Medical Health Assessment Form Rev. 3 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Student ID # __________________
Nabua, Camarines Sur (c/o clinic staff)
“I hereby allow CSPC and its authorized personnel to collect and process the relevant data provided by me and consent to
the confidential performance of legitimate clinic functions such as health assessment, examination, diagnosis, treatment,
health evaluation, certification, emergency transfer, referral, reporting, validation, data security, and compliance to
legal requirements. I also have been made aware of my data privacy rights to be informed, to object, to access, to
rectification, to erasure / blocking, and right to damages and impact of such rights towards my medical & dental care.”

Signature Over Printed Name
*For Data Privacy concerns, you may contact the CSPC Data Protection Officer at (054) 288-4421 (loc. 117).
**for Clinic concerns you may call (054) 288-4421 (loc. 117) or text 0915-931-6811 (Globe), or 0951-932-3739 (Smart).

Name:_________________________________Age:______Sex:_______Birth Date:__________________
Permanent Address:____________________________________________________________________
Present Address:_________________________________________ Cel No./Tel. No. ________________
Course/Position:_________________________ Civil Status:____________Blood Type (if known): _____
Father’s Name:__________________________ Mother’s Name:_________________________
Emergency Contact Person:________________________ Cel.No./Tel. No. ____________
Relation of the person stated above:_______________________________________________________

Date of Examination
1. Height (cm)
2. Weight (kg.)
3. Blood Pressure
4. Temperature
5. Pulse Rate
6. Respiratory System
Chest X-Ray (Optional)
7. Circulatory System
8. Digestive System
9. Genito – Urinary
10. Locomotion System
11. Nervous System
12. Skin
13. Eyes
14. Vision:
With Glasses:
Without Glasses:
15. Ears:
16. Nose
17. Throat
18. Teeth And Gums
19. Remarks

20. Recommendations

Examining / Certifying
(Name And Signature)
License Number
Note: To Be Accomplished By Any Physician/Doctor

Effectivity Date: January 2019 Rev.3 Page 1 of 2

Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur
(Note: This portion is to be accomplished by the student/employee. Please give clinical history you wish to
voluntarily disclose especially cases that need assistance from the Clinic. Rest assured that your information will be
handled with utmost confidentiality. Example: Disability, Maintenance Medicines, Chronic/Long-term Illness, etc.)

Part II – Health History:

Instruction: Please check (/) the blank if your answer is YES, and leave the blank (__) if otherwise on any
of the following conditions:

1. Family History (Common to Family Members):

__________ Asthma __________ Diabetes Mellitus
__________ High Blood Pressure/ Hypertension __________ Cancer
__________ TB / Pulmonary Tuberculosis __________ Eye Problem
__________ Mental Illness (Nearsighted, Farsighted, etc.)

2. Personal History:

Deformities / Disabilities Operations underwent, if any (please specify):

___________ Congenital (at birth) ___________________, year:___________
___________ Acquired ___________________, year:___________

Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Respiratory and Cardiac

___________ Eye Problem (Nearsighted, Farsighted, etc.) ___________ Asthma
___________ Ear Problem (Hearing loss, Vertigo, etc.) ___________ Pleurisy
___________ Ear Infection (Otitis Media, etc.) ___________ Pneumonia
___________ Sinusitis ___________ Bronchitis
___________ Allergic Rhinitis ___________ Pertussis / Diphtheria
___________ Mouth Sores ___________ Pulmonary Tuberculosis
___________ Sore Throat / Pharyngitis ___________ Anemia (low iron / low count)
___________ Tonsillitis ___________ Low Blood Pressure
___________ Dental Problem (Carries, Abscess, etc.) ___________ Hypertension / High Blood
___________ Gum Problem ___________ Heart Disease / Disorder
___________ Blood or Bleeding Disorders
Gastrointestinal / Digestion
___________ Appetite disorder / loss Mental or Emotional
___________ Abdominal pains / Indigestion ___________ Headache / Migraine
___________ Nausea / Vomiting disorder ___________ Fainting Spell
___________ Hyperacidity / Peptic Ulcer ___________ Stammering
___________ Hepatitis / Jaundice ___________ Anxiety Disorder / Palpitation
___________ Gallbladder Disease ___________ Insomnia
___________ Diarrhea ___________ Bedwetting
___________ Dysentery (Amoebiasis, Cholera, etc.) ___________ Epilepsy/Convulsion/Seizure
___________ Typhoid Fever ___________ Depression / Mood Disorder
___________ Parasitism (Worms, etc.) ___________ Nervous Breakdown
___________ Constipation
___________ Hemorrhoids If you answered ( / ) any of the Mental / Emotional
problems above, have you consulted anyone for
Others the said problem(s)?
___________ Allergies (Food, Medicine, Skin)
___________ Arthritis ___________ YES ___________ NO
___________ Dengue Fever / Chikungunya
___________ Dysmenorrhea If YES, to whom?
___________ Kidney Disease ___________ Guidance Councilor
___________ Malaria ___________ Psychologist
___________ Rheumatic Fever ___________ Psychiatrist / Neurologist
___________ Skin Infections (ring worm, scabies, etc.) ___________ Others (please specify):
___________ Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) ____________________
___________ Venereal Disease / STD / STI
___________ Chicken Pox Lifestyle Risks:
___________ Measles ___________ Smoking
___________ Mumps ___________ Drink alcoholic beverages
___________ Rubella / German Measles ___________ Often eat fatty/oily/fried foods
___________ Others (please specify): ___________ Often eat salty foods (junk/fast food)
_______________________________________ ___________ Often eat sweets / drink soft drinks
___________ Avoid/dislike/skip drinking water
Medications presently taking, if any: ___________ Stay up late at night / Sleep difficulty
_______________________________________ ___________ Skip meals at times
_______________________________________ ___________ Regular prolonged gadget use
_______________________________________ ___________ Often feel stressed/unhappy/discontent
_______________________________________ ___________ Don’t get regular exercise/walking

Effectivity Date: January 2019 Rev.3 Page 2 of 2

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