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Name: Cedrick Vincent Tapalla

Course/Section: BSCE 1A
Assignment 1.3: The Golden Ratio and the Human Body

1. Measure the following (in inches):
a. distance from the ground to your belly
button = 38 in.
b. distance from your belly button to the top of
your head = 17.9 in.
c. distance from the ground to your knees
inches = 26.5 in.
d. distances A, B and C
A. 1 in.
B. 1 in.
C. 2 in.
e. length of your hand = 7.2 in.
f. distance from your wrist to your elbow
= 9.5 in.

2. Now calculate the following ratios:

a. Distance from the ground to your belly
button / Distance from your
belly button to the top of your head
b. Distance from the ground to your belly button / Distance from
the ground to your knees
c. Distance from C/Distance from B
d. Distance from B/Distance from A
e. Distance from your wrist to your elbow/ Length of your hand

3. Write your results in the following table.

Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5
2.123 1.434 2 1 1.319

4. What can you now say about the Golden Ratio by calculating
the quotients/ratios?

In my opinion Golden ratio often manifests in nature, art, and architectural designs,
contributing to its aesthetic appeal. When applying it to measurements or ratios in
various contexts, including body proportions, it can provide insights into harmonious and
aesthetically pleasing relationships.It's worth noting that individual variations exist, and
the golden ratio is more of an aesthetic guideline than a strict rule in the realm of human


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