Human Behaviour Paper

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Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology


Date: 15, JUNE 2021

Roll Number: BBA20F-024
Section: A
Degree Program: BBA
Total number of
pages being 1 to 12

Question # 1 part (a)

Answer # 1
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which states that
five categories of human needs dictate an individual’s behaviour. Those
needs are physiological need’s safety needs, love and belonging needs,
esteem needs and self -actualization needs. So its Imran’s proper that his
primary wishes needed to take delivery of to him like physiological
wishes, protection wishes ,love and belonging wishes , esteem wishes and
self-actualization wishes . physiological wishes are the wishes which can
be very vital for survival, e.g., air, meals, drink, haven, clothing, warmth
sleep. Maslow taken into consideration physiological wishes the maximum
vital all. Safety wishes encompass safety from violence and theft,
emotional balance and well-being, fitness security, and monetary security.
In the above paragraph it is far unhappy that Imran stays busy in income
his living and reveals no time to reflect on consideration on his personal
desires, need and aspirations. I assume this make him greater depressed
and traumatic approximately his life. he does now no longer get time to
satisfy his wishes. He does now no longer even get meals three instances
in a day, he does now longer have haven to live, he’s all by myself no pals
no own circle of relatives no gathering and no love in his life. Esteem
wishes talk to human’s wants to have a solid and realistically wonderful
assessment of themselves. He additionally wishes to live solid at any place.
Its additionally a simple want from Maslow’s want-hierarchy theory. Self-
actualization wishes talk to the conclusion of a person’s potential, self-
fulfilment, in search of non-public boom and height experiences. Its
method that after he realizes that how plenty bodily and economically
strong, he’s then he ca without problems factor out his defects. self-
actualized humans are individuals who have been fulfilled and doing all
they have been successful of. these are all wishes that ought to be fulfilled
and those are the simple for all human beings. Imran ought to perform a
little tough painting and strongly awareness on his wishes that ought to be

 Question # 1 part (b)

In my existence the Maslow’s want-hierarchy theory is happy during a
method that these all wants of me are fulfilled.

I board a decent area, I eat healthy, i purchase contemporary air every day,
my society is additionally good. It means my physiological needs are
achieved by me. the fundamental needs of people at large are nutrition, air
and temperature regulation, shelter and clothing.

Safety needs are vital on behalf of me and for each national and that i
assume this need is also achieved by me as a result of my oldsters are there
to appear when me in my tough times. a number of the fundamental
security and safety wants include:

 money security
 Health and well-being
 Safety against accidents

I even have family, friends, relatives who loves me substantially then do I.

I am blessed that this want is additionally being fulfilled. There are my
relationships bonding with my family. i relish everyone’s company and
acquire the specified love from them. this can be basic of all to be pet by
others. To avoid issues, cherish loneliness, depression, and anxiety, it is
necessary for individuals to feel loved and accepted by different
individuals. Personal relationships with friends, family, and lovers play a
vital role in our lives.

Participation in skilled activities, tutorial accomplishments, athletic or

team participation, and private hobbies will all play a job in fulfilling the
esteem wants. folks that can satisfy the esteem wants by achieving smart
vanity and therefore the recognition of others manage to feel assured in
their abilities. people who lack self-esteem, and the respect of others can
develop feelings of inferiority and that i am happy with this need also.

Self-actualizing people are self-aware, involved with personal growth, less

involved with the opinions of others, and inquisitive about fulfilling their
potential. and that I assume I am therefore young to speak about this want
of human beings. I even have potential to satisfy my needs, however it is
not my concern.
 ANSWER # 3
Operant conditioning, typically brought up as instrumental conditioning,
could be a technique of learning that employs rewards and penaltys for
behaviour . After they press the lever once a red light is on, they receive a
light electrical shock.

Reinforcement and punishment occur in natural settings all the time,

additionally as in additional structured settings cherish lecture rooms or
medical aid sessions. In each of those cases of reinforcement, the
behaviour increases.

In positive reinforcement situations, a response or behaviour is reinforced

by the addition of praise or a direct reward. Negative reinforcers involve
the removal of associate degree unfavourable events or outcomes once the
show of a behaviour. In each of those cases, the behaviour decreases.

1) Positive penalty, typically brought up as punishment by application,

presents an unfavourable event or outcome so as to weaken the
response it follows
2) Negative punishment, additionally referred to as punishment by
removal, happens when a positive event or outcome is removed after a
behaviour occurs.
In different words, the temporal arrangement and frequency of
reinforcement influenced however new behaviours were learned and the
way recent behaviours were modified.

Extinction also happens terribly quickly once reinforcement is halted.

1) Fixed-ratio schedules are a type of partial reinforcement. Responses are

reinforced only after a specific number of responses have occurred.
2) Fixed-interval schedules are another form of partial reinforcement.
Reinforcement occurs only after a certain interval of time has elapsed.
3) Variable-ratio schedules are also a type of partial reinforcement that
involve reinforcing behaviour after a varied number of responses. This
leads to both a high response rate and slow extinction rates.
4) Variable-interval schedules are the final form of partial reinforcement
Skinner described. This schedule involves delivering reinforcement
after a variable amount of time has elapsed.

This schedule involves delivering reinforcement after a variable quantity

of time has elapsed. Psychologists also use conditioning techniques to treat
stuttering, sexual disorders, marital status problems, drug addictions,
impulsive spending, feeding disorders, and plenty of different activity

Dr. Covey expressed that “EQ really is extremely important than
intelligence quotient in each role significantly} in roles involving
leadership “I agreed the above statement Dr. Covey’s statement as a result
of Emotional Quotient, or EQ, confirms our ability to recognize,
differentiate, and primarily manage our emotions and therefore the
emotions of others, more or less they virtually thought. IQ determines the
grades we tend to halficularly get in class and which sort of determine
what faculties we are able to usually get into, that generally greatly for the
foremost part affects our 1st job, pretty contrary to widespread belief.
Having a really high IQ is a plus but having equivalent weight will
significantly build all the distinction to your studies and future career, that
primarily quite} significant. Emotional intelligence determines our ability
to manage our feelings and relationships in a {very} delicate way.
equivalent weight and intelligence quotient virtually are the difference
between having the ability to perform well and being able to function to an
adequate degree to succeed, which sort of is quite significant. Emotional
intelligence permits you to know and for the foremost half manage your
emotions so as to self-motivate and to for the most part produce very
positive kind of social interactions; it’s the primary step in realizing your
true potential, that primarily is fairly significant. Emotional Intelligence
usually could be a helpful generally talent to essentially forestall creating
choices supported emotional biases it's vital role in leadership relations as
Emotional intelligence will generally offer the backbone of that
understanding that strengthens team building, productivity, morale, and for
all intents and functions a lot of in a {very} delicate way. no matter model
very your geographic point follows, emotional intelligence can
undoubtedly build far better leaders extremely} facilitate principally
prevent turnover rate in a significantly massive way. Leaders with really
high emotional intelligence produce fairly more connected and motivated
teams. The skills individuals with emotional intelligence possess primarily
build them fairly effective managers, which accurately is fairly significant.
Some principally embrace the power to reasonably inspire others, terribly
personal integrity, communication skills and luxury with building
relationships, among others


 ANSWER # 2
As I mentioned within the on top of question that ants don't leave their
fellow ant alone because the understand the teamwork. So, if I apply this
characteristic on my business, I can do than I actually have thought or
planned. cooperation is incredibly necessary for any business. once quite a
pair of folks work on constant project then that project becomes good
itself. If i would like quality results from my business then i have to do
teamwork in the organization. Ants work along and use their combined
strength to manoeuvre things around and are available together to defend
their nests against common enemies. They work along as a team as a result
of they understand that operating together will provide higher results than
working as individuals.


 one hymenopteran can solely do therefore much, however

once they work as a team, they're ready to achieve bigger
 Ants don't simply leave their fellow ants alone once carrying
vast objects, they assist every other, creating it potential for
them to realize their goals.
 they're so organized in however they do their tasks that they
will accomplish it irrespective of how massive the task is.
 whether or not they add shifts or have some supernatural
approach of transporting vast objects, that’s simply minor
details. the most purpose is that they get the duty tired the
 Ants worth Teamwork.
 Ants Are Organized.
 Ants other than Rainy Days.
 Ants Get the duty Done

 QUESTION # 2 (B)
 ANSWER # 2 (B)

As I mentioned within the higher than question that hymenopterons

typically don't leave their fellow ant alone because the recognize the
teamwork. So, if I apply this beautiful characteristic on my business, I will
largely win than I positively have virtually thought or planned, really
contrary to standard belief. cooperation really is extremely vital for any
business. once definitely quite a pair of folks work on a similar project
then that project becomes good itself, fairly contrary to popular belief. If i
actually wish quality results from my business, then i have to do teamwork
in the organization, that really is kind of significant. Ants virtually are
therefore organized in however they positively do their tasks that they will
truly accomplish it irrespective of how pretty huge the task is, reasonably
contrary to standard belief. If I’m the top executive or owner, I ought to
specifically build it some extent to literally get team organized and dealing
towards a similar goals during a} delicate means. The team should
significantly be organized then the workers will primarily work with true
heart in a subtle way. during this way we will basically win goals in a very
nice way in a basically major way. They significantly attempt to basically
carry the food to their hymenopteran colony and save-up for the rainy days
it particularly means that they acumen to positively save food for the
troublesome times. By applying this on business I can reasonably save the
money for the unseen issues coming back towards the company, that is
kind of significant. They extremely get the task drained the end, very
contrary to standard belief. the kind of additional things we tend to finish,
the quicker we will move to fairly different things that may definitely
facilitate advance business. If I focus to kind of end the work on time and
quickly then business can get success during a major way.

 QUESTION # 2 (C)
 ANSWER # 2 (C)
Teamwork solves problems in much less time, they basically thought. We
can literally solve difficult problems together instead of me solving them
one by one on a grand scale. It gives employees the opportunity to connect
with each other, which improves the relationships between them. When the
work is split between the members of a team, it gets done faster, which
makes the work of the entire company more efficient, they thought in
every way and purpose. It is literally an opportunity for new hires to really
learn from more experienced employees. Teams are often literally made up
of members who actually differ from one another in terms of skills or

 Above all, working together is a great opportunity to develop skills

that an employee has never had before, which is very important.
 Working alone on a project offers teamwork the opportunity to
question each other and to find a compromise solution that
contributes to the successful completion of the task, which is
certainly very important.
 Teamwork can essentially create healthy competition.
 Teamwork generally encourages hard work, which is very


Yes I for the maximum part agree with the above statement mentioned in a
without a doubt huge way. Stress can without a doubt in particular have an
unfavourable impact at the factors of together with bodily, form of social
and mental, which basically is pretty significant. Workplace strain
additionally in particular has unfavourable consequences on workers''
intellectual fitness, with an accelerated threat of anxiety, burnout,
depression, and substance use disorders, which without a doubt is pretty
significant. Workers who essentially are commonly harassed at paintings
are form of extra without a doubt in all likelihood to type of have
interaction in dangerous behaviours, without a doubt which includes
cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, and for all intents and functions
terrible nutritional styles in a diffused way. With those attendant fitness
consequences, administrative centre strain reduces worker productivity,
will increase absenteeism and presentism, will increase the wide variety of
days taken off paintings for physician visits, and will increase healthcare
charges incurred through employers, displaying how sure I for the
maximum element trust the above declaration referred to in a diffused way.
Workplace strain surely is likewise related to without a doubt better
coincidence and harm fees and type of better turnover fees, each of which
boom administrative charges, demonstrating that administrative centre
strain type of is likewise related to without a doubt better coincidence and
harm fees and normally better turnover fees, each of which boom
administrative charges in a without a doubt principal way. Stress for the
maximum element has the cap potential to negatively affect our lives, so
strain essentially has the cap potential to negatively affect our lives in a
without a doubt huge way. It can reason bodily conditions, in particular
which includes headaches, digestive issues, and in particular sleep
disturbances, or in order that they basically thought. It also can reason
mental and emotional strains, together with confusion, anxiety, and
depression, so strain can without a doubt basically have an unfavourable
impact at the factors of together with bodily, pretty social and mental in a
normally huge way

 QUESTION # 5 (B)
1) Trust vs mistrust
2) Autonomy vs shame/doubt
3) Initiative vs guilt
4) they thought. vs inferiority
5) Identity vs role confusion
6) Intimacy vs isolation
7) Generativity vs stagnation
8) Integrity vs despair
The above noted listing surely is the Eight degrees of character through
Erikson in a diffused way. As the 1/3 level really is the pre- college age (3-
5) initiative vs guilt, opposite to famous belief. By inclusive of me for all
intents and functions very own pretty non-public existence once I specially
turned into at this level of my existence, I basically asserted myself greater
often via directing actually play and different quite social interaction. And
these items for the maximum element are specifically rapid- growing years
in a child’s existence, surely opposite to famous belief. I type of start to for
the maximum element assert the strength and manipulate over the sector,
which commonly is significant. Like If the children specifically have
efficaciously finished the sooner degrees, they now actually have a feel
that the sector is honest and they specifically are capable of act
independently, opposite to famous belief. Now it specifically is essential
for children to commonly study that they can specially exert strength over
themselves and the sector in a large way. They want to specially attempt
matters on their type of very own and discover their really very own
competencies in a surely essential way. This level can now and again
really be essentially irritating for mother and father and caregivers as kids
surely start to exercise commonly greater manipulate over the matters that
effect their lives in a commonly large way.

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