Test - Geography - Plate Tectonics - Quizlet

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28/09/2022, 07:32 Test: Geography- Plate tectonics | Quizlet

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2 True/False questions

Definition Term 1 of 9
This looks at movements on the earth's top- Constructive
most layers. The theory that Earth's outer shell
is dividing into several 'plates' that glide over
the mantle.



Definition Term 2 of 9
The hot, flowing, solid rock layer of Earth Core
between the crust and the core



1 Multiple choice question

Definition 3 of 9
Part of the earth's top layer, split up into pieces, called 'plates.' The oceans & continents sit on





3 Matching questions

The hotspots appear above big cracks in the plate, A. Constructive 4-6 of 9
They are where pressure builds up, causing
B. Destructive (under
weaknesses. Volcanic islands are common eg. Hawaii,
the sea)
Marina Trench
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28/09/2022, 07:32 Test: Geography- Plate tectonics | Quizlet

C. Destructive (under
Mountains get pushed up, as the 2 plates move
towards each other. The plate at the bottom will melt
into the mantle.

As two plates move apart, magma rises & creates new

land (&volcanoes) eg. Iceland

3 Written questions

Definition 7 of 9
Two plates slide past each other causing friction & tremors (quakes) eg. San Andreas Fault

Definition 8 of 9
Warm matter rises & as it cools it sinks. This is known as a convection current. In the mantle, it
is hot rock (magma) that is moving, causing plates to move on top.

Definition 9 of 9
The central solid part of the earth below the mantle, generating huge amount of heat.

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