Plastic Surgery Process and Procedure

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Plastic Surgery Process and Procedures

Surgery prerequisite:
 Psychological evaluation clearance from Psych dept.
 Signed waiver (Consent w/ terms and conditions and Procedures that will be performed) unless it’s for burns or skin
grafting procedures
 Patient should be physically fit and emotionally stable and must obtain clearance from psych dept.
 Waiver form will be provided to the Patient before surgery.

Proper setting of proper expectations:

 Expect some light bleeding, swelling, bruising, redness, and discomfort.
 Do not touch the bandage. Leave it in place until you are told to remove or change it.
 Keep the bandage dry.
 If the graft bleeds, apply gentle but firm pressure to the graft site with a clean cloth or bandage for 10 minutes.
Note: If the bleeding is excessive, please proceed to the Emergency Room.
 No extensive exercises

•Patient should be well rested and has eaten.
•Must be wearing operation gown.

Procedure Recovery Time
Reconstructive Plastic surgery 5 Days (32 hours Global Time)
Facelift 5 Days (32 hours Global Time)
Nasal Surgery 3 days (24 hours Global Time)

•Will be placed on recovery depending on what procedure
• will be required to wear masks/ facial bandage for (2-3 days depending on procedure) to prevent the wounds to reopen or

•Prescribed medicines:
 Neosporin - also known as triple antibiotic ointment, is a medication used to reduce the risk of infections following minor
skin injuries. It contains three antibiotics: neomycin, polymyxin B, and bacitracin
 Morphine - It is mainly used as a pain medication, and is also commonly used recreationally

Reconstructive plastic surgery procedure and requirements:


 Verify if the skin will be coming from the Patient or Volunteer.

Note: Volunteer/s will be required for Head-to-Toe procedures or 30% of body skin requires reconstruction, due to larger
skin coverage is needed.

SKIN for Grafting:

 Back or chest.
 Bottom or groin area.
 Clavicle area (collarbone).
 Forearm.
 Inner thigh, outer thigh or hip.

Recovery duration: 5 Days (32 hours Global Time)

Perform proper handwashing

Donning In

Inserting IV Access
Infusing Anesthesia

Performing burn debridement (duh·breed·muhnt).

Cleaning and Disinfecting Area for surgery
Making skin incision with a scalpel,
Cutting the skin graft from the [Body Part]
Pulling the skin graft from the dermatome using tissue forceps.
Placing the split-thickness skin graft in normal saline.
Applying epinephrine-soaked (eh·puh·neh·fruhn) to reduce blood loss.
Placing the graft onto the recipient bed dermis
Secure the graft with skin suture (soo·chr).
Administer pain morphine via IV
Applying dressing and bandages (Put-in MASK)

Surgery is Done.

•Prescribed medicines:
 Neosporin - also known as triple antibiotic ointment, is a medication used to reduce the risk of infections following
minor skin injuries. It contains three antibiotics: neomycin, polymyxin B, and bacitracin
 Morphine - It is mainly used as a pain medication, and is also commonly used recreationally
•Doctors Advise:
 Expect some light bleeding, swelling, bruising, redness, and discomfort.
 Do not touch the bandage. Leave it in place until you are told to remove or change it.
 Keep the bandage dry.
 If the graft bleeds, apply gentle but firm pressure to the graft site with a clean cloth or bandage for 10 minutes.
Note: If the bleeding is excessive, please proceed to the Emergency Room.
 No Extensive exercises

Nose surgery
Recovery duration: 3 days (24 hours Global Time)
Perform proper handwashing
Donning In

Inserting IV Access
Infusing Anesthesia
Cleaning and Disinfecting Area for surgery
Making skin incision with a scalpel
incision is made across the columella
Placing Ear cartilage
Reshaping the nose structure
Correcting a deviated septum
Suturing lacerated wounds
Applying wound dressing
Administer pain anti-inflammatory pain relievers via IV
Closing the incision

Surgery done, Donning out

•Prescribed medicines:
 Neosporin - also known as triple antibiotic ointment, is a medication used to reduce the risk of infections following minor skin injur
 Pain Reliever Meds
•Doctors Advise:
 Expect some light bleeding, swelling, bruising, redness, and discomfort.
 Do not touch the bandage. Leave it in place until you are told to remove or change it.
 Keep the bandage dry.
 No Extensive exercises

Plastic Surgery
Recovery duration: 5 Days (32 hours Global Time)
Perform proper handwashing
Donning In

Inserting IV Access
Infusing Sedatives

Cleaning and Disinfecting Area for surgery

Making skin incision with a scalpel
Performing rhytidectomy
Injecting Dermal fillers for skin contouring
Suturing lacerated wounds
Applying wound dressing
Administer anti-inflammatory pain relievers via IV
Closing the incision
Procedure is done
Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy provided

•Prescribed medicines:
 Neosporin - also known as triple antibiotic ointment, is a medication used to reduce the risk of infections following minor skin injur
 Morphine - It is mainly used as a pain medication, and is also commonly used recreationally
•Doctors Advise:
 Expect some light bleeding, swelling, bruising, redness, and discomfort.
 Do not touch the bandage. Leave it in place until you are told to remove or change it.
 If the wound bleeds, apply gentle but firm pressure to the site with a clean cloth or bandage for 10 minutes.
Note: If the bleeding is excessive, please proceed to the Emergency Room.
 Keep the bandage dry.
 No Extensive exercises

Client or Patient can provide their own facial preference if there’s none, 11 Generic faces will be presented to the patient and will
serve as reference.

• Any issues after the surgery such as bleeding due to patients’ recovery will NOT BE COVERED.
• If the facial surgery did not take effect or reverted to previous appearance due to clothes issues will not be entertained, unless
medical procedure error occurred while in the middle of surgery (Technical Issues – Sumabog)

Epinephrine - eh·puh·neh·fruhn -(also known as adrenaline, is a medication and hormone. As a medication, it is used to treat several
conditions, including anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, asthma, and superficial bleeding.)

suture - soo·chr (a strand or fiber used to sew parts of the living body also: a stitch made with suture. b: the act or process of sewing
with sutures. 2a : a uniting of parts.)

debridement - duh·breed·muhnt (Debridement is the medical removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue to improve the healing
potential of the remaining healthy tissue. Removal may be surgical, mechanical, chemical, autolytic, and by maggot therapy.)

Supplies and Medicines:

 IV Gauge Needles
 Scalpel
 Lab Gown
 Facilities and equipment’s
 Dextrose

Procedure: Medical Fees and Facilities: Professional Fee: Total:

Reconstructive Plastic surgery $20,000 $30,000 $50,000
Facelift $20,000 $20,000 $40,000
Nasal Surgery $20,000 $20,000 $40,000

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