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The purpose of this strategic audit study is to analyse various business scenarios, strategic options, company

strategy, objectives, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as the competitive advantages of
Majid Al Futtaim Properties LLC (MAF). This study focuses mostly on analysing the market sizes, corporate
sales, and market shares of the (MAF) Group. Additionally, it encompasses an analysis of customer preferences,
ethical considerations, and the commitment of the company to corporate social responsibility. In addition, the
paper offers a forecast and suggestions for applying different techniques. Majid Al Futtaim, an Emirati
corporation, has experienced significant expansion since its inception in 1992. It has gained significant
recognition in the retail, entertainment, and shopping mall industries across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
Thanks to their diverse range of investments and strategic growth strategies, they have effectively established
themselves as a major competitor in the worldwide market. During the input phase, various analytical tools such
as the competitive profile matrix (CPM), the internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE), and the external factor
evaluation (EFE) were used to identify the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of MAF.
Furthermore, both the internal and external study produced noteworthy results, with the external analysis
uncovering the growing impact of ecommerce and its implications for brick-and-mortar retail stores.
Furthermore, it highlighted the achievements of rivals in the retail and real estate sectors, as well as the
increasing desire of customers for immersive retail experiences and entertainment options, all while taking into
account the substantial influence of the economic conditions in the MENA region on the company's
performance. After analysing MAF's internal resources, it is evident that Majid Al Futtaim's performance is
impacted by its competitive advantages, including a well-established brand awareness and reputation in the
MENA region, as well as a diverse portfolio comprising of cinemas, shopping centres, hotels, and entertainment
options. Furthermore, the company benefits from a robust and efficient logistics and supply chain network.
During the second step of the strategy formulation framework, a range of analytical tools, including the
Strength-Weaknesses Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix, are utilised to discover numerous alternative
strategies. The Strategic location and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix is employed to determine the location
of Majid Al Futtaim in the aggressive quadrant, taking into account both internal and external influences.
Furthermore, the application of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix facilitated the classification of
MAF items according to their market share and market growth rate, providing vital information on how the
company may effectively manage its extensive portfolio. The Internal-External (IE) Matrix was used to
determine the specific quadrant in which MAF is located. Furthermore, the Grand Matrix evaluates the
competitive standing of MAF and the extent of market expansion. Consistency among the five analysis
methodologies identified two strategic options to consider. The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)
formulates a suitable plan by evaluating the results of the previous two stages. The findings suggest that Majid
Al Futtaim should implement the market development strategy and Page

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