JKSSB Junior Supervisor 9 Nov 2021 (English)

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Previous Year Paper

JKSSB Junior Supervisor
9 Nov 2021
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Exam Date: 09-Nov-2021
Exam Time: 15:15-17:15
Post Name:Junior Supervisor-Sub Auditor

Question No.1 Marks: 1.00

Fill in the blanks with suitable P reposition from the given alternatives.

The government is constructing a bridge ______ the river.

(A) 0 besides
(B) 0 across (Correct Answer) (Chosen option)
(C) 0 for
(D) 0 about

Question No.2 Marks: 1.00

Choose the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word" GAZE".
(A) 0 Look (Correct Answer) (Chosen option)
(B) 0 Moderate
(C) 0 Ignorance
(D) 0 Important

Question No.3 Marks: 1.00

Fill in the blanks with suitable Article from the given alternatives.

The company is looking for ______ MA graduate.

(A) 0 No article
(B) 0 an (Correct Answer) (Chosen option)
(C) 0 a
(D) 0 the

Question No.4 Marks: 1.00

Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence and find the most logical order
from the given options.

P. as they were all out for 316 in exactly 50 overs

Q. several frontline Australia batsmen got good starts but
R. none could bat deep enough
S. to see them home
(A) 0 PRQS

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(C) QRSP (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.5 Marks: 1.00

Fill in t he blanks wit h suit able Art icle from t he given alt ernat ives.

I am going t o writ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ let t er for my friend.

(A) a (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) t he
(C) No art icle
(D) an

Question No.6 Marks: 1.00

Choose t he word which expresses nearly t he opposit e meaning of t he given word "
(A) Alone
(B) Adopted (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Dumped
(D) Jilt ed

Question No.7 Marks: 1.00

Find t he correct act ive/ passive voice for t he given sent ence in passive/ act ive voice
from t he given alt ernat ives.

My sist er is wat ching t he foot ball mat ch

(A) The foot ball mat ch was wat ched by my sist er
(B) The foot ball mat ch is been wat ched by my sist er
(C) The foot ball mat ch was been wat ched by my sist er (Chosen opt ion)
(D) The football match is being watched by my sister (Correct Answer)

Question No.8 Marks: 1.00

Find t he correct act ive/ passive voice for t he given sent ence in passive/ act ive voice
from t he given alt ernat ives.

This let t er will have been read by him.

(A) He will have been read t his let t er
(B) He will have read this letter (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) He will have being read t his let t er
(D) He will have reading t his let t er

Question No.9 Marks: 1.00

Fill in t he blanks wit h suit able Idiom/Phrase from t he given alt ernat ives.

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One needs t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ one's children before t hey go and play in t he snow

(A) bundle up (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) dog days
(C) Shuffle down
(D) black down

Question No.10 Marks: 1.00

Fill in t he blank wit h suit able t ense.

They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Brussels for t en years.

(A) lives (Chosen opt ion)
(B) are lived
(C) have lived (Correct Answer)
(D) has lived

Question No.11 Marks: 1.00

Rearrange t he following t o form a meaningful sent ence and find t he most logical order
from t he given opt ions.

P. low pressure was expect ed t o int ensify int o a

Q. depression in t he next t wo days and subsequent ly,
R. t he Met eorological Depart ment said t he
S. int o a cyclone
(C) RPQS (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.12 Marks: 1.00

Fill in t he blanks wit h suit able Preposit ion from t he given alt ernat ives.

The World Bank Group has downgraded global real GDP growt h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.6% in
(A) for (Chosen opt ion)
(B) since
(C) t hrough
(D) to (Correct Answer)

Question No.13 Marks: 1.00

Choose t he word which best expresses t he similar meaning of t he given word "
(A) Conceal (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Disclose

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(C) Divulge
(D) Represent

Case Study - 14 to 15 2.00

Directions: Read t he passage and fill t he blanks wit h suit able pronoun.

Question No.14 Marks: 1.00

B. Kausani is sit uat ed at a height of 6,075 feet in t he Cent ral Himalayas.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (A)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an unusually at t ract ive lit t le t own. It covers just about 5.2 sq km.
It lies nort h of Almora in Ut t rakhand’s pict uresque Kumaon region. Kausani provides t he
300-km wide breat ht aking view of t he Himalayas. It is t he most st riking aspect of t his
place. Snow capped peaks are spread in a st at ely row. _ _ _ _ _ _ (B)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ st are at you in
silvery whit e majest y
(A) what
(B) They (Correct Answer)
(C) it (Chosen opt ion)
(D) t hem

Question No.15 Marks: 1.00

A. Kausani is sit uat ed at a height of 6,075 feet in t he Cent ral Himalayas.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (A)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an unusually at t ract ive lit t le t own. It covers just about 5.2 sq km.
It lies nort h of Almora in Ut t rakhand’s pict uresque Kumaon region. Kausani provides t he
300-km wide breat ht aking view of t he Himalayas. It is t he most st riking aspect of t his
place. Snow capped peaks are spread in a st at ely row. _ _ _ _ _ _ (B)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ st are at you in
silvery whit e majest y
(A) it (Correct Answer)
(B) t heir (Chosen opt ion)
(C) t hem
(D) it 's

Question No.16 Marks: 1.00

Choose t he word which expresses nearly t he opposite meaning of t he given word "
(A) Sissyish
(B) Womanlike (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Manly (Correct Answer)
(D) Epicene

Question No.17 Marks: 1.00

Fill in t he blanks wit h suit able pair of words.

They used a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sandpaper, of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

(A) course, coarse,
(B) demure, demur
(C) demur , demure

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(D) coarse, course (Correct Answer)

Question No.18 Marks: 1.00

Fill in t he blank wit h suit able t ense.

Teachers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ us act ivit y every week.

(A) gives
(B) give (Correct Answer)
(C) have been given (Chosen opt ion)
(D) has given

Question No.19 Marks: 1.00

Fill in t he blanks wit h suit able Idiom/Phrase from t he given alt ernat ives.

She has been in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ since Boju ent ered my life.

(A) seventh heaven (Correct Answer)
(B) zero t olerance
(C) t he horizon
(D) heart t ouching (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.20 Marks: 1.00

Fill in t he blanks wit h suit able pair of words.

He has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ issues, but he has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ energy.

(A) less, fewer
(B) fewer, less (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) fourt h, fort h
(D) fort h, fourt h


Question No.1 Marks: 1.00

Who among t he following was a Physicist who pioneered t he invest igat ion of radio and
microwave opt ics?
(A) Jagdish C Bose (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) SS Abhyankar
(C) Meghnad Saha
(D) Har Gobind Khorana

Question No.2 Marks: 1.00

Which among t he following African count ries has celebrat ed it s 60th Independence Day
on 01st Oct , 2020?
(A) Egypt

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(B) Nigeria (Correct Answer)

(C) Zimbabwe (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Sout h Africa

Question No.3 Marks: 1.00

At which among t he following places does t he Alaknanda and Bhagirat hi rivers meet and
t ake t he name Ganga?
(A) Haridwar
(B) Rishikesh
(C) Devprayag (Correct Answer)
(D) Kedarnat h (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.4 Marks: 1.00

In which session of t he Indian Nat ional Congress was Complet e Independence declared
as it s object ive and fut ure goal?
(A) Lucknow session of 1916 (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Lahore session of 1929 (Correct Answer)
(C) Lahore session of 1927
(D) Lucknow session of 1919

Question No.5 Marks: 1.00

What is t he composit ion of G-7 count ries besides UK, USA, Germany and Japan?
(A) Canada, France and Italy (Correct Answer)
(B) Canada, It aly and Russia
(C) Aust ralia, It aly and Russia
(D) Canada, France and Russia (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.6 Marks: 1.00

In which year was t he Commit t ee of Parliament on Official Language const it ut ed?
(A) 1976 (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) 1966
(C) 1960
(D) 1971

Question No.7 Marks: 1.00

Who was t he Capt ain of t he Indian Hockey t eam t hat won t he 1928 Olympic Gold?
(A) Balbir Singh
(B) Kishan Lal
(C) Vijender Singh (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Jaipal Singh (Correct Answer)

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Question No.8 Marks: 1.00

In which year was t he Cent ral Malarial Bureau est ablished at Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh?
(A) 1907 (Chosen opt ion)
(B) 1911
(C) 1909 (Correct Answer)
(D) 1905

Question No.9 Marks: 1.00

Who was t he Governor General of India when t he Indian Nat ional Congress formed?
(A) Charles Cornwallis
(B) Frederick Dufferin (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Robert Lyt t on
(D) Louis Mount bat t ern

Question No.10 Marks: 1.00

Fidel Cast ro was t he long serving and most popular President of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Erit riea
(B) Nicaragua
(C) Cuba (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Jamaica

Question No.11 Marks: 1.00

In which year was t he Tea Board of India est ablished?
(A) 1952 (Chosen opt ion)
(B) 1954 (Correct Answer)
(C) 1948
(D) 1950

Question No.12 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following wat erways drains int o t he Caspian Sea?
(A) Volga Waterways (Correct Answer)
(B) Rhine Wat erways
(C) Danube Wat erways
(D) Mississippi Wat erways (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.13 Marks: 1.00

Through which among t he following was t he provision for separat e elect orat es for
Hindus and Muslims mandat ed?
(A) Morley Minto reforms (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Government of India Act of 1935

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(C) Mount bat t en Plan

(D) Mont ford Reforms

Question No.14 Marks: 1.00

How many member count ries are present in t he Associat ion of Sout heast Asian Nat ions
(A) 10 (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) 12
(C) 14
(D) 8

Question No.15 Marks: 1.00

What is t he name of t he draught produced by a chimney known as?
(A) Induced draught (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Balanced draught
(C) Natural draught (Correct Answer)
(D) Forced draught

Question No.16 Marks: 1.00

Who among t he following was known as t he Fat her of Medicine?
(A) Hippocrates (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Hesiod
(C) August us
(D) Socrat es

Question No.17 Marks: 1.00

Parampara Series 2020 - Nat ional Fest ival of Music and Dance was organised in
associat ion wit h which among t he following global bodies?
(A) United Nations (Correct Answer)
(B) World Bank (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Asian Development Bank
(D) Int ernat ional Monet ary Fund

Question No.18 Marks: 1.00

Which count ry won and t opped t he medal t able in t he 21st Commonwealt h Games held
at Gold Coast , Queensland in 2018?
(A) Jamaica
(B) Australia (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Sout h Africa
(D) Bot swana

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Question No.19 Marks: 1.00

What does a Light Year measure?
(A) Int ensit y of Light
(B) Distance (Correct Answer)
(C) Densit y
(D) Time (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.20 Marks: 1.00

The Nobel Prize for Economics was inst it ut ed in 1967 but it was first awarded in which
(A) 1971
(B) 1973
(C) 1969 (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) 1975


Question No.1 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following lakes is connect ed t o Khushal Sar and Gil Sar lakes via a channel
known as Nallah Amir Khan?
(A) Gangabal lake
(B) Mansar lake
(C) Nigeen Lake (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Gadsar lake

Question No.2 Marks: 1.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a form of t heat re dance performed in Jammu and Kashmir.
(A) Bhand Pather (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Bachaa Nagma
(C) Rouf Dance
(D) Dumhal Dance

Question No.3 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following is t he main mat erial for Namda making in Kashmir?
(A) Wool of Sheep (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Wood
(C) Cot t on
(D) Silk

Question No.4 Marks: 1.00

In which year Chenani- Nashri t unnel in Jammu & Kashmir was opened?

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(A) 2020
(B) 2017 (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) 2018
(D) 2015

Question No.5 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following places is called "Kashmiri Venice"?
(A) Pune
(B) Jammu
(C) Doda
(D) Srinagar (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.6 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following is t he most import ant st aple crop of Jammu and Kashmir?
(A) Wheat
(B) Rice (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Maize
(D) Barley

Question No.7 Marks: 1.00

Who built t he world famous sun t emple in Kashmir?
(A) Lalitaditya Muktapida (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Ranbir Singh
(C) Gulab Singh
(D) Hari Singh

Question No.8 Marks: 1.00

Kashmir regions of Jammu and Kashmir have which of t he following t ypes of Climat e?
(A) Cold arid zone
(B) Mid t o high alt it ude int ermediat e zone
(C) Low alt it ude subt ropical zone (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Mid to high altitude temperate zone (Correct Answer)

Question No.9 Marks: 1.00

Rajparian Wildlife Sanct uary is also known as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Balt al Wildlife Sanct uary (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Daksum Wildlife Sanctuary (Correct Answer)
(C) Ramnagar Wildlife Sanct uary
(D) Jasrot a Wildlife Sanct uary

Question No.10 Marks: 1.00

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a famous conservat ion reserves locat ed in Pulwama dist rict of
Jammu & Kashmir.
(A) Khonmoh (Correct Answer)
(B) Ajas
(C) Naganari (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Wangat

Question No.11 Marks: 1.00

How many Nat ional Parks are t here in Jammu and Kashmir?
(A) 7
(B) 4
(C) 5 (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) 6

Question No.12 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following is t he common High court for t he Union Territ ories of Ladakh, and
Jammu and Kashmir?
(A) High Court of Jammu & Kashmir (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) High Court of Madras
(C) High Court of Kolkat t a
(D) High Court of Punjab

Question No.13 Marks: 1.00

In which mont h t he Baisakhi fest ival is celebrat ed in Jammu & Kashmir?
(A) August
(B) November
(C) April (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) June

Question No.14 Marks: 1.00

Who among t he following leaders is known as Badshah Khan?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji
(B) Mahat ma Gandhi
(C) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(D) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.15 Marks: 1.00

Nat ional Highway 44, runs from "Srinagar of Jammu and Kashmir t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Kanniyakumari of Tamil Nadu (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Konkan Coast of Goa

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(C) Kuppam of Andhra Pradesh

(D) Mangalore of Karnat aka

Question No.16 Marks: 1.00

In which year, t he hist orical fort of Doda / Dodo was demolished on government
inst ruct ion?
(A) 2012 A.D.
(B) 1999 A.D. (Chosen opt ion)
(C) 1978 A.D.
(D) 1952 A.D. (Correct Answer)

Question No.17 Marks: 1.00

The river Indus drains int o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Arabian Sea (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Aral Sea
(C) Bay of Bengal
(D) Indian Ocean

Question No.18 Marks: 1.00

In which year Andhra Pradesh first st art ed t he Panchayat raj syst em?
(A) 1959 (Correct Answer)
(B) 1952
(C) 1955
(D) 1961 (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.19 Marks: 1.00

73rd Amendment act provides for a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t ier syst em of Panchayat i Raj in every
st at e.
(A) Five
(B) Ten
(C) Four
(D) Three (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.20 Marks: 1.00

World Famous "Dal Lake" is locat ed in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dist rict of Union Territ ory of
Jammu and Kashmir.
(A) Srinagar District (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Poonch Dist rict
(C) Pulwama Dist rict
(D) Gulgam Dist rict


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Question No.1 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following gas laws shows t he relat ionship of pressure and volume?
(A) Avogadro Law
(B) Boyle's Law (Correct Answer)
(C) Gay Lussac's Law (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Charles Law

Question No.2 Marks: 1.00

What is t he at omicit y of hydrogen?
(A) 2 (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) 1
(C) 3
(D) 8

Question No.3 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following st at es of mat t er has t he lowest kinet ic energy?
(A) Plasma
(B) Solid (Correct Answer)
(C) Gas
(D) Liquid

Question No.4 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following quant it ies is conserved in Einst ein's phot oelect ric equat ion?
(A) Angular moment um
(B) Energy (Correct Answer)
(C) Amplit ude
(D) Linear moment um (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.5 Marks: 1.00

The process of breakdown of food t o release energy is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Evapot ranspirat ion
(B) Transcript ion
(C) Phot osynt hesis
(D) Cellular Respiration (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.6 Marks: 1.00

The posit ively charged part icle in an at om is known as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Neut ron
(B) Elect ron

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(C) Proton (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

(D) Neut rino

Question No.7 Marks: 1.00

What does t he let t er "O" in t he environment al pollut ion paramet er BOD denot e?
(A) Oganesson
(B) Ozone
(C) Osmium
(D) Oxygen (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.8 Marks: 1.00

Bit umen is a by-product of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Wood
(B) Petroleum (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Nat ural Gas
(D) Coke

Question No.9 Marks: 1.00

The normal freezing point of wat er at sea level is _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) 0o C (Correct Answer)
(B) 0o F
(C) 0K
(D) 273.15o C

Question No.10 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following surfaces is best suit ed t o absorb sunlight ?
(A) Blue
(B) Red
(C) Black (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Whit e

Question No.11 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following processes denot es t he breakdown of det rit us int o smaller
part icles by det rit ivores?
(A) Bioaccumulat ion
(B) Fragmentation (Correct Answer)
(C) Leaching
(D) Eut rophicat ion (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.12 Marks: 1.00

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The chemical symbol Au denot es which of t he following element s?
(A) Silver
(B) Lead
(C) Gold (Correct Answer)
(D) Aluminium (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.13 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following is a wat er soluble vit amin?
(A) Vit amin K
(B) Vit amin D
(C) Vitamin C (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Vit amin A

Question No.14 Marks: 1.00

Vit amin B7 is popularly known as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Pyridoxine
(B) Riboflavin
(C) Ascorbic Acid
(D) Biotin (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.15 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following frict ions is also known as Fluid Frict ion?
(A) St at ic Frict ion
(B) Drag Friction (Correct Answer)
(C) Rolling Frict ion (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Sliding Frict ion

Question No.16 Marks: 1.00

In Ozone, which layer is t ermed as "bad ozone"?
(A) Exosphere
(B) Mesosphere
(C) Troposphere (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) St rat osphere

Question No.17 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following has t he highest frequency in an elect romagnet ic spect rum?
(A) Radio Waves
(B) Micro Waves
(C) Gamma Rays (Correct Answer)
(D) Infrared Rays (Chosen opt ion)

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Question No.18 Marks: 1.00

The rest oring force per unit area is known as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Time (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Velocit y
(C) Stress (Correct Answer)
(D) Accelerat ion

Question No.19 Marks: 1.00

In which of t he following organisms t he exchange of gases occurs t hrough t he moist
(A) Dog
(B) Earthworms (Correct Answer)
(C) Buffalo
(D) Fishes (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.20 Marks: 1.00

What is t he SI unit of t he elect rical resist ance?
(A) Ohm (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Mho
(C) Wat t
(D) Ampere


Question No.1 Marks: 1.00

If a boy who st ands facing East t urns 29 degrees clockwise , 106 degrees ant i-
clockwise and 32 degrees clockwise, t hen which direct ion will he face?
(A) North-East (Correct Answer)
(B) Sout h-West
(C) Nort h-West
(D) Sout h-East (Chosen opt ion)

Case Study - 2 to 3 2.00

Directions: In t his quest ion, a st at ement is given followed by t wo conclusions numbered i and ii.
You have t o assume everyt hing in t he st at ement t o be t rue, t hen consider t he t wo conclusions
t oget her and decide which of t hem logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from t he
informat ion given in t he st at ement .

Choose t he appropriat e one from t he following opt ions

(A) Only conclusion i follows
(B) Only conclusion ii follows
(C) Eit her i or ii follows
(D) Neit her i nor ii follows
(E) Bot h i and ii follow.

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Question No.2 Marks: 1.00

Statement: Girls in Seoul will definit ely get married at t he age of 23. Beni is 24 years old.
i) Beni is married.
ii) There is a rule for t he girls in Seoul t o get married at t he age of 23.
(A) A (Chosen opt ion)
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D (Correct Answer)

Question No.3 Marks: 1.00

Statement: Mary's t eacher gift s a pilot pen whenever she scores cent um in
Mat hemat ics. Mary has 2 pilot pens.
i) Mary should have scored cent um t wice in Mat hemat ics.
ii) Mary's t eacher gift ed her t hose pens.
(A) B
(B) D (Correct Answer)
(C) A
(D) C

Case Study - 4 to 5 2.00

Directions: In a cert ain code language:
'ring is gold' is writ t en as 'bk yt cj',
'wear t he ring' is writ t en as 'ro lm bk',
't ear is wear' is writ t en as 'yt ro fp'.

Question No.4 Marks: 1.00

What does t he code 'lm' st and for?
(A) the (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) is
(C) wear
(D) ring

Question No.5 Marks: 1.00

What is t he code for 'ring' in t he given code language?
(A) ro
(B) yt
(C) cj
(D) bk (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.6 Marks: 1.00

Find t he next number in t he series.

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577, 519, 446, 358, 255, ?

(A) 137 (Correct Answer)
(B) 140
(C) 138
(D) 139 (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.7 Marks: 1.00

M and E are in t he Nort h-West of A. M is in t he Sout h of B and West of E. D is in t he
Nort h of A and East of B. Which direct ion of M is D?
(A) Sout h-East
(B) Nort h-West (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Sout h-West
(D) North-East (Correct Answer)

Question No.8 Marks: 1.00

In which of t he following is t he expression 'C > P ' probably false?
(A) C>H≥I>P ≤O=T
(B) C≥H>I=P < O≤T
(C) C > H < I = P ≤ O ≤ T (Correct Answer)
(D) C>H≥I=P ≤O≤T

Question No.9 Marks: 1.00

Read the given details carefully and answer the question given below

A+B means A is t he sist er of B

A-B means A is t he brot her of B
A*B means A is t he fat her of B
A/B means A is t he mot her of B

In t he relat ion P/Q+R+S/T, how is P relat ed t o T?

(A) Maternal Grandmother (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Pat ernal Grandmot her
(C) Pat ernal Grandfat her
(D) Pat ernal Uncle

Question No.10 Marks: 1.00

Find t he next number in t he series.

5, 14, 39, 112, 329, ?

(A) 979 (Chosen opt ion)
(B) 978 (Correct Answer)
(C) 980
(D) 981

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Question No.11 Marks: 1.00

Find t he next number in t he series.

12, 60, 54, 270, 243, 1215, ?

(A) 1092.5
(B) 1093.5 (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) 1095
(D) 1094.5

Question No.12 Marks: 1.00

A t rain 1065 met res long is running at a speed of 161 km/hr. How many seconds will it
t ake t o cross a 710 met res long t rain running in t he same direct ion at a speed of 131
(A) 211
(B) 217
(C) 213 (Correct Answer)
(D) 215 (Chosen opt ion)

Case Study - 13 to 15 3.00

Directions: In t hese following quest ions, a few st at ement s are given followed by t wo conclusions
numbered i and ii. You have t o assume everyt hing in t he st at ement s t o be t rue, t hen consider t he
t wo conclusions t oget her and decide which of t hem logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt
from t he informat ion given in t he st at ement s.
(A) If Only conclusion i follows
(B) If Only conclusion ii follows
(C) If eit her conclusion i or conclusion ii follows
(D) If neit her conclusion i nor conclusion ii follows
(E) If bot h conclusions i and ii follow

Question No.13 Marks: 1.00

Statements: No Bat is ball. No ball is Balloon.
i) All Bat s are Balloons.
ii) Some Balloons are Bat s.
(A) D (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) A
(C) B
(D) C

Question No.14 Marks: 1.00

Statements: No cat is dog. Some dog are rat s.
i) Some cat s are rat s.
ii) No rat is cat .

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(A) D
(B) A (Chosen opt ion)
(C) B
(D) C (Correct Answer)

Question No.15 Marks: 1.00

Statements: All lions are t igers. Some t igers are goat s. All goat s are animals.
i) Some lions are goat s.
ii) Some animals are lions.
(A) A
(B) B
(C) D (Correct Answer)
(D) C (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.16 Marks: 1.00

A t rain passes a t elegraph post in 54 seconds moving wit h a speed of 477 km per hour.
Find t he lengt h of t he t rain.(in met res)
(A) 7155 (Correct Answer)
(B) 7455
(C) 7255 (Chosen opt ion)
(D) 7355

Question No.17 Marks: 1.00

A t rain, 442 m long, passes a plat form which is 1794 m long in 43 seconds. Find t he speed
of t he t rain in m/sec.
(A) 52 (Correct Answer)
(B) 50
(C) 54 (Chosen opt ion)
(D) 48

Question No.18 Marks: 1.00

In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the
statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions:

Statements: A > N ≥ G; L < E = G

i) N > G
ii) A > E

Choose t he appropriat e one from t he following opt ions

(A) Only conclusion i follows
(B) Only conclusion ii follows
(C) Eit her i or ii follows

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(D) Neit her i nor ii follows

(E) Bot h i and ii follow.
(A) A (Chosen opt ion)
(B) B (Correct Answer)
(C) D
(D) C

Question No.19 Marks: 1.00

In which of t he following is t he expression 'I < T ' definit ely t rue?
(A) C>H≥I>P ≤O=T
(B) C>H≥I=P ≤O≤T
(C) C ≥ H > I = P < O ≤ T (Correct Answer)
(D) C>H< I=P ≤O≤T

Question No.20 Marks: 1.00

Read the given details carefully and answer the question given below

A+B means A is t he brot her of B

A-B means A is t he sist er of B
A*B means A is t he fat her of B
A/B means A is t he mot her of B

In t he relat ion P-Q+R+S+T, how is P relat ed t o T?

(A) Cousin
(B) Sister (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Fat her
(D) Brot her


Question No.1 Marks: 1.00

Dot Mat rix print er is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , based on it s working principle.
(A) Impact printer (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Ink Jet Print er
(C) 3D print er
(D) Laser print er

Question No.2 Marks: 1.00

Which memory requires power t o maint ain t he st ored informat ion?
(A) RAM (Correct Answer)
(B) Memory card
(C) ROM (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Hard disk

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Question No.3 Marks: 1.00

How will you t erm 1024 GB as?
(A) 1 Tera Byte (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(B) 1 Mega Byt e
(C) 1 Pet a Byt e
(D) 1 Kilo Byt e

Question No.4 Marks: 1.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rout ing and remot e access configurat ion allow int ernal client s t o connect t o
t he Int ernet using one public IP Address.
(B) NAT (Correct Answer)
(C) VPN (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.5 Marks: 1.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ funct ion is used t o det ermine how many cells in a range cont ain a numeric
ent ry.
(A) CALC (Chosen opt ion)
(C) COUNT (Correct Answer)

Question No.6 Marks: 1.00

Which of t he following Tab opt ions is used t o draw a vert ical line at t he posit ion of t he
t ab st op?
(A) Cent er Tab
(B) Bar Tab (Correct Answer)
(C) Right Tab (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Left Tab

Question No.7 Marks: 1.00

Use t he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ funct ion t o creat e a reference t o a range t hat is a specified number
of rows and columns away from a cell or range of cells.
(C) OFFSET (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.8 Marks: 1.00

In Microsoft word, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ opt ion will show t he comment s and format t ing changes in

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print preview.
(A) Markers
(B) Anchors
(C) Indent s (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Track Changes (Correct Answer)

Question No.9 Marks: 1.00

You can choose rows and columns t hat needs t o be repeat edly print ed on each page by
select ing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ opt ion under page set up sect ion in Excel.
(A) Orient at ion
(B) Margines (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Set print area
(D) Print titles (Correct Answer)

Question No.10 Marks: 1.00

Which feat ure of Windows 10 allows a comput er user t o organize virt ual deskt ops t hat
fit different t asks?
(A) VM View
(B) Virt ual View
(C) Task View (Correct Answer)
(D) Swit ch View (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.11 Marks: 1.00

The prot ocol used by mail server IMAP st ands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Internet Message Access Protocol (Correct Answer)
(B) Int ernet Message Aut hent icat ion Prot ocol
(C) Int ernet Message Aut horizat ion Prot ocol
(D) Int ernet Mail Access Prot ocol (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.12 Marks: 1.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a mechanism t hat provides t he int erface bet ween a process and t he
operat ing syst em.
(A) BIOS (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Alert message
(C) System call (Correct Answer)
(D) CPU scheduler

Question No.13 Marks: 1.00

In Microsoft Excel, The percent age st yle(%) but t on is available under _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(A) Home->Insert group
(B) Home->Save group

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(C) Home->Number group (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

(D) Insert ->Page group

Question No.14 Marks: 1.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is t he common mot herboard int erface for personal comput ers' graphics
cards, hard disk drive host adapt ers, SSDs, Wi-Fi and Et hernet hardware connect ions.
(C) GUI (Chosen opt ion)
(D) PCI (Correct Answer)

Question No.15 Marks: 1.00

The special key on t he keyboard t hat has t he Windows Logo on it is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(A) Alt ernat e key
(B) End key
(C) Start key (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(D) Cont rol key

Question No.16 Marks: 1.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ feat ure enables you t o insert your name and cont act informat ion at t he end of
all out going emails.
(A) Foot er (Chosen opt ion)
(B) Business card
(C) Signature (Correct Answer)
(D) Timest amp

Question No.17 Marks: 1.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ at t acks are made by sending an email t o t arget audience and make t hem
provide ident ifiable informat ion, banking and credit card det ails, and passwords.
(A) Aut hent icat ion
(B) Phishing (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Comput er virus
(D) Spoofing

Question No.18 Marks: 1.00

What is t he short cut key t o insert a page break in MSWord?
(A) Ct rl+Insert
(B) Ct rl+Home
(C) Ct rl+Del
(D) Ctrl+Enter (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

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Question No.19 Marks: 1.00

The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ funct ion ret urns t he value of a specified cell or array of cells.
(A) INDEX (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)

Question No.20 Marks: 1.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is t he use of t wo or more cent ral processing unit s (CPUs) wit hin a single
comput er syst em.
(A) Mult icomput ing
(B) Multiprocessing (Correct Answer) (Chosen opt ion)
(C) Mult it hreading
(D) Mult imedia

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