Inter Mid Term Exam Exam

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SURNAME AND NAMES: ___________________________________________ SCORE:

*LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE III *DATE: _________________________



Many studies about language learning ask the question: What makes a good language learner? There are some
things that good language learners do and some things they don't do. Here are some of the most useful
suggestions from studies.

• Don't be afraid of making mistakes. People often get things wrong. Good language learners notice their mistakes
and learn from them.
• Do group activities. People use language to communicate with other people. A good language learner always
looks for opportunities to talk with other students.
• Make notes during every class. Notes help you to remember new language. Look at your notes when you do your
• Use a dictionary. Good language learners often use dictionaries to check the meaning of words they don't know.
They also make their own vocabulary lists.
• Think in the language you're learning outside the classroom. When you're shopping or walking down the street,
remember useful words and phrases. Sometimes, when you're at home, say new words to practise your
• Do extra practice. Test and improve your language, reading and listening skills with self-study material. You can
find a lot of this online.
• Imagine yourself speaking in the language. Many good language learners can see and hear themselves speaking
in the language. This helps their motivation.
• Enjoy the process. Good language learners have fun with the language. Watch a TV series or film, listen to songs,
play video games or read a book. It's never too late to become a good language learner.

1. According to the text, are the sentences true or false?

1. Good language learners don't make mistakes. TRUE FALSE

2. It's a good idea to talk with other students. TRUE FALSE

3. Take notes only before an exam. TRUE FALSE

4. Good language learners write down the words and expressions they learn. TRUE FALSE

5. Think of language you know when you are outside the classroom. TRUE FALSE
2. Reading text: An invitation to a job interview

To: Grace Yang

Date: 6 September
Subject: Invitation to job interview

Dear Grace,

Thank you for your application for the position of sales manager.
We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices
at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.

You will meet with our head of sales, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45
minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the position
and learn more about our company.

Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a form of ID
at reception to receive a visitor’s pass. Please ask for me as soon as you arrive.
If you have any questions or if you wish to reschedule, please call me on 555-1234 or email
me by 12 September.
I look forward to meeting you.

Circle the best answer.

1. What job did Grace apply for?
a. Head of sales b. Sales manager c. Sales assistant d. Human resource assistant
2. When is the job interview?
a. 6 September b. 12 September c. 21 September d. 22 September
3. How long will the interview take?
a. Under an hour b. Just over an hour c. Over two hours d. A day
4. What does Grace need to bring to the interview?
a. Her CV b. Her references c. Her ID d. All of the above
5. Who should Grace ask for at reception?
a. The reception manager b. Susan Park c. Anna Green d. Grace Yan


a) Mark is doing...

• a. a degree from home.

• b. an evening class.
• c. a part-time university degree.
• d. a course in business.
• e. a postgraduate degree.
• f. a university preparation course.

b) Melissa is doing...
• a. a degree from home.
• b. an evening class.
• c. a part-time university degree.
• d. a course in business.
• e. a postgraduate degree.correct
• f. a university preparation course.
c) Monica is doing...

• a. a degree from home.correct

• b. an evening class.
• c. a part-time university degree.
• d. a course in business.
• e. a postgraduate degree.
• f. a university preparation course.
d) Mitch is doing...

• a. a degree from home.

• b. an evening class.
• c. a part-time university degree.correct
• d. a course in business.
• e. a postgraduate degree.
• f. a university preparation course.

e)Phillip is doing...

• a. a degree from home.

• b. an evening class.correct
• c. a part-time university degree.
• d. a course in business.
• e. a postgraduate degree.
• f. a university preparation course.


A.Choose the correct option. ( 10 points)

1. Students can’t / have to pay to go to private schools, but state schools are free.
2.Do you have to wear a uniform? Yes, we can / do.
3. I don't like exams, but I can’t / have to take them at the end of the term.
4.You can/can’t talk during exams.
5.we have to/ can’t smoke in hospitals.

B.TOO OR ENOUG.( 10 points)

1.My sister isn’t old ____________to go to the park on her own.
2.I’m ______________curious. I’m always asking questions.

3.There are _____________many people in this party.

4.Her mother is _____________intelligent to be deceived by her behaviour.

5.If you aren’t happy ____________; get a divorce!

C. Complete the sentences using your own ideas (zero or first conditional) .( 10 points)

1. If I have time,___________________________
2. If we go to Paris,_________________________
3. If you feel depressed,_____________________
4. If it rains, _____________________________
5. If you study hard, _______________________
D. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. Zero or first conditional.( 10 points)
1 If I see him, I _____________ (give) him a lift.
2 The table will break if you _________ (sit) on it.
3 If he _____________ (eat) all that, he will be ill.
4 If I find your passport, I ___________ (telephone) you.
5 The police ____________ (arrest) him, if they catch him.
a.hang out
A) Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. .( 10 points)
b. put on
1. It is very dark here, please ____________the lights.
2. What time do you _______________on weekends?
c.wake up
3.A lot of students _______________of school because of economic problems.
4.Why don’t we ________________with some friends tonight? d.turn on
5.It is very cold outside . _______________your jacket.
e.drop out

B) Read the definition and write the school subject. .( 10 points)

1. -with this subject i learn about rivers and cities ________________
2. -I like studying this subject because i learn how to make additions and subtractions ____________
3. - Ilike this subject because it helps me to keep fit __________________
4. -I learn about plants and animals with this subject ___________________
5. This subject teaches you all the things that happened in the past ______________________

a. give personal information,

b. talk about your family and your favorite subject
c.tell the things you have to and don’t have to do at
V. WRITING (30 points) home
1. Write a paragraph about you: about your career and your university about your future plans


2. Answer these questions

1. What do you do you like to study? ________________________________________________________________
2. What do you have to do to learn English well? _______________________________________________________
3. Why can’t you do in class? ______________________________________________________________________
4. What will you do when the coronavirus emergency finishes? ___________________________________________
5. What do you do if you have an exam? ____________________________________________________________

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