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Grammar Worksheet (교과서 p.47)

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A 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 알맞은 전치사를 <보기>에서 찾아 쓰시오.

by / for / with / of

1 The goals which he has fought all his life aren't important anymore.

2 The ease which he learns the language is astonishing.

3 Can I get an email address which I can contact you directly?

4 Ask for clarification of a sentence which you don't know the meaning.

B 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 <보기>에서와 같이 줄여서 쓰시오.

While I was listening to the music, I cleaned my room.
→ While listening to the music, I cleaned my room.

1 While he was working on his assignment, Tom fell asleep.

→ , Tom fell asleep.

2 Fasten your seat belt once you are seated to ensure your safety.
→ Fasten your seat belt to ensure your safety.

3 Though they were busy doing their homework, her friends agreed to go on a picnic.
→ , her friends agreed to go on a picnic.

4 When I was young, I was influenced a lot by my parents.

→ , I was influenced a lot by my parents.
Lesson 2 Taste Culture, Understand Better
Grammar Worksheet p.156
A 1 for
2 with
3 by
4 of

B 1 While working on his assignment

2 once seated
3 Though busy doing their homework
4 When young

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