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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Brgy. Antipolo, Sariaya, Quezon


S.Y. 2023-2024
Name: _________________________________________________Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________________Score: ____________

I. Read the selection to answer the following questions.

1. What word tells about the coconut tree?

a. Short c. Tall
b. Small d. Big

2. Does the coconut tree have branches?

a. Yes c. Maybe
b. No d. Does not tell

3. What part of the coconut tree is good for a post?

a. Trunk c. Leaves
b. Root d. Fruit

4. From where can we get oil?

a. From coconut husk c. From coconut leaves
b. From ripe coconut milk d. From young coconut milk

5. Which is good to eat?

a. Coconut husk c. Coconut meat
b. Coconut shell d. Coconut leaves

6. What part of the coconut is made into doormats?

a. Shell c. Husk
b. Midribs d. Meat

7. What can be made from the midribs?

a. Buttons c. Brooms
b. Candies d. Brooms

8. What part of the coconut is woven into basket?

a. Husk c. Midribs
b. Shell d. Leaves

“Creating a Better Tomorrow, Today”

Address: Brgy. Antipolo, Sariaya, Quezon
Contact Numbers: 0949-707-2574
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9. Which parts can be made into buttons?
a. Husk c. Shell
b. Midribs d. Leaves

10. What is the use of the stalk of the leaves?

a. for fuel c. for food
b. for post d. for broom

II. Read the following situations/ sentences. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

12. I’ll surely die of thirst if I don’t find some water”. The statement shows that the crow was ____.
a. worried b. sad c. afraid d. excited
13. The crow thought of a way to reach the water in the container. It was able to quench its thirst.
The crow was ______.
a. Foolish b. hardworking c. kind d. wise
14. Which set of words has the long a sound.
a. Meat, seat, beat , heat c. feet, feel, heel , deer
b. lake, take, make, bake d. pure, cure, sure, endure
15. The crow in the story reached the sea . Which word is read as the underlined word?
a. Plea b. tree c. take d. seek

16. What is the proper compound word to complete the sentence?

I like my bed ______ in our new house. I will sleep soundly in this room.
a. Light b. room c. house d. chair

17. It is a name of particular person, place, thing and events.

a. Collective nouns c. Common Nouns
b. Proper Nouns d. Compound Nouns

18. Which of the following is an example of Common Noun?

a. Pencil c. Theresa
b. Luneta d. Pampanga

19. Liza is very happy. She got a high grade. What is the personal pronoun in the sentence?
a. Liza c. Happy
b. She d. High

20.Which of the following has a correct form of possessive noun?

a. John’ school c. Today’ report
b. Lita’s favorite d. Mathematic’s rule

III. Match column A with words in column B to form a compound word. Write the letter on the blank.

Column A Column B
_____ 21. Sun a. day
_____ 22. Base b. flower
_____ 23. Moon c. brush
______24. Birth d. light
e. ball

IV. Write the plural form of the underlined nouns in each sentence.

25. The fox hated water. _________________

26. The farmer came with a stick. __________
27. The fox looks out for sheep around. __________
28. The farmer came running with his child. ____________
29. He bought them eyeglass for summer. ___________.
V. Read the short selection. Find 6 materials needed in the experiment. (30-35)

Underline the COUNT NOUN Encircle the COLLECTIVE NOUN


It is Monday morning. The grade IV class are excited in their class experiment.
Marie cleans the table which will be used during the experiment. DJ shows the empty bottles assigned
him. Few minutes later, the teacher came with cotton balls and a glass of water mixed with oil in
it. Then they started the experiment. Everyone enjoys doing the activity.

VI. Write the correct possessive form of the nouns in parenthesis. Write your answer on the
blank. (36-40)

It will be (birthday of Alexis) ________________________ next Saturday. Her parents

are preparing a party for her. Mother ordered birthday cake at the (bakeshop of Edgar)
__________________ . Mother will be preparing the (favorite of Alexis) ______________ party
food. Father bought balloons at (the toy balloons of Kim) _____________. All the (friends of
the children) ______________ are invited. Alexis is very excited for the event to come.

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by:

Principal I

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