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MARCH 15, 2023



Technology is such a big part of the world of which we live. Many of the jobs that

did not require technology use in years past do require the use of technology today. Many

more homes have computers than in years past and increasing numbers of people know how

to use them. Technology is being used by children and adults on a daily basis by way of web

surfing, texting, social networking, interactive games, and in more ways. We are an evolving

technological society and in many ways have become dependent on its use. Thus, the use of

technology and teaching students have to use it has become a high priority in the public

schools. Today, there is a common focus on raising student achievement while integrating

technology as a tool. Policymakers and educators are renewing their commitment to

programs and instructional practices that to enhance maximum effects on instruction and

student outcomes. Due to the large use of technology in the world in which we live, the use of

technology in teaching and learning is essential if we are to make a lasting impact on how

students learn. Now, with the onset of the Common Core Standards and their emphasis on

technology, the use of technology will become an even bigger priority in schools (Cristen,


In the present time – the Age of Modern Technology, where almost everything is

high-tech, fast, easy and in progress. Modern technology is simply an advancement of old
technology. Modern world is unimaginable without things such as electricity, computers,

vehicles, and much more. The youth have unprecedented access to modern technologies and

use them in expected and unexpected ways. Teens all over the world are growing up in a

world in which the internet, cellphones, text messaging, television and video games, and

other technologies dominate their communication and are an integral part of everyday life.

Children are immersed in a world abounding with information. Students today live in a very

technological world. Most students use some form of technology on a daily basis including;

texting, social networking, and web surfing. Students see these types of technologies as

useful and extremely enjoyable. These very same students that are accustomed to these types

of technologies will relate to using technology at school. If their learning environment

mirrors the ways in which they engage with the world, they will excel in their education

(Christen, 2009). Technology can transform the classroom into an interactive learning


Technology is a powerful contributor to learning if it is used to deepen students’

engagement in meaningful and intellectually authentic curriculum. Technology is a tool. It

should be selected when it is the best tool for students to learn. Technology can be a

particularly effective tool for English language learners and can enhance the participation of

children with disabilities. Student should begin to use familiar technology tools as a part of

their academic program. Teachers should model the use of technology in support of the

curriculum so that children can see the appropriate use of technology and benefit from

exposure to more advanced applications that they will use independently when they are older

(DePasquale, McNamara, & Murphy, 2003).

Continuing advancements in technology change the ways all people live and work.

The internet is becoming a common learning tool in many classrooms (Açıkalın, 2009). This

means provide a meaningful learning experience for all students. Teachers today have many

opportunities to use technology increasing the ways students learn.

Using computers and the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives.

Therefore, one of the greatest vehicles for the 21st century is using technology for effective

and permanent learning. The internet affects peoples’ lives by increasing communication,

expanding educational services, and increasing quality along with personal interaction. More

emphasis has been placed on seeking, evaluating, organizing using and sharing information

with others. The internet is the greatest source for information and the best way to quickly

share and exchange information with others, The internet sharpens one’s ability to search and

analyze information (Tutkun, 2011). With the advancement of this modern world, study

habits have also changed. Unlike the older generation; they only rely on educational materials

such as books, notes, articles and solve problems manually just to study their lessons. Now,

in just one click, you got all the things you need. Gone are the days of slaving over a book in

the library, and taking down notes on paper to find information. The availability of modern

technology makes finding information easier, it makes knowledge more available not only to

students but everyone, and exposes them to a much wider variety of subjects. Overall it is

really serving its role in terms of academic and education.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of integrating technology

on student’s academic performance among grade 11 HUMSS if there is improvement in the

student's level of performance. The result of the study could be beneficial to students and
education personnel to enhance teaching approach that would fit the student’s needs in this

period of time.

Statement of the Problem

The problem of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of integrating technology on

student’s academic performances among grade 11 HUMSS to the Julio Ledesma National

High School (JLNHS).

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of integrating technology for student of Grade 11 HUMSS?

2. What are the factors that effects the student academic performance?

3. What are the significant differences in the respondents' responses when classified

according to the effectiveness of integrating technology?

Theoretical Framework

Over time, learning became easier and faster with the help of different tools

and methods. Blackboards have been used for at least a millennium, books and

pamphlets have held a prominent role in education. Now we have innovated

technologies that can be used for quicker and earning of every student.

Educational Technology in the study and ethical practice of facilitating

learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate

technological processes and resources. According to David L. (2017) there are three

(3) major educational theories, such as Behaviorism. Cognitivism and Constructivism

that widely implemented in education and greatly linked to the development and

utilization of the educational technology.

According to Frederic Skimmer (1994, 1990) one of the founders of American

behaviorism further developed the behavior theory, rewards and punishment can

change one's learning performance. Researchers and scholars confirmed that

Behaviorism has greatly promoted and effectively implemented in programmatic

instruction, and has strongly promoted and widely applied in computing-assisted-

instruction and the development of educational technology.

Cognitive theory is represented by Jane Piaget (1898-1980), Jerome Seymour

Bruner (1915) and David P. Ausubel (1988-2008). In education, cognitive

developmental theory is to develop student’s capabilities of creative thinking,

information analyzing and prolem-solving through computer-assisted-instruction. It

concerns those mental processes that cannot be observed through human beings

problem solving process and human beings learning strategies. It studies human

brains thinking process. Cognitivists believe that a human being possesses intrinsic

modes of receiving, processing and utilizing information at different cognitive

development stage; advocate the study of people’s cognitive development processes

and models, and design different instructional programs based on one’s cognitive

development needs at different developmental stage.

Constructivist theory is in favor of letting students to construct their point of

view of the world, philosophy of living, technical expertise, and knowledge

structures; emphasizes one’s learning initiative, and social and 162 Theories and

Research in Educational Technology and Distance Learning Instruction through

Blackboard situational learning experiences. The core of this theory is discovery

learning. Students learn by doing. John Dewey (1859-1952), a well-known

educational psychologist, believed that practicing is a foundation of learning, and

without learning practice, students would get lost. He stressed that students construct

their knowledge in practice, and instructional design should respect students’

psychological development needs. Former Soviet psychologist Vygotsky proposed a

social constructivist theory that emphasizes one’s social and cultural backgrounds to

determine one’s behavior. He believed human’s growth is a product of culture. The

influence of Constructivist theory on the development and implementation of

educational technology is mainly reflected in the pioneering educational games,

multimedia development and dynamic online interactions.

Schematic Diagram

Factors Affecting
Student’s Academic
Performance in
Profile JLNHS

a. Student’s
a. Age EFFECTIVENESS OF b. Student’s
b. Sex INTEGRATING Motivation
c. Address TECHNOLOGY ON c. Student’s
d. Family Status STUDENTS ACADEMIC Collaboration
e. Family PERFORMANCE AMONG d. Student’s
Monthly GRADE 11 HUMSS Confidence
Income e. Technological

Propose Program
a. State the objectives that best suit the technology integration.
b. Describe what strategies will be used to integrate technology to support
teaching and learning within the organization.
c. Describe any challenges that may exist with integrating technology and
how those challenges could be overcome.
d. Present methods for measuring the effectiveness of technology
integration and explain how each method would be used.
e. Present learning theory and instructional design models that support
the strategies for implementing and evaluating the use of technology.

Figure 1.
Scope and Limitation of the Study

Our study only focuses on the effectiveness of integrating technology on

student’s academic performance among grade 11 HUMSS on the Julio Ledesma

National High School (JLNHS). We will interview 20 respondents from Humanities

and Social Science (HUMSS) to see the effectiveness of integrating technology.

However, the researchers will only gather data limited to our skills,

intellectual capacity, knowledge about the study and personal connections. Related

studies and literature also considered in the process of study as basis for analyzing.

Significance of the Study

This study focused on the effectiveness of integrating technology on students

academic performance among grade 11 HUMSS on Julio Ledesma National High

School, located at J. V. Ledesma Avenue Barangay Palampas, San Carlos City 6127,

Negros Occidental.

The researchers view the study to be significant to the following:

Students: This study will enhance the understanding of students regarding the

effectiveness of technologies in their studies.

Community: This study will benefit the community by spreading awareness and

helping them to control their usage in technology.

School: This can democratize information in school/classrooms as well as help

differentiate instruction, particularly for students with special needs.

Teachers: The results of this study will help the teachers to see whether using

technologies as one of their way of teaching is more effective than using the traditional (chalk

and board) method.

Researchers: It can increase the researchers’ knowledge regarding rhe benefits and

the researchers can establish a better understanding about the effects of technologies to the

academic performance of the students.

Future Researchers: This research shall also provide basis for future references and

shall help the future researchers to have broader investigation in the future.

Definition of Terms

To fully understand this study there are several terminologies defined conceptually
and operationally.

EFFECTS. Conceptually, defined as a result, consequence or outcome of some

action, event, agent or cause. Effect is therefore the noun you should use when you are

discussing the results of trials and experiments (Tetzner, 2020).

Operationally, this term refers to when something is done or happens, it causes a

change in an occurrence, circumstance, or state of things that is brought about by a cause.

PERFORMANCE. Conceptually, defined as the act of staging or presenting a play,

concert, or other form of entertainment. The performance should achieved through items such

as evaluation, piloting, efficiency, effectiveness and quality (Bartoli and Blatrix’s, 2015).
Operationally, this term refers to the action or process of carrying out or

accomplishing an action, task, or function.

TECHNOLOGY. Conceptually, define as “human making or using of material

artifacts in all forms and aspects” (p. 232). Either attempt at defining technology as making

and using, or a practical implementation does so through the physical without the

metaphysical. Carl Mitcham (1978).

Operationally, this refers to systematic application of scientific or other organized

knowledge to practical tasks.

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION. Conceptually, defined as well-coordinated use

of digital devices and cloud computing as tools for problem-solving, deeper learning, and

understanding. (Christensen, 2019)

Operationally, this term refer transforms the way that people learn. Several studies

have shown that including technology in the curriculum enhances students' learning outcomes

and processes.
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies, foreign and local which

provided the researcher the needed information and direction for the completion of the study.

Lynne Schrum, past president of the International Society for Technology in

Education (ISTE), is an associate professor in the department of instructional technology at

the University of Georgia. Her research, teachings, and writings focus on issues related to

distance education, specifically online learning. Schrum also investigates the uses of

technology in K-12 environments and identifies ways to support educators in the effort.

Educators want students to learn. She said that It is certainly not enough to tell educators that

they need to use the boxes and wires that have invaded their schools simply because they are

expensive or because students need to know how to use the latest widget. If it's clear that

technological tools will help them achieve that goal, educators will use those tools.

Technology lends itself to exploration. But before technology can be used effectively,

exploration must be valued as important to both teaching and learning. In a technology-rich

classroom, students might search the Web for information, analyze river water, chart the

results, and record what they've learned on the computer.In such an environment, acquiring

content changes from a static process to one of defining goals the learners wish to pursue.

Students are active, rather than passive -- producing knowledge and presenting that

knowledge in a variety of formats. In a technology-rich classroom, students don't "learn"

technology. Technology merely provides the tools to be used for authentic learning. It is a

means, not an end.

According to Benjamin Herold(2016) Technology is everywhere in education: Public

schools in the United States now provide at least one computer for every five students. They

spend more than $3 billion per year on digital content. Led by the federal government, the

country is in the midst of a massive effort to make affordable high-speed Internet and free

online teaching resources available to even the most rural and remote schools. And in 2015-

16, for the first time, more state standardized tests for the elementary and middle grades will

be administered via technology than by paper and pencil.

There were seven (7) steps for adapting technology to the classroom by Sean Nank

(2017) As the recession of 2008 becomes a not too distant memory, some schools are finding

themselves better funded. With this comes the acquisition of technology for schools and

classrooms. The widespread introduction of technology can have amazing impacts on

curricula, pedagogy, and student learning. But some schools have not experienced these

results. The following are the seven aspects of adapting technology that will help you avoid

lackluster results. Buy technology for teachers and students, Use the 10% rule (If you have

$100,000 total to spend on technology, then spend $90,000 and set aside $10,000 for

professional development and training to support teachers while implementing the

technology.),Give teachers time, Choose a platform and stick with it, Technology for the sake

of technology, Students are and are not digital natives ,lastly is Assess with technology in a

meaningful way.

According to Kelsey Sheehy(2012) The proliferation of social media and technology

has changed the way educators teach, how students learn, and the way teachers and students

communicate. Bob Wise a former governor of West Virginia and president of the Alliance
for Excellent Education, an advocacy organization, said that "You can't just slap a netbook

[computer] on top of a textbook and say, 'Great, now we have technology," Good teaching,

especially the kind that involves working with evolving technologies, sometimes requires

good advice. "The whole intention of Digital Learning Day is to really celebrate teachers and

good instructional learning practices," says Sarah Hall, director of the Alliance's Center for

Secondary School Digital Learning and Policy.

It’s hard to determine whether technology in the classroom is helpful or harmful.

Samantha Cleaver (2014) wrote an article about it. With a world of information at their

fingertips nowadays, it seems like kids should be finding it easier than ever to succeed in

school. However, as more classrooms invest in the latest technology, test scores remain the

same, bringing its effectiveness into question. “Incorporating technology into the classroom

requires a double innovation,” says Shelley Pasnik, director of the Center for Education and

Technology, Educators who receive new technology must first learn how to use the

equipment and then decide whether or not it supports the class objectives and curriculum.

Despite the challenges, incorporating technology into education still has proven benefits,

especially when it comes to personalized learning. From math games that adjust the level of

difficulty as players progress to electronic books that talk and respond to the tap of a finger,

products that personalize the learning experience for students often benefit their

understanding. An interactive game is more engaging than a book, so technology often

promotes more practice and review in areas requiring memorization, such as spelling, math

and geography. This frees up time in the classroom so educators can focus on skills like

problem solving, character development and critical thinking.

The Philippine Star created an article last 12 th of July 2014 about how technology

helps students study well. According to it more and more school use technology such as

computers and the internet in their classroom and several improvements on students have

seen and they are now getting better in education. These improvements are the following:

Independence and information gathering, Critical thinking and reflection, Communication

and collaboration, More engaging learning experience and Preparation for jobs later on. By

connecting the internet, students learn how to do their own research and with the large

information that they access. Students are induced to learn to think critically. Through

exchange of ideas and messages, students are able to collaborate with each other to test their

understanding of lessons. Information today is more engaging to the mind and the senses

because of its multimedia nature. Knowing all of these improvements and advantages. more

and more schools are allowing not just desktop computers and laptops, but also tablet devices

and smartphones in their classrooms.

According to John Paul Espinosa (2016) Technological advances had greatly changed

the education landscape in that teaching is no longer confined to the traditional face-to-face

delivery of lessons. Now, via internet we can also learn not only in the classroom but outside

the school. Through the convergence of modern and traditional methods, students are now

able to experience the best of both worlds. They can learn from school and get additional

information or lessons through the web and internet. A survey conducted by Pearson

Foundation in the United States found that more than six in 10 college students and high

school seniors agree that they study more efficiently by using tablets. A study conducted by

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in California also showed that students using iPads performed
better in math compared to students using traditional textbooks. Another study at Oklahoma

State University found that 75 percent of students said the use of gadgets enhanced their

learning experience. Even though that the parents and some teacher fear that gadgets may

distract students, surveys and studies have shown that these technological devices are a big

help in learning.Today, more states administered tests for the elementary and high school

through the internet, discarding the use of the traditional pen and paper.

Back in 1960s where computers are very bulky to the very compact gadgets of the

present time, technology had been continuously developing in the past decades. Accroding to

John Rifuno I. Macaset(2017) a BS Computer Engineering, technology had played great roles

in many people’s daily tasks starting with the conception of the personal computer, people’s

work became faster, and communication with other people became easier. Recent years, the

use of technology in education has been proven beneficial to both teachers and students. With

the use of the internet, teachers are able to communicate with their students more easily, and

allows them to distribute learning materials such as assignments, exercises, and tests to their


According to a blog posted by Angel de Dios(2012) How technology affects learning

from the views of teachers, With iPads, Facebook, smartphones, video games, music, and

others, technology now occupies a significant amount of a child's time in the United States

(almost eight hours a day - National Center for Education Statistics, USA). Students in the

Philippines probably face the same increasing amount of time spent on these activities

provided by technology. Thus, it is time to ask how current technology affects student
learning. The response from teachers is particularly important since their perspective comes

directly from the classroom.

Why teachers have to use technology? article by Glenny E. Laping(2016) according

to it, technology is a way of life. It is everywhere in this computer age. Students use

technology improperly and unproductively so teachers should provide guidance for them.

Also free educational tools are easier and faster to use than the traditional tools. Teachers

could use this to build student’s collaborative, communication , problem-solving, critical and

creative thinking skills. Technology alone cannot develop in students the skills necessary to

succeed in today’s world. Teachers and parents should teach and guide the young to use

technology the right way productively.

Technology is a way to improve students goals. But are they using it the way it meant

to be in classes ? Eric Milou , conducted a study that examined the algebra teachers if

they are using graphic calculators when they are teaching , their awareness over

technology, changes in curriculum or instructional practices. The ones who became a part of

the study were students and teachers. They were selected solely because of its great variety

of population. The study has surveys to be completed by the ones who participated. Of the

243 surveys, 146 were returned , for an aversge rate of 60%. It has been confirmed that

with the use of graphing calculator is still likely to disagree to many algebra teachers.

But the majority of the teachers says that the use of graphing calculator is a great tool for

motivating the students.

In the James Kulik Study (1994), the researcher used a technique called meta-

analysis to aggregate the findings from more than 500 individual studies of computer-based
instruction. Computer based instruction individualizes the educational process to

accommodate the needs, interests, and learning styles of each student (Kulik, 1994, 4).

The study found that students who used computer-based instruction scored at the 64th

percentile on test of achievement compared to students in the control conditions without

computers who scored at the percentile. This study helps to show that student achievement

can be affected positively especially through assessment scores. Students also tend to like

their classes more and develop more positive attitudes towards learning which results in

positive academic achievement.

According to Taibah university (2017).Their study was conducted on 231 students

who studying physiology during their 2nd year at one five health colleges they are the

( Medicine, Dental, Clinical Pharmacy ,Applied medical sciences , and nursing).Their

research was an online survey to the students regarding to the use of technology and the

devices they use. The Pearson correlation coefficient and descriptive statistics were

implemented to study the frequency of ,and relationship between technology and their

learning achievements in physiology courses.They study observed a significant relationship

between students use of technology , and the most used devices is laptops (50℅)

phones (42℅) followed by tablets (7℅) and the desktop computers (0.5℅) .The result

of their online survey tells that technology usage might produce comparatively more

significant increase in academic achievements than would non-usage of technology.

There are many terms that are currently in use so far as ICT in Education is

concerned. Many terms have come and gone and there are overlaps in some instances which

are not necessarily identical. Bybee, Poewll, and Trowbridge (2008) categorize the
uses of computer and associated technologies in science education into three as follows:

learning about computers, learning with computers and learning through computers. Learning

about computers which deals with knowledge of computers may be thought of as a

continuum which ranges from skills in and awareness of computers at lower level to

programming at higher level (Tabassum, 2004). In this situation students develop

technological literacy which essentially involves acquiring computer-related terminology.

In Harold Wenglinsky's National Study of Technology's Impact on Mathematics

Achivement, Wenglinsky found out that who used higher order of thinking software shown

the gains in math scores of up to 15 weeks above grade levels. Wenglinsky also controlled

for socioeconomic status, class, size, and teacher’s characteristics. Thus, all relationships

between technologies and educational outcomes had represented the value added by

technology for comparable groups of students with comparable teachers in a comparable

class sizes. This study has consisted a national sample of about 6,227 fourth grade

students and 7,146 grade eight students on the National Assessment of Educational

Progress. Then another finding was found that higher order uses of computers and

professional development were related to student's academic achievement in mathematics

for both 4th and 8th grade students. The use of computers mainly for 5 simulations and

applications had resulted in higher math achievement.

According to the study of Jimson Mariano (2017) The Philippine government has

been committed to bring the educational system into a modernized status, particularly on

basic education, in its effort to make each and every student at par with other students of

neighboring developed countries. Our country is now capable to utilize and produce
information and to transform it into knowledge and vast array of goods and services. The

Department of Education (DEPED) has initiated in 1996 a computerization program with the

goal of preparing Filipino students for employment and competitive career by teaching them

to master new forms of technology. They also would like to harness and enhance the

power of technology towards developing the entire teaching-learning process,

specifically in its bid to make each and every public school student empowered in this

highly globalized and integrated world economy.

ICT plays a major role in creating a new and improved model of teaching and

learning where education happens anytime and anywhere. According to Diwanie Perez

(2016) to achieve this vision we should continue to use ICT to revitalize our schools to make

them to dynamic, collaborative and innovative learning institutions where students can

become more motivated, inquisitive and creative learners. Also to link students with vast

networked world of knowledge and information and develop student’s skills and capabilities

to critically and intelligently seek ,absorb, analyze, manage and present information. The

assessment of the current state of computerization of public schools will aim to help DepEd

better integrate ICT in its ambitious K (Kindergarten) to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

(BEC) reform program. • Education Secretary Armin Luistro said that ICT education will be

an important aspect as they formulate an effectively enhanced K to 12 BEC curriculums. “We

have to set up our ICT thrust as we gradually implement the K to 12 Basic Education Reform

Program. As we all know, ICT plays a very important role in administrative functions as well

as in the teaching and learning process,” Luistro explained.

According to Melvin Matulac, Assistant Prof at University of Santo Tomas, Today’s

education faces a lot of challenges. The swirling changes and developments in teaching and

learning all seem promising and yet are still at their infant stages. There is resurgence for

Constructivist approaches in the classroom. Howard Gardner contradicts the IQ phenomena

with his own findings on Multiple Intelligence. The banking method of education is totally

unacceptable to some education circles and yet the new methods bring their own share of

confusion. The use of technology is at least one unavoidable reality and twenty years after the

introduction of the PC, as many roads have been paved for us to follow, a lot of work still lay

ahead. In the present stage, since technology is here to stay, some educators took a second

look at how technology is being used. Instead of technology dictating what they should do,

they started telling technology what they wanted to do in teaching core subjects. The

technology experts of the school started shifting gears. From being the untouchable nerds in

the computer lab, they suddenly found themselves as the assistants of the teachers finding

ways to bring technology at the service of learning.

Education has changed a lot because of the development of information Technology and

knowledge information society. According to Reynato Arimbuyutan (2007) Educational infra

of the Philippines was meager before 4-5 years Also computing and Internet infra it will not

support to education environment. But Philippine education environment changed fast during

2000~ 2006 years. Development of network environment is big effect of computer game by

Philippine young generation. Also, effect of education reform policy that Philippines

government. Philippines making e-Learning systems for remote education environment. And,

there is progressing various project with more interest about e-Learning. Therefore, the study
wants to correct analysis and right direction presentation for Philippine remote education

environment. The study is structured as follows. In chapter 2, Environment of education in

the Philippines. In chapter3, environment of e-Learning in the Philippines, Lastly, e-Learning

environment and prospects of the study is made in chapter 4 of his study

According to the MST News (2013) millions of Filipino students are back to schools.

Some will be studying more comfortably in air-conditioned rooms, complete with hi-tech

learning tools such as computers and modern methodologies. Others will not be as privileged.

Still, learning takes precedence over disparities in learning conditions. Substance over form,

we say. With the recent implementation of the K to 12 program, the country’s basic education

curriculum undergoes a major overhaul in the form of two additional years from the existing

10-year basic education. The authority says the transition will provide sufficient time for

mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary

education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. Moreover,

the reform would make the Philippines comparable and competitive with other countries, as

the 12 years of basic schooling had long been a global standard. But while the change is a

welcome development, it may still be considered protracted if taken in the larger context of

learning, which is transforming by leaps and bounds.

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