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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Human Kinetics

Underhand Serve


An underhand serve is a type of serve in which the player holds the ball in one hand,
swings the other in an arc motion below the waist and strikes the ball from the bottom with a fist
to put it in play. In an underhand serve, the player does not toss the ball up in the air, as in
other serve attempts.

After successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

1. Apply the right techniques of service

2. Follow the sequence in executing underhand service
3. Demonstrate proper body position and technique with underhand serve
4. Execute properly the sequence in executing underhand serve
5. Enumerate the basic rules in executing service
6. Execute with confidence the familiarization and ball control exercises.
7. Appreciate the skills learned


Materials needed: Volleyball or similar / improvise materials.

a. Activity 1: Always start the session with the routine warm-up. You have 10 minutes to
do it.

b Activity 2: Underhand Serve

The Sequence

(1) (2) (3)

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Human Kinetics

(4) (5) (6)

 Get your feet into position, stand with your non-dominant foot in front with your toes
facing forward. Ready the ball. Cup your non-dominant hand slightly and place the ball in
it. Make sure the ball securely balanced so it would not wobble or fall out of your hand.
 Lower the ball. Bring the arm holding the ball across to the side of your body in front of
your hitting arm. The ball should be at the height of your mid-thigh
 Draw your hitting arm straight back. It should move quickly, like a pendulum. Then swing
it forward firmly, release the ball and hit it at the bottom with your closed fist.
 Follow through with your arm.

c. Activity 3: Cool down

Do static stretching exercises to cool down your body.

Name: Course& Sec. Date submitted:

Practical test on underhand serve - You can ask assistance from your guardian in this
exam, just clearly write the name and relationship to you. Use this rubric to rate your

Volleyball Skill Beginner Improved Advanced Mastered Score

(5 pt.) (10 pts.) (15 pts.) (20 pts.)
Underhand Serve Student holds ball Students holds Student holds Student holds
in non-serving ball in non- ball in non- ball in non-
hand. Before the serving hands. serving hand. serving hand.
student serves, Before the Student holds Student holds
they throw the ball student serves, ball in non- ball in non-
into the air. they throw the serving hand serving hand
Student swings ball into the air the whole time the whole
arms sideways or or drop the ball and does not time and does
without full before contact. throw the ball not throw the
control. Student Student swings up or drop it. ball up or drop
makes poor serving arm Student does it. Student
contact with the under control not take a step takes a

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Human Kinetics

ball or misses the before making before serving. powerful step

ball while serving. contact. Serve Student makes before
is inaccurate good contact serving.
due to timing with the ball Student
issues with while serving. makes good
throwing the Student follows contact with
ball into the air through with the ball while
before the their serving serving.
serve hand in Student has
accurately good follow
producing an through
inaccurate producing a
serve. straight serve.
Note: In the absence of open space, instructor will give another practical test with rubrics.

Guardian’s Name and Signature:

Reflective Essay

Direction: Read the question below and write your

answer on the space provided Describe your

experience in doing the activity.

Domain/441/Volleyb all_Skills_Rubric.pdf


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