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Examining various business scenarios, strategic options, firm strategy, objectives, strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats, as well as Majid Al Futtaim Properties LLC's (MAF) competitive advantages, are the
goals of this strategic audit report. Additionally, the market sizes, corporate sales, and market shares of the
(MAF) Group are the main topics of this study. It also looks at business social responsibility, ethics, and
customer preferences. The paper also offers a prognosis and suggestions for putting different tactics into
practice. Since its founding in 1992, Majid Al Futtaim, an Emirati corporation, has experienced significant
expansion. It has gained widespread recognition in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia's retail, entertainment, and
mall industries. Their diverse portfolio and planned techniques of expansion have enabled them to establish
themselves as a major participant in the worldwide market. In the initial phase of the study, multiple analytical
techniques were employed to identify the main advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and dangers of MAF.
These techniques included the use of the competitive profile matrix (CPM), the internal factor evaluation matrix
(IFE), and the external factor evaluation (EFE). Furthermore, noteworthy results were obtained from both
internal and external research, with the external analysis highlighting the growing impact of e-commerce and its
implications for brick-and-mortar stores. The MENA region's economic conditions have a significant impact on
the company's performance. It also highlighted the success of competitors in the retail and real estate industries,
as well as the growing demand from customers for engaging retail experiences and entertainment choices.
Examining MAF's internal resources reveals that Majid Al Futtaim's performance is impacted by its competitive
advantages, which include a varied portfolio that includes movie theatres, retail establishments, hotels, and
entertainment venues, as well as a well-established brand awareness and reputation in the MENA region. The
organisation also benefits from having a strong and efficient supply chain and logistics network. The Strengths-
Weaknesses Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix is one of the analytical tools used in the second phase of the
strategy formulation framework to help uncover many alternative options. Majid Al Futtaim is situated in the
aggressive quadrant of the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix, taking into account both
internal and external influences. Furthermore, the application of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix
facilitated the classification of MAF items according to their market share and growth rate, providing insightful
information on how the business may effectively manage its diverse portfolio. The region where MAF is located
was made easier to identify with the use of the Internal-External (IE) Matrix. The Grand Matrix also evaluates
MAF's competitive standing and the rate of market expansion. Finding two strategic options to pursue was made
possible by uniformity across all five analysis techniques. The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)
analyses the results of the two stages that come before it to create a suitable plan. The results showed that Page
and Majid Al Futtaim should implement the market development plan.

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