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Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela

Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method
Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela
Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method
Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela
Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method
Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela
Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method
Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela
• architecture that emerged as a product of religion, not a region or country
• "Sahra" Arabic term for desert
• "Saracen" pertains to tribes who occupy the deserts west of the Euphrates;
followers of Mahomet (Prophet Muhammad)
• Islamic Architecture

Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method

• centered upon Islam and the
events that followed the
religion's origin
• Byzantine and Muslim
conquests in the 7th and 8th
• Trade routes between regions
of Islamic rule and the rest of

Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V., A Global History of Architecture

• "Hejira" or "Hijra" - ight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622
• Areas under Islamic Rule:
• Persia in 632-651
• Umayyads of Damascus overthrown by the Abbasids of Baghdad in 750
• Syria was conquered by Saracens in 632-639 AD
• North Africa in 647-709
• Independent Caliphate of Cordoba, Spain in 710 AD, later divided into four
kingdoms: Seville, Granada, Toledo and Valentia
• Moorish occupation of Sicily, Italy in the 8th Century

Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V., A Global History of Architecture

• Areas under Islamic Rule (cont.):
• Indian States invaded in 1000 AD; founding of the Mughal (Mogul) Empire in 1526
which consolidated the Muslim states
• Cairo reconquered by Saladin for the Caliphate of Baghdad in 1171
• Rise of the Ottoman Empire in the 1400's
• Constantinople conquered in 1453

Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V., A Global History of Architecture

• highly dependent on conquests and Caliphate rule
• the separation of men and women in society
• At the time it was not appropriate for women to be seen from the outside,
providing purpose to lattice decoration of windows

Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V., A Global History of Architecture

• Islam is the greatest contributor to the architecture style
• Images of human and animals are not allowed therefore intricate
geometrical forms and calligraphy is used

Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V., A Global History of Architecture

• large extent of countries including Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine,
Egypt, parts of North Africa and Spain, India and South East Asia

Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V., A Global History of Architecture

• varies depending on the country
• mostly warm and dry climate in the Mediterranean and the Middle East

Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V., A Global History of Architecture

• conversion of existing buildings to mosques or other Islamic structures
• adapted the use of vaulting and dome construction
• method of construction varies upon the conquered territory

Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method

Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela
System of Construction
• Muqarnas (also known as honeycomb vaulting or stalactite vaulting)

Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method

• most commonly used materials are marble, stone, brick, plaster and wood
• brick and plaster - principal materials used in Spain
• marble and red sandstone - principal materials used in Northern and Central India

Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method

• spherical domes, some built upon octagonal bases
• bulbous domes (more onion-like in shape)

The Blue Mosque, Turkey

Jama Masjid, Delhi, India Great Mosque of Kairouan, Tunisia

Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method

Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela


Pointed Arch Horseshoe Arch

Gateway in Raqqa, Baghdad Toledo, Spain

Jahaz Mahal, India Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain

Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method

Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela

• abstract and geometric forms
• calligraphy
• arabesques
• stone inlay and mosaic
uence in the development of Gothic
Architecture, examples of which can be seen in Italy and Spain
where Saracenic or "Moorish" elements were applied

Freeman, E., A History of Architecture


• note the use of trefoil arches and pointed arches in

Canterbury Cathedral

Darke, D., Stealing from the Saracens: How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe
Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela
• Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V., A Global History of Architecture

• Darke, D., Stealing from the Saracens: How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe

• Fletcher, B., A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method

• Freeman, E., A History of Architecture

• Roth, L. & Roth Clark, A., Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History, and Meaning

• Stephennie, Mulder (2014). The Shrines of the 'Alids in Medieval Syria : sunnis, shi'is and the architecture of

• Tabbaa, Yasser (1985). "The Muqarnas Dome: Its Origin and Meaning

• Ward, James. Historic Ornament: Treatise on Decorative Art and Architectural Ornament

Presented by: Arch. KCF Pajela

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