Explain its salient features regarding its construction, suspension
arrangement, vibration isolation/riding comfort, transmission of vertical load, tractive
and braking force.

Q 29. a) What are the classifications of wagon maintenance depot for examination of
freight trains? Which category Depot is specified for Premium CC rake for PME to run
6000 KM distance of 30 days whichever is earlier before its next PME.

b) Draw a layout diagram of a PME Depot for maintenance of 5 premium CC rake/day

with 8 hours examination time for each rake. Indicate the facilities, M&P and
manpower required for the PME of 5 rake/day. What is the percentage of brake power
specified for premium CC rake?
Q 30 a) What is the use of type detect gauge? Explain with sketch. What is the
permissible limit for flat tyres for coaching wheel?

b) Explain the following defects of wheels i) Shattered rim

ii) Shelled tread iii) Thermal crack

Q 31 Write short notes on any five

i) Wheel distance gauge and permissible tolerance on gauge of coaching wheel

ii) Enhanced draw gear and screw coupling of ICF/RCF coaches

iii) AAR type CBC of BG wagons

iv) Effect on BOXN wagons due to enhanced load of CC+8+2 tonnes v) Train parting
and its prevention

vi) Single car Test rig vii) BOST wagons viii) Casnub Bogie

Q 31 . a) Why POH of coaches is done and what is periodicity of POH of PCB’s? What
time allowance is permitted for marking return date after POH of PCV’s?

b) Describe with schematic layout diagram for various POH activities undertaken
starting from incoming examination for POH till outgoing examination after POH and
final dispatch.

c) What quality control measures are taken at various stages to ensure safety and
reliability of off POH coaches?

Q 32 a) What is the speed potential of high speed coaches used in Rajdhani Express?
How riding comfort is achieved in coaches carrying passengers?

b) Draw a schematic layout diagram of a standard bogie shop. Describe various

stages of repair and stage inspection/testing of bogie components to ensure quality
and reliability. Describe the bogie frame alignment procedure/checks before assembly.

Q 33 . a) What are the advantages of Bogie mounted brake system over conventional
air brake system?

b) Describe the conversion process of vacuum brake system to bogie mounted air
brake system. What check/stage inspection are done to ensure quality and reliability of
brake system?

Q 34 . Make layout of a ROH depot for BOXN for 250 wagons/month. Indicate the
facilities and staff required.

Q 35 Describe the procedure for testing air brake system of a full rake, a single coach
and individual assembly.


Q-1. What are the important performance factors for the bearings? What are
the various causes for bearing damage? What are the causes for bearing
damage? What counter measures would you take to reduce the failures?

Q-2. What is planing machine and its working principle? Differentiate between
Shaper and Planer?

Q-3. What locations are more prone to corrosions in ICF integral coaches, box
wagons and tank wagons? What measures would you take to counter the
corrosion in coaches?

Q-4. What do you understand by On cost? How would you classify on cost for
better analysis? Explain briefly
Q-5. Write short notes on
1. Route card &job card
2. Salient features of CL W pattern of incentive schemes
3. Filler materials and flux
4. TIG & MIG welding
5. Classifications of electrodes
6. Submerged welding
8. Cutting speed and feed
9. Capstan and turret lathes
10. Pit planer
11. Draw cut shaper
12. Universal milling machine
13. CNC machines
14. Resistance welding
15. Tumbling
16. Buffing
17. Honing
18. Lapping
19. Super finishing
20. Taper turning
21. Difference between route card and job card

Q-6. What maintenance practice do you suggest for helical spring s used in
suspension of coaching stock to avoid its failures between POH to POH.

Q-7. When was incentive bonus scheme introduced in IR workshop show is

incentive bonus is calculated in workshops? What are shortcomings and main
causes for malfunctioning of the CL W incentive scheme? What factors should
be considered while introducing the incentive scheme in workshop?

Q-8. What do you understand by the weld joint? What are basic types of weld
joints? Explain briefly

Q-9(b). Compare the advantages and disadvantages between gas welding
and Arc Welding.

Q-10. What are the common welding defects. What corrective actions are
taken to avoid these defects?

Q-11. How will you maintain axels journals and roller bearings in the
workshops. Explain briefly along with condemnations limits for each
assemblies? What are various reject able defects in above areas?

Q-12. Why was the Group Incentive Scheme introduced at some of the
production units? What are its salient features and shortcomings?

Q-13. How is ultrasonic testing of Railway axles done? Describe briefly.

Q-14. What do you understand by the terms Limit, Fit, Tolerance, Accuracy,
Allowance, Precision and Clearance? Explain different types of fits?

Q-15. Define surface finishing and describe briefly various surface finishing

Q -16. a) Why incentive scheme is introduced in workshop?

b) What are the salient features of the Tirupati Workshop type incentive
scheme? What are the benefits to workers and management as compared to
CLW pattern of incentive scheme? What panel provision has been provided
to safeguard against poor quality and delay in POH?

Q -17. a) Why ISO 9001-2000 and ISO 14000 required to be introduced in

Workshop and open lines?

b) Describe the following as used in ISO 9001-2000 system

i) Quality policy and objectives of MCSW

ii) Internal Audit

iii) Surveillance audit

iv) Controlled Document

v) Quality Manual

Q - 18. a) Write short notes on any five

i) Factory Act & its salient features
ii) Painting Schedule of coaches
Ii CO2 welding
iv) Phosphating
v) Non-stock local purchase

vi) Shearing Machine
vii) NTXR examination
viii) POH of Roller bearing
Q – 19 Write short notes on any four of the following a) Quality Assurance
and how is it achieved?
b) Surface Finish, how is it measured? Its importance in fatigue life.
c) MIG/TIG welding
d) Corrosion, what causes it and its effects on maintenance practices.
e) Importance of lubrication.
Q - 20. Write short notes on any four
a) Lathe machines
b) Milling machines
c) Cutting fluids
d) at treatment of steel

e) Hardness of materials and how is it checked f) Types of roller bearing


g) Preventive maintenance of M&P

Q - 21 Write notes on any four:

a. Mandatory Training Courses for Running Staff

b. ii) Engine Links and Crew Links
c. Calculating Running staff requirement
d. Principles of Crew Booking
e. Testing of springs in shops
f. Testing of paints
g. Treatments for inhibiting corrosion
h. Types of electrical insulation
i. Dye penetrant test
j. Workshop Manufacturing Suspense

Q.22. – What are the various types of PPE’s used in Workshops in

a. Corrosion Shop
b. Carriage Shop
c. Bogie Shop

Q.23. – What are the energy saving methods adopted during last
FIVE years in Workshops ? Explain any FIVE.


Q.1a Write in detail the schedule for initiating a proposal for a preliminary
works programme with calendar.
b. Explain in detail the procedure of a works programme from initiating a
proposal for setting up of a wagon workshop for monthly out turn of 150
wagons till handing over to a organisation for execution.
Q.2 What are the financial limits for a works programme, LSWP, M&P, &
LSMP and competent sanctioning authorities? What is CR (Completion
report). How CR is drawn for an M&P.
Q.3 What type of works are included in LSWP? What are the financial limits
of LSWP for various works? Under which plan Head LSWP is
Q.4 How major M&P is procured in Railways? How the process of M&P
procurement is done both for initial procurement and on replacement
account? Write in detail the procedure?
Q.5 Write in detail the process of procurement and commissioning of a
major M&P after it is sanctioned by Railway Board. What are the steps
to be followed while preparing the detailed estimate?
Q. 6 How rolling stock items are purchased under RSP? Who is the nodal
officer for RSP process? What is meant by itemised rolling stock
Q.7 What is an audit para? Who is competent to initiate an audit para? How
an audit para is closed?
Q.8 What is a draft para? Write the procedure followed for replying a draft
para for closure? Who is competent authority for closure of the draft
para? What is the roll of C&AG in railway accounts?
Q.9 Explain Principle of operation of EIMWB with the help of a black
diagram. What are main requirement for selecting location /site of an
Q.10 What are main causes of failure of EIMWB and how the same are
being tackled now on IR ? Give your suggestions to improve.
Q.11 Write important parameters/ Requirements mentioned in specification
of EIMWB given by RDSO. Which specific items in these specification,
you would like to improve upon by suitably highlighting the same with
Q. 12 What are the essential infrastructure facilities required for setting up of :

 A wagon POH workshop of capacity 200 wagon/ Month

 A coach POH workshop of capacity 100 coaches/month
 A coaching depot with a holding of 500 coaches.
 A wagon depot for undertaking IOH of 100 wagons per month
 A diesel shed holding 100 locos.


1. What are the major and minor penalties under D&AR? Describe briefly
the main differences in dealing with cases under major & minor

2. An employee injured at your workplace because of electric shock, you

are officer in charge, explain what action will you take covering all
aspects required by Law and Industrial Relation.

3. Differentiate between: PNM/PREM, Dismissal/Removal, Selection/Non

selection posts.

4. What is PLB and what are its provisions concerning Rly. Employee

5. What is your entitlement of LAP, LHAP, CL in a year and what are the
limitations if any for crediting, accumulating and availing the same.

6. What is meant by commuted leave and encashment of leave and how

these benefit you.

7. What are the powers of :-Assistant Officer, Sr subordinate in scale

7450-11500 and 6500-10500 under D&A rules.

8. Describe the salient features of imposing the punishment of removal

from service under D&AR as per a) Normal procedure b) while applying

9. What are retirement benefits monetary and otherwise, how does Vth
pay commission report affect these benefits?

10. How is PLB calculated: Draw a diagram, what is the effect of this
payment on Rly Productivity?

11. What are the various tiers of PNM? What are its weakness and
strength? Discuss reforms of PNM.

12. How is money received in Central Staff Benefit fund? How is the
money distributed? Give examples.

13. Describe the procedure of Appeals & Review under DAR, How is
Suspension regulated after DAR has been completed.

14. Describe the detail of the settlement benefits available to the family of
a Rly employee in the event of
i) Death during service.
ii) Gets retire on superannuating after 30 years service
iii) Gets volunteer retire after 30 years of service
iv) Also explain the scheme of CG appointment.

15. Write short notes on the following:

i) Workmen compensation act
ii) CG appointment
iii) Settlement benefits
iv) HOER
v) Bench Marking
vi) Payment of wages act
vii) Factory Act - when applicable & various obligations to be fulfilled
by management
viii) DAR
ix) Role of WLI
x) PNM
xi). Leave entitlement of Rly employee
xii) Disciplinary Authority
xiii) Family Pension
xiv) GIS
xv) NBR
xvi) Inter se seniority
xvii) Canons of financial propriety xviii) Half Monthly wages
xix) August review
xx) PLB
xxi) PME
xxii) Stock verification xxiii) Audit Inspection
xxiv) Time frame of various stages for holding enquiry for major
penalty charge sheet
xxv) Commutation of leave
xxvi) %age increase in various grades of restructuring of cadre
introduced in Rly in 2003
xxvii) Protective clothing
xxviii) Hurt on Duty
xxix) Assumed attendance
xxx) Subsistence allowance
xxxi) Break down allowance
xxxii) Proforma fixation

16. Objective Type questions:

i) Circumstances under which a Rly employee can be put under

ii) If a person admits his guilt is it still necessary to issue a charge
sheet before imposing a penalty?
iii) In SF-5 if a person accepts the charges unconditionally is it still
necessary to hold an enquiry?
iv) Define factory under factory act.
v) Is Charbagh shop a factory?
vi) Is SRE loco shed a factory ?
vii) Under the workmen compensation act what are the circumstances
under which the employer is not liable to pay compensation in the case
of a) total disablement; b) death.
viii) What is full form of DCRG & SRPF.
ix) How is DCRG calculated & what is the maximum limit.
x) Present rate of interest under your PF scheme.
xi) What pay is taken into account while calculating pension, DCRG,
leave encashment.

17. i) Under factory act a factory having more than 1000 employees should
pay wages …… days in wage period (3,5,7,10 days.)

ii) Who does coordination of M&P programme of N.Rly (F A&CAO

(B&E) CRSE (F), CME/plg ,CAO(construction).
iii) Cost of wheel lathe purchased on additional/misc account is booked
in - (DRF, WMS capital, revenue.)
iv) Who will sign the PAC of a new stock item cost Rs 75000 - Sr. Scale
officer, (JAG, HOD, PHOD.)
18. What is minimum period that must elapse in case of successive
promotion of supervisor & artisan staff? Can this requirement be
b) What are selection & non selection grades in Supervisor grade?
c) Enlist the recruitment grades in Mech. Engg. Deptt.
d) What is current %age distribution specified in Artisan category

20 a) Which Railway Establishment are coming under the purview of

HOER and Factory Act respectively?

b) How the Railway employees are classified under

HOER? How the Duty Hours, Rest, Overtime are provided
Railway employees under HOER.

21.Write short notes on any three

i) Paternity Leave
ii) Procurement of non-stock items
iii) Special Casual Leave
iv) ISO 9001-2000
v) Workmen’s Compensation Act vi) Staff Benefit Fund
5. a) Why Discipline and Appeal rule has been framed? What are minor and
major penalties?
b) Describe various procedures to be followed for imposing major penalty to a
Group-C Railway employee who has been charged with misappropriation of
Railway property.

22 a) What are the classification of penalties under D&A rules and indicate
the various penalties under these classifications?

b) Who is the appointing Authority? Is appointing Authority constant or

variable? c) Under which classification of penalty, dismissal from service can
be imposed? Can an employee be qualified for future employment under the
Government or Railway Administration after dismissal? Describe the various
steps to be followed under D&A rules for imposing the penalty of dismissal.

23. a) Is Diesel Loco shed coming under the provision of Factory Act or

b) Accordingly indicate how the duty hours of Railway employees, their

provision of rest period, overtime and welfare measures are regulated for
Diesel Loco Shed employees?

24 Write shorts notes on any three i) Right to Information Act

ii) PNM

iii) Staff Benefit Fund

iv) PTO under Pass rules

v) ISO 9001-2000
vi) Commuted Leave

25 . State what these abbreviation stand for

i) DMW
ii) CLW
iii) JCM
iv) WHO
vi) NDT
vii) IRCON
viii) UNESCO ix) EMU
ix) CRIS
xi) CRPF xiii) WWW xiv) IT
xii) SERSA

26 Give full form of the followings i) UNESCO ii) UNDP iii) BSNL
iv) MIS v) CNC Machine vi) HRD vii) CD vii) RCF viii) RCF ix) HOER x) ODC
xi) RAM xii) IRFC xiii) RITES xiv) SRSF xv) HDD

27 Write short notes on any three

a) Spread sheet’
b) How to send and receive E-mail c) Service Tax
d) Engineering Service Exam
e) Role of United Nations
f) Constitution of India

28 a) What for bar charts and pie charts are used. Explain with examples.

b) Calculate volume of a cone with diameter of base as 1 meter and height of
2 meters.
29. Write short notes on any four
i) Leadership qualities
ii) Role of Personnel Officer in divisions/workshop
iii) Industrial Dispute Act
iv) JCM
v) Role of Audit
vi) Staff Benefit Fund
vii) Duties of principle Employer viii) Factories Act
30 . a) Explain in detail the procedure to be adopted for imposition of a Major
b) How are workers classified in different categories under HOER?
Explain in detail.

Q.1Write Short notes on the following:
I) Man Power Planning
II) M&P programme
III) August Review
IV) Development Fund
V) Sources of funds for IR
VI) Direct & Overhead costs
VII) Canons of Finance propriety
VIII) Urgency certificate
IX) Plan Head
X) Convention Committee
XI) Capital And Revenue expenditure
XII) Zero based budget

Q2: How is budgeting process is carried out in IR, explain the various stages
with specific illustration from your field duty.

Q3 How is a cost budget prepared in RIy workshop and how is it

administrated? Indicate how the under and over charges adjusted.

Q4: How is it ensured by Parliament that expenditure incurred by GOI on IR is

need based and well within the limit of budget. What role is played by
Parliamentary committees in this respect?

Q5: How does Parliament exercise control over Rly Budget?

Q6: What are the indices of financial efficiency over IR?

7. a) What is zero-base Budgeting?

b) Describe the process to be followed in Budgeting, starting from August

review till final modification estimate is submitted. How the expenditure
control is exercised through Budgeting?

8.. a) What is different between budgeting and zero based budgeting?

b) Describe various Budgeting process to be followed starting from August

review Estimate till Final Modification Estimate is submitted. How budgeting
helps in controlling expenditure?

Q. 9. Write short notes on any five

a) Audit Special Letter
b) Draft Paragraph
c) Cannons of Financial property
d) Schedule of Powers
e) August Review
f) Demand for Grants
g) Accounts Stock Verification Sheets
h) Objectionable Expenditure

Q. 10 How is control over expenditure exercised on the Indian Railways?
What are the different stages of budget formulations? Give time schedule for
each stage.


Q1. How would you ensure that repairs and maintenance expenditure
conforms to the changing types of rolling stock?

Q2: How are the material procured by Stores Department on railways? What
is the role of various purchase agencies?

Q3: Define Inventory, explain various technique of Inventory control? In what

way financial benefits can occur through efficient inventory control
Q4: Why inventory control has assumed great importance in modern materials
management on an organization?

Q5: How is stock verification carried out in railways? What is the periodicity of
stock verification?

Q6: What are different methods of recoupment and describe the method of
disposal of scraps?

Q7 Write Short notes on the following:

I) Difference between stock and non stock items
II) Difference between Maxima And Minima
III) Difference between ordering cost and Inventory carrying cost
IV) PAC tender
V) Imprest store
VI) Rate contract, Running contract And Service contract
VII) Stock out cost
VIII) Inventory turn over ratio
IX) Emergency stores
X) Surplus stores
XII) Earnest Money
XIII) Security deposit
XIV) Force mejeure
XV) Risk purchase
XVI) Variety reduction
XVII) Movable surplus
XVIII) Value analysis
XIX) Standardisation
XX) Over stocks


1. a) Why the official language Act -1963 was framed and how it is
helpful in national integration?

b) What items are to be complied under Section 3(3) under this Act?

c) How our country is divided into different regional category for

implementation of this Act and how the correspondence is made as per
the provision of this Act between different region as per category?

2. a) Why the official language of our country and how it is helping our
country’s integration?

b) What items are to be complied under Section 3(3) under this Act?

c) East Coast Railway HQ comes under which region as per

classification under official language act and what are various
incentives provided for more and more use of official language in our
official work?

3 . What is Section 3(3) of the Rajbhasa Adhiniyam? What are mandatory

and non- mandatory provisions in the adhiniyam?


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