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Moorish National Republic Federal Government

 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 

Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Affidavit of Fact
Writ of Quo Warranto
International Document - Consular Jurisdiction and Venue
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal – Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Exhibit: A

Joseph Pekic (acting as) Policy Enforcer

7040 South Cottage Grove Ave
Near[Chicago, IL 60637]

Alternative Address

Public Service Announcement Re: 911 Dispatch call to property commonly known as 7420 S Bennett
Ave, Chicago IL [60469]

1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Stare Decisis Law

"Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time. And jurisdiction, once challenged, cannot be assumed and
must be decided" - Basso v. Utah Power and Light Co. 495 F.2d 906, 910
“There is no discretion to ignore lack of jurisdiction.” - Joyce v. United States, 474 2d 215
For the record and on the record, I am Britney Boyde-Bey (also known as bindi bey), a natural
born person, in full life and in propria persona, sui juris, jus sanguinis. My nationality is Moorish
American, American State National/Citizen (Sovereign), being autochthonous and indigenous (chahta
tribe), organic to The Land (Al Maghrib al Aqsa/Amexem/North America) and heir to the Moroccan
Empire at North-West Amexem. I am a foreign national inhabitant near corporate CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.
I am one of the surviving consanguinity heirs apparent of the late ancient Moabites (modernly known as
Al Moroccans). My Moabite ancestors died intestate, and I was vested with reversionary interest in the
lands and resources of the Moroccan Empire at North America, which is in de facto occupational use, in
usufruct, by foreign European colonists exercising feudal law practices under color of law as
citizens/members/beneficiaries of the UNITED STATES (Inc.). I am Sovereign to this Land and as such,
no Administrative Court or Department has lawful jurisdiction under a quasi-criminal non sanctioned
tribunal of foreign private legal processes, to pass judgment or execute non Article III judgements in any
matter concerning my affairs. As stated by de facto Supreme Court Justice Field, “There is no such thing
as a power of inherent sovereignty in the government of the United States... In this country, sovereignty
resides in the people, and Congress cannot exercise power which they have not, by their Constitution,
entrusted to it. All else is withheld." Juliard v. Greeman, 110 U.S. 421 (1884). Please note that this
Affidavit is not intended to harass, threaten, or obstruct any individual listed herein from execution of
their duty within their lawful authority.
I hereby declare that I am not lost at sea and come now making special appearance to declare my
right of reversion of Estate and hereditaments both Real and Personal, Corporeal and Incorporeal. I
hereby challenge any perceived jurisdiction over my person and my Estate, on the grounds of lack of
jurisdiction and fraud through misrepresentation.

1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Jurisdiction and Venue

I hereby invoke protection of my secured rights in this dispute, under Treaty and Constitution
to consular jurisdiction, Articles 20 and 21 of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the
United States of North America and the Moroccan Empire, which state the following:

Article 20. If a citizen of the United States, or any persons under their protection, shall have any
disputes with each other, the Consul shall decide between the parties; and whenever the Consul
shall require any aid or assistance from our Government to enforce his decision(s), it shall be
immediately granted to him.

Article 21. If a citizen of the United States should kill or wound a Moor, or, on the contrary, if a
Moor shall kill or would a citizen of the United States, the law of the country shall take place and
equal justice shall be rendered, the consul assisting at the trial; and if any delinquent shall make
his escape, the consul shall not be answerable for him in any manner whatever.

In further support of my secured Treaty rights, see the case Kolovrat v Oregon, 366 U.S. 187,
194, 81 S.Ct.922 (1961)., where the Supreme Court of the United States rendered the following
stare decisis cases:

“A state cannot refuse to give foreign nationals their treaty rights because of fear that valid
international agreements may possibly not work completely to the satisfaction of state

“Under the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution Article VI, clause 2, state
policies…must give way to overriding federal treaties and conflicting arrangements.”

1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Stare Decisis Law

“It is undeniably apparent that any perceived authority the CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK
claim to have, is colorable, and not the de jure authority granted per Article III or Article IV, Section 4 of
the Constitution.” – PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS vs. BRITNEY BOYDE. (2023).

Affidavit of Fact: Deposition

Note that the following deposition recounts the applicable timeline, statements, and order
of events to the best of my recollection absent access to the fully recorded interaction; and is to
the best of my intention and knowledge a truthful account of the events that took place on this
It is a fact that on Sunday, April 21st, 2024 at approximately 12:00pm, I was interrogated
by two policy enforcers after they received a call from an individual unlawfully squatting on the
property (this individual could not provide a valid lease or title to justify his presence on the
property). I made it clear on the record that I am a Moorish American National, indigenous to The
Land and in possession of aboriginal title to The Land on which the building sits and that I own
the Land as well as the building itself. The individual squatting on the property insisted that he
didn’t know who I was and wasn’t aware that I was there to change the locks. He then proceeded
to show the text message correspondence confirming he not only knew who I was but agreed to
open the door when I arrived. My initial interaction with this individual commenced in February
2024 when I attempted to secure my property from unlawful seizure and occupation. I had several
interactions with this individual including serving him notice of dispute regarding the lawful
owner of the property.
Upon request of proof that I do in fact own the property, I provided the policy enforcers
with a certified copy of the Article III Consular Court documents (including a Writ of Quo
Warranto and Default Judgement) entered into the public record for the misrepresented
instrument presented as a foreclosure of the property (bill of attainder)1. As I stated on the record,
this alleged dispute was an international matter given that I am a Foreign National; as status is the
first issue of Law, I wanted to be sure that someone competent in Consular Notification and

1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Access requirements was on the scene to ensure proper protocol was followed; therefore, I
requested to speak to a supervisor competent in Consular Notification.
The two attending policy enforcers called in for a supervisor to which Mr. Pekic
responded. Once again, I clearly stated on the record I am a Moorish American National to which
Mr. Pekic attempted to dismiss claiming he doesn’t know what that means. I then repeated my
statement and inquired if he was aware of Consular Notification and Access requirements to
provide Mr. Pekic with another opportunity to correct his stance. To which he repeated his reply
and became hostile, claiming that I “shouldn’t be changing any locks” and threatening to arrest
me for allegedly violating a city ordinance2. He then inserted himself into the affairs of my
Ancestral Estate in reversion and demanded that I provide this squatter with a key to the lock or
face being “arrested”. As a declared Sovereign and a National on The Land, I am not subject to
United States (Inc.) color of law statutes, codes, or ordinances.

1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Quo Warranto
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to produce the following for the record as conclusive
proof and evidence of your alleged lawful jurisdiction to direct the affairs of my private Ancestral
Estate in reversion commonly known as 7420 S Bennett Ave, Chicago IL 60649:

1. Produce the certified copy of the Delegation of Authority order from Congress in accordance with
Article III, sections 1 and 2 of the Constitution for the United States of North America as
evidence of the private foreign corporate entity CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.) and
the representatives/agents thereof having been lawfully conferred judicial authorization and
jurisdiction as an inferior court to hear and decide matters affecting the property/estates of
declared Moorish American nationals in disputes with 14th amendment citizens of the United
States [de facto] or to marshal the property/estates of Moorish American Nationals.

2. Confirm your name and nationality and provide proof that you are in fact, by oath and
affirmation, authorized to enforce the Law of The Land with proper authority delegated per
Article III, Section I under the Constitution of the United States of America to adjudicate in any
way over my Ancestral Estate in reversion.

3. Produce a certified or true test copy of any alleged valid and verifiable contract (of my own Will)
or commercial agreement between any representative of the foreign corporate entity CHICAGO
POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.) and I, which would subject me to any specific performance or to
any corporate color of law, statue, code, rule, regulation, or custom of the private foreign
corporate entity STATE OF ILLINOIS or any subsidiary thereof.

4. Produce the certified copy of any alleged written accusation signed under penalty of perjury by an
identifiable natural person claiming to be the accuser in this dispute to satisfy the requirement of
“standing” pursuant to stare decisis law in Allen v. Wright, 468 U.S. 737, 751 (1984)

5. Produce the name, address, and telephone number of the public hazard and malpractice bonding
company and related policy number of the bond, and if required, a copy of the policy describing
the bonding coverage of the specific job performance of you (plural) and all other natural persons
1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

acting as employees/contractors/agents/representatives of the foreign corporate entities


6. Produce proof of ‘Allodial Title’ or ‘Aboriginal Title’ to my Ancestral Estate in reversion

commonly known as 7420 S Bennett Ave, Chicago, Illinois.

7. Produce proof that lawful service of process was made upon me in accordance with the pre-
requisites of my due process rights and treaty protected rights under consular jurisdiction as
required under Amendment 5 and Articles 20 and 21 of the Constitution and Treaty respectively.

1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Allodial Compensation Invoice

The following damages are being claimed against you and all other additional person(s) involved
in this alleged dispute under color of law if the above information is not/cannot be provided:
Damages Cost:
Violation of rights under color of law (18 USC 241)…………………..$1,000,000
Depravation of rights under color of law (18 USC 242)……………….$1,000,000
Conspiracy against rights (18 USC 241)……………………………….$1,000,000
Fraud through Misrepresentation…..…………………………………..$1,000,000
Attempted Intimidation/Harassment……………………………………..$500,000
Trespassing upon Estate Property.........…………………………………..$100,000
Misc. expenses (mailing, paper, ink, time/energy)………………………...$10,000

Total: $4,610,000 payable in lawful money of .9999 fine silver or gold bullion coins
and/or bars due forthwith.

Days of Grace to Answer

You have three (3) days upon receipt of this Affidavit of Fact: Writ of Quo Warranto to
answer and produce the above evidence for the record. Your failure to answer and produce the
above evidence constitutes DEFAULT and serves as your admission by silence to lack of
jurisdiction and fraud through misrepresentation as Law Enforcement. Any additional claims
from any 14th amendment U.S. corporate citizen-subjects shall be forthwith dismissed with
prejudice for lack of jurisdiction and fraud in misrepresentation. See Louisville v. Mottley, 211
U.S. 149, 29 S.Ct.42 (“If any tribunal finds absence of proof of jurisdiction over a person and
subject-matter, the case [dispute] must be dismissed. The accuser bears the burden of proof
beyond a reasonable doubt.”).
Therefore, until jurisdiction is proven, I am entitled to and will execute any reasonable
actions deemed necessary to secure my Ancestral Estate in reversion and restrict unlawful access
to unauthorized US 14th Amendment citizens/persons.

Govern yourself accordingly.

1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Affidavit of Fact
I declare and affirm by virtue of divine law, under the Zodiac Constitution, and upon the United
States Republic Constitution of 1791, and upon the honor of my Foremothers and Forefathers,
that the above Writ of Quo Warranto and Affidavit is true and correct to the best of my

Executed this ________ day of _____________________, 2024.

Affiant: Britney Boyde-Bey (bindi bey)
In propria persona, sui juris, in full life,
Britney Boyde-Bey, Estate ex rel.
All Rights Reserved.
C/o 7420 S Bennett Ave
Chicago, Illinois Republic [Zip Exempt]
Post Address: 1 E Erie St, Suite 525-2292
Chicago, IL [60611]

1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.
Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Affidavit of Fact
Certificate of Service

I, Britney Boyde-Bey, hereby certify that on the _______ day of ______________, 2024, the
enclosed Affidavit of Fact: Writ of Quo Warranto [Exhibit: A] was sent via certified mail and/or
hand delivered to the following recipients:

Joseph Pekic (acting as) Policy Enforcer

7040 South Cottage Grove Ave
Near[Chicago, IL 60637]

Alternative Address

All Rights Reserved

CC: Melvin W Branch, Commander CPD 3rd Precinct

10 | P a g e
1 First Nat. Bank v. Terry, 103 Cal.App. 501, 285 P. 336, 377 (“Full faith and credit” clause of Const. U.S. art 4, § 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such
faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of its origin.”)
2 An ordinance constitutes form but not necessarily the substance of Law (i.e. legal vs lawful). Let it be clear on the record that the current administrative process in

place posing as Law and instituted not only against Moorish American Nationals but also US Citizens DOES NOT subrogate your oath and affirmation to perform your

duties to uphold The Constitution. Any policy enforcer proclaiming to be law enforcement should be aware of the principles surrounding the Constitution (i.e. the

Supreme Law of the Land). Administration of any statute or municipal code on behalf of CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT (Inc.), is by nature, the act of agency and is

in direct conflict and violation to any Oath and/or Affirmation to uphold the principles of The Constitution.

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