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oulput drive1 i'n contrasc with thc STK401-000 series


wmch supp,rts 60/3'2 output driveia

• Class B amp'lifie11
• Ootput 'load impedance RL,= 60 .snpport
• EIAJ~o~1 compa.lible (f = 1kHz, THD = 10%)
• Low supply sw'itc,hing shock nolse

• Pin as&-jgnment groupcdj inlo i·ndividual blocks of·

inputs, outputs ·aud supply li11,es to nti11imize.the ad,vene
effects of pattern layout on opera1ing char-acteristics
• Ex.lana! b001Slrap circuit nol neccssary
• Standby operalio.n possrole usi ng ~xternal circu1il
• Voltaa~ gain VG = 26dB fo,r easy gain distribution
oulput drive1 i'n contrasc with thc STK401-000 series

wmch supp,rts 60/3'2 output driveia

• Class B amp'lifie11
• Ootput 'load impedance RL,= 60 .snpport
• EIAJ~o~1 compa.lible (f = 1kHz, THD = 10%)
• Low supply sw'itc,hing shock nolse

• Pin as&-jgnment groupcdj inlo i·ndividual blocks of·

inputs, outputs ·aud supply li11,es to nti11imize.the ad,vene
effects of pattern layout on opera1ing char-acteristics
• Ex.lana! b001Slrap circuit nol neccssary
• Standby operalio.n possrole usi ng ~xternal circu1il
• Voltaa~ gain VG = 26dB fo,r easy gain distribution
The STK405-070, a member of lile STK405.000 series. is
a low-cosl, 2-channe1 audio powcr amplifier bybrid ·1c that
is ideal for a wide range of sweo sets~ 11 hu dedicated 6Q
ou1pul driw. in con uut with the ST.K401--000 scr.ies
which supports 6Q t30 output drive.

• Class B,amplifie11
• Output load impedance ~L = 6n supporl 1

• EJAJ-output compatible (f = lkHz, THD = 1·09&)

• Low 1uppJy switching shock ·noJse
• Pin assip111en1 gro u~d inlo individual blaeks, of
inputs, OUlpDIS' and supply lines to minimize the ad·verse
effects of patiern layou1 on operating·characteristics,
• ExlernaJ boo'lslnp circui1 not necessary
• Standby operaüon possible using externa! circoil
•· Vol11¡e gain VO = 26dB for easy g,ain dislribution

within the set

• Member of JOW/ch 10 80W/ch pín-co;mpatibJe series

Series Organlzatlon
rhe foll owi n1 devices f01u1 a ¡series with djffering output
rri iiDI

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