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The objective of this strategic audit report is to analyse Majid Al Futtaim Properties LLC's competitive

advantages and a variety of business scenarios, strategic alternatives, company strategy, objectives, strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Moreover, the main focus of this research is to analyse the market sizes,
company sales, and market shares of the (MAF) Group. An analysis of consumer preferences, ethics, and
corporate social responsibility are also incorporated. Furthermore, the report furnishes a prognosis along with
suggestions for the execution of diverse strategies. Majid Al Futtaim, an Emirati conglomerate, has experienced
significant expansion since its inception in 1992. It has garnered significant recognition across the shopping
mall, entertainment, and Middle Eastern, African, and Asian markets. By virtue of their diverse portfolio and
astute expansion strategies, the organisation has effectively established itself as a major contender in the
international marketplace. Various analytical methods, including the competitive profile matrix (CPM), the
internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE), and the external factor evaluation (EFE), were initially employed during
the input phase to identify MAF's principal strengths, vulnerabilities, opportunities, and threats. Furthermore,
substantial results were obtained from both internal and external research, with the external analysis illuminating
the growing impact of ecommerce and the repercussions it has on brick-and-mortar retail establishments.
Moreover, it underscored the triumph of rivals in the retail and real estate sectors, along with the increasing
customer desire for captivating retail encounters and entertainment options, all the while taking into account the
substantial influence of the economic conditions in the MENA region on the organization's operations. After
conducting an analysis of MAF's internal resources, it becomes evident that Majid Al Futtaim's operations are
impacted by its competitive advantages. These advantages comprise a varied portfolio that includes cinemas,
shopping centres, hotels, and entertainment options, in addition to a firmly established brand awareness and
reputation in the MENA region. Furthermore, the organisation benefits from a streamlined and efficient supply
chain and logistics infrastructure. During the second stage of the framework for strategy formulation, a range of
analytical instruments are employed to identify potential strategies, including the Strengths-Weaknesses
Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix. The application of the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation
(SPACE) Matrix reveals that Majid Al Futtaim is situated in the aggressive quadrant, taking internal and
external factors into account. Furthermore, the application of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix
facilitated the classification of MAF items according to their market share and market growth rate, providing the
organisation with valuable insights into optimising its extensive portfolio. With the assistance of the Internal-
External (IE) Matrix, the quadrant in which MAF is situated could be determined. Furthermore, the Grand
Matrix evaluates the degree of market expansion and the competitive standing of MAF. Consistency among the
five analytical methods unveiled two viable strategic alternatives. A suitable strategy is formulated using the
Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), which calculates it by analysing the results of the two
antecedent phases. According to the results, Majid Al Futtaim ought to implement the market development
strategy, while Page

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