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Problem Sections, Acts, Rules Case Laws & Conclusion

X, a citizen of a foreign country, which Section 6 of the Patents Act, 1970 - No Case Laws Needed-
does not grant the citizens of India the
The Patent Cooperation Treaty Conclusion: In the instant problem, X
right to make a patent application in that
has right to apply for patent in Delhi.
country makes an application to the Section 6 of the Act deals with the
The Convention country can claim
patent office in Delhi. The Controller persons entitled to apply for patent
patent. Hence, the Controller 's decision
accepts the application. Is the having origin outside.
is lawful.
Controller's decision lawful? If so give
reasons, if not explain why?

Y, an author of a novel filed a suit Section 61 in the Copyright Act, 1957:

against Z alleging that Z has copied from Only the owner of a work(or his
a novel of foreign author. Whether the exclusive licensee can bring legal action
Judge can punish Y or Z or both for against infringer.
violation of copy right.

The applicant X sought to register the Section 27(1) provides that the Rustom Ali Molla and Others vs. Bata
trademark 'Nokia' in respect of wines proprietor of a registered trademark is Shoe Co. Ltd.,AIR 1957 Cal 120
from a certain area in Chennai. The entitled to take action;
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd. vs The
owner of the trademark 'Nokia' in
a. to prevent infringement of the Dunlop Lubricant Co., (1898) 16 RPC
relation to mobile phones opposed the
registered trademark or 12
registration Since the marks are identical
the question that remained was whether b. to recover damages for such Conclusion: In the instant problem, X
the goods (wine and mobiles) are similar. infringement Company can use the trademark 'Nokia'.
Decide? The act of X does not amounts to passing
off and infringement. Hence, 'Nokia'
brand is not entitled for injunction.

Paracetomol and lbruprofen are well Section 29(1) of the Trademarks Act, Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd v. Crystal
known drugs for relief in fever and pain 1999. Pharmaceuticals, CS(OS) 104/2011,
respectively. Now X combines these two
A registered mark is infringed when a Conclusion: In the instant problem, X
drugs and produces combination drug for
person who is neither its owner nor a cannot seek patent by combining drugs
treatment of fever and pain. X wants to
registered user uses an identical or namely Paracetomol and Ibruprofen.
patent this com bination drug. Can he get
deceptively similar mark in relation to Hence, the patent owners are entitled to
it patented?
the goods which are covered by an injunction.
registered mark.

Students of a school performed a story of No Sections Subject to certain Conclusion: In the instant problem, the
noted author in the annual function of conditions, a fair deal for use of works in school annual function is not a
the school. The author claims it as schools is permitted without specific commercial activity. Hence, the
infringement of his right to perform. permission of the copyright owners. performance during the annual function
Advise the school authorities. does not infringe author 's copyright.

M, is a MNC holding a trademark W for Plaintiff with an established international N.R Dongre v Whirlpool Corporation
washing machines. The trademark reputation can sue to protect in India ((1996) 5 SCC 714)
acquired international reputation. N even if it does not have any business
TVS Collaborated with Whirlpool and
started his washing machines business in activity in India.
then failed to renew the trademark
India and started using a trademark
'Trans-border reputation' was recognized registration. Whirlpool contended
similar to W. In a trademark
and the trademark 'Whirlpool' was trademark violation and Court ruled in
infringement suit brought by M, N
deemed to have acquired Trans-border favour of Whirlpool
contends that as the goods are not
reputation which enjoys due protection
available in India, hence, he is not liable Conclusion: M is entitled for 'Trans-
of law in India as well, irrespective of its
for any trademark violations of M. border reputation'. The contention of N
market base or registration in India.
Decide. is not valid. N infringed trademark of M.
M and N were workingtogether on an First to File Rule (FTF) and First to Conclusion: In the instant problem,
invention. However, N disassociates Invent Rule (FTI) while opposing the grant of patent to
himself from M and starts working N, M needs to prove that he is 'true and
Section 6ofPatentsAct, 1970:Who
independently. N applies for a patent first inventor' . When such opposition
can file patent application?
to the Controller of Patents. M comes to is pending N also needs to prove that
know about this fact and tries to Section 1lA: Pre-grant opposition he is 'true and first inventor'.
oppose the patent grant in favour of
25(1)(a) and 25(2)(a): Opposition to
N. On what grounds an opposition may
be brought?
Section 25(1) of the PatentsAct,
1970: Grounds for opposition

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