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1. . Introduction

2. Brief overview of green hydrogen and its relevance to the automotive industry.

3. Thesis statement: Green hydrogen represents a transformative step towards

sustainable transportation, offering both opportunities and challenges for the

automotive industry.

4. . What is Green Hydrogen?

5. Definition and production of green hydrogen (Abad and Dodds, 2020).

6. Comparison with other types of hydrogen (grey, blue, etc.).

7. . Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Hydrogen in the Automotive Industry

8. Advantages:

a. Environmental benefits (Chakraborty et al., 2022).

b. Energy efficiency and the potential for long-range travel.

9. Disadvantages:

a. Current production costs.

b. Infrastructure challenges.

10. . Causes for the Shift Towards Green Hydrogen

11. Global environmental concerns and climate change (Staffell et al., 2019).

12. Technological advancements in hydrogen fuel cells.

13. Effects of Green Hydrogen on the Automotive Industry

14. Impact on vehicle design and manufacturing.

15. Changes in the supply chain and industry dynamics.

16. . How Green Hydrogen Affects People, the World, and Countries

17. Influence on job markets and skill requirements (Pflugmann and De Blasio, 2020).

18. Geopolitical implications and energy independence.

19. . Solutions to Promote Green Hydrogen Use

20. Policy recommendations and incentives.


21. Research and development in technology and infrastructure.

22. . Challenges and Limitations in Adopting Green Hydrogen

23. Technical barriers and safety concerns (Hassan et al., 2024).

24. Economic viability and market acceptance.

25. . Arguments For and Against Green Hydrogen in the Automotive Industry

26. For:

a. Potential to reduce carbon footprint.

b. Alignment with global sustainability goals.

27. Against:

a. Competition with battery electric vehicles.

b. Uncertainty about consumer adoption rates.

28. Conclusion

29. Restate the thesis in light of the research questions addressed.

30. Final thoughts on the future of green hydrogen in the automotive industry.

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