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1. According to Islam, a man in his earthly existence should rest and sleep as one of his duties toward his
physical body. He should not neglect the right of that part of his body such as his brain, eye, etc. They
need rest at certain periods of the day.

(1) Abdullah bin 'Amr reported. The Messenger of Allan s.a.w. said to me:

"O Abdullah! Am I not told that thou fasted in the day time and standest up in devotion during the
night? I said, Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said: "Do not do so, keep fast and break it and stand up in
devotion (in the night) and have sleep, for they body has a right over thee, and thine eye has a right over
thee, and the person who pays thee a visit has right over thee."

(2) Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said:

"When thou proposesth to go to bed perform the ablu- tion, even as thou performest they ablution
before salat, and lie upon the right side.

(3) When the Prophet caw went to bed at right, he would place his hand under his check and say:

Allahumma bis mika wa ahiya wa amuto.

( God! In the name do live and die)

(4) When the Prophet Law, retired to bed, he would lie upon his rigist side and pray:

"Allahuma aslamtu nafsi ilsika, wa wajjaktu wajhi laika.


Wa fawwadh tu amri ilaika, wa al ja tu zhahri ilo raghabatan wa rah batan ilaika, la mal ja-a wa la ja-a
min ka, illa ilaika. Aman tu bi kita bikał laz zal ta wa bi nabiy yikal lazi ar sal ta."

(O God I surrender my soul unto Thee, turn my face ward Thee for protection, with hope in Thee and i of
Thee. There is no shelter nor refuge from Thee s in Thee. I believe in Thy Scripture which Thou hast
vealed, and in Thy Prophet whom Thou sent.)

(5) The Prophet s.a.w. said:

"When any one of you retireth to bed, let him brusl bedding from inside the cover thereof. For he knowe
not what hath remained therein. Then let him say:

"Bis mika Rabbi wadha' tu jan bi wa bika ar fa 'uhu am sakta nafsi far ham ha, wa in arsal ta ha fah fazh)
bima tah fazhu bihi Tbada kas salihim."

(In thy name, my Lord I lay my side (on the bed), an in Thy name I raise it. If thou withhold my soul, the
have mercy thereon. If thou send it back, then guard i even as Thou guard Thy righteous Londmen.)

(6) The Prophet s.a.w. said:

"Whosoever, when abed, sayeth thrice:

"As tag firul lahol lozi la ilahe illa huwel hay yul qay yumu wa stabu alaihi"

(1 implore the forgiveness of God nave When there is no God, the Living, the Eternal. Unto Hinn do 1
turn penitent.)

God will forgive him his sins though they were as (vast as) the froth of the sea, or as numerous as (the
sand of) the sandy hills, or the leaves of the trees or the days or the days (of the duration) of the world.


According to the hadith:

When thou retirest to thy bed, recite the "Ayatul Kursi" (Verse of the Throne) up to the end thereof,
then be- hold, there shall always be guardian from God over Thee, until thou rise the (following) morn.

Ayatul Kursi: (2:255)

"Allahu la ilaha illa hwal hay day yum, la ta' khuzuhu sinatun wa la naum, lahu ma fis samawati wa ma
fil ardh, man zal lazi yash fa 'u indahu illa bi iz nih, ya' lamu ma baina aidi him wa ma khal fa hum wa la
yuhi tu na bi shai in min 'il mihi illa bi ma sha', wa si 'a kur siy yuhus sama wati wal ardha wa la ya uduhu
hif zhu hume wa huwal 'aliy yul 'azhim."

(God! There is no God save Him, the Living, the Eter- nal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him.
Unto Him Lelongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and what- soever is in the earth. Who can intercede
with Him save by His leave! Knoweth He that which is in front of them, and that which is behind them,
whilst they encompass naught of His knowledge save what He will. His Throne includeth the heavens
and the earth, the pre- servation whereof wearieth Him not. He is the Swiünie, the Magnificent.)

At the time of awakening, one should say:

"Al hemdu lillahil lazi ah yo na ba da me a mata na wa ilai hin nushur."

(Al praise be to Alleh, He who revived us to life after Going us death, and to Him we shall have to

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