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The purpose of this strategic audit report is to analyse a number of business situations, strategic options, firm

strategy, goals, advantages over competitors, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Moreover, the
main topics of this study are the market shares, corporate sales, and market sizes of the (MAF) Group.
Examined are also consumer preferences, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Furthermore, the paper
offers a forecast and suggestions for putting different plans into practice. Ever since its founding in 1992, the
Emirati firm Majid Al Futtaim has grown significantly. Over the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, it has gained
considerable recognition in the retail, entertainment, and shopping mall industries. Their diverse portfolio and
calculated expansion strategies have allowed them to establish themselves as a major force in the international
arena. The competitive profile matrix (CPM), the internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE), and the external factor
evaluation (EFE) were among the analytical techniques used at first to identify the main advantages,
disadvantages, prospects, and risks of MAF during the input phase. Furthermore, important results were
produced by both internal and external research; the external analysis showed how e-commerce is becoming
more and more influential and how it affects actual retail stores. It also highlighted the success of rivals in the
real estate and retail sectors, the rising need from consumers for interesting shopping experiences, and the major
influence of the economic conditions in the MENA region on the company's performance. Looking at MAF's
internal resources, Majid Al Futtaim's performance is obviously impacted by its competitive advantages, which
include a diversified portfolio of hotels, shopping malls, cinemas, and entertainment options, as well as a well-
established brand awareness and reputation in the MENA region. An efficient and well-established logistics and
supply chain network also benefits the company. Several analytical instruments are employed in the second
stage of the strategy formulation framework, such the Strength-Weaknesses Opportunities-Threats (SWOT)
Matrix, to find several possible strategies. Using the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix
as well, Majid Al Futtaim is shown to be in the aggressive quadrant when internal and external variables are
taken into account. Furthermore, using the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix helped to classify MAF
products according to their market share and rate of growth, providing insightful information on how the
business may effectively manage its wide portfolio. The region where MAF is located was made easier to
identify using the Internal-External (IE) Matrix. Furthermore evaluated by the Grand Matrix are MAF's
competitive position and the pace of market expansion. Two strategic options were shown by uniformity among
all five analytical techniques. Analysing the results of the previous two phases, the Quantitative Strategic
Planning Matrix (QSPM) creates a suitable plan. The results suggested that Page and Majid Al Futtaim should
use the market development approach.

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