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Question 1. Names were chosen at random from a list.
A. by mistake B. by chance C. in advance D. on purpose
Question 2. There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand.
A. faraway B. near C. close D. nearby
Question 3. I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't say for sure.
A. surely B. certainly C. uncertainly D. definitely
Question 4. Is there somewhere we can discuss this in private ?
A. in advance B. in public C. at home D. in short
Question 5. I asked for a moment to collect myself and was told that I had to leave at once.
A. immediately B. simultaneously C. earlier D. later


Question 6. I suppose we could either have a picnic or went fishing at weekend.
A. suppose B. either C. went D. at weekend
Question 7. He didn’t neither study well or work hard.
A. neither B. study C. well D. hard
Question 8. Tom cannot type and Charles can’t, too.
A. type B. and C. can’t D. too
Question 9. The service was not entirely dependent and flights were often cancelled.
A. entirely B. dependent C. were D. cancelled
Question 10. He went to school both in the morning but also in the afternoon.
A. went B. both C. the D. in


Question 11. He's really bad ________ maths and chemistry.
A. for B. at C. in D. on
Question 12. I received a phone call ________ your mother.
A. about B. for C. with D. from
Question 13. It was dark by the time we arrived ________ the station.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
Question 14. Her relationship isn't good with her father, but she's very close ________ her mother.
A. with B. for C. to D. at
Question 15. These products are inferior ________ those we bought last year.
A. with B. to C. about D. from
Question 16. I waited ________ her outside while she went in to see the doctor.
A. for B. at C. with D. on
Question 17. There was a slight decrease ________ his weight after a week of dieting.
A. by B. at C. in D. with
Question 18. The local residents were angry at the lack ________ parking spaces.
A. by B. on C. in D. of
Question 19. His views differ considerably ________ those of his parents.
A. from B. in C. with D. at
Question 20. There are serious penalties for failure to comply ________ the regulations.
A. by B. with C. from D. to


Question 21. It is ________________ to practise each exercise individually at first. (ADVISE)
Question 22. There's increasing demand for cars that are more ________________ on fuel. (ECONOMY)
Question 23. Some of the houses on the hillside are ________________ to cars. (ACCESS)
Question 24. The government has demonstrated its commitment to end the crisis ________________.
Question 25. He's been seeing a _______________ to try to control his anger. (THERAPY)


Question 26. Jimmy was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to school. (WEATHER)
 Jimmy_______________________________________________________________________________________
Question 27. Marry didn’t feel like going to the party. (MOOD)
 Marry _______________________________________________________________________________________
Question 28. He failed to deliver the parcel on time. (SUCCEED)
 He ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 29. I don’t know how you can stand getting up so early to go to the pool. (PUT)
 ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 30. He doesn’t find it difficult to earn money. (TROUBLE)
 He ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Question 31. When the bank refused to __________ us any more money we realized we'd reached the
end of the road. (lend/borrow)
Question 32. We discussed the problem but we didn't get much __________ in actually solving it.
Question 33. We need someone who has __________ in marketing and teaching, and I think Alex is just
the woman for the job. (experiment/experience)
Question 34. The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the __________ in the
region. (custom/costume)
Question 35. When you live in the __________, water is your most vital resource. (dessert/desert)
Question 36. I would like to earn more, but this isn't my __________ reason for leaving the job.
Question 37. She won't eat anything __________ chicken nuggets and chips. (accept/except)
Question 38. Can you give me some __________ about what to wear? (advise/advice)
Question 39. I saw a few familiar faces __________ the crowd. (among/between)
Question 40. She offered me more money or a car and I chose the __________. (later/latter)


The longer food is kept, (41) __________ more likely it is to attract insects. Even foods stored in
containers often attract bugs. (42) __________ solve this problem, scientists have been working with
different odors in an attempt to find one strong (43) __________ to keep insects from going near food.
One possibility would be to use plants with strong smells, (44) ___________ garlic or pine, to keep
insects away. Unfortunately, however, using these smells might keep some people away too!
A more promising repellent is citronella oil, (45) __________ comes from a type of lemongrass. An
experiment was (46) __________ using this oil with a certain insect, the red flour beetle. Scientists
sprayed cardboard boxes with citronella oil and noticed that the beetles (47) __________ not enter
those boxes. They were much more interested in boxes that were not sprayed.
One problem with using citronella oil as a repellent, however, is that it is quite ephemeral - it simply
does not last (48) __________ long. After a few months it loses its smell, and bugs no (49) __________ find
it unpleasant. Scientists hope to improve citronella oil so that its scent remains strong for a longer
time. It will also be necessary to (50) __________ sure that the oil is not harmful to people, as scientists
are still not sure whether it is safe to use around food.

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